a . f y - - ; jpof ts that envdys frosi tKc Emperor, the Kings of Naples an I Sardinia, and levrral c. ther powers of Italy,- had met at Bafiefor the purpofe ofcoricbdm ipeace with France ; bUfliug, cannot fee any au that may hive' the nioli remote tendency to rob them of it, without alarm, nor behold any exertions -to ' prifefve.it, but, with emotions W gratitude. -thit whilit the revelation was pending. In addition, i utter us to exprels-the warnu a eotirie r arrived there requethne, that an ac I cw-wnnes wnicn grateiui nea tsxan reel tor to-n;.icKlatiort m'rht. alio take-: : plate' : behveen your wei.are ; tftatit miyoetne happmels ui fnuwiw,. luiij lu cApcriciitc uie innuence of your wifilotn in the management of her affairs; and that you may enjoy that fatisfac tion, which the confidence and gratitude of a happy people, is capable oi conierrin - tvcwixrn, i iiaTtrrne nonor "o ue, wiui "T Great Britai r iul France ; that in conic qucrxe th?irt-e6ation was-fbfpcnded till the arrival of a p?f:cn yelled vith pow ers to treat on th? part of Great isnfainv It Vai under: Hood that the French had agreed, t o nve up of the Rypyblicy b'ux vcp ' Courvrsy , I xemhrur;;-"'; to keen Na.mir, "and tne country 0' retired 2o ..Ifeucs iVoeagh other, till : the ;Hue, of. the negotiation wasjriad4ifib .vn,. zXj 'I'lLAnEU'llIA, May 19. the . moll profound Hpett, Sir, F O Pt K A L F.. ; rillNTING.OFFlCE, (Svbeni .-,) 1 THE fqllo w ING . . - LAW 13 O O K y ESPINASSE?Sniitfr;us, .Salkclu's Reports, Anltruthcr's, Atkyns'j, do. . I)ytr,d0. . . ; . Ibhov. er's, do. in K.B and.Crowri La.y" Leathjs Crovvi-'LawV. v. lth rie'w . caies, -W-BaFnes-s.-Eotes-olenprfcef "Bui u s Lav1- Litv!uu.ry, On Thurrd.iy the 12th inft- ,h:s ev.ceUeri- cy)vocrt:L!ihoi,;ji,liV- a.ndfulte, ;;r. ble Tcrvant. JO EPI I LEECH, Chair mart The rrijkiiitoftbt United States. 1 W'oodefon's Comrrltntaries on tlic la ot-Englan4r d m,' with'h's V.v.ry.JIV.r ,;and. vas on vrjviosuav:. iait received bv thePrelldeutor the yi)ited,St;:tes, a E,TVoy E:traordin;)rv:ari(i - Jslinifter Pleriirotentliry from Ifis- Krianrnc 1 -,'';Majefty-.to the United StHtfes of Atherica'. ;'r . Extra;!,, of a 'letter dated AtuVu.i, pr'l " 'i ;th, received by a merchan: in this city. . -Tr-'Tpurnmerous ann-tbether'wit'b the London" and Cork flee tsWeiufe arrived at 1 "lB.ifbad6eti.,.-oii th'St' 7th' iiik v, - ,t .'i I Extra 1 of a letter from Cape-Fraficots dated v:.;v 1' lorcal c. : We have uft received officially the ' news cf the fleet which is coming to this country.". The commiflioncrs Roajjieiind.LeWanc are - arrived at Santo Domingo in a frigate detach. cd from the fquadron We are -inforr.cd that the fleet conlifts of 2 f lliips and 28000, " landforces. Citizens Santhcnax,,.Rairnond, Crenze Iafcal,ware among the numbers' 6f the -.direftory. . Weexpeft the.n dailyj ; . k y 1 Letters from St. Jago dsCnba; mention, that the nev Governor of that place had or- "dcred 11 the French privateers to leave ttat 1 piacc, had prohibited -them in ' future 'from making it their rendezvous ? v , cr::7e