. ,VV',v 1 ."" 7 . 7 V the bufir.cfs aforefuu! ; 'and the faid Jofeph "PonaLorr,'. jU:lur, d; J onthethtlay-orSe fMViTxT 1 705, agree withT HaflPaa Eaihaw, SLMas or America, i i tm 1 am, iir, - , . . . LXcyaf Algiers, keep the: armies -olhe preceding treaty (acred ;d inviolable. . -ifr;u know ye, That I David Humphreys, Coin.nliiiohcr Plenipotentiary 'aforcli&I, do a .prove and conclude the laid treaty,, and elaufe ther.'hvcontained ; relcrvinjV the lame n'-ivcvthelcfs Tor the 'final ratification of the by aid .'with the adyke-aiid conicnt' ot. tnp 'iaatt:i&f the laid united btatcs. . ; ttjliwny where, I have figned 'thelanie wimmy hand -apd i'eal, a: the cify of lilbon, this-aSilwof -November, '.. 1 79,5- ' ;- '..v ' ' c r - . DAv ID HUMPHREYS." b i: hiivj,i, Th.t I GEORGE VA:.i.lK0:fOK, Prendm of the United .Sr:;vCoiu; erica, Uvingictn aadconfideredj the Sfaid ireaty do, ! by and With the " advke 'conUiit; of. rite Senate-, : accept, ; ratify,. cr,l to'iv.;ri;.'the;; fame, and every Lkuie and,' tiicrvSf' 'And to the end that the M ixx', ivy be ob'.erved and. performed with ..g.d fahh on the part -or -the United .'States, ' aave ordered ih premifes to be mads pub 'j'aivci I do. here 'enjoin, and rcquivje all per Delxnv.5 office, .civil pr'tnilitary," ;wkhirt , t. lrr;;tul States, and ill others, , citizens cr iv.i:i itjitaiks thereof, tai rhon civility cr, decency, youwbuld riot have d trnm piy jMgjinjfr mnrgjthan four vi ceks in your pofleflicn, which 'vas to be uied whenever an occaficn offered i do me an injury I lhail not repeat my call for that paper, but N view the concealer of the weaptouf an ajfcfpn, an aflaciate ih the guilt. I therefore demand iatisfaction, and alls you fir, to have the goodnelV to inform my ffjehd General 'Frelinghuyien when andv?here I may nice; vou. . , , -.... , to eblcrve i f uiil the treaty and every elaufe andsrr I ihercoi. ' - In tt'i :r:y whereof y have caufed the feal of t.V :it ied tat es of Am er ica to be affixed .to .fir i z priienis, anu urncjuie iame witn Done at the-c of Philadelphia, thefeventh ly of March, one thou'and .feven hundred and ninety -fix, and of the Indepen- denee pf the United States of America, the twentieth. Go: WASHING! OX. 'ythe Prejidcnt. '.' ' T IMO i H Y PICKER 1 KG, ' Secretary of itat; . Your obedient fervanf, --,;', J.GU-NN. Honorable Mf." Baldwin ';tr .". , .- No 4. ; ... : ' V . Fnl')f March 1 ithr 1796 Will you" be fo'obiig'iiw as to'cbr.Vmunicate to me in writing your recollection of my cf- Itr to fubmii. to ) our ptTufalall thejettof niyCf and. colleague, how you expreited ... it to Genei al Gunn and his reply4 afn .uSvil-ling,- to give ycu this. trouble, but it feeni to be ncctifury to enble tne.tp deternunewhatcourfe I ihall purine on the fubjectof the note which you handed inetkis morning , f: 'v. " . W ith-grcat-lpect, 1 am Sir, ' . Your obedient lervant, " X . ABRAHAM i3ALDWlNT: General Frelinghuyfen. . -",,:tr.; ;'. ' " ' . No. 5.. ' ' S I 1L TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD. -T irM-awav from the (nK(HvW tYir . J - 11 MJrfAAy -w J-V-20th Augiftt laft, a negro man nanred 'ft N 7-; T;rr--: Country bcrn ahdfenfible, about 27 years cf age, very black, snd ftraic biiih about five feet nine or ten inches high, he is fufpofed" to