bert, Gurnard Glen, : Jjooumi uooancn, .. r - . ' , m r - - it : TF' . T -1 1 O T - . Malbone. iViurrav, Farker: Reed. Rich ards, Sedgwick, itgreaves, jer. Smi.h, inompion, f iratcy, van mien, riui worth, Williams, 53. .. - Thetlerky by mifcount'itg, declared the votcto be 49 and 40 and the Speaker de-: -i-irtM 111 HlO npr ihl.'Pi 'ii.rciifv ir'lll 111 " Found that fifty' voted in the negative, ' fo Mint uiv ..wiii iuuiium ,ta tnu'i ii-u r. 1 -au will.alluLe- fetuarkcd,-that lore o the: firmei oppofers of the 1 reaty vored aga'nft v bad in itfelf, arid hotwithftanding X. exifting circumftances. . , V ' . V . Ablent uporvthis'quelUoni vieurs. 4 the preamble on the. ground ftated by lr.r PahkRh t' fo that if an doubt has edited of thefenfeof the Houfe on the merits of the 'rreaty none can now remain. - Mr. Smith ( C then for" accomnVo. dation fake) moved to infert, ths yortJs, , wi h reference to the Merits of the T rea lty,", "m the reiolution.' - : ." Mr." Git.KS remarked, , that "( the Houfe had force timefmee decided, that they had a right to examine the merits of the Treaty ; 'and that, therefore, the adoption of thefe .words would lead them tocontfadicV them- felves.k. Y - i . ' ' . f ' The motion was withdrawn. ' v , Mr. SwANWick regretted the lofs of the preamble, but declared his intention un - der his prefept impfeirionsihicb were for med on the iroft mature deliberation of vo ; r ting againft the reiolution. ' . ' 0. . y Mr. Holland find a few words ' by way oherbourne and ' Freeman : on leaveX- Wr.Uuvalreiigned. Mr." Patton by illne. 'xSk " Jvlr indlay accidentally . . 'I'Y.- XfO latter inav be fairlv ranM n- -: 1 1 iv. . j -j -- s gainft the 'I SF-; 16 tn eif majority: of ONE m tye reckoned- 5i r the houfe in Favbur of carryii.-S inr efFcft that Inftrument under every ctriuince. ' . ' It was U.mfortunte indeed, thatr Mr. .oLey (hould have en abfent on fo hi tereilini? a nueftion : an .more fo perhaps :ihatJylrllkLEN8RR-lldavfr;h3n.- gcd his mind at fo'cntical a juncture. But . it is the part of candor to be' oen to con. horn Feb. 19, fuppofed in queh of the TVu: Ion fleet, uhich -was faid to be oat. ' ; : - v' : F,0 KvS;k'EV, ' ' HE houfe and lots, nqw occupied , 'b Ty' iliam Shertfrd, the lots may be -had feparatelvr or together; rmn btu int. .bn broad ftreet, neaT the Court4x ouft, ,-md mt l win. 11 wi ' o - COX'Si ' -1 he whole the rit)perty of rsAMary. ,Jfil0rchigJ -- ttt "'X ' SUP -N O R;F O LKr'9 On Monday laft Mr. "Gregjrfub'nittethe followingrefolution to the I ioufc of RepiC- fentative, which was agree to : , Hefolved, nh t a comnurtee be appoint ed on the part of this Houfe, to be joined 1 .. " ' ! l . . 1 1 by a committee 1 to consider and necctrarv-to be 'doiiS during t!ieeprefi ion, and at what time it will be ropfcr-t adiourn the lame.' J - OnTuefday, the 3dinft. the bill njjkijig,, appropriationsjowardsdetrayingtheexpences 1 of carrying into tffea the treaty lately con : eluded betweenvthe United States and . Great L Britain," was read a third time, and the blanks filled up and paffedk The blank for the fum of money to Be ap propriated for carrying the act into effect L p;l- e nt , A- W:.S: ' V- of " ,: N O R.T H-C A R n t, tt 1 ' public r.nd private lrom the eiiduf Tndre t;445 doftars each 1 of recapitulation ' 0.1 v the demerits of the was tilled up with 80,008 dollars that for Treaty, and exr.refied his intention to vote I paymentof enchof the commiifiohers in