-'-' . - - , ' ' ' ' ' " 3 : - P - . N . r V ' 1 . . a" VOL. XI.' ',. : " . . S A T U R ' T a Y r . y , v - " ' . Tf- - - - r U 11 8 A . L - f- A .L Li 0 N D O : Hp vfr the PRINTING-OFFICE, (Nwbent: , . :' ; :'V THE FOLLOW I V ;' L A W . B 0 .0 K "N Saturday laft a' courier' arrivd here i AromgeneraLrnrnifer. The ontents "Oi nis dilpatches are laid toturn onlyUpon tne great preparations, makinjby the Frpch, and T? SPIN ASSET'S nlITMpfjarniriv r"' 3 a prius, - Crotnpton'a Practiccy Su&tld's Reports, - D'oftor and Wudeni, : Aftfi rubbers, do. Pleader's jftrtant, AtkynVi, do. Jones's1 Attoriey'ipTcfc Dyers, do. . ;--.t Book, , . Tidd's . Kinjs - Bench &kjer's, "do, in K., B. Siul. Crowu Law, ' Stim;;e's, do. ' f Kaym-ind's , do. - Howdca's , do. Comyi.s'$, do. Andrews' Jo, Ufurrows's, do, Vernon's' Chancery-, dc, Cowper's, do. , 2' II. Blackftone's, do, . AVilliamJlackflorie's,do. V'tra Williams, do. , Mofcly'ij do. Douglas's, do. Ambler, do. -Xe tk. h VCr w Law IUlJB c opbjidjxmfntv ' new cafes, ' HaWktns'Tp. C ,.. Barnes's notes, . . Hale', do. Burn's Law Dictionary, Wtdtfons .Woodefon's CoiTimenta ries on the jaws of En glan, f l'ralice, ' . , Law 0rammay ; Ban ifler's LaEducati ; on, . ": Noy's Maxi s, v y Comyus's p'.Hii - ; Powell on Codtricls, . :' Mhges, ' ' , D.:vife, Sullivan's leftoresi . , , Blackftone's Comnunta- rie," .; '. Williams' Conveyahc Proctor's Praftue, 5 14lO Ient-republicarx! w lord Stanhppe. Kydd on Bills, V Impey's pleader, Fearne on Divifes, Syftemcf, pleading, ' i ' LMv's entries, -lr--Saunders on Ufts an4 ' .Tiufts, . Baiton'j fuit in Equity, Schieffer'spra&ice oMhe law, , . .., ' , Morgan's Vade Me'nim, : Jarrilon' ' Chancery Praftice." law oF Pai nierfhrp " ' FuiMnqua on cc(u'ty L:x Mercatona,', - -.' i efln.o, PeaKe's nil! pnu . Crown Circuit, ' r Gilbeit's law pf Evl- Jence, ': Vattel's law of ation$, RWsEfi7lim,Lw, Fearne on Ii(iaindei - complete, , ' ' Burlam'uquiV N. and P, Law, ; ..-."..-.'r Gilfjeit. urt' practice of Ccmman Pleas, a -Ward's Law of Nationi, Comnfteicial Repoit, ( Conduclor Gencril!i, Burns' juftcc, , ftraie TiIy .- - Natura Brevium' Clcik'l rnagaiine. M I S CELL A N I E S. Charles Gratdifon, r?irela,' D in Qjitotei " G.TtT.rit't Grammar, tvo. do. 4o. Maoie's NAvijation, , Brake's Gamieer, . Niut cl iilmansck, PUafing inftruJUr, Homer's IliaH, Pleai'ures f Memory, Bights of Woman, Kowe's Letters, Romane-' of the Fortft, Spirit ol DefyotUm, American Atlas,' .Vcur.g min'i'compMi- Sheridan' dictionary, WSli&cr , The Dcinwcvatiad, a po- 1 ablet A memory, . -G j. :...' i Gecgriphy ' Miijnfvf '1, Sv-m of JiiTirry,' FiwvvfS ot li'Hoiy, Cooke's Vwyaj-f, . Ain:iic Mufum, Democrat, Dilwoitir r.eokkecf FJ;n 'u 1'lory, FbUn'fFiof, H'i.ker)in8 Guaging, I Oy's tabids, -, Haunie'l I'nory, llut.ur rn the Veoereil, l ife of Howau, Scull's C.tcUetr, Loaiia, ,1 Ot'l frtci.d. M nor. I i: I'cal (kf ehei, . M.lmvihs(Tyi, Mwnitffr, -N'hr thoi-gh's, - em, .The Democrat, or intri gues and advci.turcsif Jean Lencr, Wondeiful (lory telUf, Vindication ot Mr. Ran dulph, New-Year's Gift, or Te . ter Porcupine's obfer viio(t on da. , Dill nation on the fir ft principles of goitrn verrrueitt, by Tho ims Payne, tt a. : . ! It AutneittC, conf. i.r.iial, and ofnciil, Baron bicwben's n.itlliry Fad ral ready reckoner, Git.ft fer, Entertaining n.Tclirt, - . 