liti it i - ! I" t s . II' ' I: ' i(! i ! 'i HI . s iii Selected Poetry. . i O NO. Prca thiBAGATltt cf " taeic and KtrV A WOMAN it )ika to but ftay What a womin it like, who caa (at r There's no living with or witKoat onr Lo-e.b'net like a fly, ' Now an car, now an eye JJu. buz, alwayt about one Vhen fhe t enJcr af d kind "' - " :..:.::- f Shc Tiikta 'vwmfidr--'"-: (And Fanny wai fo, I rfmtmbtr.) She' Tite To Oli dear I bti as good rery mar '..,,.. A a ilpe'iifehitvp peach in Septtaabtr. j -If liit huf.h.sad lho ciiaf, ; . I - - . I'l.v, j kf, avid all jnat, . .. ' . AtrJ wiili -.units and good humaur ftia raaeti. "t '.". She'ia like a rich cU-i!i, " ; ,v L. ' -'aisu&bn ., T!k.i ciies tib.n tETs" t'ble, " come eat ai- But tiie'li plague and rex ), . IMuft, anJ'iif.ex )oo, t ' . .-Fills 'hearted, andT ranging,- . . . UuicMi', "ai.d.cha.gin'jr; Vh;.i t lien do jom think fiie it like? .Jike a land.? 'ke a r :;ck I Like a wheel ? like a clock ?. K Ave I ke a chick 'ii i it alwayt at ftrikt. il'r ht4d' ike Hie .aind takt'tel) o. -, V:5tich nothing but mo::kiei can dwtll i " "Her heart's, bfce a le.non (o ni:' , ihccaivfi for each loer. a flict lX u .nh f.ic'a to n;e, " -Liks the wind, like tbe fct, Whjis raging will hcikcn Ta ', L.kc a mill, . L-ke a pill, L k - a flail, ? " . L ke a whale, L.ktf n f, Like a p.Urt, VThofs image u conitantto n i Like a 11 r, Likt ihoV, ""'" Like -a fly, L'ke a pie, ' Like a pea, Likearlci, . L ke a tliief j Like in br.ef, thei like notuin on eaiih but a wtntta. Nm-itR o st-0 rues, JaLt i, 1 76. Ujt jf -Letters rcmur.ingjn the jPojl ai xfttks, vtlibejcnt if 5 General tpojt-Gp fiie as dead letters. JOHN Council Bryan ; John Blinks, Srice creek ; llcnry butler.' -James Collins, Trent-bridge, "Jones coun ty ; John Joleph Combes ; Mils U.- Nlary Ann Cluer ; John CulUnd Nathaniel Cow drey -; John Carmichael. - . . - James Davis John .Dunn, on, -.board cf the brio- lktfey. . . - . J antes ilr Emery 5 David .EaglctoiiTron . I Jy;"f Un nrtf Wilful n-L' ltiiiir r-Miittr rr , F O R $r A L E, pr'; .clJ' tprt, . Anftiutheri, dp. , Atkym't,. Jo.- ' .;' Dycit', io. ' ' ' bttower'j, do. K. S. . and Ciowa Law, Strange, dc. Kayuiwria'i, da. the waters of Pritol creek, liluiVt county 7 0 the care of Alexander Kelly, colonel in"' iaiu counity ; Augultus Elmer ; JofepU Eyeritt. Jonathan i ellows ; l'enelope Forbes 4y4ilwin 1 Oardner ; J olcpii Oreen, ,'' AD.VKIITISEMENT. 'l 7 ILL be fold on the bft Saturday in Ju. V ly next, at the late dwelling houfe of Lewis Bryan, Eiq. dcccalcd," all the lands of tlie I'.iiJ deceufed, .to wit :. Uislatc dwelling houfe, and eleven lots in the town of I'miion j n'n.c hundred a. cres of land, cxtsuiive, on a part of which is a valuable m.U iVuij whereat there now ftunds a gri:t and f..w mill ; and on a fnull expente, iniMit be made as valuable a let of mills as any iii the vicinity. Alio will be fold at the.f.t...c tune, a piece of land on Vine 5 ianip in fa';d county : alio one piece of on the North lide of, Trent river :'e one lot in the town of New hern, ne..rthe w