- "iiTiiibt fccr U -re?gtt', orrfarfoas ill having a tixfii reticence,' fluul iun ' rears irowifcusitent in ipnt, J !,--r tier i ao t'at lev cend offerer tranfpertattu ; 7. TaePrhicrs!, hawkers,, o b'Uftickert who Jha!3 be relied for any oi" ihe above of fences, cannot be brought to trial no: dif- char ged.until the author Hull have been tried, : or all endeavours to appreheridBjnihaU have. ceen aecurea iruuicii. - .. . , , Thele refclutibns were all adonted. : : JprUi , - . - . The General in chief of the army in . liily U : ihe Executive Direflcry- - -' "- Jt Head.Ouarters at Carcuret i$th CermirM' " The campaign in Italy has commenced. I have to g ve you an account of the battle of Montenotte. " After three days movement to deceive us, general Bealieu attacked, with a'divifi-' on of ten thouland men, the right of the ar my Supported by Vol try-, ' " The general Cervor.i, who commanded there, having under his-orders the 70th and ?c;th half brigade:;,' fuitained the fire with the intrepidity vvhichch"aYafterifeTHcloIdier$ of liberty. " 1 was not "deceived with refpeft .to. the true intentions cf the enemy. .-The imrant I was informed oi the circumltances of the attack on the right, I ordered the gc nerul Cervoni to wait the night,' and to tali . back by a" forced march, and concealing his ' movement from the enemy, upon my centre, svhich was! imported by the heights of Ma dona de bavona. - un tne 24m, at lour in .tne morning Bcalieu iii pcrlbn, with 15,000 men-attack'; ed and. brat in all the politions by which the centre of the army has been fupported ; at an hour after inid-day he attacked tiw redoubt of Monte-Lrziiiu, which was behind the en., x tre'iUnneiit. The enemy returned ieverul times to trie cha ge, but this redoubt guard ed 6y. jjco men, wai rendered impenetrable " by the 'courage of tliofc Avho defend it. The chief of the brigade Kaiupgn, who command ed there, by one of tliole ih'okeV which cha-' racteriies a foul great' and formed for brilli ant' actions, made his troops, hrthemidit of ' the fire, take an oath to .die to s nian Inthe reaouot Monte Lexino,cver the united Piedmer.tefe and Aultrian armies . ! ; " " The : fnemv loft tcn'thoufand Eve bun-' men of whom tight thoufir.d were made prironer s. They loft alio 40 pieces of cannon, with horfei, mules, and amati:. nit'ies way pms,-15 itand of colours, all their equipage',nd feyeral magazines. 1 " Our troops, generals, officers, and ioi diers, "are all covered with glory, and have "fliewn themfelvts worthy to defend the name oihbertYt - ' . y The General -in Chief, Bturnaprte, again directed this attack .The other -ge nerals, who feconded him in the mc-ft diiVm- guiihed manner, are Laharpe,! Angeteau, the Morne has been M:w;r -up by the fillin of afhell. On the ni :-hi cf ct; j6;h Infl.-M? Mefl'ena, Cervoni, Coffe, Monarde and Coobert. This laltwai wounded ia leaping into the entrenchments of the enemy 'lo generals were killed at the head of their co lumhs, performing prodigies ot valour , " The G eh. Provcra, wh commanded the Aultro Sardinian army, was made pnio ner, after 'having evinced the moil srallan' refinance with tw regiments which were :a- keiLyith him. " Vou will declare, without doub:, that the Army of Italy has ntt ceafed to deferve wen c: r country." T'his declaration was made upon the in. ftantby acclamation ; and-the Council re folv,ed, that in two hours it JhouU again read town cf Caftriei was'frntire.y iiiiroyed fire, as well as a very grcirpart of the Tnicv 1 .1. : J : . I i ' i . pmg lying m me roao-u is auueo, ins: at taftries. 