rjRsin'fKTts enfviet ts as pUs i :T . KAVE -received frcmVyoii;.tlie addrefsanct ; X'jirefphj tions. of the hihai'tantsl of thextQWii'; r-5fjCev. berny. pallid ' at "thejr meeting ci:f the '19th of April, uoticing the call ofjherWuie pt iieprieie'n'tatiVes tor the paper relating to tle negocidtipn.'vfthc Treaty with Grcat-M--:, tain, and my anf-.vcr to that tail. V" " A facred'iygard to the Conititution and : ro the be it iniertlls of the United States "as involved in its prefer vatipn ; h aving ' govern. TfTyTndfo cmfnefs thereof would at all times have fur-i-iihedme withftrone: ffrcUnd of fatisfa&ion. . . . ' It 1 i 1 jut it gives me reaipie.uure to nna tnai; cou uuit approved by my fellow citizens ; and the kind add affectionate terms in which the ap. probation of the inhabi ants of Newbern has beecr ' conveyed to pieare peculiarly grateful and de:vand my "airdial acknowledgements" -ri heie 1 beg you to exprels to them w ith my fincerffth.Tr.ks-for their carnell: wifiies for :riyw'eilafei - Go.AVASHINGTON. ("4 Jcfcph Iscd. -. S t r an ge V i.eprrts, ,1 Raymond's, do. ' , Kycdon Bills,-- ;. Impcy's pleaders; i leante oh cicvllep; ' hyi eni of Reading, Lilly V entries, ' . '".::' r!pv.den7s-.rcports 'v. XoDyns';, do. ; ' ;'.; "'.'; Saunders on UfcsandTrufisl' s N E W ?. E R N, 75. U P P L E M-fc; N' T; TO' THE X rA London pr.prt of thexoth M:-fch fay, " Marf;t,. vGx btc.y arrived from tnc unr . r'r.n prlfn, t.,u 'rcfufsd the api:o:ntine:it of a French H.i.rvii'adu? tn toc United States of A-ViX'- t, i v '2.rrd :riUnd Vmcent is now. dmW.dLrthnt place." , , T! f fo:lo' 'if. Addrefs accompanied th? re foive "-.the meet nfr of the Iuhib;tar.t'- of '. . thii v ;'., c i C'.c i,p:h April.- bee the 5 ;6th :.Kr rf rhii d'azctic "V.j::;):;j.tfiyJ, i$tb JfrU, 17c'. c l . . ' ri'i-iE hh.ib5tancf the tMiirf New. L beri'. Ik.-u ;nav ita.idey.tufc'd for a- -1 - - - t 'fv forw -.J ics oi ..id kretion, .which may- OF X O R Til.C A R 0 L I N A, Ccnrtainlng .all the Acls" of AfTcntbly, both pubhc and private irom the cr.d ot Judge Ircd.-ll'sKevifal to February 1795. P R 1 V A T E A C F S, nvfiTTrn rw CAtn t t ir f c a t AS'D thf. STATUTES y GRE T-RPITAIN, . (lty puhlijbcd and to be had, hund fcparate, ' cr I'.gni. er, . - , " - AT F. X. Martin's, Newborn. ? IT. W'mr. Eden ton ; A. lloflgc's, I'alifiiK; J. Rofj's, Tarborouh ; Wilham Falkncr's, Warrtfn- toa ; V, :l!4.;-n thaw's, lultih,; Care and . , ! I lO'i t i 1 ..vn . iiaw s, uuitin : v arc aim rtiii ion- ci orntuuueand approbation, a ike , , ' y r t, tny rjtmiyour fellow, citizen-nave the vpr;,. , ,.tJ . m . ' ,i' n... 1 vw,i poueT ot ii'akuir, for thf?siard, anuMfn ?c . ; ' " iuiUnccs, vexatunr burden, vh'uhthc'r at.. f.-dions and conhdcr.ee have, placed -tn oit you -A LL rtvvnrts nnd rnlTpn"r,r rif ltil'4 fnr :iif. Veeoridcr. lir. vour havinrriTfufctlto I -t;!i comply ith the, refolution of the Hon of J nf Cra'-cn, rre infori.-c-dth. t I i.,alUucnd Kcprt fcntativcs of the 24th of March upon ! 