'4 '-' I. '3 . , I'' "ft;. " . - 1 HYD THE NOTED HORSE, ER ALI Tpr-npw in high order, andwill ftand at the . X (table of the Tubfcribers at Haw landing, - in Glafgow county, IrTorder to cover mares -r at -ten dollarUte leafon, payable the tirit of -January next ; or eight dollars if paid in the courfe of the feafori ; five dollars the leap, and twenty dollars to infure. Cof ( or pork will be received in payment thereof, if deli vered in January next. ; V' 1 he leafon will begin the loth ot March, r ; r O R S A L;E, . 0R to let for any term not exceeding fe vcji years the well known and valua ble Ferrjand Plantation whereon the fub fcriber lives. on, Neufe river io miT.es above Newberrt, the terrhsVill be made eafy in quire of the fubferiber on the premifes. March i9. , JOHN S. WEST. and rod the ibfch of Aucuft When mares are brought for the leap, the money will be expected with them, otherwife the charge , .will be made for the ieafon. , -' H y d e rA Li is a beautiful dark b 3yyup. w a'rds of i c hands hth. He was Vot by old Mark-Antho'nyt-hianwbyheBpoFted ' horfe Baftzet, his grandum by Crawford.7 Good'oafturagfe for niares gratis, and the greatclt care taken of them ; but tlie fub icriber s will not be anCwerable for "accidents or eipes ot anv Kiau. .. . - ; T , HOLLtDAY & C ARR. N. B. flalf a dollar to be paid to the Giboin, at the liable door. : ' , Glafgew county-) Feb. 24, 1796 PROPOSALS -For: Printing I N "A BY UK, JUST PTJ B L.I SHED, AND FOR SALE AT THE PHI NT I N G-O F F I C rTHE iubferibers give notice, that jheir ;JL partnerfliip was by mutual confent, difi folved on the 1 xth daV of Tall May, : all per sons indebted to them "are therefore requeft- - A . ! - " ' r .1 eo to make unmeuiate payment, 01 tne:r re lpe3tive accounts to W illiam Shep ard or fiiics will pe commenced. : THOMAS TURNER, JVILLI AM SHEP ARD.' March 7, 1796. 7 E w WO PETER PORCUPINE, ' : . ENTITLED ' ';' . FROM THE , - CONGRESS GALLERY, DURING THE, SESSION BEGINNING the ; Jevcnth of DECEMBER, 170c : 3ri .CONTAINING . .ThePrefid both Houfes, fdme of the debates in the Se nate, and all the principal debates ,in the tlouie or liepreientatives, each debate being brought under one head,, and lb,digefted and' fi.npliried. as to 'dye the reader the comDleteft view of the proceedings with the leaft poflible tatitue : . . , ' ; of . .. ' O CCAC OCK I N L E T '' AND OK ITS- " r'-:T" COAST ISLANDS, SHOAL?, .ANp , , ANCHORAGES With the COURSES and DISTANCES, TO AND F ROM THE MOST. REM ARK.A Ani DIRECTIONS to SAIL over the BJR 'cnd '' ..through the CHANNELS: , A few copies of . the 'above may be had at the, Printing-Office, . and of Mr. William -Johnfton, price 50 cents; f - O R SALE, THE home and lots, now occupied by Mr. .William Shenard, the lots may be had feparate'y ortogetherv Alfo one lot, "on broad ftrcct, near the Ctjurt-Hoiife, and one houfe and lot,jdjoining Mr. Thomas ,ox s. . T- 3Vf ' - The whole .the property of N!rs. M-iry Ed-arus. NATHAN SMITH. March t . . ' F O R S A I E, ' At the Suhfcribers Jlnre in rUlotf: flreet, op pofie the Church, a fimll collcftkn (hooks, Among which arfA YSTERIKS of U. Life tf Dumouiier. Briffo on American com. n'ttce, Tljomplvn wcrki, Mirror, Sorrowi of We rier, Mio of feeling, Traveli of Cjiui, Rc al captirci, Kuial walVi, Church prayer book, Amcticanwjr, Ovid'i art of Icre, Dictionaries, dolpho, Mm of the World, Features of the Treaty, Mrchy, Guthiie tGeogtaphj, Morfe'i Jo. Do. do. ahrulged, American Rerolution, Fncb do. - Cdtfclden'i Anatomy, Life rf Dr. FianJtlin, Myltic Cottagtr, PufiJent'i Meffage, State Triali, Oibbon'a Surreyinri Cox's cf (he U. 8. Maps or NoRTiiXAROLiKAi"" " Do. of the Umtfd States. .Feb. 20. ;" ;' JOHN SEARS. Just Published, and for sale at thf. PHI NT I N CO FFIC E, MI NUT E S OF THF. . , NEUSE BABTIST. ASSOCIATION, HELD AT LlTTLt-CoNTESTNEY, Glascow County, October 1795. THE Subfcriber, wami to purchafe a quantity of oak bark, for hkh he will give he following prices, viz. " boamfli oak. iol. For Wlutc, do. Io. if Hcd and black, do. oof. An apprtatke wanted to the Tanning bu fin eft. flbrcb $ SAMUEL F1S1IR. Vith Occafiarial Rctriirks, . 