- ' - : l v V .in v i: The French and AuftrVin armies on the i ,"Ki?TVajeft)'thcEipcror,andtl i.i'rencb- Rhine, appear to be making retrogaae rrov I ivepuDr.c, equally anwatealwun.aciH'fr-to tions.-'fo as to increafe the diftance between J putaneftaonfiewar whTdrtilvSefc them, H . - l-ttfem. 'A part, of the r rench rarnfon ot I by: a iolid and a general Peace, which may tobkntx uasbecn-fcrnt into tne interior parts i comprenqna mem ana moraines, nave named ... - . . . . i f ' .. t i . i . v i.i ii . of the country : and fonic of Tourdan's heavy" I their Plempotentiaries-for this neociation. artillery has been conveyed -beyond 'the I viz. his Majefty the Emperor, his - M inkier- Made. V . . - i or ocaic me vount L-enroacn; ana me t rench ' Several battalion's from the Republic af--' I Republic, the X rench 'citizen Bartheleiny, iep ; r-v in ! taiy: nave rttclvru IHUtTS IU luai iu ftuiuatuuui in Jviiii.i lauu ; w ho. BUIT ' ' I 1 I . . - 1 I . . . A - 1 T" f r m t4lnni 4 -l a....-. T ..... 1 . . . L . 1 . r,urr,fe ot keenine the inhanvtants" m awe, I ed the following i.aiofrcpreirmtheeftortsoffomqEmi?T Royalids, whd are laid to have returned to. 7:hirfdttyanoonrV Mr. ;-3'illetr,39--jap ZrTrchcnocd ;tl Ration' sblfeehoufe, incon- ftencei'aAVurrant fro'the Mayor Dover. He' wasbrouQht tOx the -Duke Portland's Office-, where he va; . . !.. - .1 s exnu:jtvi ..th:It ;fiehH Hride vU. ' ' r. G. isan Inih- 3ii.;ih born, 'aod h is i'cnde.iipvardsbt eight - ve'.irs ai IloiH'd -;iu: -as.' ;v ,ine rthant. He, cai::sro ti;un;l itn ihe ve,ir t jqX, has re nTrrrTraTorrrzncTr ana . is l'utpecletl of. haying. given the French .in farnjaton )f vvht t as been paffing here. -.'7' hen .coiiihiitridlj : he appeared miith "agita-' Jt:-exday4:a-,''Cc'u!)'ciV AyalJjeld at Lord 'Gren vl' s Ofii n . . D 6 w u ing ftre et j at which'the Lor du'rlc-eHoiv 'Duke of Toft' land, E-irl.cf ManelJ; Earl 'pi i Katham,x Lord CTrinviii, . irv-; FitrMrUuhcIas, Mr 7Yv' i; id; uii; and" iveil ether genilmen, Mr rnbers oKtheiPrivyXtiun c'L we re :-r pre fcrit,- for the pnfpo e ofiiivc'iUgating the eafe of Mr. ' Glllet, vhen? after an examination ftf tYr hc ut &, he was full cpnmutted to , NcvfUf on a chsrerc of-tligh Treafon,- in haviiYo;-, for foiiic time poltj carried on a trair ter oils iorrefpondbr.ee with certain peffons in France. Thire (hall be' a: General Arniiftice'. and -full Ceflation of Hdftilities' for Four Aomhs?," betweenthe nrmies of the Emperor uuu inoit; in,xue rjir.pire on one uac, ; ana thole of tnc r rench Republic on the otlinr ; m which fnall be comprized all the powers allied ' to his liriiperiat jKtajell; w Jiofl rail ' fignify -.their, onfentto this Cchventlon hi the i'pace of one hionLlw- " . 2 -The. two coiitratig powers fhall be bound to regard as the balis nf all future ne- gociaaon,:the intepTity- (die unity) of. the C. kei Be mi re or Gericank: Body oa the one iide, ahd the ren-. W( unciation ot itttpretetlions incompatible with the independence ahdthe tNnity of iheF f ench 1 1 Republic on the other. ;,i 1, ; .' vi ; ." " 3. His Imperial Majefty. engages that the members of the'Gcnriunic body, who may' have feudal rilits or pretentions in thecide Vant provinces of Lorraine and Alfnce,cr in. w hatever othtr prrt cf the territory c;f the iferritory of the Frerch Rerublic. il.Vd w;holly renounce thofe.rights and prttenfions and he will employ his good ctiices with his ' Holinefs the Pope, to. make him formally cede all his pretenfions to the city of Avignon, and the county Venaiilin. y-'? 4. The troops of the Frencn Republic f ;all evacuate,. within a month alter the hguing this convention, thofq parts of the lhues -of the Germanic body which they may occupy. 5. 