which' has tiVcn nothing in Europe, except-1 food on the water, and had alw-yj prevented Conica, ou ;t to be exeropud trom thole them from ember king on Ihip board till Lord . ' w . . . 1 - ., i I r . H. r..i i. ... i r .. v H A VI E, Marcizi' reliluiiioni which the miniUerfo poilinately Vornw aiis iuc-ccutu iu iar as to prevail oil . i . ..: i '..-I ... fnrt. '. the retouujo.u wiucu v.v - ULird 400 aiilllonsof territojUimaa. demnuL : and he' excepts her upon a prm " w t 1 a Vift them to make fuel, voyages as cxmld be ac - ;coiiipiiinetlDTrv:ctails p evToufly drcited ou opic o. "jrijcfii ce 'truly, iviachiaveari, iri. or." ... -.U riinnna nrnirrv . IIIC man ti-o-iKt-ve etiea, auu iuilc uhu. r -per inked of the fpecic which they expeued, .iV r.n-'in In ih.'jTiR.ilV vii;l-. 110 VC- . jj nxni i i t-p - , , . ; ' '-.n 1 l . ...... l.-Jl.l.u.r .mi r vor tne.e Hi.dii.i--. ..iv v.w ... and mil .not deliver -tneir men." ...- i -a. r .,.. K-.-.V -iv 'tr ifrri' il (t.tUir. -or God. In the eaorcrnHVtn fn?iflvsiW;. bcr of ix.i o.e, or.aathet thcrbr Jietrcu, ' of our ally the Duttn thcmouchojTenbattaihi "'' ar or every cou it rv, leemtotiave lomereu- cm oi .wjj wlic uruer-u. io cm oar K lor "l'c'j.for h'-HinA np(i;.'!i;ir. lu(.h dtLff;auc;ns. - Wallace a, or Bttuvb--ru very long voyage " V. iai'e ihe rrancl i-ti.ul.rr ot w rovgs . . i hty reiukd. 13ritii:i troops wt re t.ra.ii 7.ines and nail .npt ueuvcruicu ,,iilpriVc lh ei!df vlx&tr Hit be juf. ' 'up to con.pel them, but they eru .rx.'novca- ,,.e,Kor.; 'liu iotiv.iKixe iwnavery aii- i ; 1 crh lfSn uaf th,ov, uybn it ; eiihcr killed dr tlr uito the -noods, cx; agreeable ilagaat:o. " . ' j iiie 'n: lrf J 0f tl.e tomn. ercud'natior.s of, ctpting about forty was nirde prifoucrs and . II A M b U Tl G, Letters from rctrrfhny, co-tr.ir thit Gcn"Ko,VjiiJ.l." 'v. b,ni lav t -.lfnv.nP(t.'.0!i r T,'!'-."..!! 11 lull A I i- thi world, a l.itreJ . UKwhich ih&t.ow tar. J eA(Itured ! by tais h.irlh rrotee ing, the. th.U'C ni,:v oi;e d'ty lud-a victim.' L hearts of ;.U the Sepoys, on w l.0;,i. 'w c uhoV - . , lydtptY.d for'the-iwurityof llT Indian rtr- , L f MM 33.0 '.V3C. J ritoncs, have been lbit. ; 1 HeEritifli rlikrrs, ' 1 ' ' .' - ton.-urp iri i -.. ill, , ' c, l i 'a.- 7. " - -'tvvi any MiiLUlRClUt'U dl tile t.UUUUtl. C ..it. ; : ' - .. '.. . . - I ii'. Lutcu Color.;: diCer frenrthe or the. government at Calcutta ; andvhile r v.h.re jack ;n th , centre. -t the proprietors of India Stock are aniufed , . T 1 - Tirr'-i -i-.- u;1 V-iua is. oepiticu a vii-Hi with the intrigues of the Dundas Faction a- - n C O r'"-l'- a - -3; ;.fV;juViollr-n D.mk, hoidmg ui one hand ainft the .owners and the bickerings of . - . o , "ub..te .Liuntcd by the Cap -of liberty, ; parties in. LeadehhalUlreet, the props and . IvV" -.vjr.-pr 1 ..".. a.vl r -.h.i g the other oh a Wcis of a:row -buhvard of their power in the Eafl arc broken Tf '' ! ;no;.g n lch vc cvj on-, ore ut..A . ;U her Ude is a Lion, who alio ' gralps the ' down and deltroved, by the mifconducl of a veiici, ifA') guN v Muu 5 jkr.rT, v.nd turns ins head around wuh an air nian, . who though an able and honorablo ' lMth, tmu,2i7.- dc: ; . I guardian of their revenues, and fumciently fto-vk, ancij3 Hamburg. "M AYE N C Turopc fatigued with the cahmlres of the war.i.i.plwel. and der.u uh with a lovul voice , the return o- ptvee j the thou land s of fami. lies ru ned bv:itb fcourgc, the million of men vho have been' hatched tro; thepreient gct rrr.uwnand fstr'iii'cd to thr aml.lt mn of. - fome inJ-v.yi.'jal.s tko i-'i'c -r; ry otouiers, 1 . 