NOR T H-CA. R O L I N-Ar G,A Z E T T E I tvpi..; X1.3 S A T U R D A Y, Apkip f, 1796 r to 533.0 VOOD IS MONSTHOUsi DEAR X ND fo ViSi any tWgflfe be, if telf of - JTX lUw-itea a penny laveais a3gouu as a penny earned". this was one of Dr. ; franklin's "raaklips, ';and if is worth riiore tni re)f-Bf ; Franklin's 'itov -V! The y j-'fcw . . .. . . he . lived where wood was a plenty, othex Vife he certainly woulttwt-have omitted to laurize a folly which" one may obferve in al-i-iofi everv clii's of people, and which is per haps more abi'jrd, though little attended to, ' than any, which, fall ''.v.nder the lam of bis :inciiAu5 peni; : Wood is mwflrws . dear lays a very kind Uu-band to his fl-iver;ng wf:, Willie IIS ICU VwlIU" iu -V1 . changing from fide to fide, and xuhbiiig his legs Jo keep them from bliiterinr---at the fame time drawing up his upper- lip, and ipreading bis hand to protect his tcsbut alasJL poor wan, be doea.pat notice that the iooris pen ;at h&back into the jtljneet, which 'lets in a current of air through the rofcui al "moft fuiEcent to turn a wind mill ' . - .1 ilept into a large houfe.the other day,-- as I was travelling, to w-arnony -.fingers. J it was exceedingly cold; the good woman with , a towel and baize petticoat over her- fiioul-. d?ns, was a cringing over the fire with feve- t oi children three doors .were open ana le ' veral iquireiof -glrfs were broken from the windows ; " I am icrry," laid Ibe, ".cur rpain is fo cold,, but this winter, imd is monUrtsJ dtarS I head round th? doors Ihe underftood me fMoll," ia.dihe, as Moll was going up in to the open chamber to get a fieve, what do you leave the .door -open for?' " La, mo ther,. I am only going to get, the Gcve. and Ihall be back in tliree minuter" Now that u aa the. ' very mifchief, three minutes in a windy 4ay will let .ipnre jcold into a room th'Jt you can drive out in thirty. ' It cofts no thing to firut the .'oor and that is "the way : to make wood cheap, for it takes but half the quantity, ,and then you may warm with out reading, and cool without but u here it is not made the ''order of the day," fr every one ro (hut the door cfter them, i)ls!lvj'ill tthays begone rfier thejirvc. Jn thcrt, all the a'tenaion that is nettllary is tliiy inftead ot faying flmt thcxioor when you come back," fay, " Come back and ihut the door." " Kitchens are dr.eadjul apt to ' be cold'. is a commo.i Jaying. No more than any other room, I f.iy true, they ge nerally have more doors in them mux other joom be left kitthni and fee the fervants curled in Under the mantle-piece, and a dor.en doors wide o. pen', I fcsrtcly know which difpofitidn pre dominates, whether to Hold at their c.irclefl. nefs or nitt tl'e'.r iluniditv. I I'.eard an e- - 4 . hethought it was cheaper to .yoke thern hr didfo, and ringed theii but' itiil ther, ja.,5jyhajL lhall I do, neighbouf.fiiW he; .' I would advife your," hi anfwered " to keep rbgiug and yoking them tlil you are out of patience, andhen do what you eught to have dpne: at. : fiirft Co and put: up your fence." . , - : Myijjoorfriendsjp backs, one word of limilar advice only, for I mujt be going. Bring in the wood, ply -the. bellows, pile on more wood and pdiftilj. you are out of patience, tlien d6 what you ought to have done at firft Go and put to .. tks itior. - v A TRAVELLER. w.ijiireign Inti-lligenee. P A II 1 S, November . sp it, is reported that general' is to be deprived of his conmuvnd ar.d ic Le fuc. ctcded by- general Kleber ments and entrenched camps Awhile the ' uTZTTTTTZ 1 1 . n . 