1 here Oi;-; 11 be fonne.d, withm a rco;-tb , a Congrefs in the city of Aix le. Chappellc, edtlm-e. Another lhip of the line has been much damaged. -.' Her Royal Hiehnefs'the Princefs of Wales. was fafsly delivered of a daugiter, nf ;.thp J lOtno; jantnry. , , . ; F h A N K F O R T; Oft: 21 : The huimmc and jrencfous nlanner in which th; Aullriah'per tral and ofiicers hat'e con di.n d thr mfelves tovvnrdi general Dufont, v. J'oin thiy lately made prifpaer, has occafion cd tiis Hiosvinglettcr from General Pichegru .ta General Cla:rfayt; ., v - Mr General, . , ' " Bravery a'id .hiimariity.have, at 1 ail times; been im'tprrablc, and I fmd .t'ueni particularly i itcd in yoti, Mr.. CenrJ, acd in the Ulccrs under your toctuuud Yoa have pven me a new; prouf .ct this in wcyr c6r.dutl tow aU gf ncral I7cfour -f and the elkcni and rcr.croiity w hich you have Aiewn him, are not ur-known to mc. I beg of you to accept my thnrk, with the afiunrace that I v.-id act m the lame manner towards all thofe who tnr.y become my prifoncrs. ermk n:c at the fnr.ie t.mc to acknowledge pai ticU- hrly my eilecn for Comte Hadditk,' who flew to the ?ilft.mce of Dufour,, and who knew how' lo'tcnfolc hiui under his mis fortunes by the molt generous huaianity., i have ti c honor to be, with the great frt cflcem, &:c. The Commander of ihc French army cf the Rhine ?nd Mcfdtc. , , . (Signed) P1CHEGRU. to which the two contra'clin-y parties fhall fend AVrnintkfrnmtbe W.-irriie. of the 16th ult. msnrioii, that advices of the lofs of the French mm of v.Tr of 8o, and the other of 7 4 guns in the B;iy of Cadi, have been fully confirm- Ltheir minifters ; and tljp other belligerent j a 1.1 r a. t:.. i i r n l i . r i t i - powers man oe mvrreu 10 leno amoanaaors to negociate a general peace, under the me ditation of their Catliolic . and PrulTian Ma- iefties. , -A 6. The French Republic fliall retire us troops from the territory of the Republic of the United States svith the exception of the city of Maeftricht ; under the exprefs con dition that all other pow ers fhall refpeft the irideoendente of that Renublie ' and thAnr.O ; " .. :.. :r ' foreign force iliall enter its territory. 7. Fhe r rench armies fhall conf occupv all the conquered c5un'try w hx!i i not herein fpecined, until its Fate jhnll . . ' 1 : . . tennintu oy. a general peace. - Done at Balle, 5th February, 17965 th iCth of ihq month Pluviole, and the 3d ycr , ol the if enen republic r -r r trtnr rir 1 (Signed; j rilANC0IS BAiiTHELEMV. I A- EL perfbns indebted to the fubfiribcr ly I l note, are dcfircd to mike immediate pr;. mcntto imam uckxj, icu. v.no :irs the fa ;:c tn h'-sroircllior.. v i It u requeued that 'ittei.t'cn r.icldbepJ.d to thii advtrtifetnent, as oihcrwife payuirlit vill be enforced by law. j EDWARD PASTEUR v ; rW 9. , - - NWB E U N, Amr. 0. - Trma Irwkri peter ifFdrucry 1 j. " PRELIMINARY CONVENTION FOR PEACE. -In the fitting, of the Council cf. Elders of the 20th Pluviofe, (February 9th) at the moment that they were about to rife, the Evccutive DireAory announced to the C6n vowtioii the lollqAing hrportant paper; aq companicd by ,a mclbge w hich breathed the warmed wkhe" i for the fucccfi of iiepotbti oni which will finally give Peace to France anu to Europe. : " c.um iei ou. .. . -no t ice: - LOST . cf flctcn from the fubferiber, a note of hand given me byJamcs Slovtr for the fum of one hundred and nine teen dol bra, d.itej foretime in October." . It can be of no fcrvicc to any p- rfon whatever ail have received payment, and any nerfon at. tcmntini! tu pafs dr nerociatethe lame I will prolccute for. theft. . , SAMUEL EASTON. . B A N K S or all kind's for Mc at tire - - . .. . IVmtbj.Oftfe. fOIl S A L " fofje )ie Chunk, a jkell ctUcflhn oj Amo:o which are, MYSTfclUES cf U. Life of Dumtuikr, dcllio, , Iloton'i Iliad, - Mn of tJ VotU, - Lotiifi, ft orcf tbc Tttitj, bi'fox 00 Amentia eta; Mori-cur, . nte, Cufhdc'i OfOj;nily Thcmr-fon'l wcrli, f-lnfcidu. Mror, - - Du. do. tift'J, 5ortof Wftitr, . A . t ...i.t."... Frnh dir ' . ' Lift t,l Dr. Fuakha. O.hh'w.'tTbwteytof,, C.a VnwcfdieU. S." t Mam oi NbkTif-CAROLirM. Do; ot thr UVntb ini Feb. ac " J01IN SEARS.; Mm of fetliojr, Tffc1iof Cyitt, . Rui&lwlki, Church grayer book, Ameficunwir, (jvid't in f lot r, Di&ioqiriet, 7 FOR, S A I T1IRA ; PftlNTr NOrQF'F.ICE, . ' a f tw coriti oAthi last Acts or jsmmd ri7 9. .... r..-.- .r v :V , " 17 1 :V I --

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