12.. - F 1 r I K V ; t Hi It1 i if J' f r My- I w'" f t i . i. 1 Sckaed Poetry; v.O L D O L I V.tRs JTHE DYINGrSHEPHERD. BfPittr Pindir, Efy . '" ' 1 I C I T A T I T . 1 . - ';'.-'-'-;"""'". : . "" -j - mllE thepnerd Oliver, frown hH !!. 1 Like fome .14 oak weigh'd dowa th win- ter fnowi, - , " . : -.-.7. Mow drew the illge fh Hit ee-lide finking to thru lift repofe. Yet ere expired" Life'a trembling flame, and pale, Xhut t j tUt bleaitipg bindi arwnd hit dour, .. That letm'd to mourn hit abience from their vale, The feeble Shepherd fpoke, and fpoke n fflora I ' ' -S ; ' "i ii. , O, my Klock 1 whofe kind Voicel 1, htir, Adiru ! ah, forever adieu t ' No more on your hill! t appear, ' , And together our plealurei purfu - No more, at the peep of the day, From Talley to valleys rove, Mid the ftreamleta, and y rdue of Mar, Mid the aephyra, and (hade of the groff If o more to ny voice (hall ye run, And bie. ting, your Shepherd furrtind I And, while 1 repofe in the fun, : Like a guard; watch my (heep aubc crma.au When Winter, with tempeft and cola, Dime the eye of pale Natuie with wot, lUadyou no more to tne roiu.y With you i teecei all coteied O. nAum ot it Oliver! death ! Uuri'Vmy la land let it fall i " Ye too mult iefigiv y ur fett bieatk. For who hii patt jef! can tecall r O, -takrall vour Shepherd can give t ' Rrcfte my thank, and laft hgh i - Whofe finplieit.Vught me to Ure, . Ajpi hofe innocence tetfhti to die I Fife Dollar! Kcrrir. . .. .,ir- ..., i - . s . .. -..-i- - -r -'--" "- STOLEN frtm the iubferiber's' houfc, a vrgc faihionable filver watch, rinning on a jewel, makers names Dun fcombe and Cox, , No. 5940 She ha a finall crack on her face . ; Whoever will give information ,7fothatthe iT4t may be got again, will receiyrthe a. bove reward. 7 15. JOSEPH FrxILICK. F 0 R yif PRINTING-OFFICE (Utvbcr:) LA VV BO O rith fntw. ESPINASSE'S ifi pnut,' alkeld'a Report!, Anftruthera, do. ,: ' . Atkym't, dt Dyera', do. Shower', do. in K. B. nd Crown Law. Strange!, do. Raymond'!, do. Plo-den'a. do. Comyns't, do. Andrewa', do. . TSwrrywa'a, do. V'rnon'i Chaacery, do, Cow per a, do. - H. Blackttone'i, do. William Blacklone'a,dftV P;ere Wiliwiaa, do. Mofely'i, do. Douglaa a, do. , Morgan'! Eflavi, Crompton'i Pratce, Dftur and Student, Pleader! aUittant, . Jonei'! Attorney'ipock. et Book, Tidd's King'a Bench rrAice, Law Grammar, , Barnfler'a Law Educati on, 1 No)i Maxima, . Coyna'a Dgeft, ., PoweU on Contracli, j Mortgagea, Dcvitet, SuUiran'e lecturn, BlacktloDf'i (."oitmenta- riei, ' ' Williami't Coaveylne. 1 ng. Proitor'a Praftite. : deiiarids aga:nft the eft ate of fa!d inteftatc arc requeued to pre!TU them to uthe faiel Willuuvl'ryan, witlvn the- time lirriitted by law, or they will be barfed and all pcrlona' -indebted -to faid inteitate are reqnellcd t maLe immediate payment t; the faidadmini- ilrator ; and thereby prevent him, from the" "dUagrceable neceiHty of rel'orting t con puU foryniean -. . i. j.