I, to ifflu ib few, a If Ut h?2L to the price of wheat. . f At Milhurft. and other places a the W e ., tern parts -of Snferheat h bea ioW at from 15I. to 17I. 10s. per joac . . . .. y;ri7 12. f ; There wasdv.s morning a report in this ty , Taid to lave been receded by a gentle man from Hull, ot admira; "'"b lallen in with and captured tw 0 of the Dutch ' ' fleetTVe confider dvs as unfounded, Go U'rernmenthave never received any informa tion fpecting the enemy iuice they nnt filled. , " -ApWir Si SYDNEY-SMITH . : ., .. . . . . . . : 1 f ;s ike tfuM&'it ji iks MitriUfi titf I j r:u- :m-.a was returning witn prouuee ui uut uuuu The aforementioned v'effel 3 make .-1 6 in" mxnber talfto from the French Republic by this fquadrn within oi,e month j a proof of T.1 ' A gentleman yefterday.morning arrived m town from Fvvce, ho left. Paris on Sun daylaft; and liavrethc Monday following; While he was at Havre on Monday, he faw .Sir Sydney Smith taken, , who .with thirty two of his officers and men had left the Dia. mond frigate,"(it being then a dead calm, and flood tide.) and gone in their boats, five in number j into Havre roads, where they cap-rui-ori - nrivsstpfr of ci dit cuns, w hen they were followed from Havre by a lugger ot 1 4 guns, and 4ive gun boats, -who drove tnem up the Seine, the lugger coming up, began the encacrement. which lalted about 40 mi- nutes. with the greateitiury, uin juuic boats iru nnfi knnlptl down his colorb. oir Sidney, his officers and men, were imTnedu ately taken to Havre, where the v were put 'in pr if 011, and from thence lir Sidney him frit" u as tent,' under a guard, up the country. . Thofe:ken were, S;r Sidney Smith,. V , Moore, . R. Ucnnynon,, V. Burrow, and two ther officers, with 27 men. .In all, 33 nee aitf rood tortune." OffUlhant. April 16, 1706. - ' Since writing thtabove, we have cap tured a twit loadedrwith fair ..and Le Re bclle Itial Corvcte (hip of 22 guns, and 145 men1, after a long chafe, thOtiip . failing remafkaBTywell.V ' ' , One of the taxes at orefent imtofed is an I a. 1 additional duty on Vines.This is ataxim poiiticm every lenie. ivir. nttj ot aumen, lhouldbethe lalt to vithold tmropiate trom our fufterings. He'thould remember thi e pigram : - Why fiiouU you hivt ui cttUf think F M If j$u would govern, rw mutt drink f Mr. Alexander Lameth, who was folong and cruelly confined in the pritbnsof rrullia, is arrived in thh; country, in order to take the benefit of the Bath waters, recommend ed to. him for tfie recovery of his health, which has fufFered greatly by hi&longimprU fonment. - th. from' the C ape of Good Hope. The follow- luff is a lcuci iroin an uiutcr ou uwiu uci , dated olt rlvmoutti iHiund. Aoril 1 eitttnter tn enetiVift kf fr ttutit inftantly dartedsntathe river and naymg beat . off the fox for a conlideraUe time with her wings, actually fuccceded in drowning hit ; to the altonilhmcnt of fevcral perfons fpec . tatcrs of this fingular phexsooenon. p U B L I N, tritii Advices from, London by the laft mail bring intelligence more-agreeable than we had from thence lately refpedting the pecUnK ary diitrefs'that prevailed there, t appear that iiuce the ttock engagements werc-mad s cood;x and the Tlan afcertained, without snf mention that oart was for the EmDCior -public confidence-has- much revived,--iotha good paper is ealily convertable into lpecier WAR BETWEEN RUSSIA AND TH& PORTE. PES T, March 30. The march of theRuflian troopi tt tkc. Ottoman frontiers has long announcedHf, approaching rupture between RuflTia and thfe -Porte. It is expected that hoitilities. will ibon break out. v It is pretended thati, which has determined the Empf efs to hallex. v the opening "of the campaign, is her uneaft nefs at the ' preoarations of .the Turks botk by fea and land, -and information of r r?nc , having fent officers and arms of all forts tm .y . ; , . : ,1. ,. r.j , u " . , . 