it i ( , rner.t: now being ended, we will only fay In refpeit thereof, that if the exercife alone of "a government contiiruted on the principles it was,, could- render a people happy under ; it we could have been fov' A r!3 1 ' ;We rejoice Uiat' while the, Territorial go- verament .has clofed withlionosur to you, it ' has left us in a (late of profperity and peaces, Ycu arc now firy called by the '-uaaninTD'is vo'.ce'of a fas? people, to' reprefent them in ; tlitrSenste of the United States of Airicricov thchlghefk proof in their power to offer of their confidence in your integrity, and abili ties to fcrve thctn- .: ; ' ' ... -';- .- The reply, of. the Hon Jtfr-MUitMhc : . . netii f-yfimkly of thhjtate. Mr. SpeahiyandCtent kmen of thc'.Senzit. Speaker, mi, pntleinen of. fbejloui 'and- fuchdecifion would have cchnportcdwirh the honor arid intereits of our country But as attempts ereroaking to induce your houfe to adopt -meafures. touching : theTaid . treaty, whlchtunder exiiVingcircumftancesare not, in our judgments, caiculated'to promote the intereils of drir; country', we cannot forbear alio to xprefs our ferttiments ' '. : ,We declare that we have ever confidered that a treaty, in the nature, of that now un der your "conliderationrcotild riot befttllyand completely carried into eifect without the con ' cfurrence of your houlej founded on a con viction of theexpe.iicncy offiich concurrence and w'o .cqfitemijliie'vviiU tui'Mie leufibtlity ' ... i ... t s i' -everyueipt tiat -nr.: or may- on maqc to llepfvSuFlsSfc of fiich atf important coo- Mr rtfi-niativts, . ;'he entire approbarlo. of t-h? people of "my .cosduft jiV otitcc; ;'bv- yovi ' tr&fiidj , i;;the :- hi"heiVie .n d I okir! mono. -; " ' for the Accept, : . C cn tWiiieii--: ui y Thanks prompt and -warm' liv'tniier..; in '; 'which you have been -pleated .'to'eda-vey it to me. W ith McITr$.v Ames, Thatcher, and Sitgreaves, bppoied its being received, as it was frpni an unincorporated fociety, as it Is iuppofed" to be the petition cf a number, of men, and was only iigned by two, and that even thefe two, .as they had ligncd the petition ill official character, might not approve of its contents. It was fuppbrtedby. Mdlrs.- S. Smithy Ms cOn, Findley, Gallatin,' B illhcufe, Madifoq , . and Kitchell,"as a practice not uncomriionin :that houfe (the focieties for the abolition of r flavery and the fociety of . Quakers w ere . mentioned as inftances) that they had fre quently "received petitions of. focieties figned by their chairman and irej,Uyhichi:; if the were ricbrporated? were : not incorpo.-. rated for that purpofe ; and that raifing'ari you:l fhope that the. peace which exiflis be- tveen the cit&pnTof tile United - States-and the Indian ripesiilinQg continuelis iri peace corifilts the happinefs and profperi . v of-bqth it iliail' be my diity,', in;vHiateverfituatiori I niaybe- placed, to ufi? my efforts to its prelervation. ""J I fed -ns bought tlie unanimous collof my fellow citizens,- to reprefent them in. the Senate of the, U nited ' States," arid . flinll de vote myfelf to the promotion of their inter- i en., tuiimcem witn- tnat Ot- tne yhole body ps lhic of which -.they are a part. . - . Accept gen tlemen , -' ny. beft wifhes for your' individual happinefs. ' ; . " WILLIAM BLOUNT. - Knoxville, April 8, 1 796.' N O R F 0. L K, dprtl 26. We' forbear to cnlarpre on this ; fubiect, ' tnoumi 10 lntercttin toToiirteeniK'S, and we '. (J)all only.idd that we do npt beUeair par. ' tiul or local conlidcrations of policy;,' will i-.i-iieiiceyouTdeciliqiioa ;T!.m"cTr'BnteJ,r "tion, but are firmly pcrluaded that the fuitii; honor, intereft, and lnopiuels of thepeople . J of the United btates, will riot be .endanger- ed by withholding the appropriations reu-T red to carry the treaty into elf pet". 