- . . , - - WILLIAM BRYAN, Adnh June it. 1 K1NST051 Posf-Ofricr, April ift. Amt)ler'l, do. Leach'a CrownLaw(witi Baton'i abridgment, r.ew.clc!, MaWlcini Pv C ; Barnea'a noiet, ' Haic'a, do. , Burn Law Dictionary, Woodcfon'a Icfturti, Wo.idefon'i Conanacnta- Peake'e iaifi priui, riea on the lawa ot Sa Ciown Circuit, ' , ' ; FOR SAL try: - pHE houfe and.Iots, now occupied ; by - 1 ; V.r. William Shepard, the lots may be ua r- t.tr r rrMTPtrter Alfa''one lot em UrA rtreet. near the Court-nouie, ana u,,r-nrl 1ot.aro'unff Mr. Thomas The whole the property of Mrs. Mary Edwards. NATHAN SMITH. March 19 - 4 ADVERTISEMENT. Y T 7 ILL he fold on the laft Saturday in Ja V V Iv next; at the late dwelling houfe of Lewis Rryan, Efq.' decealed, ' all the lands .. of the faid decealed, twit : HisUte duelling houfe, and eleven lots v in the town orirenton j nine hundred a cres of land f e.duttve, on a part 01 which is a valuable mill feat, whereat there now, (lands a grilt and f aw mill ; and on a fmall expence, might be made as valuable a fet of xnills as any in the vicinity. ' Alfo ill be fold at the fame time, a piece of land on Vine . Swamp in. faid county ; alio one piece of. land on the North lidc of Trent river s likcwiie one lot In the town of Newbern, near the yatcrs ofNeufe Atatone fifth of thepurchaU money, will be eKpccled on the day of fale, the other four fifths in dif ferent payments, '(that is,) one fifth in tk o years, one fifth in four years, one fifth in lix years, and one fifth in eight years. The purchafers giving bonds, with ap. rnvrd' fecurity, which fhall draw jntercft from the day of fale, an tndifputable title will be made to the purchafcrs by the exc utort.- . DURANT HATCH, ExV. J$nef Ctunty, Iky 14. FOR SALE . AT THg PP.INTI N.G. O FFICE, 4 rtw cofin or tbi LAST ACTS OF ASStMBLY. Mj at. BLANKS of all kinds for fl it the Kydd on Bilil, ' Impey'a pleader fcaine on Derifet, Svftem of pleadiif, ; ' Lilly'e entrici. aundera oft Ufct and Trull!, Barton fuit in Equity Schiefferi praclice ot the law,. ;( Morgan'! Vade Mecum, Uamfon'a Chancery Praclice, Law ot Partnarftiip, Fonblanqu n equity, Lex Mcrcatoria, Oilbeit'a law of Xi- . dence, - Yattel' Jaw of Natione, Keere! Eaglilh Ljiw, Fearne on Remainder ' complete, Burlamiqura W. aad P. ..r Law, - Gil beit oa praflic of Common Pleaa, Ward'! Law of H'tit-m, ' Commercial Kepit, Conductor Gtneralu, Burne'i juftice, " State Triali, t j Nature Brcvium, Clerki magasia. M I I C I L L A N I I I. Charlti GraxdifoB, Pamela Don Quixote, Guthric'e Grammar, . Svo. do. 4.(0. Mooie! NiVigatioa, . Bruoke' Gairtteer, Nautical Almasack, Vwung man! cooiptnU on,; Tablet of memory Guthrie Geogrtpay t ianpreecd, lyftem of tairicry Flowrra of hirtory Cqokt! Voyage Amnion Mufeunr .Dcmociat DilwonVa Book kerp ing. Fiboloot hi.lory, , ' Fablea of Flora "akefoao'aOuig'rg, Ciy! table! 