Seleded Poetry. : - ODE to DISAPPOINTMENT. "rORTH, thou friend I and let me fe , 1 JPWhatotcafions miiery. Oh !: doMonie) I know thee novr, " By'the wrinkles on thybrgvV, , . " H v'thv deadl y hollow eye j !; ". - 1. . ----5 . . . Jjy tby cTieefc ofhw-oye-j r . By thy(ulmaHciouTeer i . ; And thy Mulas hanging-ear. ? : year's pjpers ; Oh, ."I miift go to the moot. ing ;1 viih toiee a xpena wuu juwmwu to meet me tnerc. . . : Well,' if you rouft go, I'll put you m ano ther Nv.-y. Youfpend at the tavern on an averagethe price of a mug of flip every week. Keduce that to three outtons, 41111 yuu. V1' haveerough to pay for your paper, and pur- chafe Mary -Rowlandfon mta me bargain.. Well, 'pom honour I'll try it," lays Ked- Harpy's talons are thy own j . : Circe I ifmile, Medea's frown i Which can lovers rob of cafe, , And o'er health can throw Jifeafe, Break ihe happy nuptia' chain, . And make frUndHvp light and vain Stop the patent's nGngioy ; And make heavenly: beauty cloy. " As Minerva's laurels grow, -. . Thou' can'ft ftrip the warrior's bifrw, Make the 'ftatefma'9 nobleft fcheme ; Prove a,'"uiohjl9iitt3l4reaiJi4l-i-. TliTrcitThcckrnlHH-jH)W SJJ. P P I E M E N T . ' . TO THE . . .' . ' : or - v. . . NORTH-CAR O L I N A, : Containing all the Ads of Aflembly. both public and private' from the ehd of Jude . redell's Revifal to February 1 7 95. . P R I V A T E A C T S, OM 1 TTE D IN S A ID RE VI S Al, Spoil the iPflchint ot his Itore, Snatch the ic'eptie fiom a king, - And make poets "ceafe to firig. ' Who would drive for wealth or fame, V hen thou mak'ft them but a name? All our worldly care and toil, -Inftantaneous thou canft fpoil, Then, who'd' drive for honour's wealth ? Who in love would idly breathe j Who would !tm the raging fca, When our joys'are loft in thee r To thy cell, thou peftnf men Hide thee in thy dreary den, Where the venom'd viprr breeds; ,' Where on blood th raven feeds ; Where the wolf, with hungry howl, Wants among the flocks t prowl, Where the baneful hemlock grows, And the warm 'nepentka blows'.' . ; Now fcr fome Nephalian fealr, Whtrefobriefy'stl.g.ueil,f . Such as ancient Athens pud To Venus, and each Sylvan maid, - J Difjppointmentcome r.ot near j Tcmp'rance and Content are here 1 Virtue, Truth", and Ilqnour fay, D.fappointment hence, 'away. - :!ai:THE NOTED JIORSE; U TS now in high order, and will ftand at the X liable of the" fubferibers at Haw landing, in 'Glafgow; county, . in order t cover mares 'at ten dollars the feafon j payable the firft of January next ; or eight dollars if paid in the courfe of the feafon ; five "dollars the leap, and twenty dollars to infure. Corn or pork will be received in payment thereof, if deli- I vered in January next. ; v - 7Y , llieeMoiTXiltncrtne-lotiiwviarcn, and end the ioth of Ailguft. When mares ' 1 ' - . '"" " ''' . ' ' n s are brought iqr .the leap, the money wuine expected yith ttjiem, other wife ;i,the charge ill be made for the leaion: ." ";', r. Ali is a beautiful dark bay, up wards cf 15 hands h'nrh. He was gotbyold Mark - Anthony ; his dam by the imported hone Bajazet, his grandam by Cravf6rd Good pafturage for mares gratis; and. the great eft care taken of them . but : the fub-; i'cribers will not be anfwerable for accidents or efcapes of any kind. x. :A v. N. B'. -Haif a dollar, to be paid to the Gtooih, at the liable door. .'rrr:r rri" GLtfgoiv county, Fd 24, 1 79 1 ; ANECDOTES; A Late Emigrant from Britain, boafting JTx to an American tarmer ot the vait iu. periority of that, country over this, " in arts, fcicncc, natural productions, kc. by way of proof, alked him (pointing tothe mojn) what do you call that ? 1 cull it the moon, laid the farmer, that a moon- rejoins the EugUth man, I'll be dn'd if theitars in England are'not larger ! ! ! . ' F Q IV S A L E, ' r I HE houfe. and lots, now occupied ' by Jl Mr. William Shepard, the lots may ba had feparately or together. Alfo one iot, on broad ftreetbear the Court-Honfe,' and one huuie and lot, adjoining Mr. Thomas cox's. - . ,1'he whole the property of, Mrs. Mary ' Edwards. .. NATHAN SMITH. March 19 , Twenty Dollars Reward.