Se& of making the pUnteri wife j ikw tki?. were ; the.nepumic nisa ngnt xo expect, that recovered from their errors, occalioned by a long habit 7 they wul refume principles cf eternal iultice ; that, influenced by the love oi iiicir cuui'U v uw uuvm all their might in the relloratipn of the order ami prolpenty rinecoiony,- ana tnavuicy will allot, with as much eagerhefs and zeal, the' wife and humane news of the govern- "Blent - v. I..': - -. : "; In addreflfinp thofe formerly diftinguimed cy white! ana peopie oicoiour wuuuui pui feillcms. :b would fav to them , that ifi afree flateall hinds ought to be.employed.;. that. Tkf rgUutid M. de Fuifif ", S 1 jleipat , aglutar ef the Qulber dh Expedition , is car dead, ai hit been reported to the French Directory.' It was laid that be fell irianen. gagemem with the" republican' inXa Ven-. aee ; pus, a gentleman, on whole authority we can rejy, allures us, that he now com niands a column of Chouansriear Foun-rYr' in t Qartriient of Lille aSkL Vimine .J .L.i.L ' 11 , T i auu Miai uicrc arc inters in Lonaon iron him, inviting feveral emigrants to join him. and rally once more round the ftandard of roy. M. de.Puiffaye was originally the fervanh hut latterly the friend and :o-adiutor of tha laraous Count St Mory's, cidevant camp- wnrvhuft nimht to make a choice of a kind of labour which, in concurring to the general; Nrfelferf finance councilor of the Parlia- welt ire,', would procure to the labourer not only ekiltence, but the convenience, of life tint the colonial fytteni being altered," they mud no. more elubliih their hopes or tortune on lavery, for it is f rever abolitlied oil the whois territory -of France Let every one. theretVrevmatwehcetlipt.Wjnqultiy. de vote himtVlt 'xo agricaiUnre. v Let ho vtvy-ilL 1 founded Ihatne keep h m in 'inactivity-, which is a ilangerous to hmiielt as J t is ruinous to the civm iton weal." Let him be convinced j that no 6lcciipatioii'dctafesnian::Jcf''-JAn know, th it with the wifeit people ofontiquUy, arrri culture was confidelred as the firft of all oct cupations. Let tliem therefore renounce th iiitite of vacrrancv which the laws of the Republic will puniih In tine, we would repeat to them, tha: as all the inhabitants in the colony,1 from this imhmt; will form but one cufs, , every citizen will huve the lame privileges j and that the Republic ettabuthes no other diftinctibns a. .moivj; nien, than thofe of virtue and vice, of talents ind ignorance. In the name of the Republic iri the name of humanity iri. the name of the Cicred love of country, we invite all citizens to concur .with us in the reiiora'tioW of orrfer and agri culture : We invite them to forget their ie Jpc.tiv wfongs 4iid quarrels ; to make it now their ble bulinefi to expel the enemies of the republic,! from the territory they have invaoV ed, and then to repair the evils and devalla. tio is wiiich have been occafioned by hatred, palfion, aud civil war." " . " Con&tuied authorities will be crtabliihed throughout the whole colony, agreeably to! ,. .ltkutivm , every thing will be dilpof ed to promote the people; invite, them,' thftf;i-e, to inform u of all rccla:nations thev have to make," anij the means ofimpro re uem which they may think moll likely to contribute to the public happinefs. They willtind, in the delegates of therepublic, the greateil cagernct i to favour their eiforts, and to adopt; , with unbounded zeal, whatever rnjy encreafe the fafety aid prefptrity of the "colony. r This proclamation is to be printed, puh- liflied and polled up, wherever it will be Xnecethry, tnknbcd m the reciters cf adu.:. hiitrative and judiciary bodies Tent to tlis rr.a. Jor generals, the comnuncers ofcampiand polls, ihd the commander of thelhips cf the