r I. Selected Poetry. From a late London fatri THE P A D, WHAT various way The female effuy To'win the afte&ion of man j ! . The charms of laft vear. - That tmbeTl i uianii rf&fi Now wantonly fport in the van. The prorninerit wjuft; . Qf .women l JaltC,. j f i. Is a talh'on that's lure ol luccocainp -When wtUi 'igs bijore . Are recltoo'd no more - A . Than merely the markiof good breeding. ; . - Had I reilly not known, -Thisoddtafte of the town, I'd have -thought liAi-ttjonevtrtJar,--.-And hav b;d any btt, . q All the wb-nen Imct . Were raifw ncruits for the warv -;; s; ' - The big belly'd laf When.iinnotic'd would pals, If with guilt you (h.iuld venture to charge her. Cries, " TheTwi,le ar mad V Uon't you lee 'tis my pad ! . Tho her pad's growing larger and larrtr . - Then let each lovely fiir, This falhion forbear, . i Which depravity ouTy avow s ? ' ,. . .. Let no fmeil'mgt appear, In the front or the reart S A L E, nrFO-R :' VALUABLE plantation antfa tracVof jTV land containing ibout fix hundred a- -cres, with a commmodioiis d elin ghoufe anu an neceuary out omces on i renr roau within fourteen miles of Newbern and 5 miles fronrYenton, Conveniently fuuated for a (tore or public houl'e, v ithin,a mile of the riven with a young orchard of about co apple trees, and about ico -.res of cleared ground, all under a good ieie, convenient to "tHefBeft ' ringelh the county. Negroes" or calh will be taken in paymet. Tot further Butfuch asUeet nature alloW3. w t w NO R OF S - T- 1 1 A K II I. N A Containing all the Arts- of Aflembly both public iind private irom tne end ot Judge IreJell'sKeiul to February 1 70c. R I V A T B A C f S, OMITTED IN S A ID RE VI SAL, . - ' AND THK . STATUTES of GRE VT-BRITAIN, (Lift I j pubiljljci and to be had, bound feparae1 ' or together,) 1 n. a: AT . F. X. Martin's, Newborn ;" H. Wills', Edc.rton ' A- Hodge's, Halifax ; J. Rofs'.s, . 1'arborough ; AViUiam Falkner's, Warrcn- ton -William hiw's, Raleigh ; Care and IVrSirtHiburoui,. Montford Stokes', Sa lilbur; 7- Irvmtf Morganton ;. Peter Perry's, Faycttevlllc, R. Uradlcy, Wil. xniiigcou . ALL owners andpoUcflrortcTfiills fordif. til'.ation of fp'riious liquois in the coug ty of Craven, arc informed that 1 flail attend at the Golftaor's Office irrNewl-mu, firing ' the month of June enfuing, to rpccVthe, ttry of Diikllcrs agreeable to law for the Vearxiuimcncing the Hrft day of July i'j6, lhotgTvtloTiive not fettled their duticsfor the lalt year are dclircd to makq immcdatc payment, otherwise they.wiU'expcricnce lie pPnalriH ofthc law. STEPllENCAMRRELENG, ColUflor of the Revenue' f r Craven county. E D, ST PUBLI sn AND FOR SALE - r RINTI NG.OFFICE (NEWBERN,) the-fubferiber on the premires.' .... , rlEZEKIAU MERRET.- Jones county. May 30. . THE NOTED HORSE, IowJahigh order,, aiid yill itandat the-,r ftable of the fubferibers at Haw landing,' in Glafgov county in order to cover mares at ten dolhirs.the feafon,- payable the ririt of January next ; of eignjs dollars ifpaid iri the courfe of the lealon ; live dollars the leap, and twenty dollars to infure " Corn or pork. wiH hf received in payment thereof, if deli- verediiii anuary next.'- The lealon w ill begin the loth of March, pmiciilarsapplydtlterrn end the-1 otji of Auuil When marvs- T REP O R -. ' , O F A , C A . S E, .- . LATFXV DECIDED IN Faycttcvillc Superior court of Lay, WIir.RF.IH THE FOLLOWING QUESTION! AE DISCfSSFD AND SETTLED 172. I. Whether, in the cafe a sealec iUlriZ Jlmmrnt, VSattfled by any sub sell! UNO viltnefif the lUNDWRifiuc tf the hrly MAY be ADMITTED tfcvUencc f , II; Whether an aclhn of DEBT Ikl mi For Sale at the Printing- Office, AFKWCOPIES OF THE POLITICAL." C E N S O R," . OR. ' - MONTHLY REVIEW , For .March, and April 1796. ADVERTISEMENT. T T 7 ILL be fold on the hit Saturday in-Ju- Y V r ly next, at the luie-dwclUng houfe of L-evvis liryan, blq. deceaied, ail tne lands, of the faid deceaied, to ivit ' - 7 ' ' ; His late dwelling houfe, and eleven lots,. in the town of Trenton ; nine hundred na cres of land, exclufive, on a part of which "is-a valuable mill feat.