:JScle&edloeif)& R R E A 8 O.N. E ASOK-''tft o f HeavfVi bieffingj,- fl Givrn only 10 manitiniL;. X,iie twt uiil not be wmtli k'l!eiTn)g Did nut realon rule the Diruu. -When w fc tapricioaiToitoptlr. Stnvii g all the 11th to btefv T - - ..II. ' . . i JJCt IVn TTif WBT'irT I'Mfc Ul ll . , , ,Kiineijiu net harppintfs.... Whcn in heisM of beauty blooming, L la ra t xt i cX s pe wV r'-r -- - fon hijpi-rs in ui bearing; ' Beau t) is a Udirg iV,M When n pomp arc pVi JRei-v iJ ui h v ," v-j" m 'llt I'll it!Xif, -J DISTRICT "OF NORTH-CAROLINA. Supervifo 's Office, Mjy,i, ' i 7 96. A N 0$ce of Infpccbon will be open in .XX each cbntrlieUtrt-eiVottlfc Carohna during the whole "of thfe month of I tine, -.where owners or pofleflbrs of llills are . tea uir ed to m ,ike their entires, and el eclions. ; he laws de'iiundVigU fines and penalties for retufal or neglect oi' entry of rhlls, and for duillwg v.iiboiu- lirit making an electi :n ; .and infractors of every defcViption may rell allured oi" havine- the la ws 'executed in. their : Tul leiTT T3tH'Cu 1 t is fuirthtroufieatol r r, V. HiiVillprs whninrend ;o pay the dutyon ,, FOR SALE, - - T THI ; ' ' P R I N T I N G-O F F I C E, -:-V J fmall Colledkn of - ; O OR S, ; " : ; ' Among which are, . ri: THE Democratiad, a poem, v 1 he Democrat, or intrigues and ad- . ventures of Jean Lenoir, v , Wonderful flory tellfr, ; - -- Vindication or Mr. Uandolph, ; New-Year's Giftyor Peter Porcupine's. cb-j. iervatton-on do. --' ' . m A 1 . J-1 iV-ri! v i: ' : .' fn 1 i.. : uiit, : Kfi, u "teila "jj dtag us I v linn, .1 -li.'y i. e. wKers u rot lu-.ri. . 1 'Mr j v 7T , I, Ml 'J.i ' 1 . iu w.' ; pojitiv:lyKukeJucb-?kLtiw at the time of entry' inti.e Tii'.tnb of 'otherwife tney v1 DC -h::riscable ..th the yearly duty the rate of 54 cenis for every gallon of the capacity of their u- ils. ' 1 he t ame is applicable to thole who intend to v ork their itilis by the month. ts" contrary to la-.v, "toVrnt a licence for a- riy fHhonal part ia mqivth : .diiUlerj. .witl-, take notice cacreof ami rernlate their elections ac! ordmgly, as the tcllectingofikers have re- ceivcd .imti'Uetioi On that head, " : ' W1U- polk, . ' : ;;-; Suj erv'.for of the Aevenue, ' N. D. . The printers in this Itaie are reta iled to give the dbove a place in this papers for. two Vvteks... "DHIcrtatioti-on thg4rft.-prfeir4efilViirjafe , ment, by 1 hnipas frayne, Walhmgton's epiiiles, domeHic, confidential - j and cfhcial, ' - Baron Steuben's military guide, X axleral ready reckoner, r . - v -j ; Ghoft leer, v . , - Entertaining novelift, ' j i rhitoryot oath America, : ' ;. -'. Clerk's macaxine. . i ; ! ' 4 ) U S T P U B L I S H E D , : -. 'And'' for sale at : the -P R I N T'l N G.O F F I C E, r . a ' - ' D E S CRIPTIO'N i J ate denrrd to make payment to F. A- . ; - . x - , J:ar!i.beJ 'I n Rc.4l liS t,; OU.f-.ilt, Y'-V (h it) lorcyJivaga'tn. a. .... -v-.. ' Martin, Lfc1? n hole hands their refpfcYrve notes and actoiv.us arc t 'and who is mliruc ted to put" the lanic in f nit indifcrimiriately, - unlels early aitenLn ic paid to tnis requeit ; . ly. T. WHITING, May 2$. '. -.r;: ' AD'!1 :ISWE5I1V. X T- 1 LL be fo'.Jon :helavl Saturday in ju ' V y aett tae late. dwelling hbufe of Lev'is Bryan.. Lfq. deceased, all the lands. , 'of thz laid deccafed, "h wit ; : Kisbtr dvv tiling houfc, and eleven lots in the town of i renton Vmq hundred a cres of.hnd, ewiuiie, 0.1 a part of which is ; v:)lu;';b!e mill ft at, whereat xtherc now Hands a-griit and law mill ; and on a fniall expence, , might be snade as valuable a fetof pi i!s a any ui the vicin;tyr Alfo will be fold at lie fame time, a piece of land on Vine Swamp in. faid tountjt : alfo one piece of land 01 rhe N01 ih fide of Trent Viverr l .ke v -fg one lot in the towiv of New bcrn, near the waters of N'eufc. About one f.fth of iheptirihale money, will be expected oi North-Carolina. v , Treafury.CtfceMey r; ALL pCrcharersoti-.otsin the city oMla-, lcigh,who are (I'll in arrear 'to the itate, arc.hercby informed, that their bo.uL ande- verv of them will be put in fuit Oil the 20th day. of June next, imlefs they are paid off and taken up betore tnat d ty. JOHN HAYWOOD, P. Wr. THE NOTED HORtE, HYDER ALI Tb now iohigh order, and willitandat the AND OF ITS COASTS, ISLANDS, HOALS, AND ANCHORAGES, "TT With thfXOURSES and DISTANCES, yo. AND F ROM THE MOST REM ARK A- . ' BLF. fLACES, ' " M DIRECTIONS to SAIL over the BAR and : through the CHANNELS. ' -A feWHronieskheabov-niaybe-liad at;. the Printing-CiHce, and of mr. WilUam, Johnfton, price 50 cents. 