1 Av e hvprf'u ''.fus e the. 1 :fiQ r Ltnr : A fl.or t poitfripYof a letter from Me v' .Tliionville:, which fully contradicts the port of the removal of Pichegni from jhe. tommand of the armies ot the Rhine and tie Mo!'e!l-." . . - . - ; The Louis d'or is this day at 3390 livresi December 2. . . . . . In . the fitting of the 23d Nov the council providonally agreed to a loan of 3 per cnit. r.r.d approved of the fulpenfion of thefale of National Domain until the firll Prai-ial. . 1 he propolition, that the council be re voked info a general committe, .brought cn very violent ohjecYions and debates. Kow long is this general committee to laft ? ex claimed Geniilieaux.) -The public expects w iththe'r.tmolt anxiety a refolution, on which depends the welfare of us all". Violent murmurs forced him to leave the triburie,.and his motion not being feconded; fell tp tlie ground. ' .. ' S Gironeft propofed the immediate fale of . all the furniture, merchandize, and othcy ef fects belonging to tlie nation, and not necef fary for the-public fervicc. Adjourned for future confide ration. The council came to a refolution, that a committee, co.npolt d of live members, lhall be appointed, a!:d to niakc a rej'crt on the funis which ac micro the natiijfiom thefu'e etffors -of emigrants. The amount of thefe fu.ns is ftuicd to be icoo millions. In ti'e fitting of the 29th the council de clared, that the ar.mdtyof the .;thBrUiuarc, batteries of Ehrcnbreitftein keep tftan incef tant hre on them. On their fide the Auf- trlans have jufl; obtained a corrfiderable advan- iage ; ney-nave made tnemieires meters 01 all the iflands on' the Rhine the republicaik t had in their pofTeflion; and have" made the garrifon prifoners. Very important events are hourly expected ; it would appear from eveiy T account that a winter caiiipaign i to dc macie. . . . ' Our advice from Coblentz.ftate. that the JnhaBitarts are Very much diftreflcd by t e , contributions in fpecie levied on thenu C n (he 31I1 uk. a- demand a asrmaderl or . 76,000 . livres ; this was the thirdebinributlon .fin" e the I rchch entered that city. Scarcely lid t been paid,; when on the 6th in!!, a fourth cofitributicii. of 1 4000:6 livres w as levied with an .injunction "that it fliould be paid with -in 2 hours ; - as aiecniy.'rsveral of there oil ' refpeclable citizens were put under a tnilita- ry guard. ' . ; . " ', . ' 1 - '1 he coiimunications between the right ' and left banks of the Rhine have juft been re-dtabliihed.; this event is owing to tlie fuc cefl'es ot General Lefevre. s. l or thefe feveral llays paft a conriderable number of Hanoverians, H eflian and Auf trian prifon ef s have palled through this city on their way to the Rhine, where they are to be exchunged for an equal number of ' r renin. - : . inav he applied to all pcrfom confined in the tt and thole dobrt arc ,t$jdful apt to . revolted Depjrtwcnts, the rebe'andChou. ft open. When I go in through a ; rn. aiuae extej ted, and tint n- 1 .y fliall be fabric ' the utmoil eeition uu ac-. tiv'.ty. B II U S S IV L S, Ntvcmlcr it i 1 be Trench troops which act on the riiht cellent tender-hearted woman fay, " It is i banV ot the Rhine, have iroifed the Sicu, fruej hard,' my dear, nut to let them lu-e and have .ulvanecd toward fcvrral of the vil vood enough to warm ticaiftUcs in tie l.c where the cnttiy had port of the light litchrn. airhouih :t is dear." "Tru ," I troop1?. Intone of thefe po lb they furprizcd fays tlie liutband, rotthr!cfsbu:n3 ;e, " tut a d.Jachnant of the hullariOtBjncc, apart it would be harder Jo warm the rcom in fuJi cf thrfc they ljude