7 or 800 perfons, men, wcmc. children and old "men;" were putto theyori .. by the Britilh it is pretended that It is owiu mg to the rieulans and lome otner troop entering; the town, and finding two Tailors and an rieulan nailed on croffes one of rhofs unhappy.picn was. (lilLbreathing ctth; cruel lipht the. troops were ten ed with, ,futh fury, that it was impofiible to cktk their :re. ier.tment. The fame night a fortis was ade c the Grenauer, Lahathe, and La Vigie Frentk batteries-the tirit was difmantled . without dppofition 37 i'oldiers and a ferjeant hatl already reached the fecond battery,, whr the Loionel who commandedfhe exped ition being wounded, ordered a retreat to bt beat whether they Ihould advanceor retreaj , were at lealk obliged to obey this retrm has proved unfortunate for usf-thejrepublu cans having notice of it, hurried to the can, nonof the Vigie, fired on a column of th Britilh troops with caie lhotf and killed 20m on the fpouthe guide, an inhabitant cf St. Lucia, has been very feverely wounded. f The fire of our batteries tsal way t very of Ma- LthemeilageoftheDh-eW which Ihould I well kept up ; we are approaching .Morn . bt printed, potted up, and lent to ail the- onuM and crtffing the line. Ve expe,l orning, , -Jiuimftrationi and the armies. thc IS!orne wl11 fllortl3r be educed. " 'i'he enemy palfed the night wi &r. pif- tol-jhot. " During the night, GenLaharpe with all the troups of the right, took poit behind die redoubt of Monto Lctino. At ah hour after midnight, I departed with the Gen's, "Berthier and Meflena, tie commillioner Sa. licetti, and a part of the troops of the cen tre and the left. We moved by Altarc, up "on thc flank and the rear of the enemy. "On the 1 id at the break of day, Bealteu, who had rettived a reinforcement, and La harpe attacked and fought with Vigour and different fuuel., when Gen. Maffena ap peared, lowing death and terror on the flank and rear of the- enemy, where M ,Argentea;i coainuncec ; tne route ci ine enemy was; toiple:e ; twoot their ucnerajs, Katavi ni ani Argtntcau, were badly wounded. The lofi of the enemy was between 3 sr.d 400 ieii, of 'whom more tlun 2500 were '. rna f rifonw i 3 Colonel, eight or ten fu perbr officers and feveral colours were ;s ' ken When I fhsll have received all the reports, end 1I11U be lefs engaged, I will fend you a detailed account, which may make known to you thofe to whom their country cwci a particular acknowledgement. - ' Generals, Officers and Scldieri, all fup ported. m this nemcrab!c iffa-r ths : glory 'A tktFier.hr.amc (Signed) V The fu::efts of our irmy b Italy has r.ot topped here. In the Huing cf the Coui ci! of Five if united of yefterdiy th; fzWw ing mcifagi wi4 reid by the PrrfJsai frcrr. the Hiccutive Dhtclory j Cit;?.in floprtfcritativej The fortunate battle of Menterctte, whkh we infcrn.ed you of by our mcHsge of he id of tills month, was only, for th? in 'inuolf arni of luly, the prelude to fuc . et4fes iliU oiofetrUUtnt We hsre to day , I L O N D O X; Jpri'ii7. j We this morning rcceiveel the Paris Jour- naU to the 25th inlt.'incluiive. They, bring ; the important intelligence of the recom j mcnceim-ntof hoftilities in Italy. Two hat j' ties mult have been fought between the '. French and the United Auitrian and Sardi. nian armies, both of which we are-lorry to fay, terminated in the defeat of thc latter. By the meffage cf the executive direclor.y to , the council of five huvdrcd i: appears, that the latter vicbr, that cf Morife-Lezine, was rrdecifnxrthe Acltfiansahd'Sardiniahr lolling 10,500 men, withao pieces of cannon aunhunition, .waggons, oofors, &c. &c. - The execurivc directory have, at length fen: an adeVefs to the armies, in which they icu uicm mat ine ume is come tor tne renew al of hollilities and, in a ftile of bombaft well iuited to their exorbitant pretenfious, proclaim their ,e:srmma ion to force their enemies to accept the ignominous terms of peace which tluy have propofed, and which tdey have the modelry to denominate the molt luft and moderate Advices were received this morn'mc of . 