1 O WHICH WIL BE SUBJOINED Correfl lifts -of the Meters of both Houfes and of 'tic la jus matted during the ' Selikn' ' CON D I T IO :N h The ork will be pr'mtcd in numbers, oh u ii!.e j aper and good type. H; Each number lhall contain about emh. UL lLe firft number wnll appear about the " " f 1 hs Vncc. t0 fubferibers will be ccnth. ' . ' . subscriptions are received by the Printer in.KevberH. 'March ii. . ' & GENTLEMEN, who (Ml owe their lubirintiohs to defray th expences of tke Newbcru Dancing Aficinbly, will pleafe call on Edr;ird Kean, Efq. Treasurer, and make pay inert; ' 7 Manb ii; . . Dulrkl; of North-Carolina. EE it remembered, that on the feventli day of March, in the XXthyear oftheinde-, pendente of the united States of America Joiv.uhan Price and John ' trother, of the faid diilrkt, have deposited in this office the title of a Ch-rt, the right whereof they claim' as author m the words following, to wit : a C ' H , A R T Of the feacoafh; from Cape Henry to Cape Roman, and of the inlets', fourtds and rivers of Korih-Carolina, to the towns of Eden ton, Walhinton, Newborn and Wilming. ton. In"t6nfortn:.ty totheaa of theConjycfso' the Unltct! States, intituled. 41 An aft for the encotiragcmcst of Icarnlnfr, by fecuring the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the au thors and proprietors of fuch copies, during the time therein mentioned.!' A. NEALE, C.N.CD. . Mirth 11. COMMUTED to Ncwbern Jail, on the a 2d ofJanuar)'laiV a negro fellow who fays !us name is M A'R QJJ I S, that lie belongs to William Due of Edge, cotnbe county. lie is about five feet nine inches lu'Hi, flira made, Guinea. born, and fpcaks broken Englifh. . ; EDMUND PERKINS, Jler. ' a BLANKS of all lincb for fale at the Printb'r.OrTice. : ; rf at the Printing. Office. r $f - $ " Jj . , J few copies of . Jjijj ; 1 M ' F I N O A L: p ' ffi A MODERN - . "J ril FOUR C ANTOS. jli V' jj By JOHN TRUMiiULL, Efq. jjf n . . .'."- b r jj - EMBELLISHED. p Ijj With n:- Copper PUtes , jj Sewed in Marbled Paper. r M dOv P"ce 1 dot.? cenu. Jfcm KflriLri In Cri Lziln & & 11 W1 50 ' ' .- , - r DUPP L EM N T TO THE LA W S 1 - ot N.O R T II-C A R O L I N A, Containing all the Acls f f Afiembly, both public ;:nd private from the' end of Judge -redell'sReS'ifal to February 1795. P R I VAT E A C T S,, OMITTED IN S A I D ' RE VI S A L, ASD THE STATUES of GREAT-BRITAI , (Lately publiflicd audi) Mad, bound feparate - trtogtthcry')''i' at : V. X. Martin's, Newbern ; II. Wills Edaiton ; A. Hodge's, Halifax; J. Rofb's, Tarboro'h; Wilham Falkner's, warren- ton t William dcaw;s, ixaicipn ; vic Ray's, llilhbcrough ; MontforcVStckes, Sa lilbury.; -Iivn', Morgantcn ; Peter Perry's, FaycttcvUlc, and, wu- tnmgton. District or Norti'.-Carolina ; BE it remembered that on the htm ay ot March, to the twentieth year of the In- dependence of the United States of America James II. Green of the faiddiftxicr', hath dc; pouted m tnis omcc, mc uuc or a 000 it, inc. right w ner;cci ne claims as aumor, m .iec, words following, to wit : GREEN'S ANNUAL POCKET LED. . GER, '. Requifitc for the Gentlemen, Merchants and Planter. In conformity jo the aclof the Congrcfs of the United States, intituled," An Aft forthc encouragement of learning, by fccurlng the copies of maps, charts, and boob, to the au; thors and proprietors of fuch copies, darinj the times therein mentioned.'' ABNER NEALE, CN.C D; , ' lUrih 11. ' X V. W B E R N . ; fRISTf.r) SY . I FU ANCOIS.X MARTIN.

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