r horfe Bajawt, his grandam by Crawford. Good pafturage for mares gratis," and the" greateft care? Taken of them ; but the fub fcribers will not be anfwerable for accidents or efcapes of any kind. 1 : . ; HOLLIDAY tc CARR. ,. N. B. Half a dollar to be paid to the Gtoom, at the (table door. " v ' GhfgoiSi cotntyt Feb. 14, 1706. - 7 TOR'S ALE -t Glto let for any term not exceeding; fe ven years the well known and valiia, ble F err; and Plantation, whereon the fcib Icribcr lives, on Neufc river 16 .miles above Kcwbern, the terms wilL be made eafyin-.; qu're of the fubfcribcr.ori the premifes. Murcb i9. . JOHN S.JATEST. pip: I J ' i : " 1,-' - iv ; v.-:- 1 . ) U ;t 1 : . i - . : it . . y- ' -V' , " 1 Diftridof NofthXarolina. ... 7 BE it remembered that on the feventh toy of March in ilie XXtVy ear of the Inde. pendence of the United States of America, J onathan Price and John Strother of the laid diftrict; have depofited in this office the title . of a map, the right whereof!: they claim as authors in the words following, to wit. : a Of the STATE of NORTH.CARQLlKfA; Agreeable to. itsprefent boundaries. in conrormitv to tie act 01 tne vxmsreis ... . . . - of the United States, uiti,tmedrJttTri for the encouragement of learning, by fecur; iagthe copies of "mEpsvtha7ts,)andbooks, to the authors and proprietors of fuch during the times .therein merAione j v ABNER NEALE, C. N.C. D copies, F O R S A X, E, ;npHE houfe and lots, now' occupied by : X Mr. AV illiam Shep'ard theiiots may be : lwd feparately or together Alfo one -lot, on. broad (freet, near the Court-Honfe,Tand-dne houfe and lot, adjoining Mr. Thomas Cox's.' ' - ' ' .. '. The whole the property of-Mrs. Mary Edwards, NATHAN SMITH- Alanh 19. ?v" .. 'V-,:'--. "':' i ft -of Nortn-Cnroliriat- -1 .. 1 1 A. I iJUi.1 V . : J U S t P U B L I S II E D, AND .FOR SALE AT THE P R I N T I N G-O F F I C Ev - D IS S G R I P T I O N JCC ACOCK INLET). : . AND OF if S COASTS, ISLANDS;" SHOALS AND 'V : j ANCHORAGES, Vith the COURSES and DISTANCES, TO ASD FROM THE MOST REMARKA BLE PLACES) 1nd DIRECTIONS to S All raver the BAR and DE it remembered, that on the feventh day 13 of March, in the ..-JCXth year of the inde pendence of the Unitecl States of America, J onathan Price and John Strpther, of the faid- - diltrict, have dcpoiicedui this ofhee the title of a Chart, the right whereof they claim' as authors in the words following ; ttf wit : a . c H A:r:T Of the fea coafts, from Cape Henry to Cape Roman, .and of the blets, fousds and river's of Korth-Carolina, to the towns of Edeh ton, Walhington, Newbern and Wilming. " ton- y--Y :-!: In conformity to the aft of the Congrefs of , the United States, intituled, " An aft for the -Jf ' . f : u.. c ' r ; ciiLuuragcuicHL ui icdiiiui,' uy .iruruig mc ' copies of maps, charts, and books', to the au thors and proprietors of fuch copies, during the time therein mentioned." . . ' A. NiiALE, C N. C D. starch 12.. ' through the CHANNEL . A few copies of the above mcy be had at 'ie Pr'aitingiOiHcc,. and of Mr Willilm: ynnftoii) price 50 cents. ' L J U S T f U Bit SHE D, ' AND FOR SALE : , At the ' .1. PRINTING-OFFICE, (NEWBERN,) ie, about 27 ycarsj i ftrait built, about five', relies high, he is luppbfea jut WUliam Eaftcrs in Jones hocver will take up the faid ne- id fecure h'rar in any caol hi thh lhte, ait 1 get him or deliver him