A.-l.- fqiiare. And by the ordinance of tli rtli day of July't?.S 7, Congrefs retolvcJ' that -fd toon as Virginia' fliould by law confc.1t' to -, the laying oil' the laid territory fo as ta form "three ilares, that the famq Ihould be bound ed in the manner therein fpeciiied. Bythe fame ordinance the whole of the territory of .3 the, .Uuit&l,JSuteA.'ntfrtlv vcit of the QUie4s " made one diftfi.il for the purpofe of teinpo ' rary nrcrnmcnt; and it is therein dedared, that To "loon as any one qf.thc laid iiates fo to p'e laid out as atorefaid ihould coit'ilt of Congrefs into one fhte, th.enuation .of the inhabitants in order to aftertain whether fiich (late was entitled to be received into the junioii cniflh't.ta-have been mad. under the au thority of Congrefs ; fprj;hp-enunwration of the mhaoitants ot the original itates lor the purpofe of apponIoniig;j and afecrtaininga rule ior the apportionment of .direct -7 taxes muij by the Conftitution oe irtad. by Conqrefs, and cannot be made, by the individual dates. - And as the rights of be admitted bv their delcrntes in Comrrels on an equalWtitWAvith thriiHlstcsr " By the deed 'bt''cefliori oV.th -Shte -of !North-Caroina of tiiejands therein ebferi- hed, it lsan-ad. a'cond.tion thai tne territory i'o ccdc.it- 'U;iU l-.u-.i .t , uin' fji HtcJ io'o Jjatc or llJteSj-'Cbiitanvji, a fuitablc extent o'i territory ; the iniubitaiU i 5 tyliicb ihall enjoy all the prwiWei let -.forth in itoeTor- diiian'ce fnrhc .'pvernvnQat 61 .the wciterri territoVy of 'the United Sta.es. By the acV for" the-Vo-ernme'iit' of .the .terriory. of the United States fouth 'of the river : Ohio, the whole otV'th: faid territory for the pur-; pofe -of.tenvpbrary govern ncut is made, one .'dillricii anilVit h declared that the. inhabit. . ants thereof, fiaU enjoy all the privileges let forth in the brdimmce for the government of the. territory othe United States north weft of the Ohio: s in the terri-orv north well TiTaifec of new ilates, the lame principle which enjoins the eenfus of their nnhabitanfsofre . We underftand, that the two voting men. Reynolds and Goofefy, who were rhmr-.l with robbing themal at York town, vivet -been tried at the, F ederal Court, now litthfr iu ixicnmonU, and acquitted."" " . v , N K W 13 E R M, Jusn 12. Thfollowing meifage from the Prefident Was read in the llbafa of Rcprelentatives, birWedaeTday the 2ah.uft. r :. ' " Gentkmcnof the Senate, and oftkeffoue of iKtpt ejenrative. ing polTeTion of the polls of Detroit and Mi- chihmachmac, rendeV it proper that pro vifw -of the Ohio, it tsiiacell7ry t'aac the.' fame, iliall by Congrefs b bid ovt in States accor. ding to the conditions of the act of ceirion, of to the provjlions expreifed in the ordi nance of Co-.igrefs, and that fitch flutes Hull each contain iixty thouai;d frecinhabitants before they ere entitled o bejid'nitted Jnto Tthe Unioi; ; fo in the territory fouth weft of the Ohio, Congrefs are obliged by the ad of cejlion. 10 l.'.y out the" fafne into C'nr or " wore flates, the inhabitants ofi'rj!,hb fo icon. as they ihall amount to hxty thonland free perfons will be entitled to be admitted into the Union. TCono-refs have declared thaf t!ierwhole cf the territory north vH f th OUni nvall for the purpofe of temporary goVcrr.:nent comrole one ctutriit ; and likewilextliat tnc whole of the territory ceded l, NoVti'.