I, AM. a citizen of the tenth diftrir. of this: rtate, I have a little property, a little li berty, and a little family in it to. 'protect I " have friends in it wham I loreand acqtiam-' tance whom I tJfteeYn,ftv ho-all have jproper- ana ior, wnoie lniereii una nappmsis I feelcolKernd. My fellow citizWs'niuft, therefore not be furprited if I declare ray felf interefted in the election of our next re. preventative to Congrefs. is feldom that tver I fend my thoughts to the prefs ; 15ut . at the prefent moment, when X behold .. the " tremendoai prectpice upon which we are ftand ing j the indefcribablq, dangers that berlefs evils we may pouibly heap upon our-' felve5,by ths imprudent and injudicious choice of a reprefentative, my duty loudly calls on nie.to contribute fny ?ite of Information, to that part of my fellow citizens, whofe oppor tunities of intelligence have not been fqual ta ray own.. If tiy tlief-fe - are among1 them: lb unfortunate as not yet to know j1 why Mr. Nathan Bryan the representative of this dif fract, has. been cenfured for voting againft tne appropriations nece3ary tor carrying the treaty into effed, T hope the following: detail of well fubitantiated facts will not only amply . fatisfy them, but induce. them to believe', that 1 do not write from any ether than the pu reft motives. i None.canbe fo uninformed as hot to hno ncc tjiat the French ar.d Englilh have been for th'efe feven years pa ft, engaged in a molt bloody and expenfive war. And as it is the policy of nations, as well as of individual who a'd, the French have long moft anxlouftdt -fired to obtain the afliftance of ' the United States. "With this tiew a minifter plenipo tentiary, citizen Genet, as clifpatched; to A merica with inftrucVions to exert every pof fible endeavour to efteft this important pur pole, lloglheads of trench crowns were put into his pone (Hon, to buy up the confei ences of the pretended patriot of America, to bribe the leading characters of tke union to a partiality for the French caufe, and if polhble, to plunge us into a war with (jri?.:- I Britain. And it is a'mtlaniholy truth,tKut he play'd his part but to well ! that he four.tl numbers, but too willing to join the caufe of the French; to barter the peace and hap. pinefs of their country, for gain, and to build their own fortunes, upon the ruin of Jacobinical clubs, and democratic" fodct'.cs (fclf-created and felf-creating) rifmg in warms, in all parts of the union, where the -found of French filver had been heard, fow ing the feeds of .difiat'tifacYiOii and foundin -the trumpets of fed'tion. Soon did the news papers teem with the violent, and moft Han. derous imputations againft the fp ctlefs ar.d uulullicd character of that inan, who hasfo defervcdly obtained the appellation of the " Saviourof his country." Their firft grand cbject f e Tied to bt, to deflroy the confidence ef the U ttates m his honor and integrity This they at'.empted in every fiiabe, that the moft artful cunning could intent, or the vileft malignity fuggeft. - They well knew, that asloiigMaWalhuiJ? on continued at the helm of government, all thefc fchcircs muft prove abortive, all their attempts iruftfail. They well knew that his tirtue was proof a. 'p,it the fubtilcft arts of corruption, and that his unfliakcn attachment to the intercft ci h'n country, would never fuP.tr him to la f'rifice the blclfings f pescc, for the calami tics of a dangeroui and cxjKnfive war, in which thoufands of onr valuable citiieni muft be loft, and which barely fur the firft mcef fary preparaticris muft coft the U. Stateaup wardi of fetenty "two nyllkms of dollars. J lit removal frtr.i oifne because then an im jrunt objedt rj ilire, an4 tha luft ftep f cr- the accomplilhment of, their plan. And to remove him by force, or com pel him xo