7Aprtl). , JUS T P U B L I 8 E H AD FOR M LE-AT" TH P R I N !l N G-0;F FIC E, TAB L E in nw countv. the davof lale: the other four fifths in d;f. 1 at tr-... dnllr.rs the fcafon. navablc the lirlt oi fenntpaynicinj, (that is,) one f.fth in t.o January next ; or eight doll a rs if paid in the yc ir. one fi.'di in four years, , o ie fifth it iix 'ears, and o ie fifth 111 eight years. i he purihafers giving boiid, with ap proved fecurhy, v. h'ch liiall draw mtereit iron t'ie iiay of (Ac, an indifputiblc title vull be made to the purclufcrs by the exe cutors . ' . - y: DUHANT HATCH Ex'r. Jones County, A by 14. . : For receiving nnd paying Gcrtn at thrfrrs- fent itandard, according to the act oi ton- ftablc of the lubferibers at Haw lauding,, grefs regulating foreign coins. Pal.ed the in order to cover mares 9m 01 r coruary, 1793. vaicuiaicu icr me ufe of the Bank of the United biates. tourl'e of the fcafon ; five dollars the leap, and twenty dollars to inlurc. Corn or pork will be received, in payment thereof, if deli vered in January next. The fejfoii will begin the loth of Marth, and end the 10th of Auull. When mares are brought for the leap, "the money will be. expected with them, other wile the charge will be made lor tnelealon HvDs t An is a beautiful dark bay, up wards of 15 hand high. He was got by old iS lark Anthony ; Jus dam by the imported horlc Bajazet, hisgrandam by Crawford. Goodpalluragc tor mares gratis, and the greatcll care taken of them ; but the fub fcribcrs will not be anfwcrablc for accidents Ten Dollars Hcward. UN-away fro-n the fubferiber in New. JiN hern, on the 10th May, a mulatto man narorj .11 M. ' lout twenty five years of ape. of a fuklv or efcapes of any kind. yellow iot pletoi about five feet five or ' i HULL1DAY icCAUR. iix mchckh gh,Urainht tied hair, fpcaksgood .N. R,Half a dollar to be paid to the hnghin. lie had on when lie went away a utooni, at the liable door. b!"c j kct, oinaburg troufers and a new hat, Clajgo-j) county, Fcl 24, 1 7p6 and in his hands a pair of mciri Ihoes ; it it roneto WaiLmffion. Whoever will annre. ' FlVC Dollars Reward. fnt.l nif. ',r mnCni h'imfnthif l rTRAYED or ftolen from the plantation him ae;un. ll.all be eutitled to the above re. O of the Xubfcribcr on the 16th April, a ward. REUBEN BARNARD. dark bay horfe about fourteen handt high, N. V.. All miioni rc forwamfd fr6m one white hind foot, and at the fame time was harbouring or Vontealihir him. and matter ftolen from the plantation of Amos Simmons, of rf.clt from 'carrying him awav. at their a fmall forrcl horfe with a tut main, he has THIS D4Y IS PUBLISHED And for fale at the PRINT1NG-0FHCE, (Nbern.-J A TREAT 1SK .' os Tiu JURISDICTION OF JUSTICES, of' the PEACE, civ il'su its ACCOHDIMO TO THR LAWS Of - ' the SI ATE or NOR r tl-C A R O L I N . f A!iy 18. penb A'.y 23. R. Yu BLANKS of all kinds fof die at the Priatirjg-piUcei fome fmall white fpots on the fide of Maw J below the car j any penon fecurtngthe faid horf-s fothat I get them again Ihalf receive the above reward. NEEDIIAM SIMMONS. Jtncs county t,Ahy l F O R S A L E, TIIELoufe and lots, now occupied by Mr. W illiam ihepard, the lots may be bail frparately or together. Alfo one lot, on broad Urcci,i ear the Cotirt-lloufe,' And one Iwulc an'd lot, adjoining Mr. 1 bomas Cox's. ' 1 he whole the property of Vrs. Mary Edwan's. NA1 HAN SMH H. March 19. , N E W B E R Ni ' frihted ey FRANCOIS X. MARTIN.