AND JO iaii,W',rtfC, ! temped to MTI N G.O F F li: , Member t) ih which In C H RyT PRI A -A' - - - -or the r " ----- UkVT of INHERITANCE; 7 Of THE STATE of NORTriCAROLINA; . Exhibiting ,cn Historical View 0 it at - it (M at lYiaST-SKTTLKMEHT oftf country, fAe cAh?w iVAat undergone, mid its PRESENT STATE. (Price fr) . thefe crowdsTouaWtce&.u.: praifethfflaft fpe eth of Tallien, b laid- he had abiured his Thermi." dorian errors t but they verv foon alter- wards reproached him withliaving, after the 9th Thermidor, becn one of .the irioft aftive Mpynpterqf thenew fyltem ;.of having be-,, rayed the Mountain and Itobcfpierre of having invented thename of Terrorifts of having propofed "on the i ath Germinal' and lit Prairial, to harg up at their windows the patriots at Ham. It is unneceflary to notice the further proceedings b thefe mifcreants. The great majority of the citizens of Pari wilh, only for the Conftitution pesce-Trthc, reftoratioriof public credit and the reign of the laws., - -; L'Eclairof the 14th of April fays, the terrcrifts, who have for a longtime beeii -overawed in Pari?, have within thefe few days dtfplaeda boldnefs that calls for all! the attention of the Legvflaturffvd govern- - mcnt. 1 hey no longer conceal their plan of again laying violent hands on the Kepre- tentative of the people, and aain purging the two Councils, as was done on the nit of May. , They attempt to terrify them by their mobs in the Thuillerici, dil'perfed in the public places, and flioutinff the cries of vengeance t -and death. The evil fvmntoms manilelled s to put a itop 1 Lft vear at thsnme(i ew fhmr,-Uc. to this rebellion and to ctle If the Ami des Loix m -y be credited, :tne hraterthe 'annivcrlarvtf the t th Vrmm-,! . w . m 1.- - - V4 IJKliai they no longer7 conceal that; th y nmsgainft the Conftitutioti and Sgaihit TKb .rectory ' General PICHEGtUJ havinc "demihclv declined the Embitffy to Sweden, and beings ,P A R I S, April 10., ' A FFLTCTING' newi.has been received jr from the department of Cher. The .v if c n a. ,.lvti li'avt htfn -fanned there are become mcrenuinci u, am i have aire icly committed maayafts ot vio lence. The town of Sancerrc is faid to be ilreadv in their hands, where they have de- ftroyed all the ilepublican fymbols, and ho lt edthe Whits flag. It is a Monf. Bomml liers, an e.ccntHtuent,.who ii'at the head f,thu infurrccHon. Jur government has rdered trooos to march thither ; and is tak- ins - the moifc aflive mWfures to put a itop lie fo'lv cf the Dirt&orv have ncrcrivei treaty concluded with the Elector.. .of Har.o. ver. and has hii't piven orders to invade his dominion. We did not know that the en. gagenunts, contracted unucr the iar.h of, willing to en'oy the charris of rcnofe in the treaties, could be contidered as tucW. W j b0f6:n of hb fajjiiiy at Aibois, the place of - -. . . are equally atdlofs ro know whether thii po licy which was doubticfs invented by Chi rles Lacrphci is vell calculated to it-cure the at flachment of the Court of Berlin, under whoic mediation that neutrality was" agreed upon.; It is acknowledged that the negociadous vith the Court of rurin ar broken off. We' are aflured, that the Sardinian Miniiler re fufed to receive two Frenchmen, who were charged with proportions for peace, becaufs IZ was Kirjwn, uiiutiwhu, iuai in u.s wcrQ inadmilfible. There arc fome who aflrbc their conduct, in this .infhnce, to the in-' trirueacf the Engliih and Emigrants. In 0: der to avert die dang-rs which threat en him, Ft ercn, has" married the iulrr of Cleneral Bonapa te. April 16 L'Echur of the 1 3th lays, for fome days crowds have re-appeared in the Thuillerles, -rear the Council of Five Hundred. It is the tluty ofihe inspectors of the Hall to prevent in gocd tmt the evil etfeds cf thofe mobs. Itis that place YuJi iui iUviys been the theatre of the cihnes cf tiic f ictioUsj and the r.-:e tf the revolt. lVd uitcemvcly by dlf. tjren: parties w fupjvrt their views, they' . r aw-refund the taticcf mt.inceandprofcrip- . ..V tJ'Wm.ll IlliH V UW fjiusi cf Pkobcfpcrrc of the guilUnme with tendemefs cf the maximum with tranfport of th expulHon'cf the itcwly admitted ihu-d with hope cf the De&civiral Codeof 1 703 Witaenthuhatm cf tiic conU tutlon of 1795 w contempt of the UrlUuve Bo y "r.dthmfoUnce, and of the Directory wiih indijmation. They hoaft of the -sill Mjv. and complala of the re-admiifiou of the ji deputies. The number of the feditiousha. Viag hareafed,' they begm to hfuUthe de pat:c$ coming out of the hall, wha had not votrj according to their, withe's Paftorct, Tj.if d'Ar. !a j, and many others, were out. ip,?d the day before yefterdiy. Amsngths rr-Tcipa! reproaches agalnft BouTyf was that f b:',n member of the celebrated cotj.-n'f. boa tf eleven, ar.d of havlnf; leaoufy :p. proved to.hof tl: ccniTuutitn of 1795, and ae j.'