V - v IS V vr r , s i J , J - " - - - - W - - . -.The Duke d'Angoulenlepn to the Count yril.fct.af.de alt doubt winch before cloud- Tlmritliy UftEnd wasteccived with all the culomary forniulltics attendant on: Royalty: When he entered the ftaore bor. he. was re ceived with rapturous plaudits, ' accompanied bv Gld ftive ihs Kirtr - r . . .... The folio wing is circulated in France, as I- a n-MyA " V t m r - -J ...--...1 1 i suitor, 150,000 cut lournamts .io the iivuS to Ileal jor; ti e Journal des Patriots ' de 1780, coo, 000 : to Louvet. Tor L: $?n- tmeuc 500,000 ior ioa iiQtoine nKuru,- w--n - , v - - , t7 .and in tne country, tor the iohowin; : At Jloafeville, for lOrate.ur Plebv -p.ooo' Jlivrrs ; Vatn ImoegjAFlaticrep-Tof 'theotnt ed the Weft-Ipdia accounts refpecting the arrival of a French reinforcement in that quarter. . ''.'.. .r -'V- In addition to the above account we have been favoured with the Proclamation of Citizen Sontiionax as Prtlidcnt of the commiflion from the Jltive-DirWnrv- . . . ' - "jet de Paris t -400,000 ; at'Sbueo, forl'Ami lcs Loix, i,ooo,T5bo ; in all , 1 t),ooo Uvres per moath, whicu inakjgxii5cyQoahe4- per annum. N . : . About reventy men ofthe -20th regiment landed at Plymouth on Tucliiay Ia1 frcr roa iboard a transport lately arrived from cue "Weii-Indles -Many 'of them arc in andun- tteihy ftafe. They are the remains of i'cv?n ' hundred Jine. tenovSj-:wno have beOii thin jeduced by the" ravages of the yellow fever. lfis'Maje'fty's ihip Sarnptbn" has., cuur jd the Alert French- jhip, ravj siting 4 :X lier paffage from Chariciton to Cpe nn. cois ; ihe had oa board an Aid dn-C iini ot (en. Havaux the Hepubiican Commander 'in -Sk Domingo, with feveral othjr i'rencli Officers who iire now on their parole to Ja tnaic3.. . . ',''.' : 1 ' A correfp5ndentJaCBath writes as fol-,-lows : j v- " :! '-. 's'" ""'"'.' '" : At Wincannon cri Wednefday, wheat 1 fold at 8 s. 3d. per bu.h .: -and breads at Sd. the quartern loafi St pigs: were quite a : drug ; out cit 2 $0 in the ; : rket, fcarcely 25 fold. At Chard,, wheat has fallen 3s. p:r i bu:hel, andfome fold a low as 6s ' 1 . ' Two well known fpeculators in flour . fome months palt, refufed . io$ per fack for a laree quantity ; the whole of which (a juit reward of their avarice) was fpoiied by length of keeping ; and a tew days ago iol J 111 linuol at 25s. aiacK toreeupio;s. ' The Greuvillc property, by lucky marri;:ges, $cc. '. ha fwelled into one of the moll over - grown efta es in the nation! The hitc mar riate with Lady Ann Brydes fortune, niake an addition of more than half a million Iter rFrlmulib" arrived in the fleet from,' Breit, dated Cape Francois, 25 Floreal, May;i5 This is transiting for- the Argus, and will appeals to-nivrrow. - -Citixen Bournonv i xor has "JeOT-poft" haftc f.r Philadelphia,' from wHt'uce we it:ay expect, imporjtant news fobiu 1 'N Jp ' VjURJfe 8....-.--. ."pnlffiutj'jaee'able'to the refolu- tion paii'ed both houlcs a few days ag;of the rrumei.it ot tne senate and the pakermie, i -,cuicrot h rpf elelitativcs cloied their leih cn. (which has been one of the longest and perhaps the moil important held -fmce the citabliinn.ent of the preientoyefninehtby the adjournment of meij relpeftive houfes until" the. hrlt Monday :iu December next. Extruit .from -a tendon fxper jf Jhe Mart,:. ; ; ' The intellicrence cor.taThed in., the Paris papers "received, down to the date of the ' 1 th 01 tne prelent months is of a more- in tcre lling dcitription than any they have ex biptetlkjraxonliderable lcncth of ti.mei. A polithe, M. Plre, and JVf. Nicolas." ' ' ' this numberTten werrBrTfons?. :.7t A letter from- Rotterdam, received ov a - gentlemen, of York, fay?, that the. price oC grain had cbnfiderably decreafed in Hollaiul. iiirticularly in rye and barlv. and it was itill fgraduaH -1 "; 'pNrON'PosT-OFFlCE:, AP-tlL'lft.. ; Uft of irtters ramhuve in tin Pol'j.i'ce :cf A'njfQft, wind) it mt - taken out ji tl ree: Jm which- , months y will bsjent to tk Gcn.t ul i'ci jice as aeaa utters. , ; - T?RED KlUCK tdwb Becinn. nrnr tWs Collins, Trent bridge : Thorn as 'Caik'H(;e. VWayue county, to the care Cnl. 