r i .jTHIS DAY IS PUBLISHED 4 'A " '.---' And for Lk At die :. s -s' TRiNTING-OFFICE, (Scwhern ; TREATISE jthe J U RISPICTION Mr. BURKE's li uer. ON J U S T ICES J6f the PEACE; - : ci v i l 1 N S U I. T S j : CCOX-DING TO TlH L A W S OF , the STATE-or ' . . W-0R-T-&C. A RO'L I N.J. . ' ..'f or ?a l e, . fTpHE houfe and lots, now occupied by I 'Mr. -William Shcpard; the lots , ay he had feparately or together. Alio one lot, on broad 'ftryct, near the Court-Moufe.. ?r.d or.e houfe and lot, adjoining Mr 'l homas 'Cox's. " The whole the property of Mrs-. Mary Edwards." . - NAT HAIT bMITli. ,- i . " 4 Jllurch'ig. " 7 1 . " N t L S S U P P L i M i TO THE A W 9F N O R T IKC A R O L I N A, Containing all the Afts of Xficrr.blv, - both puDiic ana private trom the end of Judge Iredell's'Revifal to February 170c. P K I V A T A CT S, jomitte d in s a id k u.vi s al, . ' ,' and the :: '. STATUTES of GKE T-ERITAIN, . (Lately fublijhcd and to be bad, bound ferrate, . , or together,) t ' - - at F. X. Martin, Newbern H. Wills V Edcnton ; A. Hodge's, Halifax; J. RoU's, Tarborougb; William Fdkner's,: Wisrnn ton ; W illjara - haw's, Raleigh j Care and Ray's, llilriboVouah ; Mor.tford htokee', Sa lifimry ; - Irvm's, Nornamon ; Peter Perry's, Fayeuevilie, and iC Bradley, Wil. BUUglOU. FOR S A L j, at-.mth's creek 1 t WE hallen to gratify our readers ,vith an extrad from - a pamphlet, of which, when we have faid that it comes from the .P5,n-ef PdmpndrBjiyUe',.Y,'ehayc.laid. every. dung that is commendatory, . every thing that can- incrcafe- the-, pufilie anxiety, and . command t:.c publk1 admiration. ' ' ' , " LoNausfPArER.. " Mv Lord; " T COULD hardly flatter wyfelf With ' . i'thc hc.pe that ic very early.in ' the,fea- 'fon, I ihould liavetQ acknowledge pbl;j;an ons to the Duke of Bedford and to the Earl of Lr.udercale. Theie noble perions have loll no - time inconferrh' upon i$G that fort of honour which is alone whbinHheirjconV- pcTcr.ce, ana men it is certainly molt coiu j'.e.tuu 10 uicit naiure anatneiv njanners to beftow. " , , . "To be ill fpoken of,' in wlwtfver lan-, guage they fpeak, by the zealot's the new feci in " phdoibphy and politics, I of which thefe noble perions think io'charitj-ble, and of which otl ers think-o juftly, tbme is no matter of ujiealinef or lurprife. jTo hav6 incurred the difpleafure of the Duie of. Or leans or the Duke of Bc'dfrrd ; to fall under ' the cenfure of citizen I riffot, ir of-his. friend the Earl of Lauderdale ; ought to! conlider as proofs, '.not. the.lei.il futisiactory, ' that r have produced fome part 'of tKe effedt boured hard to earri what the rioble lords are, generous enough to pay. , Perioral of ', fence I have given none. . .The part tliey take againft me is from zeal to the cauie I it is well Pit is perfectly well ! I huve to do homige to their Jufiice." ' I ;have tp; thank the Bcdfurds fend the' Laudcrdalcs' fo'f; hav ing lb faithfuity andlo'fully -acquitted tow ards me whatever arrcar. of debt was left undischarged by the Priellley's and the Paines. , r .. ' Some perhaps may think them execu : .tors 'n their own wrong ; I at lead have i'orhin;r o cwrplain