V Vi7' y7 f . r 1; -7 mun. . This eycnt is certainly urcifive of the war i-i LaVcndje---a war on which mr. Pitt lb. confidently reckoned to increale the " pref- fyre" on th' French republic; ;miL-AvhidL we are alio tree to add. . was- dreaded evrn. more by its iucrcilivc rulers than all the com bined: efforts of ther,e:ttcrnal enemies"! It v:i-, in thi&countrv the' hmlirmd rhe rtPjurce lies defend at Flenrius there was Charette, at ihe head ot one mwareu -uyu t IreftM'e it rrTLu VeaJce I .Were we com- -,f .-,rV t..av in anv encacemeut - - uir.iv' . of:he flatc of the Royal Sovereign, declar ihe could not be repaired without going into dock. . , -i 1 IcreuIeVidence for the pr ofecution do led'. - ' " ' ' X . --V o:.jeck. i lie vo.llblation andrhf ,1i,ru,v,.. J ..... - " ""v wivitvutiik I jiovv no in ore - - JillS was die nnhllrv mml. if Wf , .;" Tlx Defence. " .',-,( N , 'The Adniral laid, that being indifpofed, wltlTa weaknei's in his eyes, he iiioalJ requeit inerin, Mr. EnTane, t( iKMi tile pap'r ah.f h he had prepared in his delenceV; l'trmilhon beiijg granted 'Mr. Jirftine proceeded, sLd' aittr reading a gariety -q r,calois in juihnca 33 V O T1 T S.M O U T II 4 prlli Tuigu. of AD:.n:;AL C pRv VALUIS. Thnrill f,un for a Court Mart: tl -.vyriired; and rh'" hag..as.u(ualo boardtheOrioa of 4 :y u.r lying iM portI; mouth haiaour.-Loi:d Uowe, and the 0-hcr inciiibers ot the "court. v-;ir ,v, !v,.,; i u..u- ,.pait eignt, and hll.roi-d:rfl j;r-..vaj t'v-i hailed. : ; At ninae-courc waso-reJ, mj i JJS loilowing ii -v A tne iiiejiiiKi v hvyra !h. Hit of their nam cs": ; ' loftlveFlccrr IT I IITiIHWV- luuaLiiowinir ; - - .. - .. - iaine, were of opinion, " "1 hat with reipeJl to. the two firlt char, ges, of his returning without lvave at"tef"f tuving'been ordered to proceed i6arbadoe3 r -" " . 1 iind ot lus cvlobeyiiig the; orders ft, had e i . . .- c . tC'Vtd, xnijcrmduci was impmabU to inm, lor , not Having umteU Ins hag on board the Mars oriOiiiiaur, and proctcdwd n either of theni tothe tii-i But "BTconlidcratioh'f " -Ut'htT circuihiunces. the Court arauititlhu :of ony tijkUnu'miis conduct oiftSat: bc-v cai.Oii. -. - . :- : -: .; " W ill) rpfnerT to the third Aa Earl Ifo.ve. A itiof the yh'tc- bT Peter Parker BarN AOri Lord Bridport itto. G. Vaadcpu:, Liq. Vice ilmiral of the .,' White . ; ! Sir Allen 'Gardner, Bart, ditto. . .... iir.ll: Curtis, Bart, ft ear Admiral of the nea .11. Harvey, EfJ li. i. Blih, E ditto, l. ditto. C.N. Poole, Hear Admiral of the Blue . j. -oipoys, tM. ditto of the White. - . '. ; ' CAJ'TAIN'S. E. E. Nugent, Efcj. Ch. Towel Hamilton, EHp - ' " ' -Edmund Dodd, Elq. Jl'DGc: ADVOCATE, Sir George Jackfon, Bart. Adniiral CornwaUis tntered the Court and h.;d a tide-table alPgnet him for his papers, and the Hon. Thos. Erlkine. 1.rrd1Tovethcn ftatedan outline of the charges to Admml ' Corhwallis,. they were three in number, and wciv introduced by itatmgthe nature of his appointment,' and thclervjcc in whkh hc was cnved ; th.it whereas Admiral CornwaUis wasn the toth 'oaVbruiryla.l, 3p;Di,uedto the command of a lquadrondcibnedfortheU-uidcfB irb !. docs ; and was ordered by a letter fro n the Adnuralt, dated rhe 2 :tli of the A,,,- u to 1 i-i fro'n pith-aJ, is loon as pjjible, tak. ! -.yt u-Hur u s convoy an the vithnllcrs ad tranlptrts then i-i rr idintfs, and t;) aa on the Leeward llbnd Itation,' arcnrJiivto his imlruaiom, or to iuh further crderVas lc inijiht receive from the Lords Co nmi:i!oners of the Admir.ilty ; that thrlVuI Vicj.Admi. r.d failed on the iSthof Kcbrtnry, and that his !hlp U'ng dilabled, he had been ouilty of a irglettcdu!;,-, h not Ihlfting