1 Itllory of &iiiiih,AiiiCu ca, JJilural Liloiy, t J U 8 T P U B L I S E II D, i nnv i vi rfnab n i TlOlN T1NG-0 F F l CE. iSi??fiaOiZatiGn)f their armywhid H ineant to be augnieted tcf 300,000 hghtngirien ' the vail works the'are-raifin oneyerj fide to oppofti qlcprxrprize1 jznd , particularly thpfe in the face of our army along tie MofeU 12 : from Coblentz td Trevb,, where Ihey have ereft'ctl" inoft forniid able ba tterieV The mar.'hat. demands his filial f jeeoursj !pating that IhouW he be attacked iiihiisprei'Qtpoli- lion, iae remanceTOuia no pcuequcu ic- c tire tnat it is true our arniy is exaeamg-litron-i, well difclplined and eapW tdmeet , tlfe enemy j biir that they; might, Jjir-before t luperior; numDers iiot. conumngtsr, aoove : 24o;o6o men- Hfeentions- the'' netfiity; thaihe;rourtfi t!ctti" fiotiTas ''to' the planf the caiaiga j. fdr;; fliould the French fuddenly dec&re the artiii. ftice broken, the army wouldbe "confidera: blyembarrafledrhdw to4tlrJjai7kgniipcii tive direftions towards any dip pointv ; : r mice Charles has not yetpolmvely de termined -cither upon the canm and or the period of fettingout to join th? arniy. The alTiftance of BelTegardeis not jeenied fuffici ent,' and.no other general is ajpointcd to aid tlie archduke with the advice d' expedience. , ATo commander is yet apjpnted to th? ar my of Italy. R?auliou's contiund is only temporary. Ihe d tvtoreyclterday ge neral de Vins arrived A his own houfe here ; he is not without hopes of being re-apno;nted to that command, having proved that, he is no way accountable for the defeat of the 23d November, having, five days previoufly re lignea mscommanu into tne nanus 01 general count Wallis; and that indlfp6fni6n folely made him demand his dlfchargc . He has many powerful friends here ; and we lhould not befurprtfed to fee him xefuinehisihiion with his army.4 , . , . , . . March 2v ' : ... j 1 fate of the Untip junts. There have not been more commentaries1 upon the bible than there have been prophe cies refpeAing the funds. The example of he banks of Venice, Genoa, Antwerp, tne Huns To ns, the Caifle d'Elcompte, &c &c. hate bee'n brought in analogy with the great depot of Britain ; and calculators, from Jacob Henrique to Morgan and great iniiuftcrs from fir Kotart W alpole to mr. ge havehazardcd opinions upon the dura bility pf our public credit.- ; There is one point, and but one, m whkh they all agree. Indeed, his fo clear and felf-cvidcnt they could no dirfer about it It is this . That whenever the iotcrcllof the public debt amounts to a larger fum than can be raifed by the taxes, then the failure is in evitable. But the two great names nbovc. mentioned, together withtlielatcmr.il. Pclhnm, trc not without ihcir rcaj3 that futh a period might arrr.-e, onetime or o ther j and they arc l'aid to have annenmctd particularly mr. Vclhasi, when he re duccd tlic public?intcf eft that, if ever fuch a period fiiould irrive, " thcdividendsiv.ight be made for the live of the holders, enly " Thus the burden wouldbe lightened by the narnral rnurfc of deaths t and the credit of Jt i? vjrhyrelnkj7Ttht' the famphlet provesthat whole fnrmlieg of FAiropeani jiai'e'bteinorcTaTflae InericTfdrlhf eey debts and obtain bread Europeans whodif-coyefed,:-'rmcjiifirfd and peopled Arnerca.LiJk.. The feeds of new diffcnt,ions are fprmgiiig , up very fail in America- The Eaftcrn and Southern States difagree upon a moft every public meafure.