4 .4-' ; ;'- bigned m behalf 01 a meexinor of the cui- :!on to the prafticein - this -particiilar inifr.nce feenied as if -gentlemen were deter i r jnt'd to ..introduce.uneafy fenfations into their debates.' .-.---- 1 he inhabitants 'of Sr; ClairTcbmnlained . . .. . 1 2eris of Norfolk Snd Portlmouth,, held this 26th day of April, 1 706 aj: the Tou -Hall," in the Borough of Norfo ky agreeable to a rctolution --of the: laid" tneeting, diredirig the fame to be figil- ecl by us, Freiident and Secretary to the faid meeting;, on their behalf. SETU FOSTER, Freful JOHN COWPEU, Secretary by pe ition of the grfevqnces, . experienced by . "an hold'nocourtsifferciit from hereto fore by ' J r.dge Turner. , I'heir complaint was' referred to a feled conimittee. ; ' The hpufe relolveditfelf into a comniiftee of the whole oil thefkte of the'tbion ; when " the refolut!OT,for.ci5in!g-.mto effect theBri tiili treaty, being under confideration, Mr I) eriderfon and Mf. Harper fpoke uifuppprt. of it At the .conclpfiori of Mr. Harper's iVcech, there was a divided cry of " commit tee r:fe,, and ' ' tlie quetlion ; when the fenfe of the committee being taken it was in favour of riling, there being 50 votes for it .yh:ch "'was';, a rnajority of the Members in the ; Hcnie. " . ... ' : N H.W B E fl N Jt a meeting jf tfie Citizens of Norfolk and I'srtjmoutbj be LI at the Tovmnialh in the .J-Borough cfNorftl!:, Jpnl 26, .1 796, -con-' , v 6 ;.' u '"Ji ji(-ii"jns 10 cow fitter Of tbe propriety -or. impropriety of acidrettlne " Cor.erefr onthefibjeflpftbe Britifj Treaty. SETil Foster," Efq. Mayor -"if Norfolk Bo - ' ( rough, iuas'elefied Pnjiiient, and ) ' : ' ' John' Cowper, Secretcrv". !- Kefolwd unanimiujly, -Tha: an addrefs be tirefented- ' ... rfdvtJ, Tliat a committee be compofed of the followinnrVenticmen. viz. Tohn Ni- vilai, Willis WiKbn, Willi ftewfum. 1 nomas emmenon, nicli?.rU L. L?c, John 'Kcarnes, George Kelly, Danid Bcdinger, William Wilfon, Uober: Taylor, iun. toili avlor. iun. loil ahCowper, Thomas Parker, and Edward ; Archer, do prepare an AdJrcisfor the con." iidtr:.t:on of the intctin. . ' The to nitiittec returned, and the Chair man reported the following addrefs. - - (StetidJnfs 01 htri.J ' Tr Addrefs bcjng read, a motion w.13 maJe to ccljourn until to-morrow monijn. A motion was mnde to ailjoarn until tins .-utcrnoou a: lour o dork, whxh tived. ' On nxtion, :Congref$ of -thc-Unifec! States. K0U6E of REPRESENTATIVES. . V- ' '. 'Monday,: jprilz$, - ,' .-: " . Mr., Tracy, of the com. nittee of claims, made-a report upon the, petition of William bargeant lccretary or the INcrth Wcitern territory, for his additional, fervices as go vernor. The rqport, . which was read a ie cond time,' and committed to' a committee of the! whole oil Wednefday, rccomrneii ied that 875 dollars lhduld be allowed him. ' ' Tlie Speaker informed the houfe he had received a letter from the governor of the 'North Wcfrcrn Territnrv, inclofinor two ne- titions wiiich he rcquefted, as that territory the Speaker would nreien:. ' I uey were ac cordingly, read. One relutwd to lots of land which the petitioners hud been pronrsifed and which thev had not received ; tlie orher pray ed for pcrmilnun to import ihtvtinto.tha: ...j . was nega. country Irom o'her in! c. e.ifc the number. '.Th: di'itercnt committees. The following ne: ir:o:r. v favour of the lintilli uvutv.. i. In-, .viu. lion, from the Hale .f Xrv -orU. 1 7 d; rent petitions, tinned in:h-. whlc by ?r36 perlons ; Mr. Itii4irr : fiv Vi'.