- 7 th Pralrial, May 26. Trcaly-cf peace lttvcen the French Republic . ertJ ibs King of Sardinia -rV ; , ILthe-Kmg of Sardinia , equally annnat cjuwith -; the-.dclire , of coiicluiiing a. happy peace, and of finilhln the. war that now di vides, ... their love, appointed, the Executive daot give caufe of cimplaint by their undefr takings and manctuvres tending to aftect the iiitcrhal fafttyipf ilit Republics; "yr7 vTl" ... 6rT6 King of Sardinia renounces all .Eff f?La tijon 'Sy hich Jie ihighL'Se rctfe.3 , grinltthe. French Rcpubl:cJor;antiior cau ies tb this time. ' . . - 7. There (hall be concluded beteen,-thts eqmraole bah; Directory ia the name of the French Repub- ' two pow crs & "treaty of commerce uyori an be, Citizen Charles de. Laqro:xv Mimiter or the Extern il RcLtions, ahd his Majefty the,; Kiii'J of Sard iaia . M M. Cheval ier ue he. va. an de TbiVfo, to trtit in their names. on" 1 lie cor-diircn?: reqiiiine.to re-efhblih and iifotidJte good navmoiiy'.oetwsen the two po-vcrKf n hg a itrr having exchanged; their relnective notrss have agreed 011 the fol lowing articles. . ; " '"' J , . A 11C1C lllil'.i Uv . pClC-, .l JUWUHUjl tl tu jo-' u:i df rlVandin r be'cvvttn the .Frerch Re-public- and the Kir?'; of Sardinia all hofi'ii. fits' iiiarl ceafe between the two powers, from he thnfi ot thprcfent treaty, x2. Th King of Sardinia revokes all. ad herence or conlent-- given by him either o penly or prbntely to the coAlefced powers againit the French.Rcpublic to all' treaties of alliance, either olfenlivc or defenfive, which may have been concluded with' any povcr. le Ihall not foniiih any contingent in men-or Ui money to any power at war a "'gaintt France," under any title or tienonrina tion .whatever' '3. The King of Sardinia renounces pure, ly and frrnplc forever, for hlmlclf, his fnc tcflbrs, and a'Jigns, in favour oHhe French Republic, to all the rights that he way have on Savoy, the counties of Nice, Tendc and A. The boundaries bctv een the kinnlom balls ; and fuch as fhallinlare to the French nation advantages at lea It equal to thole enjoyed by the nations molt favored .far the kingdom of Sardinia .:; in the aean time ail -communication! and commercial matters ihiill be recllablilhed. 8. 1 he king ot Sardinia ?ng;!ges to grant ; an mre'liy to thole of his . fubiftcls who have j been pro.l'ccutrd Icr theif political opinions -all lulls that are commenced on that ac count, as well as the judgrntlits that may be obtained thereon, .are aholilied all their ..property', real ;4s4 perfonal, or the' value of them ii'thcy hsve.becri&hljliail be rellortd without delay7: It ihall be lawful for them to difpofe ci the fame, to return and remain" within the kingdom of Sardinia, or to . quit them. . . 9. The French Republic and' his Mnjcfiy the' king of' Sard-irla engages, to give up-all lequeflered revenue or ieixed property, con fiuattd, dctaii'iCd,or fold from the citizens or"lubjec"ts of the6ther power, on scciTnt of th prelcnt war, and to rdmit them re fp.edtivt ly to exercile Jegally-t scllons-or-rights winch may appertain to 'them. - 'c 'A!l the priiouers refpr ctivclv titlxn, be dtlivered'cnT month from the day of the exchavt of the ratiticatioiss' of the prrier.t treaty, on j-.aynent,.nf the debts which they may have contract ed during their captivity of srdinia and the departments of die French Republic, ihillbe eitabUQu'dby a line drawn h lick ad wqunded fnall continue to from the