Scleded Poetry. .:J A WINTE&PIECE. Now. VVINTEUTTtsdiiHerrori fgni, And fioft and fno obfcure the plain t No more the ratal woodland drains - Ke-ecUo wild r But rueful Ravens, thro the lanes, - Croak hoarfely wild : In Vain I wander o'er the mead $ In vain I' feck my wonted made ' Thefe braes, If late with dailies i'pread, : - . ' Lie black and bare. And every vernal fcene is led :" ? ' v ; " - i'-s. ; The Lord knows where. The temped thro the fcreft rings- JDtiected nature doUtu Dings, -Or fall to fountain boroer clinee -; THere droops and dies, While lonelv ftreamlet dowie fines .-. ,., " Her oDiejuies. , The feelv heep,' denied a Ihed, . By cold and hungernow. half dead , Each, to procure the faplefs blade ' 'v::v;'v 4;--' The fnow up-digsi And finds, thro! night,'- a cauldritVd bed : ' , f - -yV. -V: On frozen rigs; Upon th leaf-delerted boughs, - - . The chitteringlongfters .fit in n rows, To nature teinnff'.oui thtir woes .'. . s ; : In lorry mood, While raring Boreas fternly bows . . ,, ; . ". . . The fullen wood t But m'vift of all the helplefs Hare ' . V ; . Of pity clain8 the greateft (hare,' ; -Her lucklcfs footlleps now declare 1 , - - Her every path, Beforefier cold, and hunger flare ; Behind her Ueath I Tie Bees, iecure within their hive, , -. -No more along the hedges' drive i ', 7 But warm aiii full, "on plenty thrive, '' - ;r s ' InJuftrious fok- Ou Sumraef-gaihei'd flore furvive " . v . Can Id Winter's fliock. O cbold een Man, like them, be wife, " And learn in Summer hours to prize I lnftead of huuting earthly toys ' Secure a (lore Of fweets to quaff aboon the Ikies, : - ' When Time's no more. An E P I G R A M. S Thomas was cuJgell'd one day by his wife, n Jr He took to bis heels, and ran for his life, Tom's threeVeareft friends came by in th fqnabble And crren'd him at once frcrn the llirtw and the rab'ulei ' : . Then ventur'd to give h:m fome wholefome advice $ But Tom is a fellow of honour C) nice, Too proud to take counfel; too wife to tke warnirg, That he fent to all three a challenge nxt morning. He fought with all three, thrice ventur'd his life j Then went home, and was cudgell'd again by hia wife. ' ' it -was eafy of accefs to us, . there being depth . of water for lea veliels togotothelpot, ana fufHciently fo to the Creeks, elpecially of the lower towns. ; ' 'f: " " '' . '1 For the purpofe of fupply mg the Cher o-' kees and Chickafaws, it was luppofed that Tellico block-houle, Avithiri the country of the Cherokees, uTdBeTaTo'mrenie.nt ftatiqn - It is alreadx. a: iSsarv'' poit, - wkli j'a fmalL garrifon of regular'troops; As fuch it will be iecure ; "as advanced of the fettlements of the white people it will' be convenien t .'and the Indians' are already atcuftomed to refort . thitheE-for friendly conferences and negocia tions. NotwithitanJing,; lett there lhould be any folied objecliba to -that ftation,' the. final choice, of the trading poft; irijthat quar ter, is referred to governbr Elouht with a reliance on his knowledge and judgment to fix it in the place mofr. fuitable for eiFedingl the true objects of the eltablilhment. ' It is obvious that iTeitf the Chickalaws nor Choctavs, efpecially the latter, caii be much bebe'ited by thefe arrangemead ; nor r"r3anthey be well accomodated, unt4jit leal; one trading poit for each, be eftablilhed on' the Millnippi. , ; . : But belides that, circumftances did not ad rait of taking fuch polls, the wUole quantity of goods appnriated to this trade would not allow, of anySfcer Uiviiioiv, than that above mentioned. It has been unfortunate that this, trade could ;not have been earlier commenced but after procuring the "goods neceffary for general Wayne's treaty , and the annuity due to the Chickafaws, with foine . fupplies acci dentally demanded foe the Choitaws ad Chickalavvs, by deputations fro n thole tribes ; the merchant's ftore s were fo drained, that the. requisite ailortments, efpecially of the articles molt important lor the Indian trade, could not be obtained, either at Philadelphia, New-Yorkof'BalJmore ; and the purvey orjasolSliged to wait the arrival of the fall -llrips Then, as foon as the purcliafes could be made, and that Very-trufty p'erfons necef iary as factors could be procured, the goods were, lent olt, under their care, to their re fpective deftinations ': they are now on their way. ' , v The Secretary of War begs leave to re mark, that th2 annuities itipulated to e paid ' to the feveral tribes of Indians on the borders of the United States, are the following : ' r S- UP PL E M w E NT s N O R t H.C A