jinUce. may be found lo devoted topower as 10-violate thav whkh'the principles of Coh-7 uttutiou vail tne ca-tle ol ai; lnguihiiian i Ftbruarv '." '' -'-w-...-. -' ; Another attack on the King .v LftT Of could we imagine, after contem-.i Yil-jtuac the theatre, Y. itli, heartfelt fatis--t-clioiv jdi4 pi eafmjr appearance of our So--Vercign, feat ed like a father m the midft of vluc .r-iilTTrpn :irTif m'ntm- in rVu-vr 'Ainilfc- " r-1. r o ter being grati&ejOHth a fufatf fo truly: af fecting, little did we imagine" that 'thd Mo and affection of his fubjecU, of every, deno-- j 1 1 i j i a vivir j r" 3-uc 1 tincu -again iu aiuuuu ma king ofPniflia manifefis" ofmvading Iloliaiid. To counteract any fud fcheme, tkeEjceai--thje Directory has ordered Gen Laurent to . march .with a large, body of troops to rein force the French army in that quarter. The -idea is now verv (?encrallv conceived, that the hingof Prufha nas this intention. 7 Monlieur Count de Artois, failed Portfmouth oirthe d of Dec. on boar Jafon frigate, and a rived at Edinburgh' the- oth'oi January. -7 .jEaurge tlic coalviccd po ers'to .exertions 7 v liitli mult either rrhauTXTtcs v, cin theiS7 that 'they u ill be onabje. tarpMi any ambiti-V t:cusprojeaVv!iic,h li.e may have formed. Willi regard to "Sfn the : intimate ccn7; ne.dtibn thai has taken pbee between her and . .... 1 France, and the tiavjl preparations, that are rd-froth' '-EQuiU lor ward , th Spanifh ports, have- -oardthe 1 roufcil the-jealouy7cX; the Britillt-Govern- ,' daring attacks of a rebellious Ruffian On his M- jelly 's return to the Palace,lie- twcTHVi 1 and 1 2 o'clock, as he palled the end of J oha-flreet, Pall-Mall, a large STO n k was tnrown at the window of hns coach, v"ith fuch . violence as to pals through the glafs, which' it fluttered, when it ffruck the Oueen o : the face,, and thin' fell into the lap of Lady Har" rington,. v.lu had accompanied her mijehy -J; a Latlyjjawaitjvig - to the -.theatre; - Fortu nately the violenccvJtlf ilie blgw was fo far ' broken by thfc. intervention of the glafs, that the Oueen tho' her face was bruifed, did . . .;-.. not receive au m at cria injury. At the time the ft'onyus throwna brick bat was. alfo ' flung, at the carriage, which flruck one of the fervants behind, who is now . ...confined in confequence of the blow; Frovn this .t appears, that, there was more tHan one Aflaifm conceriied in this attrocicus biifi nefs. " ' ' . 7 .; . A depofit ion on the above bu! inefs was ta" ken on Tucfday at the Secretary of State's ' Office, before the Duke of Portland and two of the magiftrates from Bow-ftreet. . February I2 By the laft mails we learn, that fo far from the flames of war being hkely to be etin uilhed on the continent, they arc about to lpreadftill wider Some time tiacc, Baron Schweru the Swcdilh Miniiter, going to Pe 7ttrILurgU to announce to the Emprefs of ' Fiulfia the marriage of the King of Sweden, was very rudely treated on the frontiers, and orderrd to turn back. The caufe'yyas faid to be -that her Imperial Mrjcfty was high ly offended that the young King had" refufed to marry the daughter of the Grand Duke, and therefore would not receive-hi Ambaf- fador, who was on his jourwey to Pctci fburgh ' to announce the Koyal INuptuls. 1 he con '. fequencc is that the Emprefi has dttcrmin-" ved to attack the Swedilli dominions : and a letter from Hamburgh ltates", that Field IMarflial Suwarrow,- who was on the point of letting out from Pcterflurgh towards the Eaftern frontiers of In(f:a, was likely to march aeainit the Swedifh territories b find. A r Four battalions of guards are ordered to embark imraeduiely for Gibraltar. . It is announced that the king of Prufiiafc about to publiflj a Manifeflo, the object of , which will be, to remind the United Pro vinces, that h's Majeily, in concert with En gland, guaranteed to them the form of Go- vcrnmcnt which they have abolilhcd finrc the .invafion of the French ; to invite them to reitore his prerogatives to the Hereditary Stadtholdcr ; and to inlinuate 10 them, tlut -the prel'cnt form of government