republic "X- Done at the Cape, the 15th FloTeal, (Mav 15.) the fourth year of ths French Republic, cne and indivifible. The Prefidcr.t of the Commiflton' SONTHONAX. Th? general Secr::iry. PASCAL'. LO N D O N, s k Sir Sidney Smith's father, a very refpeft. able gentleman, 11 now in London, lam;nt ing the fait of h'.s Ion 1 but he ought to re. ceivethii confolation, that Sir Sidney kas Culfered no perfonal injury, and that hfsbra. rery comjr.and. the gratitude of hit country. What father would not w'dh for fuch a fan? Jtientof Paris, and a. relation of the equally" famous Monf. deCalonne. . ; ; : , , . Puiflaye is well known to mod. cf the e nagrans in Londoiv ; and"amlled his mailer St. Mcry s in. a paper .manufadory in Sloan. Itreet.. t or a lurther Uluitration of his ch we reter. thole who are intereited t. Jhe rrendi. Princes. tVe itj f pireteniig ire pifei, a2i tVar -thofjr of national vengeance art arrived; : . A grand nieafure is taken. The French Republic though in foreign coantry Ihall taufe its laws to be refpected., Ths Spini;h ; Govemoient Is.intcrefted in the mahitep-nce of good order arid l JubordiraticT!.- ' v 1 In confequence orders are : given to eack -captain on the police to be obfer ved on board ' tin. ye.uels.of hi$ divifion, and in the name of the aw-all good citizens are cdmmand: I to obey his orders, and not to involve therr -felvds in the inevitable misftrtunes whlck muft rtfult from their difobediepcei""- K " t my. i , Marflial dr Broglio, Count Meternicht, and Lord Engin. , B AST t of E"Slancl thfi dzy ef AL l concluded a treaty, in '.-which arc- the following arrangements. The Alger ire s ' may carry their prizes into Corfica, an J jnem pUDiiciy. jvery month a packet ilul! carry letters from and to.Corlica to and from Algiers. The Englilh jhall take nothU which they find on btard the Algerine 'veiTels! ana 11 any uiuuuiiy inouia anie the dey Uull decide upon it. '1 he dey grants liberty to all llaves born in. Corhca, and permits th Corfu ans to tilli for coral upon the "coalls of narbary. bmce thele . arrangements, tlie dey has received of the vice roy, Elliot, more than two hundred thoufand niaftres for an Algerine vdlel laden with grain. : llie En glilh court has fent to the dey, a lliip of 1 1 guns, copper bottomed, and fince the con. clufion of the treaty, has riiauTnch prefents to the Algerine mmuters. 1 he dey has pi. ven to - the fecretary wh negociated the lhc .crcw of Friponne are held treaty, a rich fabre, as a precious mark of : fponlA)le for any obftruclioiis which nuy dlcrm. . T givea to the meafure, which aoi lone f; 'Mr. Grey gave notice, that as the, paper which fie late! moved for were before th; bou e, he fliould on Thurfday fc'uijht move fotfie refo'ui'ons, the tendency cf which II A M B U R C, yn19. The forcsd loan has met with fuch furcefs tha: the -fii7.nats have rntirtlv difaDneared in France. hisircumflancc favors particu. tany u:c circulation or tne marinates, as ma ny chixens uho are llill in arrears have no c thrr choke -left but topaymcalhorfubfcrilc for mitidates. ; We are authorifed to announce th;t a great many Americans redding in Holland, England, and other European ftatejj are driving up an addrefs to be prefented bthe, name of their conntrymen to the Emperor .for thr Jf livery of La Fiyttte. . C A 1)1 Z, xllh Vcffet Jtirilj i. . . Three nriiiiarcs of filfe jflipiti,' which the ErgliiV wantrdto pa!s?nt3 rVance, have' bef :i Itonp: J at the cultom-hourc cf Cadix. 'lie governor Las, ia every'icfpect, tor;, pjetely feccudfJ the wUhrsofthe UepubiU cans. He rn-nitVllrd a.i in f.