I . 4 i I ii HENRY PERIlOiJD, ; V T y "-i Ordpnuarcr of theCotony ,v i;" .'Li To the United States, commercial towns, -the Merchants and Captains of the Conti-; -C neat of America, and the Danifli Wands. -. ; Capff the , , ' - Germinal f four th yedr V."' " Citizens, and Friends, ; . LTh- accounts of thjrgreat events that have juit aken plggaVSt, r.Dorango wilh un 7 doaoredly have reached ybu 1 wltlT ipeed. Wicked and corrupt people cannot-have fail-" ed rorcreient you thehnattcr under the co lours which their rr. dice and, attrocity never ceafes to makfVolThey wdl even have bipired you. with d.itruftjn. prder toreiir - your av;r,iutciai opCT;t:onii wit';1 us, and re- dujecjdt4MQ the for' a 2r itiye or AvJMt,iput of whicn we had already emerged i by yb ;r aid. Sut : ' y x . J. Citizens lukiFfcn'dsi v.':K:': i We Huien i: pre-t-.iage a fenfible and ; generous people' agaunitae 't:lecxVjqf envy .'"and-caluraay,-.; codeitroy-b riiiithi truths tiie iatal imajie lioriwnicnio many aceu nu- tee, as far as lays in our power to promife are expreflVd and you ought to rely thereonii The wiih of the whole republican, army : difpetfed in dHerenVqUartert, .the content of all the municipalities, the union of all the . .brave generals and commanderjjgjwtlil 13iHrtr ops haveT)roke pur chains in lhort -all the legal .authorities, demand earhenly the fcturirof good ord'e'rT TubrailGitqrthe ; laws', refpefrto the chiefs and. protection tar the commerce oGcutral nations ' 'L Health and prosperity, . . . -? - ;L Stephen Lav faux, PET E RSB UR.Gj Wayicl - The Tearcity of bf ea'd in the upper part of thee; untry h. truly alarming; .;Many: fam- . llies are nearly or quite deititiite. Thofe who are 1 upplied experience cor.tinual iears : on account of the iituatidn of their neighbours . whole wants have bceivib pr eliinas tp com- pel fee ot them to coniiuir ucts pf dilhone, fty. It isiaidLileVtral perfpns unable-to ;withr" itand the pathetic iolicitationsof their tender Kingdon for Norfolk, taken by Henryi . rA rAjJ 'A...... k : 41 Uk Ul 1 I V tU ".. . ; r 7;- Brig Erikine, Qutler, from St'. John's, V . i. r. lor J arnica. -r. . 1 Ship Barzillai of London, froiii fouth 3 to wen ena,.ao. , , - 1 Brjg --Fowe.ror do. ; J .T3 4 . lated . horrors might provoke agauut the dear- I children for bread, had l'o ght an afylumk - eft intercut you have in B if ) daiVn gq -; V J vv115c a c once extin guiihed their 1 brrowsuiicl ' H'flevnbt ihe -impure, breath of all vices col- ; their exigence. Corn is, in the upper parts ' lectedunder " the iuape ot' proHence, atfr cc j of the country as h!gh as ten dollars per bar- . your tranquility ; repelfar fro:n ybu- crfc ana laileiiaou ; let your connaence m tne Hspubiic We ur.derftand that the Senate of the U- ifikTbminff'J BFunboundrd. ' 1 iraiice. W4r pais a vote of thanks to you, r and the cultivators of the colony will redou- . ; bk their ihduftry in order to di fcharee what ; they o.ve. you.' - Horrible outrages have indeed beun avn- tiiitted vUfraiod the. iie.rcientatives of the ' Ft each nation. . The hrit , uthori ies of St.; ; I)diiringb'pthe" only perfa is'entruited7 withTT the powers of French peopre to govern the colony have been torn tram the helm of go ' vtriV.neni:, 'd. agged, abufed, ill-treated aad thpown into du.jeons like real criminals, and the virtuous men who Were attached to them m cor.fequence of their functions lhared the fame fate. . , ... : : ; Aorde oftaV.otrfpeople and intriguers, ungrutciul iuen loaded with crimes have dona alt uiws horrid aits, althoagn France heapedup bcnclits upon them. "A horrible prpicn;.;tion extending to a 1 the wh te r, eoj.le as already