of. They have gone bej oivd the deands of juU.cc. Thev imve bet.) (a little perhaps beod tht'.r intenti on) favorable to me. Thry ha r. been ihe .means of bringing out, by ih- r inveclives, the handfome things which Lord Grcnv i has had the good,. eisaad c6;idefcc-nfio:i to i.y in my be. alt. Itcurcd as 1 a:n from the world and fromlll ifs a&irs and ail its plea lirresj I confeis it does kiddie in my nearly cHtmguilJad feelings, a vWv.v d Uibtadtl .,a to be lb attacked and to cMimitrtdcd. It is ioothh.gto my wounded mind, to be'eom ' mended by, an able, vigorous, and v. ell in. formed tEatelhiaii. and at tht when he Itands forth w ith a mauliiufs and AJffiSSELof about 1 63 tons, intended for a tri, of the follow ing U'unentions i . 60 feet keel Itraight rabet, 24 of beams, . 10 in the. hold, ' Eu'Jtof the bei.whitec:.kv with nil the join- - - -wi .. v,i ii,ii iiiiiiiau, itj i tr iif:ivfi.i t iui 111 Mini :i iiiinnni'ic f,- . . J 1 r. . 1 1 -. . . .1 . . on 1 ar river. bvthi riK ? rciomuon, wortny ot -.mi df mhI f hi j i , - ' 1 1 m L-iKju.ic ci i i. n.v. pit in, moii 01 tnc penon TUr trrMi 1 itfl dki'A .. C ucn 1 was "cntireiv-Giir r.r v.i.g, or of hurting any itatefn.cn, 01 t.'y party, when the minilters fo genciouli d fo nobly carried into cfFeft the ipcrt;tus bounty of the crowiv Lotn dticri,.: cVs " have afted as became thtni. W hen cl Id no longer iervethem, the mmj(lers hr. t , o 1. -fidered my htuation. When I cou a i;o o. fr. " erhurtthein, the revolut;onifts have ttam pled on my infirmity. My gratitude ; I truit, is equJl to-the' manner in union ihe l,LTdit' . was conferred. It came to :ne Incuc ' atipie or life, and in a ilate cf minriVw. to dy, in vHchnocircuiuiaiice ot iorf-; : can alibrd me anv real nlf-;ni.rn. k . .. ' . j no iuuI: m ihe roal do- or, or 'v his n.if. I tcrs, whowcrt i,lcmld. .-. ' .,;.': ,1 he ti.erut, of an-invalid U r Jalft'cr V. , 'i tb r.iu.:.ge tli- ioncwsofJucfohte oi l';n;V' "it v.uild.liLou.etoboilloathC. It v.ouid bo.;ie 'i.e., im tapu.j u oi; t prcciate the value oi a Io:ig frf i.ut v hh unescaiy ltd toil in the fervice of ,r a-n;v' tr ,.ie the lota) bc;dy of m It 1 icct on auonnt cf thcJucUry wli:H was inewn 'm tnc:u, and the fa'.rncls of my identic ."s, have obtamtrf the acceptance of my fo.crcioi,, it Mvould beabiuru in me to arrange ir.y .t'foDi the tide of the Duke of Eed-'ord and the Ccr refpondmg Soc'eiyor r.far as in me lies, i0. permit a ddpUtc on the rate at hVu Hit au. ' thontv annointed 1 r,f . .a ' - 1 kuiiiuii'.uoij 10 en;,. mate iuch" things, KaV been pleul,:a ic fe't: them. . it 1 r. vt 1 . - . ooic noeis ought to be pafied b V fi. ence and contempt. By me they have Uen to always. 1 knew, that as longas-1 rcm.-n- ed in public, I ihould lie Wl e calumnies ot malice, and the judgments of igr-orance. If I happened to be now and chen h. the wrong, aswnoisnct, like all o'hcrinet,! mutt bear the confequence of my faults and mymiOakes. 