adopted by the Batavian people, and that ferment ofo- ' psiions which has taken place, ntay afford caul'eof ularmtothc Sovereigns of theneigh bourbg (fates, among a number of whomls his Majcfty.'l his IVLanifcfto, it 1? added, will conclude with a menace, in cafe of rcfu- fal, to march a Pru man army into Holland. And already, in the G az.tte of V cf 7.1ar, the Duke of Brunfwick is pamcfl as commander in this expedition, and Prince Frederic de Hefie C-tiel is about to command the Heman troops. The)- talk alfo of an indnnniry of fomc millions which will be demanded by the king of Pruifia b tie name of the ttadihol. I dcr. February 14. We hft nii: receivpl tlie Paris Gazettes down to the 4th bit. indulivc. Thprin cipal newt relates lo the t'ml war, whkh Hill -coaiinues to rage on the northern coails of France i and to the Bifpofitiou likh the We have extracted from the German. Pa pers whatTittle intelligence they contain. The pRiNCFSs Roy aL of France arrived at Vienna, on ttevehing of.the 9th ult. and was received by tne EvtrERORj and by the people, with that degree bf relpeft and af ieclion which is ever paid by the upright and feeling mind to fuifering Virtue. Wlien the French Princels reached Vien na, the .attendajtis, ;who had left Paris wtthT her, inflead of being appointed about her perfonndlodgcd in the Palace, werecon ' dueled to the inn called Three .Hatchet in ihe "bcrttdrfquafe. Madame, tie fcoiui enteixd:" the: Prefence Chamber., .with the Princels; but the moment that Ihe ' was about to ; pay . iier refpeds.to the Emperor, ihe Was pre-, ' . .vented hyjhe Prince4e. Stahrembcrg, who, 'feeing -her by the arm,, faid "Jvlada!n, re- r tire, this is not your place." Madame de - Souci. making- a fecond attempt' to pre fen t herfelf,'.?as pulled back by - the robe j and on lier making; a third attempt, was roticed by an inclination of the head by the Empe- . ror, who at the fame time informed her. that apartments were provided for her and .the q. . ther. French attendants . at the inn ; after which,, he and his family, with the Princeis retired into the Emperor's apartments. Since that, all communication between the Prin ccfsahd her French attendants has been to tally interdiclf d. Madame de Souri has not been fulFrred to fee any of the French emi grants at Vienna ; and two oflicers of the oltcc are conllantly ftationed at "the door of her chamber. The French Prtncefs remains equally baccefublc to all the cmigranti. , February t 5. The fquadronof frigates which fome time fmce failed from Ercfl, it appears, have con timcd at fea during the late fevere weather, Lheirordersbeiujjo that eij without con iklci'ation to the confequences. Of their o pcrat:p:is government have received fome in teiligcnce, by rt eansqf a Portuguese vclfel, retakcr.fra n t'.xiquadron, after havmg been i. r feveral days ; "(he was Xa w ith b. le poods . and iiciir t1 v. -f1, s (incc. On her iv .iu , r. lcllin with the Grand V - ' . 'vvr-.. retaken. The ; , . ; . tU;7 that five of the ment, and iq)re:entat3ons have m tonic- quence " it,is.faid, been raaue by the EnH:ih -"Atnba OVdor -it iiatlrid. .AV hat anfver has ; been returned to thole repreiWitat'oT.s, Vve 7 know.. iwt,utthej!VTodu'c'tioa 'of pain a iccDiid time into the con tell, us- the Ahy of. . France, will be an event jhat av.U fccrlely excite any lurprizc. ' 7: -. : .-. xyedcuari ieimiark', apprehendinir' that tteyiliall'be' drawn into the war, rc making the ii-cellcify preparations. "J; 1 1 was 'Livitght iltitcd, that Govern mcr.r Irving. received, mtelligcrrceof a Dtueh fitt t ' iome force -being at fen,: the Kuilian , Ol lquadron,, r uve, heenyrdci ed x iCiijiic' atcly ; they are to be joined in' .the : Downs by 7 l riu.ii li ips of ifie IfoiLaiiri feveralfc gateC T hc'E iitcK'niip'are faidtatie ch:t ly manned vyith- French .failor s. : ; -. :. , '' . ... Ff-LHUry 15. . .: It is eKtreinely painful to us to (late, from day today, the fatal miftarnages that, attend the NV eft-India expedition. it appears that the fieet which' has been fo loW dclaved at fe n- tr.e return 10 m tU'ir , c:-;n'.Tui v ay ' r alio it'.', - ci Coik, and that f aile d but 0:1 Tuefcfuy night, has experienced as fvyere a' - gale as 7 that which dilperfed that oTAdaviral Chfif- tun, and, we are Tea'rful.j'he ccnlequences have been dreadful. It :s probable greater .part ci iaem muit agiin port. .7 ;v ,;. .,.7 1 he Ernprcfs of RuHia. we are allured. will take an'active part' in the courfe cf the fuillIPPr. 