V., ... f 1 .... -. . - J- " - " ,- for the fake of pcscexvould "have been -abxuj Sardinirrmd Naples hive dr.erm'ned to ait t i . rl heallicTwifTicuVtomto ed 1 llem of Europe, to protect the iladthol d . rr ainl the fev-'en United Provinces, to' pre fent an iron barrier antinll the contagion ot innovation-; and they too, in the progrcls . xf pride and ambi ion, meditated the difmem ', "bei'ment ot" France,, and individually their tRvn an-wiind" femem r ? " rr"'" 'T. ' . ' ; But in thele objects on eitocr' tide, there , has been in -the conrle of the war, a coulider-a'-tlC chanji?. Neither has the internal ad-' m inlltr.uion of France been fuch. as to invite her neighbors to .follow her example, nor - -as-te juftify a:y hopes-of :conqueft,-orHtibH l FFnch-hayet-littleoexpca'at th . ... Ui . 1- - . 1 !. :... .1.1 ...'II 1 hmli'trr mnmonf .....1 - hereto the co ifederancv. the . JTMTTnroir makes the !uo;t vigorous' preparations for war. . Mou of the prin :p.il STATES AND PRINCES of Germany have-agrccdtofuruilh their quo tas lor carrying oa the war ; and as to the K 1 i G OF P-RUSSI A, ahhough hebc ihore-dn poled, by hook, and" crpuk, toc.itch money, rather than to give it away,, having drawn all that he. can from Francpaswell as from England, he is now at liberty to follow his intereit as well as incli nation to reftore the Itadtholder. . From - THE' T U R'K S dui ir the nower and the ineoriciuerable will , of Hberty every hbcrty run. mad by force I or arms. I he Ipint ot ambition, one would im;gin(y-weHkl now -be pretty muth--abated" on both' fides -But, whatever their objects . may itill be, how-far doer, the farther pro-' ieeution ot the war oiler a reasonable hope i their attainment ; flic jtreat' hopes of the grand mover of the alliance, the Britilh go- eminent, are founded avowedly on the de prcciatioii of the French aif.gu'its, or paper . currency ;but the niourascl a country are nothing eld than its phvtical rel'ources viz. its ; -0,-uUtior , mean of f u b fi it c n ce , c a pi t aT, an- tlie liiduAry, "emus, and valor of its m- hul);t;.ius ;io.,ey, intact, is only a mane prefent momentand 244 Commanders ; and 10961 Lieutenantt making in iJYhok-oi-CommiOioned vniters . 'Hie Njw of this- rnnnfrv v, (r.l n nf h hired armed v; flVls for proteclinrr the - Coal l rade, confiited on the 3 ill ot March la ui 170 imps ot the line, 29 fifties, 188 Fri 0 f 211 oioops, making in the whole navy oi cQ8 iUm nfwsr. "We have- taken and deftroyed, fmce'the commencement nf tlif 1 v 't.A Jrrenchnavy, of which 27 arc line of bat;Jc iHps, not under feventy.fcurs, and we Have added, of thefe canturts. 6a in our rmm in I vy. x The cricmy have taken and deilroycd of our naval force. 21. HvrnfwlA.rpiJ Kf-brrleriliips. ITa-creemVthe 3111 iviarcn 1?llt. FUE EMPRESS OF RUSSIA 1 Cnrm.ri..f .1 - T ,Y : - . -s-, it v. ua never at fltiv-lorr.T- iUhlihoyer-andthefevcn United Province- -as frcac are complete mailers to prefent an iron barrier againft the coma- of the Jc.i v. he rever the oecan is capab'c of gionoi innovation ; and they too, in the pro... be,nng on her bofo'mlfie burthen o a man grels oipru e and ambition, meditated, the ot war, Onr P,.: ' 1 j , -1 . . , 11 vnciLts, toiiira.vere ne- d imemberment of France, and mu.vidually vcr as to tht-ir maritim'e force info deolora- 1 their c.wr. nn(TlnV.7pm,1 : . Mo n, it , - 1 bfa - . . I "e. tve nave, blocked rhwn nr. n thc;r ports, from whence, except by ftealth, they can ,ol cfcape . anJ ya the , of or lion of the v 'due of labour. Productions 'of -rt, and reproductions of nature, -may be Carr'td on without intcrrncdi te figns of wealth. Ui'jpoiiiJe tor a great nation, with an immtide and ferule, ccuntrv, too-on without 'tliei-i ; and if it he impollible the French nation w ill make the attempt. It is . vaui,thu f re, to fu po-ethat t,he rel'ources ' ot France will not furvivethccxilter.ee of their aflignats". . l)n the other hand, th re foarcesot the confederates