x X if I) ' 5 t! , - I 7,;. Hi t, . t . ' 1 ' ! V. . i ' I L r f ( 7 b- Seledcd Poetry. ,neu Populus frequent T Aturtna cejfantes ad a'rma . : ;.' Concitet, lmper'iumfrangat IN sr.nent days the poejt long, z: Wi'.h carro's, entertaii'd ihr throng- -Which fhws,' th.it in thife pious days, Vutue was tnought to merit piaife.- Thus taught by poet and by prieft, TVy prais'd the man they lik'cflhe befl. Thefc bLfleddays of reiormatiun,. v , Thi' eV?' Were known intunes of old, ' - ' la tbot ehtt ir.?rrefreech'1r-ert - Thele ft it; 'reis now adore i 4V fruMVdi.y "Who neartit hUms 'c'ia fervethtir cnu."- Bnir.fuHof patriotic grace, "hi h h:iiks ha s faitcd to a place, v , F'i bali gihft adniiiiifhatioh , V ArJ 'Mt'g ut f r relVmtiatioit t' 1 n it .;,id wh. jult ar.iv'd horn college - Ajih pi lines mipt ove their knowledge ; Latin tijey lay ;.li- e, arid Gieek, i Oi. pub;it tpie jeain ib I'H-ak j FoieiflhiKit yk'x'tt, by ufurpation,. ': W ri tyiunnife o'cr ali the naiion i 1 :itrulty word term'd independent, Pit nc unc'ti 'victf eft phafu tramcendent, With all th$ modern cnt a-d vvhi.ej Or freedom cldim'i by right, divine Inrtit all men ike th -u'd be Intitled to fqUdiii y i . . . . AnJ jnouff v tiond how much theykiiOW, " Ot m ittt rs, wi;ich we, all aiiOtv i s Eta me molt Vnc guJ and pn ud, . 'C iaiV l.ltn'd ty by ey'ry crTiud: Tsfole fittbi"snds of a peacefvl' nation, v'l'tie i jurce cf dire aboiiiinatiut ,. . Tint ain, dii'njy aod rti'u u pother, About ore novthy or oihrii ; . ' At all limes ready to oppplj y . , Their countiy'g fritnda, as well aj foeirs J! Declare themfelyes are fully able, In'Ser.ate, or at Council rab!rf To waid off the unpenning Itonn, -And bf.i g dbout a grand i;etorm, CASCA, i he bully if theltare, "VV'nc l.i (he s all tin good and great Hi noiiois politic, ?i? lent . Frcj'i r,r.ii'. with hypocondra tent, ; 7 ADVXRT1SEMEN1V ; ' WILL be fold onthctaft Saturday in Ju lyjiext, at the late dweUinj houfe of Lewis Bryan, Efq. dcc;aled, all the bnds of the faid depeafed, to yitt .' ' - Hislate dweUlng ryiuiend" elevefi- lots in trijrrtvn rF rrpntnn nine-hundred a 'i-k" W Tive Dollars Rrvvard, STRAYED crftolen fronjKe plantat' ofjhe fubferiber on the . 1 6th April, a; dark bay horfe about fourteen hands high, . one w hite hmd foo, and at the fame time vas- 4XrJe Cvro t Via Tslor tntrn rvf &trftcf.immhns. " Will V A f LA V V -'lV'"F I ' V'h:frii in iu' ks un, nut a faonefij , -Ali't-' l t toliyi or to nwrlitef ; -lYvfowndly w k Iroiii Jim ot .earr;nj, Y.u cannot ll.ent bis quick diicernHg'b . Th Calca, lamous foi J;s v :ui ig, A ffUr.-gei ing bhde, fo ketn ad hu(,iy, ' ; Afleit, out mini cunning knavery, V ui qui' k!y plunge us into flvtry A'0" t'f ' Pal ri'otic 'imes, A-u'd with in jft ncfaiioa citmei. Hi tl uieiice, denvd from mics, ". Y'-u-J ttr.nk 4ie drawn from Attic fchow1$ His hr.tii lb full of feat ' and fictions, W uh ttrangc aoule and tontr -d clioni, Sokun'd, pt'dartice, and fo loud, . He quite conlound the gapinjj ciomJ, ' W hicn makes his seal i rinctU bum. That all his thought to vilio if turn, . Jr.d puts nun in u gieu a uuy, . ,s, He t 'he part ot jue?ger.vl jury.