1 iif rr.rr.nlir nf nti nmiroirninn' LLLHtl llll.-l I lillT'.IJif! HI 1 1 fV feems rather to have fubf;ded. : All the accounts from Holland lead us' to '" fuppol'e, that the pending meaiures"' relative to the alfemblirg a Convention will produce . ajhock which the new moceilca Republic, -cemented on : Fren.h principles, may . not . '.I .11" ; r ?- o j .1 wiuiuul, ano mmcnjci is .expectea, 11 tne Dutch pc$iibb altering the Conftitution. ' The King of Prullia,-meanv.hile, is faid to be labouring the plan of a general peace: to be fuhnutcd to all the fcov, ers at war, which has for its object, among other tilings, the rtllorat'on df the Stadtholdcr, on con- -dition that.inairr.cftv fljall extend to all whn j - .- - liave taken any active political part fmce the invafion cf the country by the French. A Gcn;.:n 'rapcr, (Ic (crrrfftrdarA is Keiricu ) pu is us the following news b a ?, ii:-: : 1 . wnicn were 5 a 'he time, 'n '-"n itc had her fr. t,'i 1) fee.. ! of ti.e Wt'U however, h'' ' failed frouv J'v in her' hold, . . rhribi ; the o;I-tr f;T'. ! e bc!v,l tob-; ma fmalar (late, rr coflf c-vcfl t ;: irnu ! Ic that . tl.cy iV.culd be able to continue at ica many days !ongir - : - Fthfiry S. c The Loyaliit is arrived from the cape of Good Hone, Vth'the late governor cf the care, his fcretary,fomc DutchtifHccrs, and about ico Dutch fo tHcrs. This- (hip left the cape on the 12th November, 2 djyibc forcAdmif al Elphinllcr.c was to fail fcf Ma dras with Gen. Clark. ... -The chancier of the intelligence brought by ycfterday's Hamburgh mail hof aumtra. ditlory nature The preparations that arc making b every part of Europe announce" the continuance of w ar ct fojuc of the at . counts from diifcrent ptaccsltate " that peatc, is nearer than is generally fiipr'fetl,' that an Auflrian Agent is at this moment at PtrU, . atd that there is fome idea of oftcrbg the Emperor an cquivolcnt fcr the jofs of the Netherlands. ' : Negoc'iations foresee , it isbefieved,liave been let on foot ; but if they (l.mdd be un. fucccfiful, the war will probably extend from the North of Europe to the Soujji. It ap pears to l the policy of the Emrrcfs of RuC futo prefnbe continuance of the w ar, and , that they had j letter from Baile, dated the 24th January : 1 lie hvpc cf a fpeedy p:c:!':cation feems to revive. v e :re here ahured, that the I5art n ue Hardenbcrg will return toBaHeb a few day?. M. Le GrcimyJ'livy Ccunfel lcr of ihe Prii.cc de Litumge, who on his c.'epcrtufc from hcucc (in weeks ?go, faid, tlut Peace was nearer than was generally thought, and that, lie hoptd fo n to rt turn, actually arrived y ilrrdas at Rallc. On the other hand, ui lain letters frcm Paris fay, that fortevcral wicks an Auf.rian Agent has hem there, ard iht litre was nodoubt of the affair In ing fpt cdily levied. Auflria, it i faid, if fl.c dctermmcs 10 ab ndon the Low Ccuntrics, may rccc.ve an indemnity 1 , ti twnerc It is rejrfed, that the Aclof FarH.mcnt for linuidatimr the Prince of Wales's 'c!c bts b found to be fo very dcfcclic ar.dbadequate to thepurrofes fur which it was intended, that a lVil ll.or riy be brtttglitin to explain ani amend it. On Wed; tftby evening laH. arrived at Hull, the Danill'hoy Amelia, Captain Went Hanfc.l, from Chriflianfam), wltkh placcjic lift on the preceding Sunday. 'A gentleman who came -ifiei gcr in the above mentioned nffd, ltates, tlut'the Dar.es arc lufily cm. ployed Sn fitting out a fleet, which will con lift cf fixtcen fail c t the line, to be ready in cafeofcmcrgciKy. There wrieUirte DufJi privateers, andcr t c, Engl'.Uifliipsr rites, laying at C'.trilllmfjhd when they ua.c a. w .Y . . .. . -M

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