J-:-" P. - I. 7. t r v 1 . -s ' i V i i 1 I'-. I . . I 1 ' t t Sele&ed Poetry. ODE to HEALTH. U Health, moil honour djorer divine, o I'hv pr fence glajj the tHron Tlie jxvt tirnetui lays are tame, Th' enrnpiurM terapVsfcng. sv. .J , . - - -Come, fair Hygria grant fm"e ; Ou me thy gifts betfow Thy brooding influence itign awhile. " On mortals he btfowv , ' " Mryft thu my future hopes employ I Thy conftant aid affjvd r With thee each tioumeous gift enjoy, True to iny bed and board I ' For what imperial crowns bc(W, Whate'er dear otyft prove. Wha'e'er delights trum riches flow, Oi from the charms ot love j HYD ; Fifteen Dollars Reward. RAN-away on "the night of the 27th of A pril, two negroes ef the following dV fcription, to wit : . ( : .'c ; Y - A N T H .O N Y, . about 24 years old, five feet nine pr ten inch es high, likely, well made, and of an erect carriage.'-.- llefpeaks both French and En- glilh, but his fcnghih is broken, tie carried amonir other clothes, a Tailor's jacket of blue rlorh: )fn another of Tbotted callkO bound with whitft. a red wailt-coat. and a oairfwercd in January next ftriped ovealls with u patch on each knee. ; 1 ThefeafonwiU begin the loth of March, Tjie Mother r'Y11 and end the icth of Augult. When mares ; i-; - : are brought for the leap,- the money will be abouHraariy the Tamr height-IJSL !a2. "ie cnargc THE NOTED-HORSE, '' ER ALT ' j." . " ...' ' - ' ' ' - ' IS now in high order, and will (land at the (table of the lubicribers at Haw landings m Glafgow county, in order to cover mares at ten dollars the feafon, payahlc the firft of January next j or eight dollars if paid in the ' courfe of the leafon five dollars fhe leap, and twenty dollars to infure. . Corn or pork wjlLbe received in payment thereof, if deli-. - , -r-' Whate'erJtbe gracious g ds fupreme ,l)ifDCnfeon meicy'i plan j All nature's gift, thatfprcad and bsatn , To fooihe thetwils of man : . -:'. -v ".' . ' -'a, 'v - jV". .- " 'r'""' : ' ' Thefe thefe all hover 00 thy cheek; " Altiourilh in thm; eye; -Beieft' of hee the joys we fee' : ' . ' Grow languid, droop, and die - FOR' S A L E, 4. " , AT THI " . ." . P R I N T I N G-O F F I C E, A mall Colkfliw of , : . B O O K S, . h . - .. Ammg which are, THE Democratiad, a poem ,"' " " The Democrat, or-intrigues and ad- - ventures of Jean Lenoir, ' , . Wonderful itory teller, , .Vindication of Mr. Randolph, :A' xtt, Kew-Year's Gift, or Peter Porcupine's ob fervation on do. " ' Differ tation on the firft principles of govern. ment, by Thomas Payne, Wafliington's epiftles, domeftic, confidential and olficial, -."' v" Baron Steuben's military guide, ,Fccderal ready reckoner, . . ' Ghoft feer, : v I ; " . Entertaining novelift, -" ' Hiftory of South America, . Clerk's magazine. JUST PUBLlS H E D, AND FOU SALE AT THR ' PRINTING-OFFICE, T A B L E For receiving and paying G old at the pre sent ltandard, accordin-z to the act of .Con- fxefs regulating foreign coins. Paifed the oth of February, 1701. Calculated for the ufc of the Bank of the United States. and rather droonNliouldcred. He alio Ipeaks French and Englilhiiorc uiVmtelligibly-than I Anthony.; TheyWre from i the lower part J 'of this ltat'e, their intention being to get on board ibme veil'c-l for theAVe ft-Indies, there fore i.U umltc'rs of vefiels are for warned from h-irljouring " or carrying them ofF. The a bove reward I will give for their delivery to me, laying all necehary eicpehces. ' . OLIVEKXSMJTH; Gretneville, May 2, 1796 " ' ' nrHE Ladies and Gentlemen, who wiih . 1 to be imtr tscled in DANCING, at their' houfes, will be waited upon, if they reqnell it by Melfrs. -. . . LOYSEL and PEFtR'N.-- May 7. f ' f ,F O R S A L E, A VESSEL of about 163 tons, intended LX tor a brig, of the following dimenlions : 60 feet keel itraight rabet, ; 24 of beams, 10 in the hold, ' Built of the belt white oak, with all the join ers work completely finilhed,to be delivered at bmith s creek on 1 rent rirer,' by the firit day of November , Enquire of - : May 7. ' ' - Hyd-er Ali is a beautiful dark bay, up wards of 15 hands high. He was got by old Mark-Anthony;, his dam 'by the imported horfe Bajazet, his graiidam by-Crawford. Goodpafturage tor niares gratis and, the, gi-eatell care taken of them ; but the" ;fub- i'cribers will npt'be anfwerable for accidents Torefcapes of any kind. - : HOLLIDAY & CARR. N. B. Half a dollar to be paid to the 'Gtooui, at the liable door. v , " Clago-jo -count)', Feb. 24, 1 796. T O a ,,S A L E, r I 'HE houfe .and lots, now occupied by 1., Mr. William Shepard, the lots may be x had feparately or, together. , Alio one lot, on broad Itreet, near the Court-Houfe, and one houfe and lot, adjoining Mr. Thomas The whole the property of MrsAMarv Edwards. - : NATHAN SMITH. March i-j . ' -A ' SU P.P L E M xi; N T- '" : ' TO THE - - . L A W S - ; .