1 tne capture or aaotaer r renem frigate, (La Virginie) by Sir Edward Pellew's lquidron. The fquat'ron fell in with th Viri!iiaon iqtiaeron isu m wita th Virirmia Wednefday lad, f-ur lsag-irs from thc Li, 1 i . -1 1 .Mi 1 uru aiiu ::aicu ucr im.iz a: nignt, waen the Indefatigable, Sir Edward Pdlew,cair.c u;i with he. and brdught her to aftion. 1 nc 5c::cna:aa twe 1 tours, when the Vir gutlaftruck. The lefsen board the French frigate was 17 . men killed and 35 wearied. The Indffatigabh hid c:;ly three men 11;. ly wour.ded. , - i Sir Edvvurd Feilew's fquadron, i:i 1 ad ded, has captured nsrtofa convey c: utr cnantmen from Hrrii. 4 T he republicans in the Morne frnt ic negro won.cn under the efcort of a, detach ment of negroes, in order to take off fame- prbvifions from a plantation fituated a few J hundred paces from the fort a detachment cf Malcolm's rangerswerc ordered to oppoir. ta:s I ally, which they did. anuueUroyedthc. - whole detacliment, except as it is faid, four negro w omen. Some of our men were kiilea tn this engagement. : : We leani this moment by a httle refcooner juft arrived from St. Lucia, that the ,Vigi was taken by itorni the' toth lnit- and, that. 600 republicans were bayonerted." ; Half a million derling in dollars has beeitr imported in his "-Majesty's' Hup Thunderer, from England, for the payment of the amy any navy in the Weit-lndics. . .; May 11. The Louifa Bridger, arrived this day from Martinique, and brings thc pleafing intellU lurrendered at: i.egharn, cf the re-capture 1 1 the. frigate, and cf ths'c-.ptare of a Fiend; fh-p !of yar. of zo ruts, by the Darfi-ur c f a'l wm in ta : bay c fTur.i:. Th NerreJl: v,a.; the iriga:-? tins v.rsT.kcn Vy ths Frnth b tht'por: ctn-.y:::;. xtn5 cf 1 hits; l:on St. Pkrret, JTirt- 'iciue, dated the a 1 ft. inf.. - ' Th: njii:h tatties were opened cr. Tlcndiy la&, th ? ath Ir.ft. at St. LutLu their f.ru fre wVs v.-.-y lucctftful in niencing that of the ' Vi, jnd feveral batter" lei, th latter of wh.ch hivo been evacuated b the rspiiltftis. t.Iio hivs retL-eil iatt gence ot at. L.ucia having difcretion to the Bntiih arms on Thurfday laltl That the white neoole found In MorneW Fortune had beef; (hipped off theifland, and. the coloured people left to be difpofed of a G en. Abercro;nbie might think pro'ner That nrc EngUih inhabitants were found ia the fort, and executedand thirty ethers wero ia the fame predciment waiting, their fate. teverai deferters from the emigrant corps" lately arrived from England, were alfo thete, ar.d wil doubtiefs meet their defer ts. A cor.fiderable body of our gallant rcop' had embarked for. Grenada and St -Vint enf, "" aiaiw w tW'w mu libit " nvii k in a itate cf tranquility, and ths extreme fulfenns of the unlortunate Inhabitants b st an erJ. The gallantry ar. J good conducV cf t c difcrent cerps it mi.Ui.s in either cf tiiof: iflands is fpokeuofin thehigheittern.i. The long expected fieet under Admtr.t Pcle, s: is faU, is cei tainly arrived a: .fiaiha ddzs hh 'Ccoo troops mere , U t W-Y O K K, JW 1 3. ;.JJ;etTtd to the niin'fter clther.isriae, Wa tcd April 18. - 1 I W T ' I viaBennuai.l .. Ent'lfr inienc5ary, who burst o-r Tn'ps a: the fame man who lately endeavor, ed to fet firo to ie msgaticcs cf Havr la in fnof t, who had fwero and prcortfrd to r.tf, to mike of eur feapcrts sr.i ear i.eeks ... . - - a t I acthxg cut r.ssas ot amis. A-.tneria 11 the r.y.t b this rosd with Lhe DisacrJ, h:cli he comjusr.tVJ, he came to c-rry tl tai Vonir, sit rfm a :tr. osutaiie

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