. Maktng a partial afjrpr;at!n for the llury cftablUhmentJprnhyeir ij-"-8 Kir the relief of JoteRoiz Silva. T 7 6. Fdr the relief of certain officers anc .-,!d.ers. who have been wounded or difa-1 Ued, in the aftual ierviee of the Wited States. . ic To-continue in force ah aft " to af ter tain the fees hi admiralty proceedings m ths-dillri coum 6f the Uiiired States, and fer other nurnafes.'' . - . ' . 1 1 : Mahmc cer tain provifions in regard; o i the V-rcaif court for the diitria of North- 12. Auihomine .the : erection of ,a light. Jrcj oh akcr illandr in the Itate of Maf. ' n. For efhblifiiini; trading houfes with tic Indian' tribes .:ir . 14.. A refolve, directing further returns ii the cs..l;s of claimants for invalid peniious. 15.; Supplementary to- an aft,-- entitled, rjx act to provide a navai armament'- .- i6V Authorizing and direct ing theSecre y cf AVar to place .certain. jieribns,-;therc. in named, on the peniion lilt.. in addition to an act, mm uica in at making further- pfeviuon for theiuppoirt f public credit and for the redemption of Republic debt. 7 ' . ' 'v;'V it Makmg 'further proviHon relative to f evenut cutters1.' ; v v 1 9. To continue in force, for a Iirr.itted iftme, an aft, intituled " An aft declaring the onfent of Cqngrefs to an aft cf the li ate of Maryland, pafied the 'i 8th day of Deceuibcr, 1793, for the appointmen: of a health cinccr. 20. "Authorizing a loan for the ni'c oi the City of W aihintcii, in the dillritt oi Colum bia, and for other purpoies therein mention 2l Making -appropri 'iheiexpenfes hich may to effect a treaty made tates and certain Indian tribes nor Lh welt i the river Ohio. .. 22. Making an tppropriar.cn for defray ing 'he expenies wjikhmay ariie in, carry ing iuto elteft the treaty nude between the United butes and the Dey and Regency of Algiers"-" .' V 23. Making an appropriation 'cowards de fraying the expenfes v. hich may arife in car rying into .-effect the treaty of urn ity, Com merce and navigation, made between, the li mited States and Great-Britain. 24 Makbg appropriations for HeTraying ,the expenfes which may ariie in currying in to elFect the treaty made betw een the Uaited States and the king of Spain. ac,. Declaring the 'content ofCongrefsto a certain aft of the ftate of Maryland and so continue an aft declaring the aftent of Consul to certain acts of the ltate of Ma ryiaud, Georgia, and Khode-lfland and Pro Valence Plantations, fo far as the fame re fpedis the itates of Georgia and Rhode.Iiland ;nd Providence Plantation?. 26. Allowing compenfation for lmrfes kiU . led in battle, belonging to ollicers of the ar jiy of the United S:ar -s. 27. .1 0 repeal fo much of an aft, intiru M An act to cftablilh the judicial courts . tf the United States," as direfts that alter nate fclHcns of the circuit court for the di Mrk f Peiinly 1 vanh thall be holdea at York 10 a n 1 and for other purpofes. 28. Providing for the laic of the lands of -vie united biatts, m the -territory north- of tic river Ohio and above the mouth f Kentucky river. it. Authorixing the ereftion of a lioht Wale on CapcCod, in the Itate of MalTa. iTiufetts. so. Autnonxmz JLbenexer ar.e to o ate certain lands m the territory of the U. mtted btites north-welt of the river Ohio. 21. To rertilate trade and intcrcourfe . u:tn tne, maian irioec : ana tt prelervt veace on the frontier . 