-- . . Atiltwcrats, cmpvt deceive him, He reprobates who tWt belii him, . Tins fubtie math'uvelianbiaJe $urc, aJercauon makes his dade ' 7 Aiiketo hirr, thelainu orfuuier, . Wbcfe loe will lurnifh out a dii nrr And likj the Monk immurM in duller, Vour pence mull hiie his Pater N.iUt i Thus makirg profit of the toil ' Of othcis, his ptrpetu! fpoil. But while he wriivs with luch efulf-nc ' And fctsctts himlclt by th Uvs iiiuuifc.acf Yef, what he fays, tke r'.d !le i it, lMsy be expounded in mi nuV j For tho his language fool btwitches, Like Ignis.Fatuui lpru g Ifwm iitclwij His folerr.n peiiodi UrneJ CAnt, DtftMfrom patru I u t, Fr Vf none can iio.e iucii. us be, Or claim more d.fertnce than he ' 'And that Uti c"iilcitnce can di'tft "Each vice, but t'ni he likes tl.e bc(l. Endu'd wi'Jh toch fncious reafon, Hit vny Kwfccan imelt a r ai'on. By him. the very Ufl Ke6eieflr, Is repieAr-ted asa i)nnt, ' Tho' quit unworthy to onloofe, 1 he very latchet ol hs (he. Jray Cafca, b henceforward quiet, Korlsy afututefchemefor liitj Let thole who reprtfent us tu!c, Hot mut attempt tu pljy the o!. HemeinUr when you Uretch your luagi, 1 hit a.Uour neighbors too have toojuei One flindct W: 1 ten ihoufind jet, The wotid wiiniot'teft pystht debt. ' O V O E 8. BLANKS of all Vind? for Tale atths Prbtmg.QlHcc . 28. cresof land, excluuve; orta paft of which is a valuable mill feat, whereat there -now (lands a grill and faw mill ; and on a fraall exnenccf, miht be made as valuable a fst of mills as any in the vicinity. Alto will be lout at the fame time, a piece of land on Vine Swamp in faid county : a'fo one piece of land on the North fide of A Trent-river : TTErwtf!Me near the ivaters of Neufe.. About one fifth ot the pdrthaleiqpey , will be cxpeded on the da of fale, the other four fifths , in dif ferent payments, (that is,) one fifth in two years, one filth in fjur 'years', one fifth in fix years,' and one Jfth in eight years. .' - T he "purihfers giving bonds, with ap proved fecurity, which, ihall draw iritereft from tne Jay of fale, an indifputnble title will be made to the pur chafers by the executors. ' PURANT HATCH, ExV. Jones r -County, May 14. Ten Dollnrs Reward.4 RUN-away from the fubferiber in New. born, on the 1 oth May , a mulatto man riamcd . . . . ' v . J 1 about -twenty five years of sgr, of 'a fickly yellow, coipieftion ; about live "&etfive or fix inches high, ilraight tied ha?r, fpcaks-good Engliih. 1 lie had on when he went away a blue jacket, omaburg troufers and a newlnt, and ui his handrn pair of men's lhoes ".lt is probable he is lurking about Jcwbern, or gone to Washington. Whoever will appre hend faid flave, or confine him fothat I get him no-ain.' fbfill hp pnriilp tn the iIwm'p ward: REUBEN BARNARD. N. B. All perfons are forwarned from harbouring or concealing him, and mafters ot veiiels trom carrying him away, at their . peril. R. B. may 23. . . a fmall forrel hqrfe with cut main, he ha$ fome fmall white fpots on the fide of blshw. -below the ear ; anv rerlon itcunnrrthelaii horfc s fo that I get them again Hall receive the above reward. ' f . - .. NEEDHAM Sft&MOKS. . Jones county, May 14. . . E, j.O.R.SA LE,r- ' AT THE P R IN T IN CO F FT