-tjn of funlfj ing the Irlhjioules which directed the move. r.:ent on bjard the French fltet. Citizen Dunsnoir, commacder cf a ve.TeJ accorir. to letters of t!se 27th Ventc!e,h3i gone to M.drid, far tl:e purpofe cf rnakin;;, in cunjundtion svith our anibalE Jcr, cc.r4. pla'.r.ts to the Cent of Spain ca the conduit cf the Irilh. - ' . P ROC LA MA TION S RICHKRY CjSmanJef in Chief tf the NV. val fercrt cf the French Republic ia ths (Signed) --A?; . . PilCllERY, Commander.' '' And fealed with theT feal of the Republic """ X;14- Cadiz, March 9. : In cionfequence of the information whick has been given me of the complete revolt of the Frigate Friponne, I hereby in the nams of the law, declare to the whole republic and all good citizens that the crew of Friponh's is in a ftate of revolt againil tjje.laws. f Therefore all the individuals who compofs ' that crew, are, from this moment proclaii; ed rebels. The captain major 'of the faid frigate are commailded to give n farther orders to the crew, and to ccnfider thein no longer as French Republicans. Lc the wretches tremble, arid the national thun y der, which always pumlhes the criminal, ready to fall on their hadr ' , (Sigued) RICHER Y. B T.rc9) the account which citizen Bourieatr, . commander of the frigate Fripopne, has ren .dered to nieof the return to order of th crew of the faid frigate who - were declared rebels to telaw cf the Republic, by aproch mation of yeilefday at three o'clock in th1 eveningV It is ordered that citizen Bourieau lieutenant of the fleet Ihall reume the com mand of the Ft ripQJlncaiIeJnhleuhnmediatcly,, his crew on the quarter deck, and announce t them that they flikllbe no longer conlidereda rebels, if the principal chiefs and irrigators o? the mutiny are initantly arretted, put into boat and conducled on lhore, rt be guarded, in. a place of fecunty until theyfliall bcfent t. France to berried. AU the crew of the Friponne are held re- be grvea to the meaiure. which am nlone lave theia Irotn the rigor of the "lavCs. . r (bigned) RICHER Y. PHILADE LP H 1 A, June i4, captsin Moulder, 20 days from Cape fran. t cd'u, who confirms the arrival oithe-FrencU Meet of 14 fail of men of -war at the Capes, viz. t'.voj4 s 'St rell 50's, 40'$, ard 35 guns, with 5000 troops, andbrougljt in three Bri ti!h prizes, arid one Portuguefe .flip from lSrazil to Portugal, with bars of jjold an4 golidull, cllimatedst5,oo,ooo ot money. An Embargo had been laid for four days be. io:z he failed, in confequepce of fotnt cxpedi tKn on train. ... CanVm Moulder fivther informs, that ! fall of the line were daily er.nriftcd at C;r Fra'itols, from Rothfort, with trtcps ta board. ! X Ship Moust Vf rcn. A ktter frcni Capt. DomnUk late rnn.?r cf the Mount Vernon, of this pt rt to MeiTrs V niingi and Francis dated 10th init. ou A :L mirtcn, contains the fi!cwinj infoi mation. That thev hid nstdifminrd i!,e-r' Pilot would tt f the l.oufe mould sgrcc to then, diredl inculpition and afterwirds an in. peachment againft hU ma'eit'iminitlersfor Uegti talfapoIicitUa tf Ui piVj; Misty. .liuOn'ei h'chareart!a:!y on board c' - iMMffeU ot tl.e Ccet, and the ci 1 1 re h' and vo uempt of the bath to 1 tu.'y ; fiJ'ifnl to it cufht rot to rcma'n un. pi r It is 4Tie at lf-tl to prove to the ii --a'.r.i f vietit'eftf ikerelielf.thii mere tharftwo hours Cape Henhnrn lrar ing weft diftar.t abcut 6 leagues, 1 naruiay eight o'clccV v.hca they cU'ervcd the Sthooner F'yirg Fi;h about etc league ahead, who immediate!v bore dcn upon them, filed a (hot and crderrd their boavm bc;; dj which was complied with. 1 he boat wi;h the fecond officer and 4 men went c b;ard to know their temmands ; the offucr and men were detaihfJ bj the privteera ,;hUh fent lie ljcaVfctkwith S4 srmed men r.d crdert to c:pt. Dcrmnfcto feiid the h'p?s faying in the mean timethat thefi;?j v av Udcn v-iih r.aval . Acres. The c.ipt-;n tirrf .niiik;sp3pert, whith the f ij. p