- whereat there ..now llands a Krill and faW mill ; and on a fmall expence,, might be made as, valuable a fetof mills as any in the vicinity. - Alfo will be fold at the lame time, a piece of land on Vine Swamp in faid county : alfo one piece of land on the INortn'.ude ot irent river; like wife one lot in the town of Newbem, near the waters of Neufe. About one fifth. .of tire purchals money, will be expected on the day of fale, the other lour fifths in dif ferent payments, (that is,) one hfth in two vears. one huh m four years, one nun ui fix years, ando.ic fiftliin eight vars. rhe puichufers giving lx)i:d, with ap proved iecurity, vvhich ihall draw interclt from the day of fale, an indifpurtble title willbe made to the purtlul'cTS by the exe cutors. " . DUR ANT" HATCH, Ex'r. Jones County, Aity 14. are brought for the leap, the money willbe- expected with them, otherwue uie charge" wul be m'de ior the lealon. vn it' iti ' Kottuiifiii darK' bay,, up-'; wards of 15 hands high He was ''got by old. -M arki Anthony ; his dam by- the imported I horfe Baja.et, iiis grandam by Crawford. i upoa paiturage lor mares cratis, '4ind tne grcateli cre taken of them ; but . the fub- ; lcribers will' not be anfwerable for accidents ' or efcapes of any kind. ; , n y - ; HOLL1DA 1 & CARR. N. B. Half a dollar to be paid to thie-' Gtoom, at the ftable door. -2 Glafgovj county, Feb 24, 1796. Five Dollars Reward., Ten Dollars Reward.. . RUN-away from the fubftribcrii New bem, on the 10th May, a mulatto maiv named J I Mi about twenty five years of oge, of a ftckly yellow compleclion ;,alKut live ftet five or fix inches high, Uraight tied hair, fpcaks good Englilh. lie lud on when he went away a bluejacket, otnaburg troufcrs and a new hat, snd In his hands a pair of men's Ihocs ; it is prob-dilc he is lurking about Ncwbern, or cone to Walhuli'ion. W Wvcr will nrwr e- hend faid Have, or tonfinc him fo that 1 get him again, fliall be entitled to the above re ward. REUBEN BARNARD. N. B. All perfons are forwarncd from harbouring or concealing him, and maftcrs of vclTels from carrying liim away, at their peril. 4 R B. May 23. FOR S A L E, THE houfe and tots, now occupied by Mr Willum Shepard, the loti may be had fcparatcly or together. Alfo one lot, on broad rtrcct, near the Court-Hoiifc, and one houfe and lot, ad'oining N!r Thomas Cox's. ; ' ,lhe whole the property qf Mrs. ary Edwards. NATHAN SMITH.' Murch ip STRAYED or Itolen from the plantation,: of the fubferiber on" the 16th April, a dark bay horfe about fourteen hands -high, one wnite nind loot, and at tne lame time was ftolen from the plantatioh'of Amos Simmons,' a lmall lorrel horle with a tut main, .he has fdme fmall white fpots.on the fide of his jaw below the ear-, any perlon lecuring the laid horfes fothat get them again ihall receive the above reward. - ' y . NEEDHAM SIMMONS. Jones county, A lay 14. ' .' ' - J U S T. PUBLISHED AND FOR SALE AT THE w. PR in xi n 0-0 rn c.e. ' - " A " ' '' D E SCR I PTI O N OF O CCA COCK INLET, ' AND OF ITS COASTS, -ISLANDS, SHOALS, AND. . ANCHORAGES, With thf.COURSES and DISTANCES, TO AND FROM THE MOST REMARKA- 1 ' ' OLE PLACES, And DIRECTIONS to SAIL over the BAR and i tarn through the CHANNELS. A few copies of the above maybe had the PrintiiK'-OfHcc, and of air. Willw Johnlton, price 50 cents. April 9. ; THISDU' IS TUDLISHED And for fale at the,' ... . PRINTING-OFFIP".; (S caber n ) aV T R E A 1 I S "E . on nit JURISDICTION JUSTICES or OF THE PEACE, IN C 1 1)1 L SUITS ACCOHDINO Tl THF. LAWS OF Tin; SPATE of NORTH-CAROLINA. AbyiZ. , ' F OR SALE AT THE PRINTING-OFFICE, A ttw copits or Till LAST ACTS OF ASSEMBLY. : N KWBEHNi PRINTED BY F R A ; N C 0 I S X. M A R T 1 N.

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