'Twi'prt- -ween ; waiter Uunn. J ohnrvLliiot, ni:ar: B afs's ferry , Wayne couniy, c-r Bryan VV hit field, El'q. Dobbs county ; W illiam ( v 'o.U man; n y rick Hooker, Elq ; Francis M'cffi? -tean ; Capt. Jqin Tutle ; Thoma : Private ; Viiliam 'Waterrnau; ' : ' ' - JOHN LOVICK, P. Iviv N OTIC e -:" ; IS hereby given to all whom ;t. tiay cdt 1- ' :;: cern, that jolph Palmer;.! e-6f Crav a ..county is dead, imeibte, and' that adminiftVa" - ,v . ' j- tion on his tiTecV; has been -ranted ". to 'f?ui . : --fr"." r,ror,t am Bryan, on Swift's creek in theTan-t coiti : ' , ty. All perfons tlivrelprs .who have ar;y Fif-" Vgal demands' againR thexitate of laid intclbi e are rcqueil-ed torcfent tbcm to the f'u i ": , William Bryan within the t.me lim'tteir tj law, or they will be barred ; and all period: 5 indebted to faid intejtate are reqt-etlecl ti 3 rnakc immediate payment t.i thefa':d admirji - ftrator ; and thereby prevent him from tlit ; dilagreeable nccefiity of rclbrting to cornpul -fory means. . . . WILLIAM BRYAN, Adnu . June 181 '..'.- - ' ..- . -.'' we mentioited on Wednefday, terrorifni fems a'ffain advancing by. hafly ltrides to the poUcirion of the centre cf government;.. ' The Directory are evidently alarmed, and' their cnenues cmnbt conceal their tf urn ph. The proclamation they have liiued, ' .which we have given in anc-ther part of this , paper, "is ' a tompolition not likely toprouuee any very povverful effecls At 'length foine flight no tice lias been taken of the correfpondence ; which haspaifedbetvyeen;Mr. W ickham and 1V1. Barthdemv ; tlvs, hpweyer, is taken from an Ei-gliih paj.er, aud it is not a little remarkable that on the very period of prin ting it heavy peifa'-t es v. ere decreed in the Council of r ive hui.dicd againit thofe who fnould report accounts on the authority of Foreign Print i, ! r Nothing further is flatcd in the Poris pa- pcrsofncoaimem;einciuofholUlkiesletween 1 ted to put the fame in fuit ind'Hcriminatclj , the Rxi.'ian and lurks, nor of. the invafion I unlefs cirly attention is paid to iliis requef t- ALL perlons indebted to the fubferib'e r , are delircd to make payment to 'F. i 1- j Martin, Efq- lit holehahds their refpecliv e . . t : 1 1 r notes ana accounts are ; anu wno is inurvu ling. N E Y O RK,.. 7 J 7 M PORT A N , By letters received in this city w? are ir.forx- ed, that Capt, llari;s, arr.ve'i ."t a - b. from the Cape of Good Hope, , or! pence of that place bem FRENCH. ' t 6 taken by AUTHENTIC INTELLIGENCE. By the . French frigate I'mfurjcnrc, rr ' rived the day before yeAcr.hy' u: zlv p.? :., we are informed, that H.c i.f;tcv;s """"' -'.V.'i. fion of 8 men of war, which lailed iVcui Bred in April bft, arJarr'tVzdatCanc Fri cois n the 1 cU of May That th.s J vi'.i 011 is complied of. . ('ue ti);ate el 44 guns - " Three do. ol 40, and . Four Ihipsof the line cut down. of rt .-mover vw the r reucii both accounts we cc'.it'i'uer as prr-:;ature. Tfiierday the Governor ot te Bank gave j -jbi": notice, uu; '-:r. Pitt had refilled to k xpi tLie'pn'pnlitunis of the Navy Bill i oU ..Ur-. i.ra le a; th'sr lail; ma-ting, tor ftmJ-.