-; ;of ; - r. I N O R T H.C A. R OiL I N:A Containing all the Afts of Aflembly, both public and private from the end of Judge I redell's Re vlfal to February 1795. ' P R I V A T E A C T.S, OMITTED IN SAID REVISAL AND THE . : STATUTES of GREAT-BRITAIN. p. f.rl.i t 1 - t Uniteil States of America, ) . , . , North-Carolma DUlrict, liJl"13- HEREAS George Ellis and James . V V M'Kinlay, have exhibited their libel before the Honorable John Sitgrcavcs, Efq. Diilnct Judge of the United btates, for the til.' -I . 11 l - . n.-i- lL.'il! I yr . I . f. I' 1 I 1 - mm ici uioreiaiu, agninit inc noop vnniuna, 1 r uiieiy puviyoea ana to be baa, bwndjetaratc ner lail, rigging, tackle-, appam, ooats ana 1 or together, ) furniture, praying that flic -might, be con-I '. V " ' AT denmcd and fold to fatisfy the faid George El-1 "F. X. Martin's, Newbcrn ; II. Wills', lis and James M'Kmlay the lum ot levenhun- Edenton ; A. Hotlge's, Halifax ; J. Rofs', dred and fifty dollars to the pay ment of which Tarborough ; William Falkner's, " Warren lhc is liable, agreeably to a bottomry bond, ton ' William i-haw's, Raleiirh : Care and mmgton. executed by Abiier Hathaway, mailer of faid velTel, to the faid George Ellis and James M'Kinlay : ' Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern; to be and appear tefore the Honor able John Sitgreaves, Efq.. dillrict-Judge of t 1.1 'd' e i' 1 ' r . 1 .tneuutnccaiorciain, at um ourt.iiouic m the city of Raleigh on theiourth day of June next, men anu mere to inew tanie, it any there be, why the prayer of thi: laid libelants MivVif nor trt K riMtitril. nnil tin I'-ii.- CIvtma enmuna, ner lans, ngguig,ia( mc, rpparci, l m w 1 r . . . 1 1 1 . 1 Doais anu 111 nnure condemned accordingly. Witnefs ABNER NEALE, Clerk of the DHtrict -Court of the United Sutoin the Taii diflrict, at Ncbcfn, the fifth day cf May 1796, and in the XXI U year of the'Indc- pendtnee ot yic ia:d ltat?s. A. NEALE, Clk. Ray's, Hilllborough wMontford Stokes', Sa- lifoury ; j Irvin'a, Morganton ; Pctcf Perry's, Faycttcvllle, and R. Bradley, WiU T) UN-away" from the lubferiber on the XV 1 2th of March laft, two flaves, one a mulatto fellow named J I M, about twenty five years of age, he is flout and well butlt, has a remarkable large foot, and a fruall piece off one of his cars, the o thcralad named M A. R C H. of about i3 years of age, he is alfo ftout and twell built, his left hand was burnt when anmfaut, and has but his firft finger, and thumb the fellow Jim was hired 1 ait Turn. nierwmr. waviaiu:raotiCBear iNcwto W county, and. Tome Hock, confining of . 1 W , V, --"ft , wuc ana nogs, tor terms enquire ot JUST PU11LI S II ED, AND FOR SALE , AT Tilt . PRINTING.OFFICE, (NEWBERN,) FO R S A L E. Hundred acres of land in Onflow, kbout New U rn anJ the other lad with him whoever will apprehend faid Haves and fe. cure them in any jail in this ilate (liall have five dollars reward for each, and if broutiht to mc near FayeUeviijc, lhall receive a re. ward of twenty dollars, or ten dollars for one of them. . 1 V JOHN DICKSON. Blukert ferry, April 16 " Jtaj7. -THE PRINTER. FRFNCH LANGUAGE. ANY Person willing to learn the. French hju:i'j v. iU be waited on, if rcqucft. 'OuvUIe. HclivcsatDoxlor U by Fr. p'Ot i'Clurc's. I . R T O V 'OF A C A S E, I.ATF.LY Dr.CIOED tN Pavettcvilte Superior court ofLaw WIIKRF.SN THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS ARE ' DISCUSSED AXD SETTLED; t2. I. Wjietmer, If ike cafe a sfali d hflru Jlrument VSattrJieJ ly any SfBSCRIBtSC vjitr.tfi,' the HANDWRITING c tl'i party may be ADMiTTFD in zvidence t II. Whether an aclhn cf 'debt H?s vaniitirumci:t f ' B L A N K S of all kinds for Ut at the . Printing-Olice. t NEWBERN: PRIHTFD EY FRANCOIS XMARTIK. i r - 1 - - - t - - L