.4 i . 1 viterrjfcea UekpcTefTicn of, but 3not e'a tfae, but declared the Mount Vernon to be a Tjood prize. The captain expollulated on the . impropriety of their conduct towards Amer ica mips and property of our Citizens. Thej . replied that they had good information from ne of the fiYft American hotifes in Philadel phia that fhip had naval lloreson board, s vapr. . lyominick tnen prevailed on mem to examine the man'felt and regiikr and they appeared at length to be convinced that lie was loaded only v7tharticles which were a -board, viz. cotfee, fugar,. rum, Itares, fjftic and logwood. Their only plea,then LwthajJ"ma ierhatrtrders, and were determined to :ike every- American yeflet bound to trf rotti Britifli ports, even on fufpiciqn of going to them.' After forcing capt D. arid all his lhips ompany out of the ihip, they fent them on arc of the FlyrtTg Filh. i r- -; r ; A gntlemart who left Niagara the 15th in forms' that every preparation was making I ,r Y,tre Bntilh for evacuating the garrtlons. . o- permits ffor goods or other things had J een focfome time given by the go vernment ihey being fofoon to ; become unneceflary ; ' : m confequence of which ncTboats, excepting thoie with failiHy goo4s paft in ; and thdfe .tercour ie ociore they return. ; 1 he gentle man who brings this 'intelligence, came in a V. ' I til' I t ' t ' npatcn Doat to uuvego, wnicn orougnt or ierifqr the -troops there to be ia readinefs tu embark on board the gun boats froniTving-1 fion, ordered to receive them. - - . Ac York a t awn on the heauof the Lake Ontario, 40 miles tluhht'froni Niagara, the future feat of government of that province, the public buildings gaon with l'pirit, feveral . f them are ah ead in coi tfiderable forw ard- . ' 7 - nets. .give. t& We' wforaVa&m ifttf: tri&if .f I MtseHcfteT ebferas, ar a indelible preof - uracuuiciy a2ain leic xncin. . . - 1 cyne ceicDrity ol tnrUntiih priutt Arthur, The Mofelle, no cfcubt left ter canroy I that lix or feven hundred liferent places in uvuuu vane iui purpvic iccikuig fiU'-1 xiriiain luui Dear n is name - toa!- Maim, ..tinform him of this: French irA remark of the fame kind Wil? H? mVrU vjm. f riiiku uk-' jiiuuauij . ijj luuw iuuirc xuiiuruu .. or vmericat"as t .was, that dt ttichcryTs crcaoed trom Cadiz ; I the name of the preient preiklent. It mar and as it is very likclyjl that admiral -MLbe amufine ta- enumerate fome of thedhfer. would reteive.thU information m time to in- I ent-oumies diilncts and towns inf the Unit tercept them, we have the Hattertng nope I cd btates; which are dilmminatedbv the mat we mail mortjy receive account ci tcetr capture. . - name of Walhington. in each of the itatesof Virginia Pennfyl lia, New.York, Tenneilee, Keiuucky, vanja v ttr v r ti ir t-. 1 . 1 il 1 m 1 of ira hiwtOH. Ueiides the citv of Wath fait, lrwiITbe in confequence of tlje delay of remittance on the part of the United btates. Should our w retched brethren be detained in flayery in confequence of the Prelidentfs . VAst of MeaS? to fulfil the . treaty, they mult ligh in forrow over the democratic jea louiy or oujrepuntry, wnicn ties the nunus of the Executive, even in (ioing good. We lincerely hope tor better things -vy e rejoice at the arrival of capt. O'Brien, and truit the humanity of our country will do them juitice We have authority to fay, that the pri vate Underwriters of this city , have agreed to pay lqlTes on all policies eifected iince he. firft day of this month, , in thirty days. fn ": proof thereof being exhibited ; conformably" to.the mode eltabhihed by the