Lon- ; agaimtir. - - , ,; don, witn 0,007 aouarsanu 50 cents; ana Mr. Wihn difapproved of thevTreaty .1 for "thole retiding in the United States, with wen he-hrft law it ; not'ag that he, had heardf;in.the Houft could " induce , him. to ithange his (Shtiments : he bjheved hisron-' . ftituents oppofed to it, and If.ould ybte"dec: ' dedly againitit. ' l" ' . j , . The yeas arid nays Were as follow, on the refolution for cajTing the Treury into 'ti .feci, ... . .' '. t . .. y e a- s. .; ; . . . jrKr. AmesVTiailey. Bourne, Brad bury, Buck, Chriftie, Coit;Coopf-r, Cri'ib, Dent, A. Toiler, D- Tofter,; Gilbert, Gil- .',;N E;W B-E;R'N, May.'iu .By the ihlp Liberty, Capt. BaiT'arrived nr vv uram' 1011. ivu. . in 21. uav-nuui i.ltartinique, accounts ure received of a Bri Uih wean (hip having, been .taken, by a French tngate of 6 guns near uuadajoupe, they fought near 12 hours and parted to re oair their rifftiine: f commencing-, the 'action aia'.n; the Bntiih vefiel Vxs dilmalleJ; vand I cafried into Bafl'etcr rc. The above infor niation cjnt. Bail received from the captain of l arevenue lloOp belonging to St. Croix, ho toldhim that he law the captured imp car 'rtrd inro. BiHcterre. If this information ards, bedgwic, bit . reaves, J. Smith, N; j Had been fairly lUted to capt. Bad,' it is pre bmith; Uaac Smith, . b. Smith, t W. Smith, 1 f.v.icd that the ' French frigate muft.have owiu, x iiuiLiir r, i nomas, 1 nompion, Tracy, Van Allen, Van Courtlandt, Wadf- worth, Williams,, ci. , ' r N A , Y. S. Mrjpcvrs. Baird, Baldwin Benton, TUv -Statutes w grext-britaiW - "(Lately pubUbed -and to be had, found ftparate " " " vr together',) ' - ' " " a't- , . ' IVX. Martin's, Newbern; H. 'Willi; Edenton ; A. Hodge's, Halifax ; J. RoiVs, ; Tarhorough; William Falkner's, Warreii- , ton U illiam thaw's, Raleigh ; Care and.' , Ray's, 1 lilllborough IVlontford StokevV Sa. -iiftury Irvin's, MorgantOnI; Peter ' Perry's Fayettevdle; and R; Bradley, Wi'U mington; ' ' ' f; ' :' ' T;'.". : ... -tr. V F 6 R' S A E E, r " "" " r A VESSEL of about 1 63 tons, intended for a brig, of the following dimenfions r he feet keel ilfaight rabet, , . v 24., ( ot beams, - ' 10 - in the hold " J ; . . . Built bf thebeft v hite oak, with all the join- . , m work lOipplettly Finiflied,to be delivered at Smith's creek on Tar river, by.thefir day. of Nbvember. - Enquire of - T ; s May 7: - TtfE PRINTER . Grifui'dld, .Grove, Harcoik, Uarpcrj Hart. ; rley, .HendeH'6rirHillhoufe, HindruanKit ; v rthell, Krttera Leonard, S.' Lymm, Mal- boner Muhlenberg, Murray, Retd, Rich- been a 74 cut . . A London paper 'of the 19th March,' re. ceived by the ihip AiTiftancc, brings accounts of the probability of a. War. between.' Spain in .1. . 1 Y L1? 1 n i and JLingiana. it is oeueveuai 1 arisutdL 11 1 .Blount, Brent, Bryan, B irgefs, C&bcl, I an agreed point between France and Spain, " Claiborne, .Clopton, Coles, .-Dearborn, 1 that Spain Ihall break with Great-Britain ; tarle, . lranuin, Gadatui, OuUrpie, Giles, but before this event takes place, Tome ADVERTISEMENT. YK) ILL be fold on the lalt Saturday In Tur V V ly next, at. the lated welling hou'le oif .Lewis 15ryqn, Efq. decealed all the landa bf the fai-J "decealed, fo wit . ' . t His bte 'dwellihc houfe. and ele-en lots in the town of Trenton ; nine hundred a cres of land, exclutive, on a part ot which is- a valuable mill feat whereat there now ftands a grill and faw mill and on a fmalt cxpcjicc, iniyi! ocmaae as valuable a ictot nulls as any in the vicinity; aAlfo willbelblcl I at t& Cirri lim (i nifira nf - hn.l w. 