-.rtj -?,;-. ;ewi;r tiCi. Anuria meeting v. id hckithbd.K..' . iciiertiay an account was received at LlrdS .oSce lioufe, by an American vclTel arrived fmui Havre, that a.i cmbirtro i'as laid unon all ve:t is Ahatever in tne French poiis. 1 he -bove imp from Havre got out wit d'ilic; lty ., -- There a- e letters :n town from Sp un wh d: Hate, tluta torreirondencc of amoitftnou and imptirt ,nt nature has taken placcbctwecti C urts of Lof.dmi tmd Madrid. Their inferences lead to tliis fearful rcfuit, tint w uh rt ipect to tpain, inllcad of " a friend j -tlic lffs,.' we thall ihortlluE " intntaiy the more 1" A letter from Kennes (in a Pans paper) D. P. WHITING; Miy 2S On the 1 1 th of Mavi arrived at the Cane of the date of March 20,-ibtcs as follows: more than 1000 chiefs of the Chouansr every day they are bro't in here Emigrants to the number 0! bct ccn two ana tiircc nan- a fecond divition of three ihips, two of which arc ot 74gu:i.;, and the t.r.rd a frig tie ol 44 puns. A third fquadron was aunoiuccd, and expected in every moment. This lad: , divilton, is compofed of 8 mips of the linc'j and ten frigates or floops of war. It is the very fame which the lait fall intercepted and took 40 Enplifli vcflcls, valued at 40 millions of hvrci, together witaa 74, one of the con. voymglhips; " t On board the Wattiny. a 74: ohc of. the fecond divifion, were citizens Sonthonatc. Le Blane, Raimmond, and Girand. commif. farici of the executive dlretfrrm of France, .and itt envoy to the v. mdward uundj. 1 licit" NoiVni-CAitOLlSAi Trcafury-Cfficc, IMiytJ' A LL purchafers of Lots in tlic city of I la l. !eipah,who are ftillin arrear to the lt;:tc, arc hereby informed, that their bonds ami e very of them will be put in full on the zo i!t day of June next, unlefs they are,, paid olT and taken up before that day. JOHN 1 1 AY WOOD, P. Treifr , For F.ilc, at auction, ON the Mil July r.txt the brig JOHN, a Haunch good vcrTcl, eighty tont bur thenj one year oft the Ibcks, compleat ftir fca as (he now lies at Wcrden's v h;rf, the property cf Samuel Wcrdcn, dec ,Six months tredit will be given on bond with fufiiclrnc fetnrity to DAVID SHOEMAKER, Executor' 1'cflm:gtont June 9. NOTICE drcd had debarked and brought with theni a nuantity of ammunition, ihe Republicans came up witii incm ociwccn wiuiuimuu and Fort iMaio, mauc a griai vriuge, .mu took their ammrtmtioii, together wuh a num ber of thcmfclvcs, who were immediately' fiiot, among n horn were the following per fons : .... t ' ThrCoufttofBottorelandlus two Ion, IS hereby given to all whom it may eot cern, that NathanitF Stewart, lafc of Ncwbern, ii dead, and that the fubferi' ;r has qualilicd a executor to his tail m Ul ni id tcllcnicnt. , All perfons therefore wl oha vc any 'legal demands againlt the.cilate of C iid intcP.ate, are requcflcd toprcfent ilicm Ut .he 'faidcxettitor within the time limittcd bv U .w, ' or they will be barred ; and all periods jn- tlcbtcd to laid mteltate.ariLraiucUcd to- colleague, citiicn Roume, had arrived fome I Morcau, the Marquis d'Argcntrc, Uic Mar-, inncociorc mcni in inc spanun part ot st. 1 mill uc 01. nnurc, mv. ........... , Jomingo, which U immediately to be deli vexed up to France. 1 The aiwvc inUUijcnce, bcinj; authent.c, , r..imt and the Vifcount dc hcrrcnt, the I ilcbt: rntinrilcRatinondrthcCount'dc BoUorcl- I'tnalcTnimcdiatc payment to the laid rxrcu- -" ' 1 k fl I aft a M tot, and thereby prevent linn from the. Oil- sgrfvible nccclhty of rcfortinj, to cam.pulfo- M. de laFerroulcre, M. Langlerie, M. MadclM. RouTault, Mr. butimiot, M. Champae;M. Outal.M. Sautcl, M Hy. ry nic?. V.rr-ANCIS LQWTilORP ExV. 71 ' .. ' , i y ,," ' '.''u.H'.fc - "' '"' " ' ' ' ""' " : '''" ' 7'H : 1 ! !' -1 'V .1 , ' I --p " J