32 Altering the comprration of the Ac countant of the W;r D. partsifrt 33. laying duties cn orriaret for the conveyance of perfons j r.nd repcilinj the firmer ad for that purpoiV 34. In addition to an . t, .::.hu!ei " An att luppleatotary to anift, iftu;ta!ii.( Aa a& t4 fTlviie i&ifc)y ir the co !eftin of the duties on' goods, 'Wares ad mercnancuie mjpwrica into tne unirea Dtates, and on the tonnage of lh)ps':aiid yellels.11 3; For the relief and pro.eftitn tf A- merican feamen. . : - 36. Refpefting the minN ; - "27. To alter the ceflions tf the. circuit courts in the diftrift of Vermont andRhdde- IHand ; and; for other purpofes. . ? 8 Relative, to quarantine? ' ' i 39 For the relief cf perfinVinoprifontd for debt.- ; ? : : ' 1 AO Making further provifion for the ex- penfes attending the intcrcourfe of the Uni-1 ted States w ith foreign nations j and to con lihue irifore meft; irttiM vidmg the means of jntcourfe between the United btatcs and toreign nations. 41 For the relief of Sylvanus Bournet' 42 To continue in force, for a; limited Jitrie, :the afts therein mentioned.' ; rzl 43V To aicertairrancf fix the military eia blilhment of. the Unite'd States. 44.- 10 regmate tne, compeniar.in ! Five Delltrt Reirir3; - - ---- . , .... . ... . ...if -- .... . STOLEN frcm the tubfenber's hpufe, large fafl ionable fiher .'vauh, running 'on ' jewel, m aker'.s names " Dunfcole 'aha Cex, No. 594cShe bai ainiall crack 4ier face. ',";:7"T 7"v'vT":r ' Whoever will give information, fo that the Watch may be get again, will receive the a 4 ooverewara. v. : . 725. JOSEPH ERILICK, F O R S fr-ET E, A tkt PRINTING-OFFICE, (NtwUrn:) LA w books; - mi" clerks. 45. Making provifion for the pay mint itff certain debts of the United States. 46. Providing paifports for.tht mips and velTels of the United States. ; 47 . To iVpend, in part, the aft,, irltituled Aniift to alter and amend the aft, intituled an aft laying certain 'duties upon 'fnuff and . rerined iugar-V ; " - ' - 48. Making appropriation to fatisfy . certain demands attending the late in'urrefti on, anu "to "mcreate the compeniation to : -iu'fors, and -witneiTes in the courts of the U- nited" States 49. ! itnivir g the time for the allowance of drawback on the exportation of domeftic dif. T?SHNASI J3 pnut, - baijteld't Repertl, Anlttutheri, di Atkynt'i, 4, . Uyen', do. $howiri, do in JC1. d1 Crown Law, StraDgVt do. .. RaymotxCt, 4o PlowdnY, dt, Cotnjhi'i, do, Andrew, dot ' - IJurruwi'i, do. v Temni Chaw'ccrjr, io, CowpCf'l, do. B. HiackHon'i,do, William KiatkNone'tfdo. Ptere Wiliiiuii, ,d.' M&fclyi do. M Dougla' do. ' Ambler', do. Lerxh'i C'rowiLaw,: new diet, tB . . 1 . . ations for defraviuiy ! tlUed ii,lrlt$' a,,d alloxvlI1S a dravback.upon CI I r . t k . I ft 5 r- t - t r srife in carry iniii. I men ;;Mpts exnorteu m veueis ot ids than betwern the United .mi luut-, uy uic mihWu Morgan Eftyi, Cro pton'i tnWiit, Poller and SiOiltat Pieader affittint, Jtrm't Atruty'i poefci . et Bok,"- , Tidd' ;Kie'lic. 1 ra&ice Law Grammar. 'B-uiStr' Law IdvcfiMi . ' on Noy'i Matimt, Cowyna'i Pitt, fiwiilba CoiitraAf, ' DtTilei, ' ' -lulhtan Icfturei, BUckftone' ConjitaS riet,' Willum Convtjijt Pioctor Praaiit, Bacon'i abiidgmenf, HWkin' f, C Hal', do. Burn' Law Diflioniry, Woedrfca' lefturo, ;c Providing relief to the owners of (tills within the United States, for alimltsitinre in certain cafes ' , 51 . regulating the grants of land appro priated tor military lervices, and for vhc So ciety ofhft United Brethren for propagating the gofpel among the hafhn. r : 5avT'or the admiliion of the ftate of Tin ntli'ce into the union. 