a refignationj wiiii'aviey to e-' left a man more de vptedtothe French caufe, of Iefs virtue, and more open to the influ ence of bribery, waa moft undouedly-iheirf object. Happily fcr ihe'U. -States his une?5- ; ampledvwan"unltW ordinary penetration, enabled him to aiccr; -tain the true motives of their conduct, and to check the progrefs of their daring confpira cv No ibener had'he dived into the accur- fed plot, and learned the real objects of this netanous band of cor.lpirators, than ht dil paiched an envoy, Mr. John Jay,- tqthe Court of Great-Eritain, with inftrucTio? s to herrweiate a treaty of amitt as well cviiicivd of the pacific .djfpofitipn cf the tf. States, as preventive -of X wars This falutary mea . ibrc founded a dreadful alarm to the JVench. Now it became necefl'ary to reclotible their exertions 'j'jibwltbecaineireceiraty,topracr' tke the arts cf corruption with ftill greater induJtry, br lofe for eter the '-opportunity of accorwplifnlng their darling fchenie. . Ac cordingly ajecondminiller, ciliicn Fauchct, va fent over with orders limUar to thofe which had been before given to citizen Gc "net, to fael-the national. pulfe, to found ths difpoiidon of the government, to. roufe its in dignationag:tmlt tha Eritifn, and by very poffible endeuvour to prtpare the. minds of the people, ' (iFneceflary, even by bribery -and the vilelt arts) t bpyofe any traaty, hov. ever advantageous ta the United States, which 'Mr Jay migh t negociate. Citizen Fauchct, foon foun 4 that there were. many, pretended patriots in America, not alioacther infeniibla to the charms of gold, who had already been wrought upon by citizen Genet, and whofe bafe hearts, and ambitious viaws, rendered thera fit ior tool toc5e 3 his purpofe. Soon did he pitch them another morfd of the golden .lop, and (oon did they re-enlift under the baners of the French. F might here unravel the.fcanda. lous plots of , and his accomplices ; how his unbaunder! avarice, unfatisficd with tires, which influenced the members of thai oppcfejbn,;j of C'ongfefs, to vouVgaiiift the appropriations rieceifary to carry tne treaty into; tttect. ; A tew there were, however, (among which number, for- fir Am T .. :. :'..Jtli 1 I .1 V ..." j ww ii, . juiui. uc i uu&cu iuc reprev fentatiTe of the tenth diflrift. f : this ftate." dered them th&4oo)V; cf party, and whole; .' ignorance fuffertd tliin to believe any thing,', however abfurd, if told them by men, whofe talkative talents, , 'ard "political informatioaj were iupenor to their own. Thev uniform-. : y aided the cbjeft of this party, from a. be-; ief,. that had been induftrioufly inftilled into- the bribe-lib had already reef i?ed, and un- generonily willing, even to bankrupt the bountiful citizen, hinted thataftw thcufand rv.or?, might be of fcrvice in executing their phn4 ; hov all their flaps were taken under the fpecious pretext of pufchafing ficurfor the French ; ar.l tior all the rebellions com. motion iii tht wfit of Penfylrania, was framed uon t he Dritilh, with no other view than to iiiccnfe us againft that nation, and of courfc iuvolvt us in a wr. Cut their Cmf.eful ovei-throvr, accomjliflied by the wifdom aul firmnefs of the Prefident, and ths caufe of this extraordinary hieafurt of pofcrnnicnt,' have been fubjeiits of fuch u niverfal convcrfation, that to enter largely into the corrunt view of this dark conlpira. cy,-would only be to detail whr.t every bo-" "dy Already kno.TS. Juflicc it to fay, tlut, every body believed, that the mortal blow was itruck. Uut ho-.r itnpolliblc it Mas to conquer the influence of French money, and how d.,T;cuit entirely to exi inguifii the flames ofrcbdlicn, which had been kindled ar.inft the government,. this is but joj mclaucholly a proof. Scarcely hni the arrival cf N'r. Jr.y,- and the trea'.y been