hislli-r to pother lh:Pr and proceeded, as bY,,J'i ia ' Inch cafc to the placl nf his delation ; but ha. contrary to h-s inllrutlu.ns, and w,,i. fdllytotnc detriment of his Majelty's fcr vice, returned to port, after delivering hh ord-f $ to another o.fitcr ; that afterwarJs he h.ul been guilty uf d.fohedience to theTrds Com.nilhoncrs 61 the Ad:iiiralty,by rcfuhV to pr(cctl i nmrd atcly i the Alhca fri-.itc and join li'sfqiudron. , " k . l be orders were then rea l. After w hich tlie cyidciKccotufr.cnccdwi'h reading certain papers ilurging the Adni'. ral with difob"d,enc ol orders, in not fijlft. inf, hi fa t0 t!ic .lircj frigate, and proceed" mgto Bjrbtdt?s. . ' Sir Charln Cotton, capr.V-Sf th- M,r. visexanrmn! rcfprahl,; the" Vilcrj he re rnveilfro-i! the Ad.n:rJty, and his inllru ti- inslrom Ad niral CAiw.illh. Mr. TiLbs, lliip L'u'dJcr, gnvc jeeou-u " Oitthe i:rit charge I cannot, but remark that even iSier mreturn 'to 'Srithtad 1 was vuuuaueu .in my coniru:.a, aiui even nonor cd vitl;freh marks co-.;dvnce. 1 his ma . . nifeitlj''Oiew t lat"4iough' my; judgment was ,-dSptr oyed'ii;l( I vis not chur; ed with the , imp ia t ion bHegkci of duty'. ,! Had I coiii i ; ' pl'edvynhftx-ihorldcrrand" laledn - thj .-r"Altra, I i.andd unqueltjijnably nothaveijetn - broiyJitbLlore this court-martial to anivyer for jnykonduct on bo.rd me Royal -Spve-rcvrfi. (An '.. nicer, ilrongly fufpected of la .bo' rin;:iJer a charge io aftrocious, wuld notavt been c:nHluyed4n a liatlob a-du Pia'3Jtnt.cal, S y.bilc ib'manv i.iiltul and nter Kcteus;u a con: a nave been ton -.1 a a ciiarge is lV eflentially involve d in the ren . -that lihall -hot dctalfnhe Ccurr faTther"on that head. ;"; i " "f. -- ... 1 no' recced to the third .charge, that of difobedioixi1. - In the ci.e of po.itive or ders, I ccrttiuly had neither' judgment to form, nor lifcrtt'.ou to excrcife. 1 had on., ly to obey. J I truit that.it forms no part of my principl ?, nor has it been the tendency of aily actiojj ofny life, to lhake.the inlluence of fuboidiiiitidn. 1 lolemnly and firmly "deny that 1 have been guilty of difobedienceof orders. Wkeu I received the order to go ' on board the A.trca, the oljject could no long- er be the convoy. It mutt be with a view to act iu the I leeward Ifland Ibtion, and futh a cominilllon could not 1 lightly acccp. . tril, nndor circuioiloncb by whkh 1 was de prived 01 all the afi'uiaucc on , wjiith I was inoit accullenudto rely. If the abridgment of my own convenience, :md tlie faciiuc of my health, .had becn'the only evils to be dreaded, I ni'.ght have braved the .uorft. But I was in no fmution to accept ox lb fcrious a rcfpontibili;y. . ; " The paper likewife contained fomc rcl n.rrks'on the condiutcf the Admiralty Bojrd .ui.j ih,u aim .U.ii.lUvltll Willi ( ii hr'nn ct any - histravirg, : arrcirretuttr, ' diiobey td-tKe" u-uojta ui uy. uuiim yw-umu Jlty, UUVOt gQ. urg-outlo tlicrWcici ndics m me Atrr?airi-"r ;4-ietafcourt NV trc cpm:6n that the charge wis . tiit ti'jvtd, . atiu thcitture ACouri T? i I Admiiii Connvaliis upon that charoc. i .. . Ad A ;rai Cui uvx.iiii, w iip during the trial '. couiitedhunelt wirh great hnnueis . and j coiu'Mire, iietvra thcienteiice react .withbuc.7 ij?x iiytioh-'';' and then luuki.nga iiight bov" ' 1 to Uf-oui t, rtured along with Air. . Juv j' kiriaiidiuine other friends " ; ' .J M conlcicnce atqalttjd hi.n tint h.s bl inc. Captain V.1rtli-, T. Alexander, mnfirr, and Mr. hainc, i'urgeon ofthellnjal .vove rcigu, were all cxammcd, touJiintbe Ad miral's conda.l, anxiety for the .'crvke iieaim, ccc. Admiral CornwaUis tkn informed the Court, th'at he had no more witnti!cs to