Thnt r hrtf (hall he nominated a commit- 1 Ketttttas wis vefterdav liberated from orifon tee ff Vi ril mrg. mmnnfrd nf rifrht nr ten I bv a'jrc-it of habeas cirtus. On this occafion niemh-Vs rhrV'm frrtm flip mhti nlin4itfd I a nnrther of citizens attended at the prifon, andzealoiis ctt iiim into a krfo, in which they iJ-eieaeuovtiiereprcicntaiivcsoi mere peer- i i:irateu iiaum iumwiwuei'''-,;.'sz vc provinces in ucn a raanneranu upon mtn i unuuycu iuc ''."', afooting-as may be agreed upon. ' I cap ff liberty; ported by MrKettletas (Signed) D113BETS, Regilter. andfpamedreprelentaDonoiaman wippcv or tw whmninor mil. aner me unuewcu .4? the Ctmmont Houfe vf the Province y at Leeit- 'Mdydciii Jan i, 1796, ;-: mode, with a fcrollin thefe words, lovervthe B O S T O N, April headtt ther-whipper--" what, you rafcal, I yer foeriQrs !" The; Ptaori was xnjving to take up the Spanifh Treaty in pre ference, that hehad arighwocQnfultthein terefts of his immediate conftituents, and that frbnithenex interefts of the various part s of the continent through, their refpecYiye reprefentatives, the interelt of the great whole could only be collected, in 4 vote. Befules it was urged," that; that: member when he uftd this argument deda red, that it was induftrioully circulated a." mong hisimmediateconftimenrs thadit was in : 1M0IE OF-BRITISU AMITY. Captain Elkanah Mavo, who arrived town this week from New-York, has favour ed us wah the folio wine" account of the crue treatment ne anu nis men receiveairom tne olHcers and men of the Britiih frigate La Pique ;it Barbadoes, in December lait, vi2. Capt Mayo, in die fliip Polly of Cape Ann, home- . ward bound from a whaling voyage, was drove in by itrcls of weather to Ba-rbadoes, . vhere he lay. near1 three weeks for, the lirriyal -; of iovne Americans to ireighr his. oil . home ; during which time, the Britiih Frigate v: La - , Pique arrived there troin a cruiie, and in two . dnvs nfrpr hrefTed t w' o of his hands. Cant. Mi' A ,L71-V. I.W im - . . I 7 J ' ' A,,CaA tVio mon tn , Kp rrlrafVH three flnVs after Capt. M's. boat was alhore with 3 men waitino- for him, the. frigate's barjre hau'ed - in rl'nfp. tii his boat, and boarded . him with cutlad'es, .toprefs the menby force, the men : called on captain Mayo, from the fnore, who run" to the boat for their . relief where he 1 the crew of the Britiih Triffate with " " the tiller of their barge, beating his men over . - .their heads with faid tiller, 'tillthe blood gulli ed from their mouths and nofes, and other-' wife mangling them in a barbarous and lhock- iiit manner, , capt. M. fprang into his boat, and cleared it of the Britiih crew ; the com manding officer, who was thenon the wharf, faid he would have every man on board the ihip ; Mr. WoodrulF, with whom cap:. M. did bufinefs being on the wharf, offered his . Wd to the captain of the frigate, that he ..,w Krincrhisoroteclionson more. Capt.M.. then went on board his- flu p to brii g his pro, tcdions--while he was on board, the com mnn.lintr officer of the frigate and all the Tell f mfirers cot into their barge, waiting for cant. M- who was returning with all his . 4 - drawn hy-citiien sxhrous;lithe principal Greets m thecitydrumibeatingwith a numerous : body 'of attendants," to the Tontine, from thence" up Wall-Strcet into Broadway, then -L':. ':il.i,w.i'nmnt V.iiifV rtnA lvvrV frv TTlin- ters Hotel, where'liMr 'Kettletas made a fliovt fpeech to th: people in nearly the fol v lowing words: ' 1 - . . Fd!w Citizens, . '.': t r.' ' " I (hank you for the rffpeft v;liic1iyou have this day paid me : in a par ticular 'manner for the honor of bearing the fibular d of liberty , which you have placed m my hantls. 