harbonr' about Williani Eafters in Jones county. Whoever will take up. the (aid ne gro, and lecure him in any gaoJ iw'thisitate, , lo that T o-et hirn nr deliver him to. me Ihall be entitled to the above rew ard. RICHARD CROOM. Wayne county y March '2 2. s (:eal) TCo. 1., . Pkiiadclflui, March 9, 1 796. - S I R, My letters apfrrzfl me of a paper figneil Ij a number ot the Senators and Reprelen tj?ives pfthe Georgia ACemblylHucir has bt en forwarded to you to be preferred to Con grcls in caie the purchaiers of Georgia W cf tern lands (hould oiler their. territory to the '. government of the United States previous to tie meeting of tlic Legift-ture cf tha:'.ktate. As a member cf the Senate I Have aright to a pernfal of any paper frorii the ilate ot Geor gia, intended lor public ufe, cud lir, as an individual who may be interfiled in it am tnts, I denund the original paper or a err t'if.td copy yi:h the nan:es of ail the Tigners 1 am, lir, Your obedient fcrvant, .' ' J.G'JK'N. Honorable Mr Baldwin. '.: ' No -2. . .'. . PllUdtHu, March iolht 1796. ft s 1 n, ' Your extraordinary note of .yeftcrday is )uftput mto'my hand, Youfpeakof a "pa per to be prefented to Congrcfs on a tcrtain eontingercy" and of your right .0 a pcru fil of uny aper from the Hate of Georgia in fciided for public ufe. " It U very probable , I psy at iome times have paper from the ' (laic of Georgii intended for public tifc, w hich may have been conlidcd to my Individual dif- ouch apjpcr as you celcrine 1 have I received your note too late lull evening toanfwerit. We. had three" tonverlatipn yeiltrd.iy on the fubjectof tiie controvcrfey oetween yoii and General G unnV - In the fu fl, you offered to fubmit; to my pt rafai all the letter of yourfelf anO colleague,. Without any condition, opd I fo exprcfied it to Gene ral C.unn, who appeared 'iat'iified witKythe propofal." In the fecond, I req'uelled you to appoint an hour for the purpofe ; you then annexed this condition,' that after 'ptrufing the letters, I fl.ould not be at liberty to coin-, munitate their contents to' General' Gunn, unlets 'he, 'Hi my judgment, was entitled to the letters on demand. . I mentioned this to GencraLGjapn in your kvery words, and at the fame time tbld jum. tnat 1 did not wim to oe a juage m H-mai. ter. In our third converlation ! infonned you that General Gunn was difiatUficd w ith o ,r lalt prorofal : . that he conccivtd himfclf jullly entitled to fee the letters, or to ' knoy their content: and I handed you the r.ote. r tio ivot thh.k it neceflTary to detail any other p;:rt of our cenverf-t'er. I atnfir, &c F.FREINGHUYSEN Mr. A. EaUvin No. 6. . ' . PhtlaJs lpl.li March 1 5A 1 796. 5 ?, It is with real concern, tiiat lhave learnt that a correspondence between Mr Bjld.vm of the Houfc of rep refentatives and mjlell has bt en rcprefentcd as an intended k reach of the Srlvilcres of that Houfe. 1 feci im'ulf re- J U S T PUB LI S H ' AND TOR. SALE . AT THE' ' PRINTING-OFFICE, (NEWBERN,) ftv ft' . a ; ' " R E P O R T- of a ; C ' ,, AT- S' E, ...,;,.,"T: ., ' . LATF.I.T DKC1DED IS Favettetillc Superior court of Law, WlIKREtN THE fbLLOWlNG QUESTION ARfi DSCUSSLC 1 AND SETTLED-; VZ. - I. .Whether, in the cafe a sealed xnflru- -' Jlrumenif vaatiefied by any subscribing, v)itnefs, the HANDWRITING of the party '. : M.y be '.'admitted in evidence ? ' ' II. WHfctHFR an aflion of DEBTjfl upon "' 5U c H nil irjlrument ? - The noted Jack, TI PPO S AIB, STANDS; at Mr.