pronounced in. all the quarters of theco'ony, a:id it de (IrU'.V.oii wa&boucto beeifcwted, when on afuaden, the trui people, the real friends ' of order, a.'id .icral liberty, . the fxtnful fubjfvts of t'.K 1' re..:h renuiihc, rofe up in a m. is a.;d ildtd n its birth, the d.faitrous. noniicr ; An .rchy a id rebellion.' i ne tru; re; ublicaus, the African culti- . . vators ei'-. itru.k'with the horror of tlut ' e '."nge and Indexed to join in a mafs," ,n -' Lar :is, in ord-r ko take oif our fetters, wun- ' out Icavi to the ambit ous criminab nore ,; ti:;ic ilun taiy wju;cd to eleape the arm of vcs'eaiuc . The v i.olc- plain of NcrthStr Domingo' , "vasalre';.d revivirtc: from its allies, anu a nited States, have rejeded thbill for j'oniiin'g the South W ciiern Territory into a new llate : L;L., , : . :. . ' , , , v . H A L I F A X, 'l)by iV ' . Tfo-ffihwrtg;refoltdtMpajp;dintbe Houfe of ny or 13. . . . : ' ; Rcfolved, That by the authenticated documents accompanying the menage frbtii' - the.Prelident of the United States to i-this. houfc, on the 8 th day of the prefen: raonth4 ar.u by the ordinance ' or Congrels" bearing datethe 13th of July- 17S;, and by theflaw of the United'States palled the 29th of May , 1 790V t 'appears, that the citizens of that: part of the united tates hichh'as been cal-; led the, territory of the United States ibuth of the river Ohio, and which is now form of government, by the mmeof enr.eflee, are entitled to all the rights and privileges to vhich the citizens of other itatesinthe Uni on, arc entitled under the conihtutioa of the United states,, and that the date ot Fennel. Ice, is her-by declared to" be one of the teen United - tates of America." 1 he following ait have been approved and iigned by the Prefident : v An adtruthorLinga loan for the city of; Waihinoton J An act of ma: hg further provifion relative to aievencc Cutters . -' An act OecLrif g confent to an xCt of the'" ihteo; 1 'i.rylind, appouuir.g aa health of. :ictr ut Bulutnorc Ar.d the ;cveral acts for carrying, the Trea. tics with ipain, Great.liritain, Algiers, tnd . I)IIpORTH.CAHOLINA:- . L fype s Office; Atay i ; L L A N Office of Infpection will be open in -Aeach county of the 'diftrict of ' Korth June, jiWaere o.wners or poileflorsof itillsare rfequired to jiiaketheir. entires' Jancl electioiis The Jaws demand high fines and penalties for-- ?, ref ufal or neglecl: of eiitry of ihjls, and for .' diuilling, .wkhoUt firft . making an election " . and infractors of every defc iptibit mav reft allured of having the laws executed in their rulleft : latitiide . t is further notified tcT L i'uchdiftillers who intend o pay the duty on the quantity of ipirits diililled, that they r,:: fi . pjiilvitymuktfaih eUcthn'at thbne 'oj-ury iiie- momu cy juue, Qtiierwiie they vilt be !cl able i-with the yearly cliity the rate of; 54 -cents for every gallon of the capacity , of their Itills.. . T he lame is applicable to thole . ; v ho intend to vork their itilis by the month- , 'it is ; contrary : to law,' "to grant a licence for a4 " ny fractional part of a month : "diftillers wilt take notice tiicreofand regulate their eledions r--accordingly;- as the collecting officers have re ceived initi ations on that head, " . WILL. POLK, Supervifor of the Revenue, N. Bi The printers in this ftate are requefted to -. give the above a place in this papers for twb weeks." '. 