'pom inaii brcan witn vrcasDntain ; 1 kuu mi :fore this event takes place. ' fome be- i .-Swamp in faid county :' alfo one piece of Greenua.. Hanmton. Harrifcn. Hathrrn. .M irrimr.mnti lim m b enmnWd.- land on the fs.orth fide of Trent river! Havens, Hcith, Heiurr, Holland, Jnckfon,. French troops are embarking on board tpanifh ' '?.w,? .nc ?1 tnfe. town of Newbeni, '.LivinMlon. Locker W Lvman. M.itlav. I ii; frr tbp iVrft. Indies, as the moft eligible I rear the .waters ofNcufe-About on fifth . ' " . r ! rJ v ----- 11 Macon, Maddilon. Malcdce. Moore. ISew. I ,nlo nf fonvevinr reinforcements td the il. I I . ' . - . Nicholas, On ace, Parker Prclton, r lana.s t...i r. ii 1 . 1 . 1- uincnora, iiraci rnntii, opng5, Dwan wick. Tatom Varnura, Vcnablc, Winn, 48 . , ; ' ' U was confcqaentlv' carried ; and a rom. tnittcc was appointed to bring in the bills. RECAPITULATION. FbrHcclarin the Treaty highly ob A jeaionuble, ' c ; . ' 4S It is fnggeued alfo at Paris, that the actual dcltination of the Dutc.i flcetwhich haslaijed , from the Texel, is to join the' French fleet in the Mediterranean. The French goverhmet iV occtip'cd in retraining the liccntioufncfs bf the prefs. AU fee the evil andiione evife a remedy. In the council of Five Hundred a decree Agault the declaration, - , 48 naflcd on the 8th March, ordaininz that " no lhc . pe iktar deeded in the negative.- ; A ra3n Should hold a public ofiire, unlcfs he I or declaring the i'rsaty oblecTwnublc, Agalnlt the detlara;.on, f ecafc iheyi id tiotccmA Icrtt objedVii.ible, ' .ethers brcaafe they feared, making. and others because foo?pfed to the lreaty as toubjcct to all compro. -mifc, v''. ' ;' ; ... . ' ' The "pcalcf decided in the ner'ntivd Tcrtarrying into cfTca the Treaty, fome becaufe a good one; others bc t taufc beft tn execute it imder cxift '.Incircumftanccs. ; AgamAcarring it iir r rtfl betaufe" 49 49 5 1 J m .Via n.U r( frt muilft):" Public officers who fl-ould not take that oath in 3 days were tobe tranfrorted. A letter trom iopennagct) 01 xne zin March ftatcs", as report, that theBrit'iih and Rufllan miniltersarc about quitting that city, on account of Mr. GrouveUc's bcnigrecciv, cd m'millcr of the French Republic. ;-; General Jourdan arrived at Bonn, the llth of s cbruiry . , .. - Arduluke Ferdinand. Covcmor of Milan, L (dluvc the iu;iii.und of the army of Italy. GVn. Brau'icuistocoihmtndimderhlm. ; ' . Admiral J ar vis w iU his fquadren left Leg. of thspurclult money, will be expccled on the day of fale, lic other four fifths in dif ferent payments, (that is,) one fifth ni two ytaxs, one fifth in fotlf years, ond fitth in iix years? and one fifth in eight years. 1 he purchafcrs gvng bonu with'apl proved lecbrity, which ihall draw tntercfl: trom the day of lale, an indifput ible title' willrxfrnadeto thepurchafers by the cxei cutors; V ' 1 DURANT IIATCI ExV. f , Jonet County f May 14; T'HE fubferiber informs hi! " cuftcmers, ' , and the public in general, that he has removed, from near the cburt-houfe, and carries on the ' BOOT 3 SI10E.MAK1NG BUSINESS n Craven-Street, oppifite Mr. Byrnj florc j thofe thitpltale to favour him with their cuftom, their demands will be pane uutly and fpeeddy complied withMailers of vcfielt and lea-faring men, may be fup. plied Ai tte Oiortcft notice. FREDERICK CLEMENTS. 'AUyiSr i - t ' V. 1 - r-' -1