3t U CoUcftorS CJilke in Xc rhc rrour.d vou have taken, amontr the i TijiuratFTcf lervite which your cnrnen'.'viv tuU and tilcnts have rcn lcrcd your coun. try i as the i'uiluciice of your example, may prolofi the date of the Coultitution, niany ' 3es beyt.nd what niij.u have been the fhort pcrio l'cf hi cr.iitcnce, h id you admitted the pr.iiuplc, and yielded to iho rcquiutlon of thcllouc. r ,t- - .It is ihjprkb and the boaft of every nlV!itcnol A..ierican, that the . prb. Vtplci which tuvc been altbdatcd in the com pofylon ot our mo.k excellent CcnAitution;' h4ve eminently ciuahacd It. tn tml t!ii molt perfect liberry, fc:urity, and protctti tt, to ever rank and coiu!it'ki:t of life, ' v-ud they, who know Uov.' to apprciia'e fuh Xcvbcni, during the i.'.oiuh of June, enfuinp, to receive the entry of Dilliilcrs arrc:ablcto law for the year commercing the iirltday of July 1796. l hofe who have not fettled their duties for the 1,'llyear arc dcHrcd to make immediate payment, othcnvifc they will experience the pcr.alf.es of the law. - STEPHEN CAMBRFXEXG, Cr!kflor rf the Rtvenuefor Cft.vtn toiftty. Xtvlcri, 1796. - 1 . - -' F O R. SALE : ' AT THF. . ' P R I N T I N G-O F F I G a rrw corin'o? th' LAST ACTS OrASSEHDlU Barton's'" ful. iu.hcjuitv, -'; ... ' : 7 . chierttr 'S j; 1 act x c. ci' ti e i .av, Morhi'i' attorney's 'ade inccifef Hsr nlt.n' Char.cej"v: T'xaax?. ' . Fearine on Hmaij;ticr$ cpi;:piete, Blvrlamaqui's N. and I?-Lav , Mbirtjgnj VardFLaw of Nations, Commercial Heport, ' Jvlorgan's Efays, v ; Cromptonl3-Practiccy. : ' - Doctor and ' tudent, . , Andrews' Reports, - Plendcrs a(l:llant, t: ; Jones's Attorney's Pocket Rook) '1 idd's Kings Bench Practice; Law Grammar,. . ' .' vBarriilcr's Law Education, - Noy's Maxims by Barton '' Comyns's Digell, , For Sale at the Printing. Office l - A FEW COPIES OF t ; : TH E P O LI TIC A L C E N S O R, . - 1 - MONTHLY REVIEW, For March and April 1 796. . '"' F O Tu 'S Ah E, . VALUABLE plantation and a-traft of . land contkininc: abevit fix. hundr&d a-. cres. with a cominmou.ous owe una; 1. and all net efcry cut cilices. on - l'rent 10 d" witlv'rt fourteen miles oi rxevbe.-.i and. -5 m;ic trom Trenton conveniently ,tuatcct for a r.ore or public houle, ithin anu 01 tnc rn ri f with a i uiuiui clurvl vf .ttont 300 ; p.U' trees, and about ico acre or cican u p urd, ail under a jrood Jtnce, cotivenniu ia the bcit t a'ngc 'm'thc tou-'.ty. Ncrrns or culli v ill be, tken in pa) uicnt. To; furth' r r: rtk.uk.rs pnu.lv to the Printrr hereof, qr.to' -the lubferibcron th rr;Mwc. liEZLUAil MLiWt-l. 7fn:i cwr.t't Ah.)' 30 ' A JUST PUBLISHED,' ' AN'D FOR SAtr. ' . . AT TMt PniNTING.CFFICE, (NEWBEUN,) R E P O R T, . O F A . ... CAS E, latf.ly orctnr.n i'm Fa vd 1 1 e vi 1 1 e u pcriu r cuu r t of L flvy WlttltrtN'THF. IOLLOVKR O-'f STION ARE ntscussrn and sfttld ; tvr. I. WnV.TitF.it, in theccfea sf Ai.r o infiruS Jlrumrnt, Vtultcjled by r.y sCBSCRtltNO -wiincfff.iht HANDWRITING tf the fflrty M A Y he A n M I TT CD in t xUcncc ? II. WltRTitrR cn aiiion e Ut'af ties vX' Sift -Ml xxx;x : : : x- - v ". -3:M ".:, x -.X,rX -XXXXXT', M. 1 X "- - ' . - Jv m 1 - v