to mc Hiall be entitled to thtf abo;e r-ard. i RICHARD CROOM. . Waynt county, Mtrch 22. m H YD THE NOTCb HOR SE, ER Abl IS now in high order, and will (land at the (table of the fubferibers at ILnv landing in Glafco v county, in .order to 'cover nurcs at ten dollars the feafon, payable the firil of January next j rr clght'dolbn if paul in the courfe of the feafoh ; five dollamhc leap, nd twenty dollars to infure. Corn or rxirk will lc received in payment thereof, if deli vered in January next. , ' " The feafon will begin t!ie loth of March, and end the loth of AuguftV. When mares -ire brought for thcleap, the money will he expelol with them, othcrvtifc the tkirge wul be made'fof, the fcjfo,i. ' Hvnr.a Atl is a beautiful dark bay. up. , ward if 1 handi v vu 1 1c wsa cot by old MarkAbttov; htAcLni the importui S U' P P L EJvI N T TO THE 1 - A W S . OT ; N O R T H-C A R 0 h I N A, 7-ntning i the Atts-fAifanbly ,boih public aud private from the end of Judge ' rcdui'sRevifal to February 1795. 1.1 V A l b A C.f 'S, J1T.TEP tH SAID RE VI S A L, AND THE TATUTES ok ORE aTBRITAIN. itt lv tuhlifbfA and be had. bnund ft borate. 1 wtoetfberj . I AT F. X; Mar:bsrNcwbcrn; Il.-WmV, Edcnton ; A Ilodge's, Halifax; J. Rofs's,1 Tarboroui;' William FJkner's, Warren ton ; .WiliiAm bhaw's, Raleigh ; Care asid , Ras,' Hillfuorough 5 llontford Stokes', Sa lifi)ur)'j - Irvm4,'Morganton ; Peter Perry's, Fayettevllle, and R. Bradley Wil mington . ' ir 1 'ii 11 r : . . DuTHtcT os Noitra-CAaoLis. , BL it remembered thit on the fifth day of March, in the twentieth year of the, In dependence of the United Stiles of America,! James H. Green o( the faid diilrittj hath do pofitcd in this ojficc, the title of a book, the right whercot nc claims as author, in tne words following, to wit : , . GREEN'l AiNNUAL POCKET LED- Requilite for UicGciHlcincn, Mcrtlunts and : planters. ' i In conformity to the aiVof the Congrefs of, t'.ie United States, hit itulcd,?.1 An Aft for the ciKowagcmcnt of learning, by fecuring the co'irs ot imps, thartsA and books, to the au thor and proprietors of fuch topics, during the tlthea tlicrci tnrntioned." . AnNER NEALE, C N. C D R E tC T P O R .OF A AT B E, : r ' LATELY, DECIDE IN Favettcrille Superior court of Law, WHEREIN THE FoLLOWlNO pJfESTiorfTXRf.'V' DISCUSSED AND SETTLED; VIZ-' I. Whether, in the cafe a seajled irftnt- ' frumenty vsattrieJhy any subscribing" xbitnefs, the handwriting 0 the party 1 i MAY h ADMiTTED in tvidti e f II. Whet hr an afliontf dedt lies upon SUCH an btjhumcnt ?. ' The noted Jack, TIPPO SAIB, QTANDS.at Mr. Duran Hutch's plttita. 5 tion, andTrcnton; tltcrrately, in order to cover mares at forty fluli:p.s for the lea fon, twenty for the leap and lour pounds to infure. , He is thirteen hands hign, large bodied, and a' proved J ack. a- The payment to be made by the firft of December, except for the leup, when the money w ill be expefted down- " He will be at Mr 1 latch's on Monday. : 'prill. 4 , v : .. TT7HEREAS my wife EGtabett hattnif- V V demeaned bcrfclf fo far as toleavc my lied and board ; this is to forwarn all per- fans from crcilitin'hcr on my account, as I r will pay no debt w hich flic may hereafter con tract. ...... April ' JOSEPH KING. .; '-" ' ! ' - ': - ' d,Mu 12 V A N w n e w n e n fRliTIi) V FU ANCOI S.X MAJITI2C. r

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