'turned Priory, Huoter on the " Vemnil, Life of Hewird, Scotti Giimtrr, Lou ;f j. Jt(Terfori rc''i, Lady fiiiai', Mirror, Medical Cktuhti, Mttmoth'atCaji, Moaitor, Night tkou 1ci Ueofpto, Uft of letters remalrnre in the PcR.Cffice it 'months , will be jent ts th: Gtner.al Pcji-Cf- -fee as dead Utters. , ' TREDkKICK Edwin Becton, near Cox's jl iciry 5 wiajur ncujaimu -01eman jas Collins, Trent bridge ; '1 homas Cafteiloe , Wayne county, to the care of Col. JofepL; Green ; Walter Dunn j Jchn Elliot, near ( Rifs's ferry; Wayne cour.ty, or Bryan Whit- held, Llq Dobbs County , illtam Good man ; liyrick Hooker, Efcj j Francis M'Gli vean ; Capt. John Tutle ; Thomai Privatt 3 William Waterman- JOHN LOVICK, P.M. - THE NOTED HORi-E, HYDE R ALT IS now in high order, and will Hand at the table of the fubferibers at Haw landing, in 01 afgow, county,' in order to cover marea at ten dollars tne leaion, payable tne nrtt of January next; or eight dollars if paid in that courfe of the leafon; five -dollars the - leap-- and twenty dollars to iufure. Corn or pork will be received in payment thereof, if deli vered in January next. The fealou will begin the loth of March, and end the 10th of Augult. When mares h are brought for the leap, , the money will bo ' expected with them, otherwile the charge 1 will be made for the le Jfon. ' Hydir Ali is a beautiful dark bay,' up wards of 15 Hands high. He was rjrot by old , Mark-Anthony; his dam by the imported horfe Bajazet, his grandam by Crawford." Good pafturage for mares gratis, and th greateft cure taken of them ; but the fub bribers will not be anfwerable for accidents or efcapes of any kind. T : HOLLtDAY k CARR. N. B Half a dollar to be paid to the , Gtoom, at the ftahle door. Gkfgovt county, Feb 24, 1796. PleaHag inftruAer Homer 1 Iliad Pleaiurtaof Memory, Right! of Woman Rowe! Letter!, Romance of the Foreft, Spirit ct DcQiotirm American Atlai, ,Waikri!,do I TS hereby pven to all whom it mayesn NOTICE The Dkmocratiad a p e, , 1 1 The Dewocrat, or intrt- ucaaod adreuturcief l :a Lenoir, , Wonderful ftory ttllfr, Tmdicationof Mr. Ras. dolph, New.V'elf0,fr, r ft. ter Porcjpio!! obfer ati a on A; Cliff rtation t the lrl , princiflei tf gvir. Tlrllnier, ty Th. r a ryr, Wa2iiptai fpiff!', clomtllie, iwiiiurfial, ' trA etVt, Biioi St:wbrui miJi'ary ruid, rcFderal ready rckaa!r, taon ictr, I firtt'.f itfili li fter; of iiutU Aii-wl. Kataral i'tirj, cern, tliat iainaniei Stewart, late ct Newbcm, is dead, and that the iubferiber, hrs rualihed as exi:utor. to his laft will and teitamcnt.. Allpcrfons thereiore Aho have n::y legal demands againtt the eltate of faiJ fniellate, are requcfted to prefent them toth fa d executor within the time limitted by lav or they will be barred ; and all perfoni :ru dhted to fa:d mteftate, are requflted f nu'e immfiiat-? payment to the faid execu-tc-r, wid il.rrtb prevent him fro:n the dif ngreeable rccefTity cf reforting to campulft ry ii"!ra 1' RAtililb LiUW ItiUnr, Vr. jun: 18. Fcr Szlc at the Printing-Oftce, a rtw conn or P O LI T I C A u THE CENSOR 5 . N O T I C E TS hereby rea to all whom i: nv con. L eern, that Jnfeph Palmer. Lteof Craven ' cbuntyis desdtnteftate, and thatadmsniftra. tiononJm eUeashabeen fr,mtrd t Tillu am Bryan, on Swift's creek in the fime coun- MONTHLY REVIEW, Fcr,Miy, 179 U Z W n E R N t . paintn ir FR AHCOIS.X M ART : Frktia'Ofitt ty. All i trleni tk:rfarc wbw uave any I:.