call IVT any more evidence, except lbmc letters v. Wch led rairedbclw'cenhiui and the Luids ol the Admiralty. After the rcadirg of fomc papers, and 'a tew cblcrvations ol i.o importance, the tri.d was ilofed a little biJV:re mc. '1 he Court uas then cleared, ami the members remained there till four oMixlfr nthri broke up w ithout determining their bci7fcr.ee ; and they arc to lit again tomorrow at nine. On Friday morning at nine oMock, thc court again allemMed, and remained dcliUr ating from that time until one, when the court was again opened, and ltrangi r admit. Hie ju.'gc advocate tlicn called over the names of the members ; cud ftcr having noticed, in the ufuJ forms the ixcalion for which the ci urt had afcmblcd, th: time it had fat, and real over the charges, lie pro. c ceded to deliver run sKSTKNcr. i " Thst the Court havintr hrard thecvir .dnice infupport cf the charges exhibited a. gamlt the Honourable William CornwaUis Viie-AdmlrJ cf the Bed ; and bavin heard hijclvfcute, jn.levidtntcln hU behalf; and I L A N, March 14. - . ' .' ' . ." '".- ' : ' We vcflerdav received bv r. nrivate letter: . ; . the molt luciancholy accounts from Sardinia ; liuurrect.on and .rebellion are racriny with jrrldiltiW ur in that liiand.. Jl he Viceroy is -arrelte'd- tiie mi'urjrtnt s tru prtVnh.m t arid ti . ..j-...., iyi -a-gteannaionty ol the peopte deiife- to put wii.cii,itiyes unoer tne protection ot tlie 1 renchv -tliTjnnlt wK(pi 'llTiit J'iiV'n thor ora Huf nM .,.1 to ttablitiiir Government on the principles of Liberty and Equality , V MAD R I D, March 2.-..-' . . ' - ; , .... K Ot'j4 r.rnatton'witli reiDect to Enohmd W "no louder lo critical b it has been l'ome time paft. In theaneaii time our Court think ic prudent to make every nccefiary preparati on'. All the orders for difmantling the fnips of war have been countermanded, and it isfaid that Admiral Langara will loon put to lea i rum Cadiz with a ileetef 15 llnps of the line. ;' ' - : . ' P A fR I , S, - April 5. Pichegru is appointed ambafiador to vWc-.-den, tthrrc he wdl be weU received, as the luke of Kuderiiiimia, who, to tlie talents -of a wife MinilUr, unites thole of an able Warrior, is one of liis great admirers. We niay alk, if it be politic to fend to the midil ' . of the manners of a Court, aman, dellincd, jiotwiihftanding the intrigue's of the envious and thctnanauvrescfhiscolumniators, toen. joy a high rank in the Ilepublic ?(L' Eclair). . A letter from Strailrourg, dated the 29th ul:. confirms the report ot the Armies on the lilunc retiring lurthertrom eacit other. It is laid that thegrr iTctt par: of our r.nny aw the Rhine and Mo.cile, h poinsr into the Department of La Mcurthe. It is added that its 1 lead Ouartcrjarc already at taveme, near S railourg. aph. (u The nomination of General Pichegru to" be Amlntfllidor hi Sweden, is not generally aplroved. It is conlidered only as an honour able exile. - The Mininders of the irterior will on De. cadi next give a very IniiliantFctc toGcneral Pichegru. A lquadron of five fail hf the line and two frigates failed fron Tou!on on' the 2 ill ult. its dedimtion unknown, but fuppofed to join another Iquadron on the Coalt of Spain. PHILADELPHIA, '24. ; It H P OUT Of the tvmr.Uirc r.Vi njle U vchm vtt rrfr red the vh(fiie tfthe VrefJoil tffle Lui. UJ Slot', if the Uh tf.ipil, 1796, rtL'. - the title Itrilhry tf tie UuhJStultt, BY the deed of iciilon cf the Stite rf Vir. guda, the United Kta:c sre bourd to lay off the Ttrritory t.orth w til of the riur Ohio into Ibtci not Icfi llun one l.ur.Jrcd nor mere thin uio Ludfcd ai Lf'y ulu

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