The quellien onthcSpanllh treaty was then taken and unanimoufly agreed to. On the. Indian Treaty alfo. That on the Al"-erine treaty was laid oyer ; 7;"."" -' Mr. Maclay renewed his motion. It was referred to the committee on the ftate of the Onion, and ordered to printed " ::r - Adjourned. -' , ' - . Ext rails of a London rttpzn ' The Chouana appear to be in great force, -.and to have extended their inciirlioris in the pi ovince ofNormaridyl where the greareft diicontent prevails, on account "of tlie a farming fcarcity of every kind' of provisions (the diitribution of bread-being limitted'to a quarter of a pound per diem' for each indivi dual) and of the abominable acts' of oppreihoh . which ai e daily exercifed. Stofllet has at. gain taken up arms,- and placed liimfelf at the head of 'the' infu'rgents. . Stqfflet has at length broken his truce with the Republic by a proclamation, in which l:c adapts and publilues the declaration of Louis ijth ' FEBRUAilV 24..' - Yefterday Lieut. Campbell arrived at the Admiralty, with difpatches from the Cape of Good Hope, . after a paffage of only . 8 weeks to Falmouth. He brings intelligence .of the taking of Batavia by theViriiifn forces!. His difpatches likewife ftate, that Admiral Elphihlfbne failed for Madras on the 1 c,th'of November with the Monarch of 74, Arro. gant 74, Echo and Rattlefnake (loops, and tne rrince ot Wales, having oil board Gen. Clarke, - and fuite February 26. An officer arrived ycfterilay" at the Admi ralty from Yarm puth-witU intelligence of the Dutch fleet beine at fea. Admiral Duncan has received orders to4 fail m queftof them with the Brunfwick, Ro buft, Powerful," and Ruifel, of '74 guns each, and the Phillip Ruffian man of war ; buf he had not left the Downs yellerday. The force of the Dutch fleet is variduily fta ted, fome accounts making it amount to on ly Ik fail of the line and frigates, while o thers increafe. the number of lhips of the line to 14 . , ; Yefterday afternoon an. expret3 was rc ceived at the Admiralty,- .with the intelljk gence which were laid before the public veV fterday of the Putch being at fea. It left the Texel oa Tuefday morning. In confe quence, orders have been fent .. . . - " 1 in the Dosvns' to no in mieft 'nf ir o,u o ! .fquadrorv had been ordered to put immcdi. j atcly to fea for the fame purpofe, from Spit.. ' head, under the command of Hear Admiral Harvey. ; 1 , ' 1 : Every fiiip of the line is ordered from all j the dock yards for fea directly. . - ' The French fouadron continues to. cruize in the Archipelago, and bvfoine means fcrimlc . to-capturc the (hips of neutral Powers. Tv o vcflels lately under Prullian colours, have bcenfeized 1 although the Prullian Envoy is hfhopcsTo get them rtleafcd. ' ' , It w'.ll be fecn, that every preparation is making on the part of the French, to renew the campaign with all poll.blc expe dition and vijror. that with a view to facilitate their fifcai operations, a bar.k has been cftablifbcd ; and that the C: ouans, according t their own accounts, zrc increaling in a molt alarmurr manner, fpread'uig difairrdicn and promo? tingdefertson among the troops of the He . public, and cr.ienuug their dcliruaive mea. furcsovcr hc wliole face cf the country, in the provinces of Britan'ny and Normandy, and in the adjacent d;ftrUi. The Bank have given in an account to the Koufe'of Commons of the fums they are In advance for govcnrmcr.t. They amouui on. ly tn tElcvcnJMii lions Seven Jiundrcd ajid Eighteen Thopfand Pounds I t " . February 27. llic Dutch licet arc certainly at fea, but rf whit force it confiAs is not prccifcly know n. A vclfcl arrived at Yarmouth, paflcd through if, and the captain reprelcnts the miiubcrto bei8, '"of which may be 10 or II of the line. Another account fays the.Glation India, fhipofwar, captahil f'ollop, faw the Dutch ficci on the 24th inil. and counted their line . ot battle to conflft of 17 fail; viz. fije fronx I 74 puns down tn An cj.. L andhvefngates. By their courfe it uas con' jeclured that they weregohJg tiortu about, in order to form ajunOioa with th( Bretl ect. - . 1 ; . A report prevailed ycftcrday in thekirrjieft circles, that GenClairfayt is. ,deadi ; The cred t it received from thpfe had the belt Opportunity of afecrtaining tts vali dity ,-induces i us to thinknhat ir 'irl?nrtoo" irueHi46fs in the prefent ftate of affairs' will be molt feVerely felt A - N E WBE RN, Apail ,3 From the Courier Franca ise c" l?tb injt.tranjhtedfor tks NorVoLkHeh it Authentic Relation of the Occurences at St JJomino-o. and thp MMinSt-u,-. .,f f 1 . . t'aivini the month of February, ; 1 7Q6. . " ic yiu .11 u - lOUl ot l eu bruary, ' when a.feint glimmering'of fecurity was preparing; our inmdsfor'tnprp.tfi.nji , incut of confidence, aiLinfurreftion appeared ; m the work lioufesnf Pai.W 'VAt j narj, Colas and thole ot the neighbourhood. ! i hey all united, ,having at 'their head BiC Ae whom general Lavaiax had apPLint: ed lHipector ot the work Ihoos of the iiou,i. tain. They murdered him with the butt end ot a mu.lket, ilrinped him. and rnrn'p.1 . Ltienne, acimton at the head of the canal be- longing to tne widow Audrand, at the Three Rivers and furroundtd by iidbi-oentj,', called in from all quarters. : y- ; . . ' .; .ictn. boon ?.s the news of this violence was lpread abroad, the" workVnpn' Hniwi:l.i themielves, rulhcd into the hi'ohwav's. lehtti uu an uie avenues; and placed themiciv iu arobufcade in the hu;hcs and tovers. '- Kunii bers of banditti difpatched from, the iiieetinr atthe ead of thexanulllockedto the With? (!ain, bind Courleau de Navailles, arid dear to the prayers, tears, and cries hlsife, famtintr at tWAr fr " .t, "-?.'