C A imdl Coll ;-flkn of. BOOK S, Among Which arc, npHE Democrat ac, a potm, ;X , 1 he Democrat, or inirigues and ad ventures of Jean Lenoir, -Wonderful llory teiler,.. Vindication of Mr. Randolph, New-Year's Gift, or Peter Porcirvne's ob fcrvc.tion on do. v DiCcrtation on the firfi: princijilcs of govern- nient,- ly t nomas r.ayne, . V;thington's epiflles, dciueilic, Bnron Steuben's military guide, Ta:deral ready reckoner, 'Ghoftfeer,' . Entertaining hovelift, ," . ! Hillory of outh America, Clerk's magazine. , confidential JXJST PUBLISHED" AND FOR SALE AT THE PR1NTI N G-6 F F I C E. A D ESC R I P T ION ; '," '" OF 0 CCA COCK INLET, "' AND OF ITS COASTS, ISUANDS, HOALS, AND ANCHORAGES, . , AViT'i the COURSES a:d INSTANCES, TO AND TiiK MOST REMARKA BLE PLACF.S, And D1RECTICSS to SAIL over the BARa'nJ throifh the ClUXNELS. A few copies of the above mav be had at the Printinc-C.'icc, and of uir. William Joh.'.Uon, pricc50 cents. April 9. JU5T PURL I $ V. II D, AND FOR S$LE AT THE PHI NTING.OI'FICE, T A B L E For receiving end paying Gold at the prc fent ilandard, according to the acl of Con. grefs regulating foreign coins. Palfed the oth of February, 1793. Calculated for7 the ufe of the Bank of the United States. Moy 28. FOR SAL E, ONE Hundred acres of land in Onflow county, and fomc flexk, confining 0f cattle and hogs', for terms enquire of THE PRINTER. United,States of America, 7 T j 1 ' . North-Carolina Diiirid, Admiralty.- r Vi. HEREAS George Ellis and ame V M'Kinlay, have exhibited their 'libel before the Honorable John -Sitgreaves, Efq. Diftridt Judge of the United btates, forthe -(liftricc alorefaid, againft the floop Chriftnia, her fail, rigging, tackle, apparel, boats and ? furniture, praying that, il e niiht be con demned and fold to fatisfy the faid George El lis and James M'Kinlay the fum of levin hun dred and fifty dollars to thepayment of which hie is liable, agreeably to a bottomry bond, executed by Abner Ha.haway, mailer of faid vellel, tome faid George -Ellis 'and James 1 M'Kinlay. t ' ' ' , ; Notice is hereby given toalWhomit may concern, to be and appear before the I ! oner able" John Sif greaves, Efq. d ltrid j udge of thediflrwflaforefaid, at the Corrt-l oufe in the city of Raleigh "on the lourih day of June? next, then and there tojlhrv. csule, if. any there be, why the prayer of ti e fiild libe!l: nts ought not to be granted, and the faid loop Cbriflina, her fails, rigging, tackle, apparel, boats arid fu niture condemned atcordniply. - Witnefs ABNER NEALE, Clerk of the Dirtricl Court of the Uiv.ted Statcsin the fitid diflrict, at Newbcrn, the filth day of May 1 796, and in the XXth year , of the Inde pendente of the faid ftates. A. NEALE, Ok. J U S T PUBLI S HE D, . AND FOR SALE PRINTING.0FF1CE, (NEWBERN,) RE PA0 R T OF A C ; A S E, ; LATELY rECIDFD VA Faycttcvillc bupcrior court of Law, WHEREIN THE FOLLOWING Qyk.STIONI,AR , DISCUSSED AND SfcTTLED 1 - VIZ ' I. Whether, h the cafe u skalfd infiru Jlrumcnt, VSuttrJtetibywy suiiCRiuiNO witnefx, the handnvritinc tf th party MAY he ADMITTED in nltince t II. WlitTHtRtff ofiknof DEBT Get upon SUCH fiflrumiht f NEWBERNi PRINTF-D bY F II ANC01S X. MARTIN. 1