R O L I N A, Containing all the Acs of Afiemb'y, . botli, publicHnvaTe from the end of Judge Iredell's Heviful to February 1795 P R I V TV T B - A C :f : SV O M LT T E D I S A I D R EVI S A L, -,'.." . i and the. - " ;i STATUTES of GHEAT-BRITAIN, ( Lately publlJbwffa0iQ he:badf irmnA ftfuratc, : - : ' : oKtogetl:er) ? . ;" F X.. Martin's1, Newbern ?. H. Wills', Edenton ; A. Hodve'sv Halifax V T Rofs's, Ta'rbo'rough ; Willjuui Falkne's, Warren- - '' -r ... " '" ,Jr!ir ''rV" f rA 1 ton ; yv illiam ,bnaw;s, iialeigh ; are ana Ray's, Hillihorough j MontfordjStokes', Sa liibury : - Irvin's, M.organton ; Peter Ferry's, r ayettevlllc, and Wil- minp-ton. V- Just Published, "' . : ' . ANDFOR sale at THE P R I N T I N G-O F F I C E, , OF THE . v.-' ' NEUSE BABTTST ASSOCIATION, Held at LiTtlk-Contentney, Glasgow Coun'TY, October 1795. ' 5- Report of the Secretary of War on the mea lures taken for opening a trade with the Indians - Tliefituation.of the fi:t nations, furround cd either wholly by the fettlementsi of citi . zens of the United States; or one fide by them? and on the other by the Britilh, of Upper Canada, and .by both hi earf rieigh- bourhoods, feemed.exducle them From . the experiment propoled to be made, of com mencing" a trade on the principle of, fnrnilh ing cheap fupplies to the Indians: for the familiar intercourie between them and the . whites, would have fubjeftcd the public to continual, impofitions, againft which, ' no chects were provided. . ' Peace with the tribes north weft of the ri ycr Ohio, was only in a train of negnciation. 1'hcfe, of courfe, were not in a condition to participate in ths projected trade. y It remained then to make'tne experiment itlt the fouthcrn tnljcs. And becaufc the fniall appropriation foe thisobjcclfcemcd in tended merely as an experiment, it was dc- fir?ble to make it with as little cxncncc as plofliblc. For this, among other rcafons, thc fum appropriated wa divided unequally, and more tnan two imrus uciuncu lor onenmi! a trade .with the Crcck to.whom the grxxls could be conveyed by fra: The remainder : was defined lor the trade with the Chcro. kecsand Chkkafiws. Tlic remote fituaticnf of the Choftaws cotitd render cither of . the two trading polls but of a fniall and only ton- tinjrcnt.ulc to them. 'I'o accommodate the Creeks, Colera'n, on th? r ver St. Mary' , vas chofcri, on the beft information to be obtained, as the mod eligible fituation for a trading joft ; becaufc To the t is,- Nations and aflo- . elites to the value of To the Chlck-afaws, To the Cherokees, To the Creeks, . To the Wyandots, Delaware?, and feyeral other Tribes northwelt of the Ohio, 3otcc ably to general Wayne's late treaty, - - . , Whole amount; To wlrch may be added for conjLi::nt demands, "Jy AT THE PRINTIJG'.OFriCB. lf IDT . M flji M F ING A L: M jjj . rA tyODFRN . 'SI'' Iff ! E P I C P O E M, im n FOUR CANTOS. i -T-- - - E .;: J! By JOHN TRUMHUJLL, Efq.. J? . I rl . nil - embellished ill fTisI With nine CpprcrPhte JjiJj j hiiV ScwtJin Murbled Pa;er. d ' III Price 1 dol. s cents. -JJ 3,000 5,000 9,500 23,500 " 6,500 ,30,000 0 Miking a total of thirty thoufand dollars. . Good to this amount, to be regularly fupplied, (hould be imported by th: govern- ment. I hey will colt Ids ; they will hz of the prccifc kinds and proportions demanded j and always in leafon. If the wifdom of Con- ' grefs (liould decide on a continuance ami ex- tciiion of the Indian trade, on the principle heretofore contemplated, and of which the experiment h low in train, the .importance of importing on public account will hz vaitl increafed.. All which is refpeilfuily fubmhtcJ to the Home oriveprclcntativcs.of the United tatcs. TIMOTHY PICKERING. Department of War, , V December 12, 1795. W" ' AN OVERSEER WANTED. npHE fi1 f.rilx-r wiihcs to engage an 0- JL crfcer rcrions who cannot bring Jatsiactjry tcit-monaj, tl integrity, lobncty anu mufiiiry, netu not fppiy. Feb. 20. R. D. SPAIGHT. JUST FUHLI S HED, AND FOR StLR AT THE R I N f 1 N G-O F F I C E, ' . - A. ,.'" DESCR1 P,T ION . . OF CCACOC lv I IM L c it SD OK ITS . . COAST, ISLANDS, SHOALS, AND Vith thfXOUHSES and DISTANCES, TO ANDt KOM THE MOST RLMAKNA- BLF. SLACKS, Ami DIRECTIONS to SAIL ever ike VAKcn . though the C7A'A tLi. . -" A few cop'cs of the above, may be had at the Printir.g.Ofiicc, . and of Mr. w unatu Johnllon, prkc 50 cents. ' Hodge's NORTH.CAROLINA A L.M..A N A rot THF. YF.AH 1796 FOR SALK AT THIS OFFICE HV THE DOZEN, February (u c, N E W R E Il Nv PRlNTrt) TY FRANCOIS - X. MARTIN.

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