Sclcdlcd-Poctry. W A R- Dlilria Court, Norih-CarolinaDi&ia. 3 In Admiralty . The Prefident of the United Stater, To the Marlhall of the faid Diftrict, Greet United States of Aaetica, 7 mi SEE bloody DUcoriiifn hittntiroui hea d, . And OUket the hilling ferpenj. front hi. The o'er the earth fee wild tonfufion fpread, An4 hafteningeriU beckon tadefptir, Whonowwith ehewfoloeft Oiall filing toil, And hpPy ticw the cWdren of hu care ! Say who wnh ioduftr, Hull drcfr the fo.1, iouwhaihe wife frugal ftwe prepare! . . .. . . f I Ai krnlV Moll thrseugnt tnaiow ure-..--.-. The tender father fad and fiUnt droop The finite contented, and hehy .fMOUt Alike, be baniflfd from the guiUlefc grovs ? ; No moft the hand ot mauary " &: 7 .- . . The weU earned model from the y .eldi.jg earth. No more wkh thank, the humble breift muft teem Butlookamoftfpcak, and dePor. thUcath ' "' - v-r -..; . . ' : ' .." . '.. -J ;i A .IT. J fttir fllCI. Tofcek To? death. W glory. ttat 1 Md Slftraaed fight hi! 5h,1Ati. And nobly bleed, the iMtur bread to ycw. 12: - WHEREAS a lM hath this day been exhibited in the faid court by Don James Murphy, Conful of his Catholic Ma. jelly, in the ftates of NorthrCarolina, South Carolina and Geo; gia, who profecutes as well on behalf of faid nation as of the owners, in surers and coniignees of the bngantine, pi ban Pedro: alias Foitilion. as well a . 9 SU P PL EM E NT : TO Tl " ' ' L A W S N O R T H.C A R O L IN A, 1 Contaihing'all the Afts of Aflembly, botk public and private Irom the end of Judge Iredell's Revifal to February; 1795 P R I V A TEA C T S, OM I TIE D I N SAID REVI S A L, . AND the - STATUTES or GREAT-BRITAIN, the faid bngantine and cargo, as againlt Jo- -YUulvikhUfbed andUUlad: hound let ar ate. Livray,m Jeoh lohn Morfe. -AV llham r errand, George nirt ion, Samuel I. Thuriton, and others, for this syit ; 1 hat the orig laiiea irom the t Sr. thirtieth day of Iuly, laft paft, bound - and being on her faid voy age; ,011 day of Augult lalt pair, was by The widow's tenr. tiia J wet thearden'd ground, The fcanty cruft intean huotTenng Jteep, r i-v ft ;n nd thofe tear have touna, When father, bolhaoo, tnenJ:JJXRLb fTB. under a pretence of laving and preferving her tuc iaia Drier ana cargo, anu waitcu auu 1 to on to the . ftrefs of weather "drove and: calion the coali of the ftate of North-Carolina, one of the United States,-and Joleph S.' Cray, Eden" Bell, John M'Culiougb, John Morle, Wil liam Ferrarid, George Hinfon, Samuel It 1 nuriccn, ana otners, cook poiieuion 01 wcr the faid brig and her cargo, confuting of a number bt pipes of rum and boxes of iuar, igetberj . - at " F. X. Martin's, Newbern ; H. Wifl: Edenton ;"A. Hodge's, Halifax'rlRofv Tarborough ; William Falkner-S, Warren ton ; William Jhaw's, Raleigh ; Care anel Ray's, Hullborough ; Montford Stokes, Sa lilbury ; Irvin's, Morganton ; Peter Perry, FayettevUle, and R. Bradley, Wil mington,. ADVERTISEMENT. , ILL be fold on the laft Saturday in Ju- Iv next, at the law usit-v-. f the laid deceaiea ,v r :j . Hislate dwelling home, .dUU;"."v hnt,profecuting asaforefaid, claims (on area. ftway .with a conliderabie part thereof and re fufe to deliver this libellant who claims as well on behalf of the bpanilh nation, as of the owners, infurers and confignees of laid brig, any part of the faid brtg and cargo, or ac count therefor unlefs the molt exorbitant law Lvatreis allowed them : Wherefore this libel- in the town ot lrenton; tr,i. Cuu (varP hem firft rated, fixed, and : . v . f - . . ! urnicn i --- tt - w cresbfland, excim.ive, oiw jp. and by them re. is a valuable feat, wh erea 1 1 nere. .i w of reftitution of ;he fa-ld vc(-. : ftands a grift andw mill ; and on a imaii cxpence,. might bemadeas valuao e a oi damascsandcoft$which hjve ca, or may mills as any at the fame time, a piece 01 N0Wt therefore, vou the faid Marlhal are alio one piece United States of America Diftricl Court, North-Carolina Diftrict. J In Admiralty. NO T ICE TrS hereby givert to all whom it may concern, . X that on the fecondday of July .next, in the town of Newbern, will be fold at public ven due, the iloop Chriltina, her fails, rigging, furniture, boats apparel, &c. in purfuance Of a decree of the aforefaid Court, obiained a,, gainit faid (loop by James M'Kinlay & George Eim. ; , MICHAEL PAYNE, MarfbalL June 20. " laid county land on the North fide of Trent rner likewifeone lotin the town 01 near the waters of Neufe About one hfth of the purchaU money, wUl beexpefted on the day of fale, the other four fifths m df