'i he 't refent ts called bv Mr. Burke, the : a"g?of mcdicJt.Ftty-'f'ar.d yet evcry.thingjs:iip on the grand fcide. I f we have a Fete , it is good focnothhig if there are nat four or '5000-p-opie prefent; every ncAv fcheme is for k.un ' dredb of thouiaiids ; every fpeculation in the funds, is for nnlUons.". We fee mediocrity nowhere but ot talents- r.nd virtues.; Falivon f 11 he Captive Drels is now, the rage it is compoieu 01 a iuoic vcu 01 'Litu mniVm' draws in' larre trathers-round -the and thi iv rv.So-vS.u cl .1 givitnn-r.be r, ' "f.fLk "and'braccd with gold or filver chains, . . 1 ..... r. .!.... ,? ' . . 1 1 . .1 i i,WWvv r aid too denr tor tnat tranqui- litl- w hw'i Europe reel anas, and which It haj ri?h: "to obtain.;; In the mean time the.. pb . ci s engaged in this terrible fror? tf war, 'fatigued as tley all find themfelves with four -yearo": murder and devaluation, alTame a more .coramanding.a'.t iud2 than 'ever,,, end ' dif'U'av tlc'e t4Hs oi force which mud; com- . plt if.lv ehau.Uhetn. I as df.iotmf tue wedded, or the virgin fUve. 1 rom the contents ot tne lait rans jour nals, we learn that 'the Aobe Sy eyes -is the leader of the Orleans' faction. It is t.hist ic tioiV which, ftep by Hep, has brought the re volutions to its preient ltage, ;t evatcd Uo. be.pierrc audit dcitroyed huh- It was late ly 'divided inro two nrts, the . violent and the wot crate ,1 "he latter pre'ithe ruling par tv and the former witn Syeycs at their Hill lttain the name. Onc'ct the ' If weciu credit the moft accurate accounts .1.. sr.,.',, m iid the Vv'tiPi er. and 111 Y:r Mcivpaurnood of t)u:leldcrf,' havemul- -Journals infonns'us, that Lcioun. cur mdi: 1 1 1. . . .1 .1 415ik iii 11. I ..1 .,..'',.!inU!, 'inii.nl terea me nu-iui tu iiwui" "h' "w mMlrc' o.i their bart'J ot. this iide the Sier, and iiiMnnditru.k ..'have fupplicd their v. lit of infivb mui.t plicating tintrenth menr:., in lucteulvVly attavkiog yhich, the 'ij.i:e:n:)uts ot the i reutlv hitn been onii. d;r.Oil; rt rJ-d; aad, by a conlider Me r . tiy o cav..lrf troop, which made a v t "C in ttephecs att.ickt d b'ence we may ii.'.f rj that ifthc approach;ngcampaign opens ! foo it will lie more b.dody, than all thr.t has ' i)i v. riled it, b(eau.c the sncdwroa wltkh have be-'i) taken win Tenucc im"uk uuwuv, nio.-c full of poa manauvring." In the mean tir" while the hour for the rrucw.il of bouii-.tiel is not yet th-uck the ; belli" - rent p.i .vet's frem to bs occtipied in : IrrkMiv' after fmv; tnems to'prevem the cf. ftvi-m of Uwdmcd. IhcyaUpcrte.vethu nul In-tl.e rtfult of t.ie campatjm T.huh is about oo, n,, aU th i.tt the -power . m f j . our of lull t' diance of war lhall dc cidc. w.lt itill Have octalimi 10 rc;,tct the lofs of st tr rn, and th: rub of in ri uules, whi. It it Wtwx in its p6 x tofp.t c All t'r?ltcr iron Viwiuu, from Dcnm, and Iro li Iki.lc, cbncuf m announcing that the d..krcntCjb'irlctkof Europe areapproaJi in u with new prtipnsitiotn which they ci. thrr ?rc makiiif, jlrmlch-es or by the medi. t.ii i nf ituural powers. They no more tl i.k of the fyilcm of invafion, or bying the fmtiu ation nf a folid peace upon conqucit they add tlut It only retls with the minuter pi hi Bntannk Majtll. to rccornirc this t.rinciplc Vtt, xvhohas fcparated the in ter pIu of li nat'o. fro n thole of the reft of Europe, dcnun.ls, they fay, as apirclimina iUntrmcbtioti". that the nafional pof. " fnr.oni ot Europe ail b: Vcibrrd to Uie Itt- rtttlv menaced hveveito his face, -on Jcco tnt of the nove-.r.ei.ts of tiw iolcnt, J atob ns 1 . I 1 . I' 1 .... it.'.L 1.1, ilia wliun ne- u r poieo. 10 civeev u u Orlean fjction that contends for nuking t.e Rhine the li nits of the iiepubl.c ; .t is tui, fadoiwlixh the goyem.nn pri.ici.nlly dreads,, anl. i ikaiyjhnV vitl viiih ic u fupported by th jrcit bod'of-tac-pcuulc,-. who Ii ive lo ig been d.fpofed :n favour of mo deration. Yellcrday was launched at Woolwich, a fine new frijjiitc, to carry 46 guns called the Glenmorc i his ihip takes her narnefro.n a forel: et the dukcot torcoti, ntu.utontiie banks of the S4,ey, of -which uc is partly :builu " ' a r iMieis to be commanded by captain George Dull, late of the Amtulcade, w ho has 00 taircd the ranoval of moil of Ids ior.ntr olfi ccrs into her, and thofc bemg, with only one exception Scotlmcii, it is tlu ttdit, if pofilblc tonnkenny adit:ion to the bcuty ani elegance of the Clcnu.ore, that it would have been a Highlander in the Gordon drefs, lor a head, as emblematic of her name and n.'