prifo:itrs ; the other ow- ahUatioi)3S they keep it; ykM tr.ght as cJ ther flight to the fwiftncU of their hor elltry toheat the jrarden or tlie orch-rd." fes, General Lefevre doc r.ot allow the Suppo'e you l.iculd ue a man with two or ; Antrum a moments rcH)ie ; ne nan punu thrce.v.utcoats on, anu as many coats, ivji . alt cf tlicm unbuttciicd to his n.trt, in a b.t , ttr told day, w ould uu not pi onounce hitn a jiadman or a fiol I , When I fee a front dor onrn irf the win ter, and the inner cue not making joints ..u-ithia an inch or two, when it is ll.ut I pr3aouncc that the owner buys h;s kh1 f monflrou dear, fvmcbody is always gone after the licve." . t ' 1 lately heard ot an indolent fanner, , who had as fore a troub'r as bux'mgtf v cvd Vkhtn it U fo rcouJlrous ikar. ib ov n 1 o, vouldgcUntobU own corn-field. True he JAM A,I C A,' fdnuary 15. . AcPHnJ?. a moft Ihocking cataftrophe were received here dn Saturday. On the '1 1 th of December his majefly's mip Leda, captain WcKxlley, of 38 guhs", -ri then in lati'38, 17, long. 16, 12, was over fet, during a thunder florin, and every per- . fon on board, except feven Teamen, five cf whom were foreigners, perifhed. This dreadful misfortune took' place I e tween eleven and tw elve at night, when the fliip w as cn a w ir.d. On the morning of th-t, day fomc of the men had been exercifed at the great guns, and thefe not having bee a properly Teeured, broke from the w eather : tide, while the fliip was lying nearly on her beam ends, and went through her. . I w o boats were got out, one. containing thcfei furvivors, and the other upwards ot tr. ent; gentleman, chiefly paflengcrs ; in gomg iiortn the frigates main yard unfertu pattly ftriKkthc latter.and Ihe. was feen no ime ; at very eminent riHL captain Pinker- ton, of the brig Brownlow,' fuccccdcdinpre- fcrvmg the lmall crew of the othen 1 here were on board the Leda two ge neral officers and a. very numerous flaff, but the men could remember no name ; it Wt in the whole, to be feared that near 300 lives wenrioft.. KINGSTON, (Jam.) Jak. 16. Some Dutch pa'lengers, w ho came in one cf the foreign 'vclVcls, and left Curacoa about five w eek fp, mention, that the orange-co-lourcd fla is Hill flying in that place -1 . f DUrriA of North-Caroliiu. BE it rcmcmliercd that on the fevemh day of March in the XXth year of the inde pendence of the United States of America, jonathan Price and John brother of the fai j o uriet, nave ocpoiitcu in uusomcc tne title of a map, the right w hereof thry cla m authors m the words;; to wit 1 a' M A V Of the STATE of KORTO.CAROLINA, & .' 1 : . . r t 1 iigrccauic to us prcinu nounciarics In conformity "to the act of the Ccmrrrcfi . . 1. - .1 1... fa UiemlO tncmojiuams, wuiru ucy nac railed, but r.otwiihtlandinff an obftinate rc. fittance cn their part, they luvc bcenforccd there and obliged to rcticat, fhould the re publicans crtcvcre, it 1 pollible for them to reaUi the Lahu with fcartcly any oljflaelc i:i their way. the enemy not having left fo manv a 6cco troops to protect the w hole of that icrriton OnUiefideofthcHunfprutk, I of the United States, intittiled, " An Aft Gcrcral Msrceau lias fit iT.icd theprtHn-tfsti the Audrian t 'c has even defeat fd one of "the r advanced cuards w hich had pulhrd for 'wzfd ncar Coblcutt' The. rrpublioni are toiimg tuf,ht and day in forming for the encouragement of learning, oyfecur- ingthccojiics tf mspj, chirti, andbcxjks, tcv the authors and proprietors of fnch copies, dofinn; the timet 'therein mentioned." A ME ALE, C. N. C D. .-' 1 ' .'- v' .'" V n ' . " -r'