pofts near It to the fide of Piedmont j be taken ore of in the refpectivc l.o!pitals, the heights and the plaiforws 01 the moun. -r-tney lhiui be delivered co th:r recovery tains and other places heieiiiLlicr Q ntioned i ii Keithcr of thr ccntrctinr powers ther pi and alfo the interrncdiatt heights and plat forms, viz : beginning at tluyoint where tkc' frontiers of the late Fatkigny Joia, the dukedom of Aollc and Valais, to the c:;t?at vjf Glacier or Curced, Mounts. ' 1 The f'vtmaiit of tlie Alpi to tk call of Cohnayor. i Little St. Bernard ar.tl the hofpital tviiikh i! (ituaitd thereon. 3 The fuir.mits of Mount Alban, Col Je ' Creauce, and mount Mcrceau 4 In turning a little to tl. fotuhf the fummit of Cclcn and Caval., I The great Mount Cch'nnd the hof. piul which is fituatcd on the'iou h of thj l.hke. 6. Little Mount Cenis. , 7 '1 hi fummits that If parate the talley of J3urdanathc fioni Valdcf pries. . 8. Mount CJcncve. 9. 1 he fummits v.h'i fcpnrate the valley tf Ouiero from thufe of Caudei 10 The Mount cf Cdi II The Col Maurin. . ja The Mountain of Argenticrc 13 r he rivers of Ybactie and Sure. j a The mountain w jrivh uivkle the allies o l territories to mall vr:.nt a pulliv c thro' its the tro jsof another potr. . 12. ii'jfmes t!ie for irt lies of Ccni, Ceva. d 'i : " i 7. The French troops Hiall enjoy a free paflage through the donnn'ons cf the .kmcrf Sard.nla,totr;'nfpcrt thtmfelves into "the in terior parts ofTtaly and return therefrom. -"1 8...-T he king - of Sardinia 1 accep,tszfrriii cr.r.oyc. 1 e ilodic B-r!:cn n the bounJrics cf tli 2 rrp-ul'e of Geneva if any coiu'jiimcu, habitnti'jns cr portions cf the territories if the fiI co-naunes, were behind the life of the boundaries abovemenuned, they lb ill f ontinuc to ufakc prt of the territory of ihe French Republic withouiaflcdhig thcprc. (cut irticlc. i 5. I he King f Sar Jini.i cni?cs not to permit tkc emigrants crcxilcJ t-f the French lUpublic to remain within h'u k'mgdmn ; hc m:,yt ncvcrihekfi, retain in h'u fcrvice em'grants from ilic departments of Mount ni i iiurltiite Alps, as tang as they .public, definitively to terminate the differ--i-nce's : which have long fubfilted bet ten bis niajeity end-the-republic cf Genoa, andde cree upon tKeir relpeciivc pretentions. 19. Coriformably. to the 6;h.ar.t; of the treaty concluded at the Bagtie the 27th Floreal, of the 3d year the Batavian repub lic is comprehended in the prelcnt treaty- -Inert fiir.ll be a peace and amity between the republic and the King oi Sardinia. All things fiiall be rcftored between them on the fi'me foatinj they were, previous to the Lit wars. ' ;r;:" , ' . v " - . ' 20. The King of Sardinia iliall caiife'tobe' difavoed fey hts: '-minifter near the French ' .. republic the proceedings gaii;ft tl LQ: French ianiballaidor. . . 21. The preler.t-treaty-fljall be ratified, indthc ratifications exchanged within" enc Kr.cnth from the ligningcf tie prefent treaty. Done ancf concluded at 'Paris, the 26th. Flo- renl, jtji year of the French republic, or.i aud indiviiible, anfwering to the itli - 5.;iy 1796. v (Signed) Cha r1)f.l"a cr.oi xr and of the territory wlikh the trfvv)5 ofilie F.e; ublic now are to occupy tki-y 'ica'l have polVcll.(n of the fortrtSirs of F.'