Sclcdcd Poetry. COLLECTION ROUND A TEA-TABLE. E'RE the celleftfon does brgin, , j Some one Inviteg her neighbour inL 1; 1. To take viih her a dilh of Tea , .-. Made of the the fined of Bohei And when the Ladies thus have met i hen jult at night the table let, -They gather round With decent care Come you are the Oldeft, you fet there .-VL-iJ - . rrr-i-lr: 3 - ' : ' " ' vii mat i no maiicr ui vuwh, uu, -So af ter compliment are through . ... Some ojie begin I to talk,-- another . Strikei in fame note above the other Next then, the third, fourth, fifth, fo round Each ftrive the other's voice todrowrVd none nop to near vnai omer jay, Wor can they hear themftives, yet thrj , V t I ' a n-friit "lint vi (i rnnp , Together yet all alone. . The hrft tea done, thelvext but half, : .;. . The fail tho' thin k s it time to laugh, And .fo begin!; -T.e he, te he, , ( Another joins it loud as (he, r.. .. Though cannot give a reafon why T better' thu to faugh than cry j . The laugh incrcafes tjll however t " ' One (trains above the, rft- I never, quite difcouraged, 1 don't fee , You tver mean to vifitme, ' v "My hoibind now is gone from home, -So nowI think you ought to come. . YoiJ cues the reft, you ow'd beforc ' " We faw you hfl, two v'fits more, And you oyt me, ''and you owe m, . " , So round tt goes yet none agree. - .v -'And when the Idng depute u pad ' Mothing's Coridu.d'd on at left. .... ... It feeth amazing ftrange to ne, , Thev feel fa well for drinking tea, For it a foreigner Jhou Id come, , He'd think they'd all been drinking rum. ' A little child begins to cry, Whiflt, fays its mother, gives it pye, The reft come flixkirig and are fed With pye, and cake, and gingei bread, ' ' Whilh, lays another, keep away, ' ton't you know bttter Jyou flould.(laf 1 'Till we have done i the child although XDeteimines that he will not go, ' Well, ft'ay here then if you'll be ftill. (The crild wo'nt promife that he will) He fee the cake and layeth hold , .. The rnothei now bejins to fcold, ..' The child don't caie but lets her ten And fe'ueth at a plate of cheefe, Do give metUat I will have fome, The bigeft piece that lies there mom. How feeing he don't mind cominandi,. She feueth him and holds hit handl, ' - And fays, to fmooth the matter o'er, . You never sQed foJoefore, , ' My child's not we'l I certain know, If well he would not afled fa, , . -Then fame Ironical complaint, Aufwers infteai of areflraint. ' Sajs pnej guefs our cows are com, - , . C . i..,. .L. u mull trn kunip. ' And as they gather tound the door They tui.e up louder than before 1 When will you coniel l am afi aid M vilita will not be repaid. - So all invite, and all tt ply, -To viiit foon they mean to try. ' Then flock vff home in ufual form, And the next da) there comes a ftorm. Ten Dollars Reward; RUN-away from the fubftribcr in New. bern, on the lotli May, a mulatto man named J I M, , 'about twenty. five years of agerof a fickly yellow compkOion ; about hye fect five or fix inches high, llra'ight tied hair, fpcaks good Englilh. lie had on when he went away a blue jacket, oznaburg troufen and a new hat, and in his hands a pair of men's fhocs ; it is , probable; he is lurking about New hern, or, rone to WaOiington. W hoe cr will apprc fiend faid llave, or confine him fo that 1 get" him acain, Hall be entitled to the above re ward. . HEUUEN BAIINAKD. N. B. All pcrfons arc forwarncd from harbouring or concealing him, and mallcri of vciTcU irom carrying h'un away, at their cril. ' B. hUy 23. ' . ' :sxe JUST PtjBLTSHtD ' AND FOR." 8 ALp AT THE! PR 1 N T I N G,:0 F F I - - A - ELE SCRIP O C CACO C K ' : and or it T T COASTS, ISLANDSHOALS, AND ANCHORAGES, With thfXOURSP aniTDISTANCES, 'TCTAND F ROM 7fc MosT REMARKA- J UST'P U B L IS II ED, - . . AND FOR SALE AT THE P R. I N TI N G.-OF FI C E, T A B L E For receivin?: and pavinp; Gold at tht nr J Tent ftandard, according to the aft of Corii icuiauug iorign coins, railed the 9th of February, 1 793. r. Calculateri fdFthc ufeof the Bank of the United States. pcITPLACXSr And DIRECTIONS to SAIL bver 'the BAR ana -thryghth CHANNELS - A few copies of the,, above may be had at tlie:Printig-OfKce, and ( of mr. William Johnltojrt price 50 cents.' - - 'Aft-Sly. . , . ' ' ' 1. -: r'-. """ ; ' 1 v' .:, V"'-" . , pive Dollars Reward. STRAYED or ftdleri from theplantation of the fubfcriber oiv the 1 6th April, a dark bay horfe about fourteen hands high, tone white hind foojt, and at the fame time was, ftolen from the plantation of Amos bimmons, almali forrel horfe with cut mam, he has fome fmall white fpots i on.the fide of , his jaw below- the ear ; any perion lecunngtiie 1am horfes fo that I get them