United and the New-York iriturabee Companies. .And we alfo under Hand, the feveral Infurance Bro kers have engaged to the Underwriters, jmd to each other, .that they not in future execute orders for any perfon, without ta king notes for the amount of the premiums ; at the fame eredits as have been eltabhihed by the two coiupanies j. namely, vaiiia,Kentucky,North.Carolinaand Georgia. . I V number of places under the iamc apphca. uon incrcaung. . N E W B E II N,: Mi. M A R I ib On Th ur Way ie venin cr 1 a ft : Mr. J ami. K. E.viiRv, to Mrs. Jansst Adaaii. 1-";..', a' '-T"'". ' ' - . The Britifli garrifon, which, has occupied the port at Point a Fair, 011 L'ake.Champlain, tver iince the late war, have left it,nd gone 10 Canada." ; Captain Jones, in 18 days from Curracoa, informs that two lhips of the Cork" licet had fceen fent in there priies to a Prenlh priva eer ; and th t a brig jrt 42 days from AmUe'r 4im arrived, theCaptaWof whichgae in onnation',' that a Dutch ileet confuting of 17 liips of war left the Teyl a few days before him ; ten of them were laid to be bqund to lite Eait-Indies, and feven for. the Well. Arrived thelthooner Sufaunah, Captain Carfon, 16 days from Biibadoes' , who in forms,' that the third reinforcement had been iifpatched for St. Lucie before he failed j hat part ofcthe Cork lleet had arrived there ud that the remainder, eleven in number, were taken by a Dutch fleet and carried into Surrinam. .. BIUDriE.TOWN, Mjy 14. Authentic communications, brought by the Albicore'lloop of war, which arrived here Monday laitfrom Nladerai. On the 19th of April," an American veflel arrived at Nladerai from Mogadore, which kad fallen in,. on the 9th; in lat. 3 1,00 long 14,00, with a fquadron of Dutch men of war, confining of feven fail of the line, three I igates, and a 20 gun (hip and was inform d by them that they were bound to the 1 lie f Fi ance? but were firlt to water at Tenerif 1 U The Captain f the American vellcl ad. fd, that they had three priies with them, Vj: no troops on board. 4 Ills Mirttyt ihip AlbUore, Captain Win. firon, ipowe u the lit ot May in ut, 17, 4?, long. 41, 30, the Junotranfport, hav. isig 0 board 11 $ of the 38th regiment, com. vuK&d by Captain Va.nldieu and in com. f any wuh tle Swift brig, loaded with camp, qu pige from Gibr alter, bound to th'uifland. .They Jailed the 4th April with a fleet under oivoy f Hear Admiral Mann whofe Iqua ron corX.fted of feven fail of theline ard three fr-gatei, which left them t tf Cadii; in charge f the Mofelle, floop of war. On the 1 ith ihUficft, ia lf o, 03 long. 14. 04, fell , in with a French uaslron confiltii.g of leven f.J cf the line ar d three, frigates fleering W. 5.. W. hen the Mofr l!e left ter cenvey and !frctUm tsr.til within gun ihut, aJ ha. rrt nf 3 r)M a private figtul, which tlv rtt aW:rttrcJ f tit muj ii On all Weft-India Hilks, 6 months. On all European Kilks, 9 months, y On Eaft.India voyages, 1 6 months. And on all Infurances for time, the term of the Infurance. " . We cannbt help remarking on the above, how pleafingit is to reflect on the great fums, v retained in this country by the fpiritt of the : private Tnfurers and Public Companies, which otherwife would unavoidably be remitted to" EuroX Companies have feldom materially . injured priVate Underwriters, as they gene rally demand higher rates and while fome prefer companic$pn account of the greater annarent lecufitv Mothers apply to individu- underwriters who do the bufinefs on low er terms. Ilev. Dr. Edward Bafs of Newbury Port, has been unanimoully elected