0 1 " rieaievdrjmorm at juioyu's Notice nouie, the l'orte ; in coniequence, me ou cauicw, coming down, and the'EngUlli having we 1)eccillbcr.;. to be fon0wea by three armi of 50,00 ian killed, and tour wounded, Urea a 28thiXovcnibe r lVed three lhipS men cachr a manifeft0 that Ihe has publilheA called th Droninguaru, Captain W alitord I againit the Uivan,. and we nas uetermineHf .1 i ' . r i li it i . tne ivioesv Laptauv Liee" anu a lmaii imp commanded bv Captain Pontaing, and the, 'Priucels of ''Wales, Captain March The Juliana lift the Cape of Good Hope the ad of Februuy aiid the Dart packet arrived in Falfe I5av three days before we left the I f...m VI,. .l All ..T.lt n Vio Another account ltates, that lir . bmith, ; r . . Inheritaues is nearly an exact copy of that i- II . L ' I I . i . I 1 ! 1 1 1 impoieu oy aucustu, wnen ne euamuncu a permanent military force for the defence of this Government, and for the extrordina- ry expenles or War. uibbon in his- ao. man Empire, vol. I. ott. ed- p 293 lay TLe a'nplc revenue of the Lxciie.ibouh peculiarly appropriated to thele ules, . was f ound inadequate, I o tV.pply the deficiency , the Emperor fuggciiecl a new tax ot five per cent. 011 all Legacies and Inheritances; but the nobles "of Rome were more tenacious of property than of freedom. Their indignant mouth, intclbgence is brought ct tnecaPt-rc kjs he candidly referred the- of La Unite renc ungate, 0140 guns, f Scnatc aud cxhortcd the Concorde oUogcns, captain nunt, iikc- , nublic fervice bv vifconeofbir-wwara'siquaarona uer aic- fwneotUerexwJlclllofaleY$ odious nature. vt adion m which the enemv nau :o men - , . , , , - , . I.:n-J ,-..4 imir.l(l-L-h;it hjnnilvfrom luoe- 1 . 7 . . , in ..-rr y , timatcd to them that their obUmacv would rior (kill and management, not a ttngie man , , , . - f , , . , watpither killed or mounded on board the I . .,., 1 . 9 ,. r, n.. Britith llnp. ncw impofition cn legacies and inheritances Xxtraft of a - le;ter from on board the La wCr miti, hvfrtWr.irtinnt . m ' ."' . I . .. . .... whilp 'retonnbiter'mn! the coift in " a fingle boat, from wjhichjt is infectfid that his life is in tome ..dangerThii' we do not believe to be tif fact. ; ' The fol'oA-ing are the only veffels of fore which were m Havre, on Monday when lir Sydney was taken i .. La Carmagnole frigate, and anew frigate, 3 floops mounting24 oumUrs, ndonupri- tauer from Dieppe. L O N D O N, :A)rni Rr. the arrival of the Argo, of 44 g'ir.s, i tne of Sir-Edward l'eliew'siquaaron, at 1 i. to attack fome parts of the. Turkilh empire, before the French can have time to combjaes their plan of operations in the enfuing cam-e paign with that of the MufTulmen. SicK are the' motives that the Vienna Gazette af (igns for the recent hoftilities oh which we are informed.. We are allured the Ruilians have already taken the fortrefs of Chocxim y and that an army, under the command ot" General Romanzo has already reached the borders of the Dniefter. ' . It is thought, that this fudden inrafion is. an event concerned in execution of the terri ble alliance and that its object is to oblige the Grand Seignor ta kreak.all conneftif. With the French.' . . it uia not taw: piace unieis ice oDtect was V 1 take the hber.y of again W ot a cJruln valuc ncr cou!d Lt te Jcjcaacd you with our fuccefs, luvuig camured dofe fc Tm eonfequencs of Cament Bay the entrance of Brelt, wuh ofthUUw hovevcr waJ lhat ?n . die Ae boats of the huadron. courfe of two cr three generations, tHe whole "OnehriT. Le Mariccf ot mitOcs, x , . ... n.i 1 u wncoriol 'U4uv.w , f property of the fubject mult have gradually . MttUfr iW name nnknoMn. 