1 he libels of the prcient . w, are jufl of tlje fame fluff as the libels of theV patt. Bui they derive an' .mponamc tyc,:x the rank of the perfons they come fror , . d the gravuy cf the place where thev w rr u -tereu. In iouie way or cmcr, i on, t xo tketome notice of then. i'0 a''ert r 'e'f thu-traduced, h not vky or irroct. " :t . is a demand ot lutbce . ,r ;c ... olgrautudc. if I aiu uilwonfty, th, 1 u., are wurfc than prodigal. M)n th-t bf. i;y l "itcuyi.gr ec wuJi.theuuk of LJf'dr-vliat3 vcr I have been ( l an r nov no more. 1 mn t-.;;.ti.- . cught to be udow ca a teaibnabie fi etdom', k. cauie I itJv on nw j,.r...-.., . . . pm ougu; loplvad jt, iron?. Even in the utuiou lutndc ot utfentivc liberty 1 -v lh to pale. Ve aui pouibic acoruni. Whitcvrit may bi lu tnc ty 0i Uicfe irnlJ .f. Jay of rComsibcr; Eiku rCy 7 THE PRINTER. .jrriHE fubicVibcr informs his cunomcrs, a.d thejAiblic in general, that he has tarris 0:1 the ' . JiOOT 6 SH0E.UJKXC BUSINESS fh,V , " ' ""'.r'lc to favour Mm ui.h h hlly i ami iWcd.lv tompIC( wi(h.M"s IVel6n Md te.&r.i8mrn, may be fiS plwJ 011 the (Imrtcft notice. P KHEDEIUCK CLE.MKNTS. " f OR SALE w t AT 7 11C PRINTING. OFFICE, r c.t,r connor Tin and government of cur fovcreiirn, arid uici uu lur me lccur.ty ot the laws, the li berties, the morals 1 nd the lives of hispeo pie. lb be in any fair way connected with tuch things, is indeed a diitWlion No philolophy can make n:c ,bove it j no . me. lancholy can deprclsmclojlowr,' as to make mew holly infcnfible to fuch an honour." lludmgtohispcnfion, iMr, Burke pro cccds thus 1 11 In one thing I cariextufe the Duke ot Bedford for his attack upon me, and , my mortuary penlion. I le cannot really com'-' prebend he tranfaclion. he condemiti. . What I have obtained was the fruit of no bargain ; ilic produaionof no intrigue $ the rcfult of r.o tomprom.fc uhe elffaofnofo. huuuon. I he tint fuggcttion of It never came from me, mediately or immediately, to 111 n.ajclly, or any of his mimfteri. It was long known, that the inllant my engage xnaiti would permit it, and before the hea. Vielt of all Calaftiiltrs ti ,,1 t.. I " iiuu iuiiili .uiiu(,iii;iC(l me ttiobfturity and forrow; I had rdoUcd oa a ttul retreat, I had executed thatde- themicivcs, to me, thdr inurtbn ills tor .the oil profound rcpccU If I should hsn pcu to trcipats a liulehitkl trlt4 iuk IM, let U abays upp0fcd thit , con(Jm iion ot uura ers may pruiuce iniaw, that m Uicinaleititrades of the, grand carnival of our age, h.mUtal adv entures l,:Tpni odd hir.g, are uid and , afs of. If 1 ..hduld U m a tingle po,nt in the high refp,c I owe to ttioie dluiincus perfons 1 cannot be fop. poltd to mean the Duke of Bedibrd and the ri ot Uuderdalc oi the Ho feof Peers, but the Duke cf Bedfordand the Earl of Lau! derd-le, ot PaUe-yard ;1 he Dole, and tlris i Brentford. U hey arr on the p.n c me.u; there frem to con,e nc,rer to iny humble level , and virtti,nv at left to a;fcdl,rhpnvilcrr; ' WfiiMirrotritaiioii.ircfufcallre- voluton.ry tru4als, where r?-n have teen put to death for no other rc.fou, than that they had obtained favours fmm the ainiotthcktteT, butthefpu r t)flhec dEngli!Ulaw, tlut h, tob-tri. ed bymyp I decline his Grace ! rf. d.fd,eticn as a judge. I duller. thr i .ko tr 7 ''I" aMjursrtt paUupwa the valve

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