-v'ry in Pliiladeiphia tonu' ip, I f;;;t:Lbv $1 pcrio!;s; uy ,.r. iu;a; ..,,v. ,i ,1 lircued by 2J0 ut'.rm, r . Extrafl of a letter from Kichr&rJ. " "The icdOunts received Jjy lalb poft yxyti. given great alarn1,and theconfeqntnees which ; . may refult from the Houfe of Repf cfcntativES refnfmg to pafs theneceflary laws to givcflcct ;t ' to the treaty are thought 'of a nioftferious na- turc. It is underitood that Mr. Bond has given notice that the Britillj Court are ready to exe cute the tr eaty-jon their, part fully , if not pre vented iy this country. It is unierftood that all along between this arid Potomack a degree of anxiety prfcvailst and that the general opi- -nion is gcnerally-in favor of thePrelident and "execution f the treat yV.' Five Dollars Reward. STRAYED or ftolen from the plantation of ihc fubferiber on, the 16th April, a dark bay horfe about fourteen hands high, one white hind foot; and atthe fame time was Roitn from the plantation of Amos Simeons, afcall forrcl horfp'with acnt main, hfc has feme fmall white fpots on the fide 'of his jaw u'low uie car ; any pcrfon fecunng the laid Ivories lb that I get them again llnll receive tbr r.bovc reward. IEKDIIAM SIMMONS.', ' "Jo i, May 14. ' : 1 1 . . 1 , Kjohrd, That the AcWCcfs reported by W " ' : ' the Committee b.reccVcdL the fpifVoit'X 7, the oir.rvc.: cerr.:.:i run, by ncctint -nd tint tZ c, 7 ,L; . 'ir llry from 20 ..,u.U, .,.-. Phi a mcctinff, the Hune, to rethcr with a ,j.Wl;, ilv F v ' p.- viVl-iV .N copy of th, lc proceeding. fiHlv, tV, Pr' 2J?"ft - ' lr 11 l! 1 - 1 .V 1 J W lidcnt and rctary be tranfnittcd 1 Ucprtfaua.ivtbDf Diliriit in Con jeriry, c qucil.on, Ayes 90. ivocs Hi, Pre- to tne igrcii. irKteave-f. finned bv 1 2 ; r.-isnc ; sVv dr. from the fame ibte, tigntdby 2,.' pcrfoiu; one by Mr. Richnrd a, id ; b. Mr. f ho nix-;. nil from the fs"ie iLu .X, Iron The meeting was then dlfmi;fed. BKHl FOSTER, r,v,:. John Cow pm, SccreUn. j one tutnw tf:J:uie fRcpufaiti;tvetff the United $U!ct. ,' -. '! The Muefs tfthSiJtlnHt, Citr-nt ftlc hvvirfNcrjdhaUPuih. Knt.u 'jut'.y rtptefiutt, 'HlAT ilu-y h ive attended to the ddib: w,,w,,iU)g;Tj:mjorib;clKvu u n ; ----- - -- - - " - t.ih treaty .utii... n.i;,;..i-' ... I w.h pr.rying tiut r.ou.c v.ou.n in,- jri the of lJel.; I'T'cd bv .- ; and b; Mr. Goodhue fro n th' Vr. u- tU.e t.g'inlby 97 ; and 2 by, Mr. lircut Wen All "d u)vh. 7 Mr Gallatin preferred art:r';or ft o.rt the c 1 tf 13ihwarc, ngainll the treaty, fi-'ed by jt perfons ; and Mr S. mithprtlcn. ted a petition fig;:ed by tlu (h-iniuirl :,;id c'.;rkofa Avicty of jnnnttfart'irmnndniVlia n,c: at nlti norc, cLnlulbr h Mr. ltttli v. t ti teAii- .. t..t. 1 :- (W 1 -av5'rca :r iuva r.t dcr t:rn than .the puvlicrn Th'. p';th':o: c-ulcd ccniidc a raOiC dcb'ite. " ail S A L E T iruit PJi I N T.i NG-ORFICE, -1 a if w corits Or thr L.iyt'JCTS CF AXSEMDir .pri 9. ' JUST PUD LI SHED AMD FOR 4.LE AT THM PRIM t I N G.O F F I fc E, ' D SGRIPTIO N OF . 0 CCA COCK INLET, - '. and or its COASTS, ISLANDS, SHOALS, AND ANCHORAGES, ' Vith TtttCOUHSES and DISTANCES, , TO ANDraOM THEMOiT RRMARKA- ' FLF. n.ACF.S, M DIRECTIONS tfSAlL ova- ihDARand r thnigh the CHANNELS. A few topics of the above in.iy be had at the Primitig.OiTue, and of wr. William Johnflm, trxc 50 ent$. April 9. ....

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