1 our de . corup, combined, with all you'iniignia,- evi dnceltome your attachment to. the conftitu- l tlpn and tje 'lavs of'youf country -hey , are belt Reporters of liberty, and I am fure you revere them.' ' r :---r ; He A:as ulienfet dowQ at his own dopr, and i the company, after giving 3 cheers, retired in r t!ie utmcli ofder, enraptured with the virtues of their fellow xtizerrpvhoi had endured near five weeks imprilbnment, by what, has been 'called aii arbitrary edict 1 1.1 1.;.. .i',,. 1 protections, tncy ooarutu imu, inr omee-jumped into capt. M's boat with , Arm cutlafs, and drag-d by force all his men into their barge, and then presented his cutlafs to capt. M's brealt, and ordered him into the barge, winch he retulcd, alter which he pricked him feveral times in the . brealt,- and then towed captain M.-on board ; the frigate; he put capt. M's men into the, hole among his men who were fuk with the yellow fever ; he then ordered a pair of irons to be fixed on captain M. which were not' lbied howetcr; he kept him on thequar ttr deck until evening, then ordered capt. he hauled U9. and ordered him yk a uwfc ' Ccngrefs of tlie United StatesV HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES , : ' April 1 ' " t ', The houfe refoh ed itfelf into a committee of the whol'e'on the flateof the Union. ' 'ihe amendment 10 lirike out that part, of the rck)lution. before this committee which related to.the A-1gcrine ,and Britiih Treaties recurred. The object of this motion was to take up jKeSpanilh treaty ifirft. -. In favour of tliis motion it was urged, That the Spanilh treaty would take up little if any time hi difcullion,that all appear ed to be agreed, as to its propriety, but that the Britiih had occalioncd great difference in feutiment, and that the time occupied in its dilculiion li.ould not be a bar to proceeding on another very urgent, and on which there r appe.tful 116 dilagrccment. , That thcPrefi- dint, m hismcllage accompanying thebpa nilii reaty, recommended it to the immedi ate Ktrcnti n of the houfe to pafs the nccef iUrv: nrovifions. - lu onr-oliiion to taking up the tubi not intended to make proviiion for the Spa nilh Treaty ; that the iubjeft and the BrU' tun Ajreaty could not be difconneaed, and ;. that if one fell the other muft : To do away -this erroneous idea he wilhed the Spanilh- im- meuiateiy taken up. - 4 he queftipn was taken on ftrikSncc'out th& Algerine Treaty, with a yiewwejiiave "al-. ready obferved, of coming to th? Spanilh J firft . 1 he motion was agreed to without a dlVlllOn. .,..:r:.---- The queftion on ftriking out the Britifh Treaty oil the fame ground, was alfo agreed. " to without a divilion. . . As was a queltion to ftrike out the lndiau :Treaty; ' . It was thpn moved to ftrike out the words " proviiion ought to be made-by law for the . Treaty,," and inferc " that it s expedient to pal s laws to carry into effect the Treaty , i his was agreed to 48 to 40. . The words " good faith" were atfo (truck out, on ihe ground,' that they were ufelefs, if they meant that Treaties lliouldbe carried fully into effect when finally fancTioned, and' that they were improper, if they meant,-that Treaties lliould be carried fully into effect the houfe muft without the exercife of difefe- tion, - provide for Treaties ratified by the Exe cutive. They were ftruck out, 5a rifihin the affirmative. ; " 1 he rcfolution tor carrying into effect 'the? ' -Spanilh Treaty was then agreed to. Alfo one ; of ihe fame import as to the Indian Treaty, and one for the Algerine' Treaty. The twd firifc unanimoufly. ; 1 When that for earring into effect the Bri tiih treaty came under conlideration. Mr. Maclay moved the following as i fubltitute. ' ! ' -- " The Houfe havingtaken intoconfideration me ireary.oi vmity, yommerce ana- wavi gation between the United States and Great Britain, communicated by the Prefident, in. his meffageof the firft day of March lalt, are of opinion, that