again fliall receive the above reward. ' ; '-!t nrr: . . NtfEDHAM SIMMONS, Jones county, May 14. : , . : RUN-away from the lubfcriber on the , 1 2th of March laft, two Haves, one a mulatto fellov named 4 i . ., ..... j - FOR SALE AT TUB PRINTING-OFFICE, a ftw conn or -rut - LAST ACTS Of ASSLMDLT. AjiH : . AT TUP PR I N TING- O FOR SALE, F F J C E, ' 'AJnull CMtoh of ' - r .. B Q O K S, Amwg which are, rHE pemotratiad, a1 poem, 'I he Democrat, -or intrigues and ad ' ventures of Jean Lenoir, Wonderful ftory teller, ' Vindication of Mr.. Randolph, about twenty five years of age, he is --flout and well built, has a remarkable laro-e foot. and a fmall piece oiTone of his ears, the o. ther a lad named M ARCH:' of about 1 3 years of age, lie is alfo flout and .weir, built, his left hand was burnt when ' an infant, and has but his firft linger and thumbs the fellow Jim was hired l3l' fum mer to Mr. David Murdock near New bern, it is probable he may be lurkinrr fome Dlace about Ne bern and the m other lad with him whoever will apprehend faid flaves and fe- -cure them", in any j ail: in this flaVe Hiall have " ' hve dollars reward for each, and if- brought " ' to me near Favetrprillp. flinll ward pt twenty dollars, or ten dollars for one ' ot them'. ' . 1 ' , s' JOHN DICKSON. ; Blocker's ferry, April 16. THE NOTED HORSE, : H T? D A T T JL JLi XV l HY TS now inhip-h order, and willftandat the X ftable of the fubferibers at Haw landins;, in Glafgow county, in order to cover mares At ten rtalVirc fVi !piCrn ' nitriKlo firt rP .-v--wt.- v uvuiiw. wu- January next ; or eight dollars if paid in the icrvauon on uo. . .... -.- - courfe of tbr feafori ;. five . dollars the leap, Jt'tv kiiVHM VII 111V tllli 1 UlVJtVJ Ji. V Will ment,' by Thomas Payne, " . Walhington's epiilles, domellic, confidential . anu omciai, Baron Steuben's military guide Fccderal ready reckbner, ! Ghoftfeer, Entertaining novelift, riiibryof South America, Clerk's magazine. United States of America, 7 t a i ( 1 North-Carolina Dillritt, I In alty. ; I Af HERE AS George Ellis and Jame VV M'Kinlay, have'' exhibited their libel before the Honorable John Sitgr&vcs, Efq. Diitritt JutIp,eof the United States, for the thllrut aiorciaid. againlt the Hoop ChrilUna, her fail, rigging, tackle, apparel, boats and furniture,' praying that iUe mlr ht be con demned and fold to fatisfy the faid Gcorce El lis and James M'Kihlay the fum of fnen h'un. drcd and fifty dollars to thepay tnent of which flic is liable, agreeably to a bottomry bond, executed by Abncr H.haway, maltrr of faid vcflcl, to the faid George Ellis and James M'Kinlay: . t Notice is hereby given to all wliorh it'may concern, to be and appear before the Honor-' ;ablc John Sitgrcavcs, Efq. dillrift fudge of the dillrict aforcfaid, at the Court.l Joule in the city of Raleigh on the fourth day of June cxt,' then and there to lliew caufe, if any there licvhy the prayer of the faid libellants ought not to be rrantcd, and the fiid loop Chriltma, her fails, rigging, tackle, apparel, boati and furniture condemned accordingly. . Witncfs ABNER NEALE, CJrk of the Dlflrift Court of the United States in the faid diftricr, at NcbcTn, the fifth day -of May 1796, and in the XXth year of the Indc. pendente of the faid flatcs. 1 , A. NEALE, Ok. and twenty dollars to infure. Corn or pork will he received in payment thereof, if deli vered in January next. ' j " ' - v f jThe feafon will begin the- loth of March, and end the 10th of Auguft; , When mares are brought for the leap, the money will be expected with them; otherwife the charge will be made for the feafon. " , Hyde Ali is a' beautiful dark bay, up. wards of r r hands high. He. was got byold Mark Anuiuhy ; his dam by the imported horfe Bajazet, his grandam by Crawford. ' Good pafturace lor mares rratis. and the 1 fcj O ' greatefl care taken of them ; but the fub icribers will not be anlvverable for accidents or cfcapes of any kind. - , HOLUDAY & CARR. N. B. Haifa dollar tobe paid to the Gtoom, at Lie liable door. . Glafgvw county, Feb. 24, 1796. ' BL AN K S of all kindi for fale at the Frinting-OlHce. . J U S T. P u BLI S II AND FOR SALE ' AT THE PRINTING-OFFICE,. (NEWBERN,) R EE o C . i. A. I R T O F; A s ; LATTLY decided in Faycttcvillc bupcrior court of Law; s WHEXPlN THE FOLLOWING QUfcSTlOKS ARE DISCUHEP AKI) SLTTUDj fr. . ' I. Whether, in the cafe a sealed Uflru. Jlrumcnt, vaattrjled by any iUkScxisiNC wirtry, tie HANDWHI.T1NC tf the ,f city MAY 1C .ADMITTED In cvidcfiCl? II. Whether an alkn of dect lies ufm --nucMtfrt injlrurtunl . . ; ,r N EWB E R N 1. , PRINTED CY FRANCOIS X. MARTIN.

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