-Whenever Walhingtoii dies, that republic will not be One andindivl. jwlet ft is the corner-Hone' of the.preient unioni Tlie late govwnor; Pownall menti oned this in parliament fevcral'-ittnes man years ago, vi? That w e need not be a fraid of their independence, for they would - never agree long together !", Pownall might-. T5cVcrj.led eceetitTJc,, ol fco xrtRTnly'was lo j for he foretold many things which have come to pals. - March 24.' . " .The following late gal lan t aftiori, of which T A B L E For rrxcivingjindpayingGoLD at the fjrc fent llar.dird, according to the acl of Con fcrefs rtvxitjting foreign Coins. Paired the ijthoff cbruary, 1793. CaKulatcdforthc ufc cf the Bank of the United States., ZUy 28. an account has Jbeen received, is, p'efliaps, ' not infericJL-rthat olf fir Sydney ' ..Smidi, in the tail Cazette : v ' , His majefty's floop Heteaa, commanded by John Talbot, efq; and tostr cutters-, being cruizing off Oftend, they iiretched into that harbor threw the place into, the utijnoll confternation, and cut out' a laige (hip laden with claret, notwithftandirlg all the fire from the batteries-. i . " - Through the medium of a friend who lalt night communkatcd to us thcfollowing. , . pleafatit information, we are happy to re " move from the public, mind which may a- rife refpecling our financial ftate : . " Mr" PlayfatSvellluuJwi for his hart$ and political ;aictilations, is now employed on avfniallwdrk, that will foon appear , by which he proves that'although the fiomihal amount of the interiil of our debts is incrca fed three millions fince the year. 784,'ycc that the real amount on account of the? change in the value of money, our incrcafed commerce, &c..is confiderably lefs burthen- . fometothe nation at large than it was at that time 4 ' , . nieccmclnfidri lie draws, is, that 50 milli ons more may bcliorrdwed, in order to be as we were in 1 7 8 J ; tonfequently, that the rcfoiif ces of this country are far from being exhaulkd 1 he avowed intention, weun derlland, b to prevent the French from per-' fittingin their views on Holland and Belgium, though a hope that England will be obliged to y Wl J th cynteft from want cf t ur.'ur rejourns- - ' The following is the prccife ftatc of the fofce of the Bmifiinavy in Ihipsof the line . on the Mediterranean Itation,' including the ihipswith rcar-admiral Mann, that arc chiefly, employed hi looking after Ricbcrie'i fquadrorr, ?.t CadiD Two fli:ps of loo guns and up wanis, five of 60 to 63 guns each, thirteen of 74, and two of 64, with a fclf proportion 6f frigates ?nd loops. One of the to gun fliips, the Ca Ira r rench pmc, has been converted into an hofpit;! Ann, at Fldrciuo Bay ; the othrrs are in aJt'ial fcrvicc, one ftf R rutn. four of 7 a i'jns and one cf 64 gtmi, arc with admiral Mann ; the reft all with the commander itt chief, fir John the grand depot, viz. the piper of the bank 1 Jcrvis, ' of England woulJ itui dc prcicreu. . . . . . Llrtrinir the American war, upon the o- pening of one of lord Konh's budgets, lord Hawkclbury, then mr. JmUnfon, threw out nearly the fame idcas ltwasalfo fug. gefted by Poftlethwayt, fomc years ogo, that the beft mode of dslfolving the national debt would be by the cftablifiimf nt cf certain .clalfcsof life annuities, not transferable." Emigrations a, Look before you leap' U the title of a pamphlet, written decidedly CHAUETTE. To have waged a war Jor three yearsin the heart of a potent military nation with rcfour ces almotl filf-dcrh cJi to have truxked all thceSforts for fo long a period, which- w if-. dom could a4pife, or terror employ, (hew. ed a genius worthy ot Hannibal r and worthy the pen of a Cjtfar flioyld convey to poftcri ty. WcfpeaknotnOMTcf principle. Tlie man U dead, thodgh the hero bvc , and we py a willing tribune to gallantry andcnUiu-; " . , V. " . A - ' - . 7 V 1 1 : s I 1 - . f ' n r L

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