.g 17I9. CLeiser auJ his lutivitv. the Griiinrnr U tn I'fnA tn j t - . w a . t u v .Siodholm a timpie Charge; d'AHah-s, who is noi knewn in 3 Diplomatic character, lie is true a d to depart ir. two days. " Ce.u fOIlEAU fits olF to-morrd'jv to take the cuuiuuud of thcanrty of the Bhiv;e. , L' Eclair contains the letter of the Spanifh rviui'lter, the Prince of Peace, announcing ihe redoation of all the property of French fubjectsm Spain, width had beenfequeftered during the war. . . ' I he report's cf . anproachinar Pear" I fays aParhian Journalit, "areconfiderably weakened and Tallicn obferved, in the Council or rive iiundred, on the 14th inlt. 11 that there was a party which wilhed to prevent the condulion of a pence, becaule peaciwas necclrary to reftore plenty ai.d hap p'nefs t J the epublic.,, Courlc of Exchange at Paris, on the 15th of April. AmUerdam B.1" - ' V- . Hamburgh Genoa Leghorn Snam iUver in bars (per mark) 46 , COUNCIL or FIVE HUNDRED. . fridsyt April 15. , DoutCET, Prefident. . , The Executive Directory fent a oefijge, dt firing the CouncU to devue a law for pre venting aflem lilies of the people, and frultra ingthc feditious maccuvres of tic enemies to the Heputhc. . Lecointre moved, that a CKsmifTioa fiiould be appointed on the near day, fcr the pur pofe of adopung fome means far repreiTrng very incitement to the re-elbblilhrnent of Beyatty, and the annihilation oftl.t Conaitu. ticn of 179, The notion was earned, and Trf-Hir &t Ma;hieu, CraTonx, Launou, and Camus, were apocintii iBiros'er ef the CemifD. ' 3 m 'ULlhe4tmrifi(2mlljjjl : 1 that tht tneflages from the D.recWy to the' CouncU, fliould be fent under a feiled co ver. , . 6.., . rr " Satwday, April j6. .- - - t jrpn irom int i ca' Otttte appointed to e.Namine the ir.ijTi,ce'cr the Directory, inviting the. Council- tar, a penal law atrainlt IikIi mm as il.m.u , the re-eitabhlnmeut of royalty, ahd oi ibe Conibtutic of 17935 aid ,g;:i ft.ctl. M m the itdit.oiii aflemWaffc t: Y. mould preach up the aiiiuhilaiiou cf the K'e- pupiico ' he Refolutlons propbfed by Tviulurr", . were couched in nearly the knowing fmi ii ' " All thoie vho, by words or wr t.j ri. fpoken or dUlnbutd, ihalt provoke tht rtl iolution of the Legiilative Body and of the Directory . Jlill provoke pillage and an equ4 ihttnbution ot property tz re-fcftahliji . n.cnt l Hcydty ar.d of tfce Confiitiitioft rf ' 1793, or any other than that of ms jii be declared guilty of an attack upon the pub-' . he fafetyr and mall be punimed with death " All aflemblies of the people, at which) . provocations ihall appear, mail be di perfed Wf torce., . J , - " Perfons guilty of the crimes fptciilcd i the firit articles, ihall be tried by the direc tors of a jury diicjiarging the funaions oi of hcers of police, conformable to the Code of ' Crimes aiidPuniilmientsriubjea toa fpecial' . Pfons attending fuch aflembliet mall be obliged to retire on the fummons of aMaguo-ate, under pain of baniihment, or hve year siropriforiment in irons. KeliltanceS ' ihallbe punifhed with death. ? All perfons who ihall publicly vearany other badge of diftiiiaion(Ggne de rallicmcm) thaivthft iational Cockade, ihall be imprifon--edforayear." 1 heleVelolutionVre dop. Sunday. Anril it Camus made appomted to examine the crimes refulting'. from an abufe of the prefs. He declared 1: was impoflible :o propofe a general law, ap plicible to all authors and printers, withouc inyadingthc liberty of the prefs. The corn- miit:c, however, veie of opinion, that a la of Pt lice might be paffed, relative to journals, CaZctltS. fitr'mdiralnnM SJ 9 I - m -..MWVftl ivuu tiuuivif les to the. public : he there! ore propofed !ome reiolutioiis containing, among others, the follow ing regulations : I Ko jc;urnah, gazettes, nor periodical publications, ihallbe prii.tcd ; no addrtfler to the public diflrihuted j nojb 11 printed iind ftuck up, without the name of the author or authors and the name and place 0! abwde Uf the printer . 2. Ever)' Vwlaticn of the preceding article, by an omifiion of the name of the autho or 1 rimer, or by themfertlon of a fall e name and placeof abode, fliallbcprofecuiedb) the Police, and puniHicd with lix months imj t fonment for Uie rit offence, and two yeari tmprifonmcnt for every fubfequent offence. 3.. If the journals or periodical pubheatkmi contain any articles that are not iigned, any extracts cr pretended cxtraas from foreign papers, that perfen who ihall have pubiiflied fuch works, fliall hcr.fponlible of the fame. 4. All perfons who flu'l hawk about, dif. tribute, fell, orftick vpany pap?n,in violas ticn of the firXt article, i1al l incur thtpuniih ment fpcclfied in the fcomd. , 5. 'Ihe Authors, Primers, er perfen 1 who iTick up any p-pers, contamin Inch In dtemenls cr prorceationi at aredetlared cri minal, by the law of the 27 th tnfl (April 6) Jfcall be profecuted and panimed in the mannet thefe fct fonb- - 9 All ver.dtrs tr.d hankers fef unfignr 4 periodical publications, who fliall be unable topeint out the authors ot the lame, (hall givs falft bftrmaiiti tn tht hi cr who ieaJ. t

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