announced, when this party wie, like Anteus, vigorous from the fall. Clamorous and fediticas meet. in;;s, without number, were convened in all parts of the union, deciding upon the me rits of the treaty, even before they had read it; and pronouncing it a datmuhtf . ir.llru. ment. whatever its coniants nnVnl he. Uut when its contents came actually to he known, uhcnano'.aer clals of our titiifiii, vulgsrl Culled debtcrc. found that tht honed hearted Mr. lay, had Itipnlatcd a payment' of thir juft debts I de ration to Jay and the trcauy i was the oi if I lurv my country :t ever. laltina rutr. 1 1 iv we belwld.tht vdc i them by the artful, and deli gnin?, - that the debts of the pritate citizens of : the union, ! ,were all to be 'paid out of the treafury of thfff Uiiited St?tes, and, that heavy taxes wcre,to be laid upon our property, to raife the ne :xieary.funi, if the treaty were once put ; into', effeft, by the appropriations of the ' Hbufe of Piepi-efentativK ; Can any one fun- I pole then, that men who can be guilty ot fuch dangerous political blunders, who know fo little of the intereft of their country, and v hole, experience in the plots, and tricks of " legiflative chicanery, fufferd them, to be du ped im the fupport of meafures, vhichmight ha bLlld forever, the.profperky of theitf country,- nay, might have overwhelmed it--in etemsl ruin ; I fay, can any one be fo re gariilefs of his own intereft, fo divafted of concein for the mtereft of his friends, or tho-' fafety and happinefs of his country, ai to fuppofe, that fuch men aria worthy a fecorici tiar e, to tike their feats among the "coun ftllors of the land ?" Gr rther is there any one, who reflect. a moment upon tht -the conduft of theigno- rant tools of this iiribej, and interefted jun--to," but muft feci his bofom warmed with a honeft ind'.f nation Muft execrate with the bittereft epithets of language, thedaik ancL dcllgningintentions of this Jacobinical party ; and itws with a mixture of pity and com : tempt, thofe illiterate creatures, whofuffer- cd theinfclves thus icandaloufly to be gull'd into an.oppofition to a treaty, the rajecYioti . of hich, muft have involved us in a warf which btfkles feventy twe millions of dollara for its comn.encama.it, muft aftwrwards hate. coft thr government, the fum tf forty odd. millions more, per annum,' and hatt injur ed aur mercantiia intereft, as appears froVu tht left calculations, annually, two handrtcC and twenty millions of founds ftcrling, be lides occahonmg to the treafury of the Uni ted States, an immediate and poflitive lofa or more than two thirds of its impoft. 1 hope the above remarks wilfhave aten4 dency to open or eyes, tt fiiew how nar rowly we efiaped the fnare which had beea fc: for us, ar.d induce us to reflect uponthi dreadtul cenlVqucnccs, had wc been unfn. turatelt entrapped. 1 hope we may.bc pr ,. dtnt enough :o learn from paft experieno thatc ought to tc mere cautious in Car choice ofiacmbcrs toreprefent us in the Federat Lij;illaiure, (met the evils wb.ich may be brought upon us from the unej.pe- ner.ce and ignorance of a reprcientat ivcf will ilwavs te to us the fame, as if occafi or.ed by tho tr:cks of f rrty, or the machina tions of ihr d:fl:onlt or ir.tercftcd. Let ua then in the ff.i e of all that is facred and dear to u, our lives. libtrtv a d ermtrtvuithonc tccorJ, life our conrcoui crdcavours to pre vent f-urfelvcs from bc'xg brought into the fairealartninf.fiiu.uion. bv unatiiwoufly frt- ting our facet againft the nun v. hofe cxerti om during the Lit fclT;cn cfCcr.r..f?, were uniforady direclcd sga'nlt cur hppy ccnlti. J fof e tlit JtaLvi'nt if exfentrt rirfc cHPni upon a war will induce Ah Mtpr'tti hlirve, th$t iktt xzuU Uve hen fKtttr.rtt2:'f hnit irttt the fichtt cj tkeir arJuiKiillt 'uiih thef t ureen;e in-