100 J . .', . . J. . . ' do. flour ; do. do. 1 20 do. wheat 5. floop l A!derm:iR-Macau!cy is bccome abanUnipt do. 70 da. wheat which sre fent u.to FJ. snd aU his proprty lwsbcen brou,ht to aou t . 1 - hammer. Tlirocgh his failure a capital houie Alfo one tbriMtne :un,nown, wtoai -It hasalfoTallcn. TALou of Staple telngleaky, fcuttkd aai.funh:r-bdcd ind Co. Inv-alio fallen. V , - tthh wine and wood NE'WBER N, June 15. ,. Extract of a letter from Hamburg, date lid April, The fituation of Europe is at this mi. mfnt exceedingly critical : a war is cn the eve of breaking out between the emprefs cf Ruflia and the Swedes ; valt preparations ara making by 'both powers ; 60,000 Ruffians are on the borders of Swede', and all the troops of the latter arc in motion. The king of Pruflia is faid to have n , army- of 40,000 men ready to join the petty princi pal'ities, then toniarch into Holland and one more rcftore the ftadtholder, in conference, ss he alledges of the French having violated, their treaty. On the other hand in confe ccer.ee of this republic having reiuiea to ac knowledge. the r rench minuter, tneynavft lalcl an embargo upon all the (hips of this fl-5 n I'tp'ir nnrts s in confeciu?ncc of which, num. The enemy muft fcehhi want of the corn tnd flour very much, as we are given to un derftand the allowance for the navy and ar ny has been confiJcrably reduced, incenfe. cnience of the fcartity of grain at prefent in ranee " We detained alfo a flilp (hewing Ame , ;can colours, from the Mauritiou 3 . loaded with cotton, coffee, fujar, indigo and pep prr, and fevcral French paiTengers on board, which was (leering for L'Orient (Jayc ui a long thfe and uicd ever method by trin. mins Hi p to ret away. We trull Ihe will be condemned, as the nrnperty mult be French. She failed from i rar.ee IOrient lift tear v'.-.h a car; tfwin? aakrindv - 7 , Tlie bank have bcrun to pay the 4 rer cent, and per cent red- and the lhort and long annuiucs. The want of ready money was fo great, that the hc!.kr of a lottery pmcofao,cool.whiclib payable 1113 months, could not get it difcountcd for lets r than" 10" per cent, fo tint, inltcad of receiving the whole fum, the holder only received i8ocol Through the fudden fa'.lcf the funds one Uoufe alone, it u faid, his bit 90,0001. ilerUiig. ' Thefollowirf! rerv extraordinary circum. ftar.te took place, a few days fince, at Penfy, tn Buckinrhamflilre A I wan, while fitting on her ci, on the fide of the river, cbfer- ... 1 . r ' 1.. 1- 1 e . ' yea a iox lwmicung lowsru nrr ircm.tr.e op'Hjtite Dorf, an4 riV.ulvuJ-lnfl: ciuld hi rs. of ihins that wers ready to proceed t th2 different fouthcrn ports have been detain. cd.Er gland and France feem to maintain the war with unabated sctivity ; fo that,' in ftiort, froni prefent appearance it is reafon able to conjecture the fumtner will find all Europe m a blaie." ri i j Atli pffid ct the Firi Sejfisn if tie Feurth ' Ltrgrejs f An i& maU-.g' appropriations for the lupport ot governmcni nr me c-r 7yu. tt Further extending the time for re ceiving on lean the domcftic debt of the U nited State. ' . For the relief of Ben;m:n Stroth:r. 4. For the relief of Ifrael luring. 5. For allowing comjenfation toth? ra?m bcrs cf the Senate and Hoafe ofReprefenta- tives of the .United btatts, ioa tccrt;n cfitcrs of both Houfes. 6. Providing relief for a Vimlttii time; in . -