.l;-s, Av.ctte, Sue, Rrunctte, Clutcn !.Mip!nu, Alr.;ndria to which Lit pLc Vaknce iL.!l bt Ui'mtitmedlhould the general in chid of the French repuhhe pre fer it. 1 j. The places and territory l:. eiu shove i.'eiuioned, lha'.l be reltcred. to the king cf Ivjrdinia on the conclulion of a treaty' of tc::: niice between tbe Republic ami his Majef ty," of a general peace, and of the rftabkf:; ir.r the, btmd.iry line cf tho frontier;-. - 1. The territories in pofl'cflion cf the troops of tl e Republic, and v hiih :rcdtfi "r.ithrjy.to be icltqred, fi'.ill remain umlcr the' civil government of his, Saniioiar. maje ly, but iii-ll befubject to the levy of iheliL htr tov.tn'mtiou s and loans cf pevitions, as loriige which . may be required fr the wants ot the French ;rmy. 15. The fortifit aliens cf Hrtmctte rrd Suie,' a v. ell as the (r.trdujimfiits crecltJ of Siurcd and Gel:i, andthofc ot t. Ktien- above this jown, flull bf t'cxoiitl-fd ami cV. ne or lites, St. Martin r Lcaiubie, Teuiic j liro)ci at the tMpen. of hi, rd.run u- I jedy ir.cier the i.ijpecijon 0: tcn.nnQ-rjts r.p- ptimtcii Icr that puipnle by thtr?.etutif di rectory . . The Kr-jr r,f 5nn!:t;?4 fluli not erect cr re pair tny furtilication.i 01. ilt'.i prrt 61 the Iron, tien. " " ' ' 16. The ?rt;lrf rf ths Cvcupled places here deftrmY'ni; tr.c: ftipuLted ly the pre fent treaty; t;(y brrnployl in the fcrvice of the rqmulk, bnt if jSull be reitored with the pLtei and at thf V.c time to his Sat dU uin'un 'Mjtfly ; th w:,rVkr Mores and pro. vihons which may be fy jnd in tkrm may ufed for tk; fcrvc j t lVfr U rcujlic without iciwi'n- . '0 Le ChKV. DK RzVRLfc ; ,Lr. 1 11 IV. Tokso. is Tared, under Pari; dates' of the icth Maf, to have bci?n totally defeated at Cologno ; ana the tjuecm regiment a!o oit cut toirxces 'J'l IK AR CM.DU KE C1 i AR LK.S, Had put in txciuiitn,- cn the loth Vav, a: - iiiii:t:uy cre'rr to call onthc Gtr.naiiic b'o." ; dies lor their contingent of men and money: ilhont tlclay. . . NEGUCljkl ION'S WITH THE EMbE ROti, Were full averted by many to be cn foot y although the renewal ofholiilit.es cu the Rhine Were hourly looked for ky others. iKrAP;iv- v CollccYion'iof people, though not4nuir.crcusv were Hill t cealionaly ; ppc..rii.g:n tbc'l huil leries and other p;.rts ci the city buttran qnility and tonhdenco were pretty fcr.er.dly elhroliJhedf- Many ex-ineuibcrs ol the Cm J vention, ard other perfons hadbee anclt-, cd on fufpicion of be ing concerned in the lata coi.fpiracj many hr.tl been aequ tied crdif. chart cd and ft vcral Hill remained on triaJ ' - IN CORSICA, Thcinfurgtnts are faid to continue in fcrce ; that they h;.d tut offall tomMunieat'.on with Rillifl and i 1. 1 lorciuo, and hvd taken eonfiderablc trcafuie lent by the Engl'.lll. from the Lit mer.t oned city. DROUDEVs '1 RIAL, F;r the I.ft tonfpiracy in Paris, occp'cc conl drrable atter.tie.n ; the details of wh'cl.i arephrn atror.fu!crabickugt!t in the Pans' jotitn?h. VliK ARCH DUKE OF MI LAX Wai oti his wav to Vienna. A V A R Between Rtifii.t and tjie Porte was viewed as tert.;h ly to t.1 plate tlic Lttcr power was ntakin;; cvn;, p;-naration for utfer.fc, being tout .wed : U.t intention of RullU were Joll ile. HAMRCRCH ACCOl'XTS, Of the 7th 'May, Ante tint, the Rufi-iU miniflcr h-d left Sweden on .l i; icfuru to lVfcillnir. tVc irrms prw.pt d by the Km prel refpii!ng the icrri;.r c t-f the furj;, kh.g, r,t hLvlitg becnaaedtd to ; ami that the tonrt cf Sv. cJcn wire aK ut appKmgin tlieir cf..b.3rr.iCr. lituition, to the Fi cnih re. public, ilr thole fueevur which appears ta have been pi cm'fcJ. , .THE COURT OF VIENKA, AlaruitJ a: the livtclVcs oi General Rucna