-Carolina (It all for the like purpofe lompV'e c;ie diftri!l';.Uut they have not. tie.ia.tivtlv laid cut the. territory north ?ft oi tficV'hlo :nto .. ftatds, luu'l'.v.e they decided wli2therthe icrrltory cidtcby ISorth-Cari'lina, Ihalt'oe laid out info one or morn ftitei. If the di ilricl north cft of the Ohio, contained 11.0 than fixty ih.A'.Ctnd free inhabitants, it vou'd rot fro n thence follow that tlu d.iirid could demand ad'oulion as a new Hare if.to the Un oTUoiigrels, .requirxsThTenumeration of the mh lbitants oi any newv ita.te. laid out by Lon grefs, Jn like manner, to be made unJer. ill 'ir -.i rt t'Uot-itjviui-nivt ct i.5ni.iples of the Coiiftitutron leeni to leave Congrefs- without difcretion oii this point., yet the propriety of ;tne enumeration ncing inaue under trier au. thoi-ity,1 will be manifeft on" comparing the cth lection or the law tor the enumeration ot the inhabitants of the United States "w ith the law u'uder. which the eenfus has lately teen taken in the territory fouth weil of the Ohio : by this comparifon it wijl be perceived that tne guards againflf' error, -provided in the "former U4 are omitted ihthe latter, and that infteid of coaling the enumeration to'thefree inhabitant, oi the territory fouth well of the Oh-o : the law authorises and requires the f. numeration of alt ihpeopk withm the faid ter ntory at any time witjim the term allowed to complete the fame, iaclu .lisii; .as well the per- grjjhoHkrf nyadfor,: extending, 'to-i'thofc Jplacesmd any -others-alike circumftanced. tn.e civu autnority ot ttis iorth Wefteni Territory'- To do this will require exoence to defray wmch the ordinary l'alarles of the uovernor and secretary- oi that territory ap pear to be incompetent.. .. The forming of a mew county orfcounries and the appointment of the various ofiicers which the juft exercife of government 1.H1 ft require, will oblige the? GoTrnor anilSccretary to vifit thofc pljcea and fpend c7nndef able time in making the ar. rangementv ncceiTiry for introducing and eltabliihihg; the government of the United i'States. Congrefs will onuder wirat in this cafe will be proper GEORGE WASHINGTON. United States, May. 7$." -. lotls 'catually AVituiu or paumg tnrougn tne faid territory, as the iuh.ib.taiits thereof. From tlie preceding, vjcw of. the fuojccl, the committee are-of opunon. that tile. in.nbi--tants, of the territory loath weit -of the Oij;o' are aot at this time, entitled to be received '. a9 anew Hate "mto the iinio-j. ,: : lint as the 'fiid territory may by Congrefs be laid o-.it into one itaie, ai.iiuj.-rtira.i: the diilance ictvcen it . t'Ktrcic part mhabii tanti thereof may, th'.rrby be cxfed to lo.uc iilconve.nleiue, ard as it a;j-;,cai s .to be tog def:fc cfa majority .or the. .iu.;uits of aS territory to be rcce;vid a-' a new it.ee iv.tj the n.i:on, recommend tuat 'ea-e U given tq"brii n 1 b.'l layiog one the wuo'coi tiw ia.df-t -r.to.v mtaonc" iiate, .'udprovidi'jg for an euii'iiiraiio 1 0 the inir.'bit ants thereof in tne !(V,i;i.ivr prciu abed m . the act entitled," ' AiiaH pi'ovfihng t M tne enumeration ot lii;1 i.Mts oi ilv: Uniud bUiies, pasie.i th-,i: 1 1- the fu-ii of, .'larch, one 1 iijnl'and ieveu hu::d- and nincu . . N O R F O LK;.;. On Vedncfdaylail arrived the ihip Lark, captain Munro, in :o iluys from burinam, rom.thcCour cr Francaisof May J - Dewis, captain of the Lively, arri ved ncrn Saturday from the Cape in 1 4 days niiorms, Lt c-u;7eil iounc, 0f tje afrcn'ts general .of toninl .lirL, nrrVvl t St.-Domingo in r. Frigate, (avef. c V v;:?:' Vki) three days, before his faumg. i his anc;n;is oliicially to gover.ior Lave;,n c that It- n lowed by&ANTXiostx, ta.ff of thf (;vt-;j:,.t rehefal;amon'rwhom1Irej-iy ndGeraud ;'r'iat Koumc faAed from CaJii und had a p-'ige of 30 days; that thed:lay to t';e fleet was occafioncd by avi'V which his Catholic rnajeily p,a:d iti The ftreugth of the land force to bz brougl.tu: wai not knowni The fleet confifted of 10 Frebth ihips of the line and of 1 7 .-piniih veiTels) ALL perjcrTs indebted to jhe fubferiber arc dc ired to make payrient to F. X Martin, El'p irt'Ahofe'handicir refpeclive notes and accoimt3 are ; 'a:J w.to is inftruc- ted to put the fame in inr indt'.criiniuarely, -Unlcl's carlv attention i ?a'!tl to this req.ielU J. P. VillTINGrji; MayiS. n, bet aufc the diftrift muil by the terms of ' who inform i that in hit 1212. 