aters ofNeufe. About one fifth ol'ihepurclnU money, will be expevkd d,f the day of l'ale, the other four fifths in on fe rent payments, (that is,) one fifth in two years, one lifth in four years, one fifth in lu years, and one lifth in ciht ycart. '1 he r.u balers giving bonds, with ap proved Uturiiy, w!ikh lliall draw intcrcll lr vit the d.iy of Tale, an indifputablc title v ill lie made to the pin chafers by the exc tu;ois. DJIXANT HATCH, ExV. Jcnes County, Miy 14. Five Dollars Rctvard. STOLEN fro:n the lubfcrirxr'a houf, a larj c fa l.ioublc liiver wattli, running 011a jewel, inakcr's li:uneil)unlVotnbc ami Cox, Nu "-5940 She has a fma!i crack on her f.uc. , J ' , ' Whoever w',11 pl.e ir.fdr.-iisl;o:i, fotlut the watch may be got aiin, will receive the a. hove reward. , JOSEPH EIULICK. ' . y BEAN K S cf ill kindi for falc at the ' ' V. . .' : J 7 Geo Gardner ; Samuel Gerrock ; citUeu Gaillet ; JSlar'ia Gcodhig ; Mrs. Giyncr. John Harvey, ; ', ! " . .' lUbert J enuet ; I' Jordan ; Abner Jacklon. ' " : George Kirino. , " Jofefh- Loften ; Mofes Lambeth ; John Lavender , Francis Low thorp. ; Ph'ineas La- , tha;n ; Joleph Leeche ; Colin Lindlay i VVil lia n Lawrence, jun. Kichard M'Kinnie ; Gcorrre M'Farane ; -John Morgan ; Mrs..Murdock ; David Mil-. ler Ifaac Alundin ; Mathurin &-Muccijial. Tabitha , Mafon James ileon ; William M'i.iire) Dontld M'Collat; James M'lntoih. . John Oiiver. David Pliillips ; James Philyaw, OnRow county Nathaniel Purringtou ; Abiier Pal teur. .'' ' Citoyen RolTet ; George Ilowfon; Thc inas Kecs. -: -'- - Mrs. Stringer ; Siicrift of Craven Joh'n Shcllield ; Henrietta Smith : John Su e a thiT , Stoutenberg and Vofsv inkle James Smith ; Nathan wuth ; Hogcr -Hones. W illiam Tifdale ; John Taylor ; William Taylor ;v Col. 1 illlman ; EUza Turner - iMatthcw Wilkes ; Uriah Wellhead; A mcs Wade ; Benjamin Williams ;', Henry W'illiamfon, 'Hyde county ; Bciujh Wliitc ; Stephen Worlley ; William White ; An drew Welk ; Abcll Willis. F. X MARTIN, P. M. THE NOTED HOBbE, . HYDER A L I - IS now in high order, and will Hand at the liable of the fubknbers at Haw l.udiiTr, in Glal'gow county, in order to cover mares at the lcalon, payable the lirilof January next ; or eight dollars if paid in the courfe of ti lcafon ; live dollars the leap, and tw tiny dollars to inl tire. Com or pork w ill - be received in payment ihtrtof, if deli vcred id January next. T helcaUui wUl Ixgin the loth of March, and md 1 he icth ot Augull. When mare are brought lor the leap, the money will be expected with them, othcrwife the charge M ill be made for the feafoti HYDiaALt a beautiful dark bay, up wards of 1 hand hi h. He was rot by old 'Mark'Anthony; his.dam by the imported horlc Bajaet, his grandam by Craw ford. Gojlpaftitrage lor xwzxtk yrif awd the preaicll carc'taken of vhem ; b'Jt the fub-fcrihert-will not be ar.fv. c.blc for uctl.lcr.ts ot cfcapci of any kind. H DLL I D AY U C A H H 'N. B. Haifa dollar 'to b; pad to the Gi oo.n, tit th lulic doer. GltjgiiD iLhi.i), icb 2.j, 1 796 : r O II i A L E, THE l.cufe and !ot, now