. vJ. 1- enne ;they then pretend to caVryhiiiiback again, but mallacre him at about a quarter of a league's diitance. They thenjreturn to -NaVaillesv where the uniortunate wife peri ceived on one of them the pantaloons ot her murdered hufbahd. , , .- nth. Morange, (a Creole) was bpuhd with cords by lmown negroes, and maftacred1 whilit laiploriug their pity, and bcgjmr, as the laitluvou , to embrace hislbn'btibrehis' dcath.--SouverUe, bdure fuppereuteriiur his own houic.esyunUer the gaUtr about 40 armed mc on his fuch an hour, they replied by a dilcliarjre of theirpiecc,. lie efcapesinto the hall, where he and his family fly to their arms, b otwiUj- ' iug to avoid exiremities, orders his melt not to lire; but a fecond difcliargc froitfjiJie af. failants wounding his nun Neptune and two others; they return the lire, and thqnproa" 11. .." .' ' , 0 V 12th. Magnot (a Nantcie) Wary and Counl el of Ltienner hcarm a t h -" r ,n. ,1. r the evening attack, fent a tVcih fupply 'of ammunition, and pi omifcd the conmund bf me wnoieouinctoi me niouatamjto bin, who would bring t-ouvcrblc's head to Eii--cniie. At ten iu the morning the nnidf rcrs again returned, and after a thoufuidinlbnccs ot the rankeik cowardice and treachery, after violating the molt Iblenm promifes to Sou. vcrbie they mairacrehimfclfandallh,is fifth, ful attendants. Jean Louis de Scuverble onb' of the aflalfins, carried his old imilsr'shcad in triumph to Eticnnc Simon, a iUll yrcat. crroonltcr, boa.ed to have eaten bread, made of his mallcri blootl, and added that all the other negroes had participated tbit hor rid banquet ; i ompcy ratified the alftrtion by obfervmg, that the blood of the wlites va fwect and that he mult drink It all. 13th. The neHtdjy they attaded the houtci orBar-rrde h Ilochellcand If.rdy dc Verfailles, each feventy yean old, wVnn after much barbarity they tnalftcretUthc wife of the latter, rfcaped throtndi the im. patience of her murderer, thofe'ind'-itics wluch they hrlt intended. . A negrefs washeard to f.y, He hai tal. ked to me of We; Oh God! I could now cldphinmmyjanns 1 now, thatl know he haTFanFthe blood of Souverbie, and that he fays the blood of all whites is facet Baracid another leader, flopped the exe .anm Paul Colas, whoremled to his mailer--" Bring, ne a goblet' The glafc is brought-the canibal drinks. JrnereaCrcolc inhabi fSt. Loi,is du Kord) was carried ty ' fctienne, fulperded from the. bough of an ron g STThyrthen form a circle, rou nd which they toired the head as- a ball ' of r aandied t around "h the butts oft e rm ulkett uftthe female, in. the " duennds of their joy, cried out, Give tisabit ofittn ftnt! fU.,-f 1 A ra. V? e, tants of p" aS : t. Louis, and Fros Morne werp th "amis of this frightful UlC . -uch are the happy confequences of that ' -fcrty whlChwe here enjoy andfu4" thT" cxanipleodered by theAtVicansoftnei V " - 1 Peoples wl point out Xo than not even to fpare their own fpecies for thi? are the hrft objects of their fury. ' :0ur iranjlotor hat a hfifa tfa f(fm MjRitiRD. On" Thurlday -evenintr laft ' p M'Kinlay,' MechantTtoMife - Polly Davis, both of this town. pHE Snbfcriber hereby requefts all per- .1 ' the d5ft ofNcwbern who ai imiebrc-d to the.Truflees of the VniveZ by donation or otherwifc, to pay rheir ; lev eral arrearages to William flade-Efq ea or helorstlje &A day cf Wxtf ml ' wile he vvdl be under the necky . wuhont daVmclionall thofe whodo not atl theaifelves of this notice. T,;3 - T'efaertQtheTruflc:s. 1 . -..4v.u icave them at the PrmtmiT.Oflice. r to tpn, u Trenton Jpril rttk. . , . . . ' ? 1 U 11 SALE ' AT THE i' IUN TING-OFFICE, A nw copies OF THfc r LAST ACTS OF ASSEMBLY.' ' Aprn 9. r O- For Providence, (Ri L) tM.MARK ANTHONY, ;wf : - Cantain Waof. 7"""' . ... ' . I lUL. tail next week, Jhe has good ac. commouauons tor pauengcrs. For 4 . V1 pallage. apply to the captain 01 board, or to . April jo. DAVID P Willi ING. ' ''pHE fubhribcr will fell or rent his Tan. ( L yard, with about fix or eight aires of land under good fence joining the fame t al. fo may be Ind with it the Tanning' and Cur. 'ry'itig utenlils and a quantity of Hark . A NEALE. April 23., " FlIiNCH SCHOOL MONSIEUR- REVEKCHOM Informs . tbetimensof Newbefn, and its vicini ty, that he intends by pcrmifTon, openinf a '.School it the Pal.Ttc on -Monday the d of " May tica, for the pnqwle of tnttruclinc .young gentlemen nd ladici in the principles of the frrcnth language. His terms may be known by application tu Liinfclf; or Mr. Tliomai P. Irving Apr 'tl 2. ;4 l .

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