1' ALL perlbns indebted to the fubferber are delired to make payment to i; X : Martin, Efqi in whofe hands their refnevtive nbtes and accounts are and who is lnitruc ted to put the fame in iuit indifcrim'.nately, ' Unleis early attention is paid" to this requeit. ' . ' DJ P. WHITING. -: May 2 .8.' - , . v m'r-i mm 1 m NohtilCarolia. , . , Treasury -Cffce'y May il A LL purcbafersofLotsin the city 0: ll'a Jt e'n.hjwho fe ltill in arrear to the ftate; are hci cby informed, that their bonds and e- t theni will be put in fuit o-i the 20 r 1 very ot tK, . 1 . . 1 1 ...... . great "p.irt o: tne i -.o.tattons reouut u ucr tne us&aa iribcs intociiect.' ot trey 1 J, bjgan to regain their fjraier.Lu-. j ' . ... tu!. 1 he tVeemcii whocu'.falcdthc Joil . . v enjoyed ai pette the v. u.ts ut their Uku,-, 1. . N E W.15 U K N, Play 28. and uoday p..lftd but tlw' lifted up then j . -hands to Uavtn, and reval ued thanks tcuhe ' Veffch lately cturcd by the French4 Crui Al.ni ht tor the iucred r":'u wh.th Francs I l'crs and currcd mto the port ot 'it. Jago lu's reilorrJ to tnc.u. ' . 'i'u; fc v r' :nen fo gentle end peaceable at their rei, .uive h?scs bcc-tiic fUnuur, when they heard of our being arrcilcd. All in a nafsaiid led on by v'rta hi, and intrepid thicfb, they lu ianowcJ i!;c town of the Cape to redcrc thf-r. in the-iUpreicntativcs of the French ar.d their father; die that town wou J rgambe rnluicd U'alhcs, and t!jfe concerned in arreting us, ihould be pin to the fword. The intrepid Foufiaint Louvcrturc, this 'man witiiout his equal, to whoip ,t. Do jTinf,o and its ctxiltitutcd authorities owe thrir lafcty, haj juit been made an alTillant in Government al operations undc the title of Lieut, tibvemor.' . ' Wc urc thrrc reprcfentatives heads, formi three ilrongcolumni, wlicreonyou may with fafcty cdahllffrthc cdntinuancc of your Cttnmcrcc. Here all Xhc meant of guaran de Cuba.' Brig Sally, Uradiord, from a.e port to ar.o ilicron the i.oirtli fide Januiu. , - BrigBctlcy,VV. P. Short, from Xew-Ycrk lor Jamaica.' SloopbaUy, Edward EailonoFIlhodcIfland, from Savannah in Georgia lor Jamaica, taken by the cutter Right of Mali, coul. , raanded bVAufHiftus L)ve.' Schooner FrctiK-rt, W. Potc, from Bollon for Jamaica, taken by Love , . . - Schooner Hcd:ei. from New-York fcr Hondurai, taken by Moulina,' carried from St. Jaro to Gonaivcs. Brii SixBrothcrtoJ Salem, J.Wateri, froni Cpc NUhola Mole for Jamaica, taken bV; ivc. : . ' - - : Briff W ilium and Eliia, of Scarborough, Donald, from Kingfton for Havan nah, taken by Henry-not arrived. Schooner Citlicacf Nwrfolk. tea cby$froai'- . 'day of June next?inlcfs .they arc paid jif and taken, tip before that day - JOHN HAYWOOD, P. Trea'r. .... r .. , - mmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmm0WmmmmmmwmMmmmmmmmmmm TINOTm H6ii:; HYDER A LI IS now in high' order, and willftandat the (table of the fubferibers at Haw landing, in GlafguNv county, in order to cover mares at ten dollars the lcalon, payable tne nrlt ot January next ; or eight dollars if paid in the courie 01 tne icaion nvc oonars iuc icap, and twenty dollars to infurc. Corn or pork will be received in payment thereof, if deli- vcred iu'January.ncxt. , ViH'.fc ...".ill U and cud the 10th of Auuft." When marcs' afc lrought for1 tlic leap, the monry w"dlbe cxj)ecled with them, oihcrwife the charge will be made for the leaion. , ... JIvdiii Ali is a beautiful dark bay, up wards of 15 hands hiMi. ? He w as otbyold Mark.Ahthony ; his dam by the, imported' hdrlc llajaict, lus grandim by Crawford. Good palVorage lor marcs gratb," and the greatclt care taken of thchi ; but the Tub- kribcra'will not be anfwcrablc for accidentt'. or efcapes of any kind.' K. B. Half a dollar to be paid to the Gtoom, at the liable door. ; Gtajgivj county; Feb 14$ 1 79p .BTA K K S' of' all Und? for fale atthcT Pr-nting-OCicc. 5; ' i v

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