are great, parti cularly of Great-Britain, whofe commerce is extended far beyond its ufipolt extent, in any lormer ptnod, and is lull mcreahng, stimu lating and nour'fhing at the fame time aiVjn cr'eale of manufactures, and alfo; though in an inferior degree, an advancement in agr'K culture, it is to oe prelumcd, that both France and England will take the advice of tlie apoillc Paul, " f .ook not every man on ', his ov n things ; but alfo cn the things of o thers." If they do this with due reflection' and candor, they will be dlfpofed to meet each other half way, in the roid'of peace ; uniefs, indeed, they reconcile themfelves to the idea of wagi- perpetual w?.r linft each ' otntr, as,wa; formerly the cafe betw cen the Chrhiians a d the Turks. But this is not to be luppoftd ; and therelorc it may be con eluded for ne from Holland, F II A K F O R T, March 28. countrv h.ivc m-t-i- ,... r 4. T , ; r ' J &,vaL "uiciui torupiaint- fru 1 he numerous couriers that are dilpatch- ' vateers and m w ;rt..n iu; c ..L . --...... ,. , r 11 njja.ui war contmu- eu tiom baile to Vienna.-. and rrom Vienna ally unercenr rr r nvi' . , iu uuuu uie irequency ct tlie comerences many valuable captures. -, Our couvovs are T- T "uguct.aol"vwr4"i: V , '.' , . - l'K,Per?y afended to, land a fufficiency of U1CUI11 W"1U1 are, mentioned oy me lauaa-, ingatc is not at fea to'-jroeft fuch veilels vices-frbm Vienna; confirm the general dpi- as by' ilreis of weather, bad conduft, or other n:on otthe pending- negociation tor a peace ; accdents, may have parted from their con between the Empire and France. 'j voy. It i, in this poillt) and a tnder one -t A report ism general circulation m'this I is, .that the French have found us vulncra place, that General Pichegru, on quitting blc. We, therefore, hope that fome new the army, remarked, that the people ought j regulation will take place, and that every to wait with a little patience, and in a fliort" j cauic for murmur on this lubjecYwill be re time, the object of their wilhes would be ac- moved. . Our exports and imports pay molt complifhcd. It is certain that the report of -, exorbitant duties we are, therefore en afpeeedy pe.ue is much accredited in the titled to every protection this country can af rrencn aruisronlhe Rhine. Individuals who ford. have ( oine from Deux Pon,ts -..report that, v oh St. Legcr is going to India,' thrcugh there, as alto at Landau, a truce for three the inures of the Prince and the Duke-of Hiuiiiu uju oeen proclaimed, oy beat or loric. drum, and that the Preliminaries of peace wou.d be ligned bctore the expiration of that time. - : G E N X) A, . March 24. ' . Jtl a WOrk lnft' hnbliuSpd iubject of peace, and the means of accelera ting its conclufionV'is the following palTage : " The decided and declared wilh of the great mainritv of flip FronrK' Je fr-1 .1.. t,i- a , v 1 ' ' ' J" J ' 1 nun w tut a uilldUlC J)CiltC Ihc Genoefe piqnet th3f was pofled at ; it cannot "Be" fpeedily attained, : if we only Milifana, near Gavi, hasbeeji drueu away tiy an Au.Vian piq-iet of ftipericr force. The Genoefe dd not defend thj pod, but aban doned their tentsand tols - which the Atu ilrians had the cruelty no: to luifer them to carry a.vav. V c jVi by this hov difficult it will be fnr the Gciiorie to 'defend their neutrally both Jtls I l - J '- l . , . "J il, that France will give up her (onqut Its f ajainit the Aultriansand the Frenih. 11 i i ii i ' . .. i. i i.. eacc, a iu ngiasvi alio ners, with thole 10 e rcarcs., mac iue inrmer nemg nearer 1 i 11 1 .1 r. n- 1 , r r . .1 ' ' 1 . it "... 