Bilhop of the Church in Maffachufetts, by the Convention of Clergy and Lay Deputies. The Kev. Dr. ForlKs.of the fame (late, has conllrudted an Orrery and Pantomctron on new and ingenious principles ; calculated to exhibit the motions of the heavenly bodies, in greater numbers , and variety, than any machine of that kind hitherto invented. A committee of the American Academy of Sci ences in that Ibtff have reported favorably of the machine they prefer the union of the planetaridm and fpherc, and th'upofition,is, m thcV opinion, better than a hor.iontal or vertical one. B A L T 1 M ORE, June 14. A well informed rorrefponder.t allures as, that fur aWut a month pail, there have been at Alexandria, forty thoufand barrels of flour ftored for expo tation. He add';, that n the id of May lall,twen:y thoufand barrels of flour w ere computed to be llrred a; Wait Branch, above the (ireat Falb of Potow. mack, of which ivr. more than one half cn hae been Ihipnctl 1 r exportatisn. Ai grain of all kind U daily becoming very plentiful In Eu rope, and as fuch mimenft quantities are at pre fent cn hand in tbi; country, i: Hay be xjcc't(d the er.ortnoui price of this gie t ntcrtlary cf lite will fooii ktx t3 fall. We are liVe A'jfcinforme ihat tl Georget jwh arc f r'mtJin olf ilicir faftas toflib-c, le'w it a mcueratt tion jtoi' t.tiy turr is per cay. A tnauiand barrels have been ihirped with'n inn fori r.bl.t, fns i.i'.adelpli'a nd this pt Mi-Vrh'iraVtf, & n?r.ti l.T.tr'an f ; -'Ntw.BV.itH PosT,Orrtc, JUL' UitM Utters rrirtMnltitr in the yy Newlcr, -wi tch o; ,tJv .yui ,:?' fee as dead Utttts. TO I IN Council Bry an V johri llkaks j crecK t iienrv nuutr. James Collins, 'I'rent.tirue.'Tnn-rvir'- ty ; John Jolcph Combes ; Mil's . Kiury Ann Cluer ; John Calland ; Na.thaniclCovV. drey ; John Carinichacl. James Davis ; John Dunn, on board ot the brig Betfey. 7 ' James K. Emery ; David Eagleton, on the waters-of Piltol creek, Blunt county, to1 the care of Alexander Kelly, colonel in laid county ; Augintus Elmer ; Jofeph Everitt. Jonathan Fellows-rPcnelope Forbes. ' William ,T. Gardner ; ' Joleph (jreert, Geo ge Gardner ; Samuel Gerrock ; citi.ea Gaillet ; Maria Gooding ; Mrs. Gayuur. - "John Harvey ' Robert Jennel ; Thomas Jordan Abnef Jackibn. George Kinno. Joleph Loften ;Mofes Lambeth ; John Lavender ; Francis Lowthorp ; Phineas La tham ; Jofeph LeccheCoUn Lindlay ; SViU liam Lawrence, jun. . Hichard M'Kinnie ; George M'Farlane John Morgan j Mrs. Murdock; David MiU ler 5 lfaac Mundin ; Matlmrin &Marechjl Tabitha Mafon ; James Meon ; Will atn M'Lure; Doneld M'Collat; James Mlntifo.. John Oliver David Phillips ; James Philyaw, Onfloir county ;Natlianiel rurrington ; Ab.icr 1'aC teur. " , Citoyen Roflet ; George'Rowfon ; Th3 mas Rces. ' t . Mrs. Striager ; Sherifl of Craven John Sheflicld ; Henrietta Smith : John Strea ther ; Stoutenberg and Vofwmklc j Jam Smith ; Nathan Smith ; Roger bto.iei ; Mrs. Mary Stephens. William Tifdale ;. John Taylor ; Williai Taylor j Col. Tilllman Eliza Turner " Matthew Wilkes ; Uriah syettheai ; A: mos Wade ; Benjamin Williams ; Henry Wlliamfcn, Hyde county ; Benajah Wiurc ; Stephen Worfley ; William Wliite ; An drew Welt ; Abell Willis. ' F. X. MARTIN, PrL nnii of rto.k ai ccmpu- 'pHETruaeei for the Univrfity are re L quelled to meet cn the l ith day of Ju ly rext, at the Univerfity, on matter! of confequence which will there be la'd before theBjard, ar.d abfolutely nctelfary taUJi termbeJ cn., . ... ' SAMUEL ASHI, Prefulcnt. , A fen Copici of -MARTIN'i JUSTICE, - , For Ut at tht PinllngOffice,