..C. I" . " . ' Forgery nf Lklar--ltisacrtumflance rather curious that the celebrated mipolitlon of a preliminary convention between the cm. pcror and France, iu the forged Eclair, lhould on the 7th inftaut, have been infer ted in the real Eclair, wkhout.any remarks from the editor to prove the falfchood of the O , ,M.M.-V . . . .. 1 ' . . .1.1 I r " I liucu cui. tujiie po.artLMXOItmmSL.tO.U'liy:l nadectetstygoverniiTeiiT"6TX pure'- mCM LAST NICHT'S GAZSTTF Horc Guards, March 3 lr iDlfpatches from Maior" G en. !-.tnart. com .manding his Majeftys and the Eaft India . Company 's troops in" the dland of Ceylon, da- . ted i rincomale, October 10,1795, have been ' received by the liight Hon. Henry Dundas, by' which ic appears that the fort of Battica loe, in that illaiitl, furrendered on the 18th of Septemberrto a7 datachnlent 'under the 1 t ; ... tt .' r ' . . .1. . 1 . ' cutnuiaiiu 01 ivia or x raier. or tne 72Q rc?i-. menu 'I hat on the 24th'of the fame month, General Stuart embarked from 'frincom ale, wiih a confider;Ooledetuchmcnt of troops and artillery, on board of (he Centurion man of1 , war, the Bombay frigate the Bombay flora Jlrp, and the Swallow and John packets, and o';i'the,-27th, difembarked the troops at Point Pedro, about twenty four mile xfrom lalfna- patam, ot v. hich nnportant place he took pof. leilioii on 'the following dVy. That on ho 1 it or October, taptamrage, otlnsmajeily s. lhp Ilob.;ri, wuhapartof ihe 5;d regiment, aider theco nnahd ofthehon. cant. Moa ton, on their return from IVnt Pedro to A rincomale, to.ik poife iion of the Faetjry and .vid.tary poft of Molletivos ; and that on 'th:5thorihcramc"nionthr the fort and ill nd of iNiinar furrcnJercd to Capt. Barbuv, whom General Stuart had d tube 1 -on that Jcrvicc, with the liank companies of the! 7 id regiment an f tw-o complnle of Sepoys, isn nudiatcly on his havl ig taken pcLciuoa of Jalfnapatam. " : , " 1 he ;reat Aifcula-lon in the -funds is the topic oj general a-ninailverlion, and they re. poru concerning it arc as various as they .ire comr.id clcry. i It is certainly unexampled in its m-gnltude, and its confequences to the canmrv ars alidin bevond cahulaticn The ie fct of men tn whom the public eye poiptsas its anther j deny all cn-.mtcVion with it, and it is, thcrcfoie, involved in inferupr. able myftcr)'. In th; raernrmethc r c.-fons who fo luctcfifuMy acmptithed the forgery ofL'EtUr, are its kudclt fuppCrters. livtcS licence. 1 1 ti now faid that lad difpatches from India rcUte thielly to; the fituatioh of the company's military cihblimmcnt. '1 he treat, ment 0' one of the corps o( Scapoys, ( pre eminently diftinguuhed for courage, dilcplinc U,t mm It-it ftlrari(Tpd the 'afi'fMionh 1 aiiu uuiuit n.v -- - !M-.nvi3thcy 'cre at the commencement of 1 0fthf pronlc6fthatdcfcripf,cn, andloofencd r-nunu, tfx n,ii by whicij UCtcrs i::cb iro;n urcum- the w.ir ; but he prcicmh that N 0 R F O h Kt JUy 23. ,.'." - . - We have ndf avourcd to trace the report in circnbtlnn yctlcrday refpeAin v the pre babiliry of Peace in Europe, and arc enabled to lav before our readers the following rurt. culars : Mr. Cronicr (formerly a merchant of rr fped-bti ty a Jsequeaicl, in Hifp.n obJ arri ved at Baltimore laU Wcdnefday fromluvrc de.Grace, which heleft the 41b Apt Osi his route from Baltimore ti Chariciton ha a ichorrd n!(impto;i Kodi, and cxme to tuw n ) iilerJiy for a iew hours. He u