100157, 2, s ccilioji be previouily divided- into a r.um. IhT of ilates, the free inli th'tants 01 .each 7 vflr nij'ft anvm.it to lixty tJioufand, belVre futh irate wou'.d lrvc a right of r.d:n':luo:i in to tluijubn ; in like ianner although the TTdrtdlonth well of the Ohio' ihonlJ 10:1 tim iixty thoufaud free inhabitant., it cm- r.ot from thence be inferred that titty, vou'd haVc ;a right to JjJaiittcd as a .kw Hate "ii.tothe uni .n, tJk Ccgrcls have not decided wlicthcittfe fame fi-r.ll tompofc a cm the 12th Mav, a little to the fouthward and Caltward ot liai Jauoes, ipoi:e tne ong crTt; J0'1"' 1.;2 New. York, fram B irbadocs, boiiiid to l)cmara-a, who iniorracvl that a frigate arrived at IJarbjdoe tlic day befor ; he faded .from theme, with the new a Outih fleet having fallen in with and tkken a great part of the outward bound Wed-India fleet under Admiral Chriftian, a little, to the indNard of Barbadocs. . A French fthoo'icr irrived at 8urinam from fr.;rle llatc, or be bid oat into to of more Cayenne1, with news that 5 failofDi'' 'ip ihtcs. Th: number ol inhabitant wlntai ot war arc lyinjj "t .mmorui vui ,ni. ctbUllhcs a claim of ad.nimon muil be the ingfor thd remainder ot tnc liutcn net ,, nambcr of inhabitants of a (Uc prcvioully I An Aaieritan captain laxly being c-UM to Ii'kI our. ami dctined in itsfvmdarics W. the bar in the illmd of licrnuula, to iwcar i ntrb and not the number of inhabitants of a territory which for the uu pofe of tern- porcry r,ovcrnmcnt compofek a d Uriel which miy bc'divulcd by Congrefs into fevcral HcnX?cfu'ts thU conclufion, 'ITiat Corbel's mull luvc previoufiy e nartcJ that the whole of the territory ceded ,. W North-Carol na, and which now compof .1... . . c s cr.ic d.dna for the purpoies of temporary government wouhl be laid out and deemed to be tne Jl,itef before the inhabitants there na:!lTinl',,MJOJ'''ount to Ikty-ihoa , fanl free pcrl'omj could claim to be admit ttd a .t ncv Itatc into the union. Iladtlic trrritory fo.u'.i wc.'l ct'thsOhio, wl.icV l"r pitrpoff of temporary f ove'rn. mcnt competes o;ic diilria, h rn laid unt by decerning the property on boar hisvcflcl, defsred Judge Green to let liim fwear on a particular text. lie then laid his hand upon the firft ycrfc of the dUd l'falm judge on me Oh Coci; and plead my caufc agah.ll the ungodly narioil : O 1 deliver tne frumon ungodly nd unjull man."'! he confcicnti on judge ; flrickcti with the pertinency of the point, rclcuPd 1m vclVcl. Jusr v Ycfterdav arrived the Ih'.p Martin.. Capt. N. Collcy, in 46dayi front London. Extra.li from the papers arc given hiuhc preceding, cohimiu. In the al)ovcvcfl"elc.imcpancngcr tiiC Che vallcr d Yrujo, Miniiier lMen rtcmi.iry from the' Court of MaJriil to the United ; ? fivfury.ffrc, M.iy i LL pu thafcrsof Lots in the city of lla. . leigl;,vho are ftill in arrcar to ths Ihte, are hTel)informcd, that their bonds and c- veryif them will bo put in fuit on the 20th day f Juni next, unlets they arc paid o'T audiaken up bctorc that day . JOHN IIAYWOOU, P. Trca'r. For tute, ac auction, vNthe tftjulyncxt, the brig JOHN, a V Hamuli 'ood vcllel, eighty tons bur thcr, one year olf the ilotkj, compleat for fea ;v the now lies at Werdcn's -wharf, the properly of Samuel Werdcn, dec. Six month credit will be given on bond with futGcien: fcairity to DAVID SHOEMAKEJl, Executor.. Ilakttitittt June y. HE fubferiher informs his ctillomcrs, UL and the miblie in rcncral, that hcha removed from near the ctiurt-houfc, and cirrics on the !n Cravcn-Strctt, oppditf'Mr. Bvp.nf.'J 4ViVf j -thofc ilm plealc to favcur htm rnth tWurtom, their demands will lc puuc tblVsind fpcrdily complied with Mailers ( lXrU and Ifa.f.irmjr, men, may be fup ilicd on th? fl'orfcft notice. ; FllEDElUCK CLEMENTS. ...J,,-

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