-. n 'AN. AW AY. from the fubfenber in JLx'iM'wbenV on the 2d day of January . lalt, t ncpo man naned . . M I N ,G G, STATUTES of GREAT-BRITAIN,, -(iMidyfubliJhUaiid .... .F X. , Martin's, Newbern ; Ih W'illsV Edenton ; A. Hodge's, Halifax ; J. Rofb's, Tarborough ; William" Falkner'.s, Warren! ton William Shaw's, Raleigh ; Care and Ray's, Hilllborough ; Montford Stokes!, Sa lilbury ; Irving; Morgan ton ; Peter f Perry's, Fayetteville, and R. Bradley, Wil mbgtoh. . . j U S T P U B L I S H E D, and for" Sale' , ' AT TH"' ' '"'' 7 " MNTING-OFFJCj:, (NEWBERN, J M P O iR T - o f a C .AS ; E, , LATF.LV DECIDED IN ,'; ' , ' Fayetteville Superior court of Law vher:ein the following questions are 1 ' discussed and settled : vlz. . I. Whether, In -the cafe a sealed wflru Jlrumetitf VScittrfted by any subscribing witnefsy the handwriting of the party may admitted in evidence ? ' . II. Whethf.r an acl'ion of debt lies upon such" an tnftrument.? i . ' - A crnTTISH nnrfnn. in hisnraver fid. M out the age ot twenty hvc years, ot a brown Laird blefs the arand council the parliament, mp)wii. He had on when he went away a light blue coat fiudtroufers, of a middle iVa- nnil mrnnt thpv riiav hanr together. A cotm. try fellow ftanding by, replied," Yes yes, ls WppoicJ to be lurking about with all my heart, andthe fooner the better!, Wayne County, as he was formerly theprc- aiul I f m lure it is the prayer of all good Chrifti. Pcrtv h"!ve Ali0d! , ,V ho5ycr. aPPrc' henus the laid nrirro and deliver him in New- (faid the parfon) but pray they may Ivmg togc tlicr in accord and concord." "No matter what cord, replied the other, fo it is but a ftrongcord." . AMONG the ancient Arabs, when anew king was crowned, a lilt of all the names of the women eight or nine months gone with child was made out ; thefc females were all' fhuc up in the palace, where every pofliblc care was bellowed upon them, and the chil J lirft born, if a boy. was declared prcfumptive heir to the crown. " Royalty , (they faid!) ought ;"iiot lobe confined to one family, it belongs to . the whole nation." From the Villace Mkssengfr. ' fnnvtnknt Way id pay far KewS'Papers Cwo ncir.nuour ivcutioic 10 nci;'htour O Cluttcrbox, u I'll tcllou what now, 1 want to take this Ncws.Papcr, but fagi, I tan't pay font." Uh, friend, fays Chatter. box, I'll put you in aivay to pay for it, and not feel it. " Ay, how V There is going to b:a Ihootmmatch to-morrow Now mltead of r.omtf there, and ftruig away three fhil lings, and bufliingaway lix, do you go and fled wood enough to the Printer to jwy for a bcrn goal, or to the fubferiber, fliall be en- titled to the above reward. JOHN HOBDAY. Newbern t April 16. - : , N. B. All pcrfons arc forwarncd from hprbouring or concealing him, and mailers of vciieis uoiii carrying mm away at their peril. J. H.- U8T PU B LISIIE D AND FOR SALE AT THE . p'h TN T I N G.O F'F I C E, A D E S CRIP T ION OF O CC ACOCK -INLET, AND OF ITS COASTS, ISLANDS, SHOALS, AND ANCHOUAGES, " WrruTiir.COURSES and DISTANCES, TO AHDFROM THE Mj)ST Rr-MARKA-! BLE SLACKS, '------- Mi DIRECTJOSS to over the BAR and thrtuch the CHANNELS. A few copies of the above may be had at thd PrintiiW-Offiee, and of mri William Jolnllon, price 50 centi. . " COMMITTED to the Jail of Newbern dillricr, a negro boy who fays his n arhe is J ACQ B; and that he belongs to John B. Afhe, E f Halifax. ; ; - V He appears to be abtut fourteenjears old. His owner is defircd to come, p'rovehis pro perty, and take him away. EDMUND PERKINS, Jaikr ' RUN.away from, the lubfcriber on the 1 2th of March laft, two Haves, one a mulatto fellow named . ' J e I : M, : about twenty five years of age. he is flout' ana v eil Duut, has a r.emarkabJe large foot, and a. fm all piece olfonc of his ears, the o. ther a lad named M A R C. R of about 18 years of age, he is alfo flout and well built, his left hand was burnt when n infant," and has but his firft finger an4 thumbthe fellow Jim was hired laft fum'. mer to Mr. David Murdo'ck near Newbern, t ia jnuuauic uc may uc lurkinp; lomc place about Nc'A bcrn and the other lad with him : whocveiLNyilLjipprchcnd faidilaves "and fe- curc them in any jail in this flare fliall have five dollars reward for each, and if brought to me near Fayetteville, fliall receive a re ward of twenty dollars, or ten dollars for ene of them. . JOHN DICKSON. Blocker's ferry, April 6 FRENCH. LANGUAGE. ANY Pcrfon willing to learn thelFrencJi language will bewailed on, if rcqucft cd, by Mr. D'Ouvillc. He Ijvcs at Dodor M'Clure's.' NK W B E II Ni TKINTED BY FRANCOIS X. MARTIN.. i

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