occupied ' by Mr. William wiicpard, th- lo:: may he had fcparJtely cr tcethcr. Alfo one Ic: o?i hrosd llrfct,nerr t!:e Court-Hcviff, .d one houfe and Jut, idjo'.'flti; Mr. l hornat Cos. ' " 1 ' The v.ho'.e th? proprrty of Mr;. Miry Content's, do. . ' . j Amirew-,d9: -' Burruwi'i, do. K Ytiaun't Chancery, lo, CvWei't, do. 11. ttidckltone't, d. Wi'.ham lilackfne'i , do. 1't rw Vt ji(iji, da. g.cUlyVdo. Wugu't, d. AnKrcr't, 40. . Xeacrt't Wrtw)Itrw,with new cafct,', ..' Rract't ntei, buut Law DiaitBsry, W vdcio ' 1 Com me n rjet ou thejawtjot n g.and, ", K)dd 011 JSiiii, iinpiy't pleadr, - ltaiu om Devi!'?,. iyitem ot jileadinf, LiHy.'t entrieij , kaundrt oa.Ufta tad Trultt, Baiton't I'j'tt in Equity, S;hicfta', jtclic "it tht . law, Morgan' VdeMccum Jlarnt, id Cnanceiy Tindticf, Ltw ut f artutrfljip, " Fonblanue acuity, Lit Micitria, Crpttn t rravti:er Dufttr aad Student, Fleadtrt tff.tapt, :' iijojitt't Attray'tpck. et Bvk, Tidd't; KlatV 2tch 1 rafiict, , Law, Bin ifltr't Lajr?ucltT - mmt MI IC Clurlet Graadifan, i'amtb, U.ju Qiixatt, Uuihr.e't, Grammar, Xo. do. 4to. Moit'i Navi2atian, kiiockc't tiaiititer, Naut cat alniaaik, Ycunjj-4u' t0dUaai on, . Tablet af aataiaty, Guthnc't Gcorky impraftd. , Sjrttm of ttiriiry, I Flowtrt of Inttoty, j Covk.'t Voyag, . . ! Deraoctat, Dilwarth'a B-k keta ing, Fabalout hiioiy, t F.bltl af Mora, VaKfaaa Gui Gty t taWea, Ittuntri Priory. Hunter on tha, Life of llowari, Sn-tt't Gatfttter, Louila. I.aJy'l Inttu, Murof, Medieil (VrrVfi, Mrtipath'ttlavt, Monitor, N rht,' I'doU-.-, " io. "Noy'i Maxirr-i, C-myns't 'S, , . ?toeU aw Contriclf," Mrtja;, J . '',' Dttiiet, 1 r Suiliyin't leftu?a; ilackftont't CorcsasnH- riti, - . WiHiami'a Cor.vtytvc- " "r. " -' Piotitu't Traftktt, Bacon'aabridjiaent, liawkint'a f . C. Hal, do. . Waodefoa't ItS urei,.. x reaac't aifi fruit, Ciawn Circuit, Gilbejt't law af . Evi- den :-, ' -' ' ' - ' Vattel'a Uw af Na'.ioai, ' Frame Ittmaindsti coaipltte, Burlamtq'H'a !. and f. Gilbett praties f Common I'ltai, . Ward't Law of Natiofi, Coinmercial Jttpiait, " Conductor Genaralit, Huint'i juftica, . State Trialt, Natura Krtviuan, Cltik'i inajaz'mt. L A N, X C . . t leafi..g inllru&wr, t Iliad, Pitaiutetot Mtnwry, Kifchit ot V jatan, kowi't Lttttrt, Koiaanc of tha Font, apiiit ot Dtfj't:(i, Amcricaa Atiat, akeiidaa't diftioaary, Walktr't, it. The Dcaiocratiad, a pa em, Ike DcKccrat, r intri guiia.d advawturttaf Jeao Lanair, Wvndciful (lory (tiler, Vindication af Mi. Xaa- duluh, New-Vear't Gift, or Ft- tf.r Porc'ipine'i oortr- Tttba 011 do. D.lTei'a'ioa a th? fir ft r:nci;let or c'jer- ftraiacnt, l-y 'lht- inn fay fie, WaQitpeta.Vt damtnic, conh'J?ntiaI, and oH.cia!, Baron Iteabcn't military f uide, Ftr l-ral read reckc-ne', Choi f?er, - Kitru,ii.iii r'-vtlii, llii't ty ! t u:li..".ir.t.i. Na tral '..if.ofy, eplfll!. iof'Salc at the Printing-Ofilcs, A FKWCOPIIs'or T H E P O I. I T I C A L CENSOR, MONTHLY-' REVIEW, A lew Copk' or M AIIT1NV J U S T I CH, 4'or 4s!e at the Printinc-Oaice. Edward:. Mini i'cjt KATHAW SMITH. H K W Yj E K N: rn amcois.x martin. 1