53. Making appropriations for the fuppcrt of the military and naval eftabliftiments for they ear 1796. 54. Taking farther appropriations for the year I7y6. 55. 1 o indemnify the eftate f the late Major General Greene. Kinstoh Poit-Ofucf, APtiL ift.. rict mu th Jtw ot ' gland, ' . Kydd on Bill, , . lmpcj'i pleader eaine on Devilrt, Sftrm of pleidiaf, Lilly' entriei, iaunJer on Ult i Truft, Crown Ciicit, Gilbeu'. Uw of I . dcocr,' VattcP taw of Nations Rec' Englifh Law, ' Ftarne on kcnaiiidrt CODiplctC, Burlaauqui' N. and f Law. Uarton'i fuit in Equity, Gilbcit on priAico of Schieffer'apraftic ot tir ' Cunmon Pli, law. atd t jL-w or Nation Mffai." Va(e Mecum, Cturmcccial Rit, liarrilor.' Char.ciry i.opaucor uairit Piaflict, Burn 1 joit.ct, Law cf PanutrfUp, . State Inait, Fonblanqu on equity, Natuia rWeviom. ', Lix Mercatoria, : M II C X L Chirlci Craidifon. Farat!, Doo Quixote, Cu;hne' Grammar lvo. do 410. I 1!t nf Irittrt rfrrintrn Iti iU Pr.fhf.( at I Moorc'a Navigation. x: :r ...a ..l. ... . .1 iBrcoke't uaattttrr. ' .1 . ; . 1 t a al r t n n r r I Nuticii Almanack, .mt.t, uuU veJent to the General PoJl.Of. yfc-ni Wft.. comnj. r e as ataa filers I on. UKKDEIUCK Edwin Beclon, near Cox's Tablet of memory. 1 ferry ; IJajor Benjamin Coleman , las Collins, Trent bridee ; Thomas Caftellof. Wajnc county, to the care oJ Col. Jofcph (irecn ' Walter Dunn ; John Elliot, near lVdVs ferry'. Wayne county, or Rryaa Whit held, Llq. Uobbs county ; W ilium Good. nun ; llyrick Hooker, Efq; Francis M'Gli. vean ; Capt. John 1 utle j Thoraa Privatt ; Wiiliam Y aterman. JOHN LOVICK, P.M. Outhiie' G'TT improved, 8ftem of fiit'ery, Flower of h'.ftoiy, Cook' Voyage, Amnicao Mufrun, Pemocrat, UiVouU' Book kfp inr. Fabulous biftory, Fable of flora, Clcik 1 :mJiint, . L AN 1 El. Plcafirg in.tuitcr Hcmer'i lilad, .- Pleasure o Mfmery, Rihii 4f Wom.a, Kowe'i Letter, Romanced tht Konl, " Spirit et Pelpbiifm, American Ada, Iberidan diflionarr, Walker', do. Th Decrtiad, p4i v cm, Th Pcmocrtt, or (otr? rue and advtktui Jean Lenoir, Wonderful ftory tiller Vindicitioa of Mr. Jlai dolph, Hew Year Gift, or T , ter Porcupine' obftr vatioa on do. PilTertttion oa th iff N 0..T I C E IS hereby jiven to all whom it may con crrn, that Jofenh Palmer, latcof Craven w 4 r loui.ty ii dead, inteftate, and that adminifVa. lion on his effeftshai been (ranted to Willi. am Pr an, on Swift's creek in the fame coun ty. All perfons therefore who have any le- .fWmotu t(Tji, ral demands ar.ainft the eftate of faidbteltate l'lV"!f ....... UBopto. Jur.t it Wkeman Ouz'rr, .'. principle of ioirn a , . Mo. uay'ttaDiti, , Trnmi, 07 am luunted rriory, rnatrayo, Hunter on the Vccirol, WQii(tn iftlif. Lif of Howard, Scott Gantttir, LoMifa, iefcrfon' notri, ,tjy' fricad. Mirror, Medical Ikrtcnd, are rciueited toprefent thctn to the f aid William Bryan, within the time limitted h law, cr they will be birred -.and all perfons indebted to fa;d intcftate are rcquclled to make immediate payment to thefaidadmini llrator 1 and thr reby prevent him from the difgreeable necclllty ef retorting t compul. lory means. WILLIAM BRVAK, Aim. Jane it. - 4aiitie, coBBdeitiai and Kcial, .ron luvbea' tnditiy gwiJe, Fcedfral ready rtcktnx, Gbft feer, hiUory of eutb.AniH'' ca, Wtral Lifiori FOH SALE AT THf PR I N T I N G-0 F F I C E, a rtw corns or tni LAST ACTS $F ASS SMALT