it is in many refpects highly injurious to the ir.t:reft of the United States 5 yet were they pofleffed of any information which could juftify the gjreat facrifices contain ed in tin Treaty, their iiucere defire to cherini harmony and amicable intercourfe with all nations, and their earneit wiih toco-operate in haftcning a final adjuftment of the differ- 11 oppoiiuon to laKiug up tne lubject ot the t-'pamlh treaty firlt, it wn surged thatthe. Briti;!; claimed a priority in date, and iu ur. gency. It was firft negociated, laid on the I ences fubiiiting between the United State ubk lirit. and contained it'pulations which ana ureat Dntam, mignt nave inuueeu mem rcomred immediate attentmn. The nnfU to wave their obiections to the tieaty : were Itipulated to bedeliveicd on or before I when they contemplate the conduct of Grc the t (I of Tune i arrrnrements muft be made lintam m pcrlcvcnng, fmce the treaty v ac as onboard alone. Captain rvi. requcuai mm io-10 that period, for takinir poffeffon of Med, in the imrrdlment of American fea- to let him have a man to go witn ninc.wii.cix. lhcm anJ lhcfe arrangcnien( rould pot bc Incn and the feir.urc of American vcflcls (la- the captain of the frigate rciulcd ; men laid in;,lL; -uU U Nvas kn0NVll whether the houfe den with provifions) contrary to tlie tlearell lie would caft him oil, and Jet hungo,; nic;u,ttocxmitc the treaty. ThatthePrc rights of neutral naions, whether this be ' he told him he might pcrnli at lea, to s Inch . i; Ja,: hc thc s vicVC(1 as the conftruaion meant to be given houfe only mentioned that proviiion fl.ould o "y articles in the treaty, cr ascontrary to be made du ing t!ic prefent ' fcllion. The and an infraction of the true meaning and commililoncrs to act under it were to meet in fptrU thereof thc houfe cannot but regard it tins city and ; therefore might bc appointed a incumbent on them, in fidelity to the trull lllc very imi. way -i Jtii.on. lliat It was I icpuitu ui uiuii, u 1u1uv.11, iMiuu iuvuii no rcafou ftr taking up other treaties in pre- I cumibniesj" taking at prelent'any ative i, -V,rd' he hor-cd he would. Cnpt. M., told h'un he would not go, unlcfs hc caic htm off hc then took his barge, and towed capt. . M.' cn board his own (hip J thc ncr.t morn incr capt. M. went to the Governor and com plained of the officers' conduCt, the " Gover nor ordered his men to bc immcdiatciy relea fed which were accordingly lent on fliore : Wnr divs after three of his men were taken With the yellow fever which they took while fcrcncc to tic IVitilh treaty becaufe thc lit- tcr would create much difcuflion ; for this argument vould equally apply to taking up tnen and cargo o mc vimiukimm ) ui6 coiuluitof new treaty allies ocxaTioncd die lof of 8000 dollars 10 his owners. 1 thefubftriber dotcftify to rlicaWeac count. ELKANAH MAiU.-, new.yo a k, jpriiti.. . The Legillature having adjourned, . Mr. cobnant to thc intcrcfts and wilhes of thc immediate conilitucntsof that nicmlxrr for th the intcrcfts of thc whole and not a part fhfild bcconlultcd, in determining which bujnefs (liduld have the priority. -a 1 rcP u wa oorved, that that member hamadc this oblcrvjtkni to account for liis mcafures on the fubjedt, therefore Refihfd, That under the circunftances aforefaidt and with fuch information as the houfe pof lcf$, it is not expedient at this time to concur in paffm&tbc laws neceffary for carryingihe faid treaty into effect. It was declared But of order, aU4om mittceiult firlt difpofe of thc foer rcfo lution; and they had no table oa which it could bciifdr . The committee rofe and reported the three rclolutions agreed to. - In the houfe it was moved to reinft ate the word " ought to le ca." in ft fad of "it is ex. pedient &c.'' Tliis was negatived ayes 37

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