-Duran Hatch's planta tion and Trenton, alternately, in order " to covir marcs at forty (hillings for tlief fea fon; twenty for the leap and- tour pbunds to inlure. . . Ke is thirteen hands high, . large, bodied, , . and a proved Jack. y The payment to be .made by the firft of December, except for the leap, when the money will be, expefted down He will be at Air. Hatch's on iMonday. jipr'A 2. A 7 - f- . - MR. LOYSEL and Mr. PERtliN, by leave, inform the' public that they in tend orcliing a- - t DA NCI NG SCHOOL, as foon as a rtafonable .number of fcholirs w ill be obtained. They will teach that art on the moft mo derate terms, and will inftrucl the young per fons committed to their tuition, accorcingto the molt approved principles. 1 her terms will be made know n on appli cation to them. ' - Feb. 20 .' quired by the refj eft I owc.o the I luife, and n uf:cc to myi'eif w iiho.it the ihialleii deLy to declare that the corrcfpoiuicMetUudcd to Hodge's NORTH-CAROLINA L M A N A C, fOft TH t YEAR I796. FOR SALK AT THIS OFFICE liY THE DOZEN, OR MECE. eretioii. not yet feen. Had you ryproached me hi-., yet, asdonbtsmay he entertained .on this the forms of tomniotitivd.ty, there b r.a let. . jK)int, 1 pledge myfelf torclpcd, ontlmoc terh mvpfficmon fo fecrct, that I fl.ould ftiHon. thefc t rlvilcrci in their broadeft inter- not willingly have fubmittcd to your pcnilal. prct:ion ; and I do if. urc ou fir, that though r I har none that I think .rfoncr to furrcn- i the place i in which Mr. Ca1dintiastho'i dcrjo your demand. , . j proper to diflof? thutranfactlon isqu'tcun. expected, it Un... uctoliun -u invioLble laic- .criginated in confideratiuns ilrictly, ; ricaal, and which had no rtferrence to uiy rueflion before Cor.grcfs. I will add f;r, tr.r t nothing was more dillant frommy intent w'.iithun 10 have taken a lien on this occaficn v. hkh could Wrftillruedintoa breach of anvcfthf'T ori. I TT?HEREAS nlV wife Elizabeth has mif- .vilcges. I J V demeaned herfclffo far as to leave my 'lliourli this ccrrcfpor.dcnce has been lcd and board ; this is to forwarn all per- vifwcfd by me as incapable cf affecting the, fottsfrom etcditirighcr on my account, as I privileges of the IW.e ot reprclentativcs. will pay no debt wtuchflje may hereafter con. tracl. Jpril 2. JOSEPH KING. 1 anr . fir. Your obed'f nt fcrvant, -; ' - ABRAHAM BALDWIN-! iuan iicnorapicocncai uunp. ZvN Monday the 1 4th inllint, 1 Book will be No. 3. . MrJi 1 tth, havtefeiVfdytii.o eorttie fcthtnrt 111 yoa been ffAt 1 ntd by n ollvck ef com- With rreat rcfrrft. L have tlx honour tohe, i.lr, youf oled cm fir.'ant. j. GUNN. Hon. fonathan Diyton, Ef . Speaker, to ti.e Hoafc wf representatives' N O TICK. Uy the Uthinftin opened at Mr. lohn De'frcux' Aore, 2 the corner nt Pollok and Miiidle llrccti for the purpofe of rcccivinc; fubferip t'tCTis for turt'ma a navigable canal from Club foots creek to Harlow's creek, agreeable to an'uft palfed at the laft felfion of the Ger ral AUcmbly for that purpoie . NcbcTii, MarJi J2, l"9' . - " i w-r". i- i . ... " ' :ftv J. I., . K : V" t f I! I I . ".: . " 1'- i