ferentpaynts, (that is,) one fifth in two rears, one fifth in four years, one fifth in fifth in eicht years. The purchafers giving bonds, with ap proved fecurity, which lhaU draw tntereft from the day of fale, an indifputable title will be made to the purchafers by the exe- . WtrS DURANT HATCH, Ex'r. .Janet County, May 14 a- I THE NOTED HORSE, HYDER AL1 S now in high order, and willftandat the . ftable of the fubferibers at Haw landing in Glafgow county, in order to cover marcs at ten dollars the fcafon, payable the firft of Tannarvnext t or eicht dollarsif paid in the courfe of the feafon ; five dollars, the leap, and twenty dollars to mfure. Corn or pork will be received in payment thereof, if deli vered in January next The feafon will begin the I oth of March, v and end the I oth of Auguft. When mares ' are t'rought for the leap, the money will be expected with them, othcrwife the charge wui be made tor toe ieaion hereby commanded to cite and admonilh the Jaid JofephS. Cray, Eden Bell, John M'Cul lough, John Mofs, William Ferrand, George .Hinfonga'muel 1. Thurfton, and all ande very other perfon . and perfons whatfoever, who have, or pretend to have, any right, ti- tie, intereft, property, claim, or demand whatfoever, of, in, or to the faid brigantine, with her tackle, furniture, apparel, and car go, as aforefaid, that they may be and ap pear before the Judge of the faid court, at a Diitrift Court, to be held at Newbern, on I the thirtieth day of June mft. to Ihew caule, if any they have or can, why the prayer of the faid hbel mould not be granted. - - Given under the fe'al of the faid Court.' Witnefs the Honorable John Sit- CREAVrs, Efquire, judge of the lame, at Raleigh, the fourth day of June, 1796,- and the loth year of Ameri can Independence. - . A. NEALE, Clerk. June lZ ALL perlons indebted to the fubferiber are dclired to make payment to F. X Martin, Efq. in whofehands their refpe&ive notes and accounts are ; and who is inltruc ted to put the fame in fait indiscriminately, unlefs early attention is paid to this rcquelt D. P. WHITING. J US T PUBLISHED AND FOR SALS AT THK ' P R I N T I N G. O F F I C 5, '. . A- ' - - - D ESC RIP TI ON OC C A C OG K INLET, AND Or ITS COASTS. ISLANDS. SHOALS; AND ANCHORAGES, With the COURSES and DISTANCES, TO AN') FROM THI MOST REMARK A . BLE PLACES, And DIRECTIONS to SAIL over the BAR and through the CHANNELS, "A few copies of the above may be had at the Printing.Oflice, and of mr. 'William J olmlton, price 50 cents. April 9. FOR SAL E,. A VALUABLE plantation and a traft of land containing about fix hundred a acres, with a corammodious dwelling houfe ahd all neceflary out offices on Trent road within fourteen miles of Newbern and 5 miles from Trenton, conveniently fituared tor a itore or public houle, ulthln a mile ci the river, with a young orchard of abont 300 apple trees, and about loo acres of cleared ground, all under a good fence, convenient to the belt range in the county. . Negroes cr rt -ii 1.1 m r t cam win dc iai:cn in payment, r or lurtner particulars apply to the Printer hereof, cr t the fubferiber on the premifes. UEZEKIA1I MERRET; Jtnet county. May 30. NOTICE . Hydir Ali Is a beautiful dark bay, up 1 TS hereby rivcrt to all whom it may con- wards of 15 hands high. Hewasgotbyold I J cern that Nathaniel Stewart, late of Mark-Anthony; his dam by the imported I Newbern, is dead, and that the iublcnbcr tcltaincnt. All perlons tnerc:orc wno nave I I . Jl ..fl U m.Cl C I!, I createii care lakcu ui kucm , uuw mi. iuu- anv icrt uchmhui uicluawu. Icribcrs will not be anfwcrable for accidents I intelbte, are rcquefted to prcfent them to the r efcape of any kind. I kid executor with'm the time limitted by law, HOLLIDAY U CARR. I or thev will be barred ; and all pcrfoni in. N B. Half a dollar to be paid to the I dcbtcd to faid intcftate, are rcquefted to Gtoom, at the ftable door. I make immediate payment to the faid execu- Glafgow county 9 Feb 24, I79& I tor, and thereby prevent him from the oil. agreeable ncccuity 01 rciorting to campuuo BLANK S o Vhi, , for fal, ti 1 mcJANCi3 toWXlIORP, ivr. June I. For Sale, at auction, GNthe ift July next, the brig JOHN, a ftaunch good veflcl, eighty tons bur then, one year off the ftocks, compleat for fca as flie now lies at Werden's wharf, the property of Samuel Wcrden, dec Six months credit willjie g'rvcn oa bond with fuJScient fecurity to ' DAVID SHOEMAKER, Erocutor.' U'efhwgtirt, June 9. ' NEWBERN: PRINTF.D EY FRANCQIS.X MARTIN.

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