10c iort 01 ucnou man ine r rcncit. w. II in Vc themfelves mailers of the important poll of ,nd thofe alfo to be made hereafter in the W eft-Indlcs, into the bargain. Put ought peace to be made with France on the fuppohtion that li e infills ilill on re tailing her territorial ionquclts, altho' Hie il-.oulu tonfent to grant anequivJcnt to the cmr cri.r on the right lidc of the Rhine and to Jreat-Britaiu in commercial and maritime aggrandifeli'iei.t ? On this important queftion the opinion s.of pien are divided, though, to ' life the phrafcology of the houfe of commons tjic noes (and, in our judgment with reafon) fectn to have it. , There is one confiderati on (taiding at leaf! to a temporary pacifica- , tion) that will naturally occur to a political and quick people, not very much retrained by treachery, namely, that, although they Ihould confent jio reltitutionrof the Nf ether -land, the barrier bcingilcltroycd by the im provident relllcfsnclf. of Jo eph H. Uiey might embrace an opportunity of taking pof. ftltion of them afterwards. All thefe motives for peace, on the part of Francc7muflbeler conded by the prefent alcl or the great power 01 Europe From . 1 ; S P A I N, indeed, they have nothing to fear j but as lit. tie, perhaps, to hope. There is an ?ppa. ' reit linbecilicy and mdecifion inthc t paniili" ccMirt. The nation h In fome danger, it is ful, of internal diflrntion and contcft. In I T A L Y, will notbe durable, if we are led tn hrl that our fuccelfes, even the moil ' brdliant, can authorize us to dictate conditions too o nerous. '.,- . fv ; ; When the Americans are meditating tho introducTion into their Code, of an Act of Na vigation fimilar to that which has. contrlbu ted fo much to the 'opulence of England, it becomes thrm tn rmifnlpr Vir,.. U, 1 Bochatta, from" whence they may come to j furnilljcd with the various articles oi luxury the verv nates of Genoa. T he Front h nr i which even thf dninlp minnpn t)n.u . . ..... r- I r. ....... .via v u iltjUIU- alio making ddpohtions to approach, and the I 'fan require, till the beneficial cilecl of the uitaiurc 01 101 wying cnemieives at Voltut c- act, an ir.crcalc ot lhippmg, ihall be felt. To reltratn the commerce of others demands a large capital on the part of thofe who under take ir, and a Marit me P,owcr "which, tho! it may, as.in the inlhncc offancc, bede (troyed ir. a moment, can only be clhbliJh-.-cd by long time and favourable circumftanccs. Thofe who prefent to account to the youn Prince of Orange's leaving England, by a luppofition that the French would not open any negociation while our Court afford ed an arylum to his unfortunate family, it is hkely arc much mistaken. " It is more nrobable that th obiccl to out irntfAmtirtf tin P ' , J " I v.. vi mw vvunt U IM IUI3, (1011 of 20,000 horfei for the faddie, the wag. I whom they call the young pretender. It is gom, and artillery. . ' - ' well known that th? Enghfli AmbaiTador had The magautics arc over (locked, and fliould, Charles Stuart forcibly takai away from war be determined tipen, there will bean Paris in 1749. obltaclc to the immediate march of the' lie There can fcarcc be a doubt that the eauTe' publican troops ' ' ' of this young Prince's return to the continent' is fome hegoctation, that his father in law, LONDON,' Jpril 22. theKmiIVuma, has had with JWce, " Tlie following h'an'ckacl lilt of the iuirru concerning Ins private cltate. If he recover bcr of odicers of the Brltilfi f N avy, as they thefe only, it w ill tc a great advantage. lib iIock! on the t it January, 1 796 10b fl.ig of. family inllucucc in fome of the provinces is Lii.iv iu t.iy (mniiiaii, iv iiumi, cry y,i ui pi nvnuny 111 incncignuouriioa uUU li:; Nailau Llta;cs, nablcs them to take both the roads of Arm 1 1 - VXU1 and the Uothetta. D R U S S E L S, March 12.' The adminiftration arc 'ftraininp everv nerve in prof Iding our army with every arti. cia it can itand m need ot, m order to the o- pening of the campaign. Recruits, horfes, paks ofartilhry, provilions, and 'ammuni tion' of every description, cover :.thc road which lead to the Rhine. It is computed that, from 'the firlt of March, the army of t.ie bamorcand Mctue has received anacccf- according totli2 Utclt accounts, the kings of rals, and Rear Admirals ; 460 Capuins j

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