-r X. i i ' 'i .v . , ' , ,' . . , - v J ' ijparte in Italy were 'mating every, escrto J fiscal liscl cf d a'.vc: f-T i gradual Ux1 to reinforced General i5eajlicuJlan4j?5'i l'cn .ircra'tW tecnitxifv:e co.rfit!ereU hi liad beenVrvento General Corapte Wurmlur m as "a complete hynccjirc Vebec pardon- V c mean -as imctre a friend to the abolition -of the SlaveXrade, j&Zidh. PirlhaneKtury lUform.: ' . ' - ' 1 ' But MroPitt has again Tpoiciimiavor of the abcVitity.- anil we very well remember .that Mr Pitt onct laid there v.-as net any thing he had Tq much at heart as this reat ebjqet. i But is it pcfriblefcr words to deceive us any longer ? V hile he has been fp eai mg in favortif -the abolition, his liioffc; Ultimate, acquainfiiiices, his minions av he are, daily ri- to eiteci ms renci npou.u.c. -u " f tWd Itfav. ftate rreparatious for con tinuing the war oiuje Kbin'e verc redoubled "and the Duke of Rrunfvvick'had at length ac- epted die. command of a body of Pruinans, M ancverans and Brunfwickers ta the amount cf 8c,cco men. ' ' v 4. . 1 he deftination of this force is obfctirely listed ; but it is prefunirble it is merely to p eft rve live line of demarcation' agreed to lihr.O noweVi bv'Jhe.'iVenck..:a:'-A r--e- - . " ' 'J. - . ""- .otin- mi his bounty,' or ratlier'cn that cf die ' ' ' Vr. Grev, in his. kte motion tor an mqui- ! votei agamit ilie.r l.iaiter. , - rv Into tb'C ifate or tne. nation -prpyea tnau :i naz a uiuuutrr was inoa at. i;wiut tl:e war had already" .toft one hundred mill t- ons, and that there mull be new taxes levied to the-aifiount pi (two muwons in e nunurtu tboufand pounds to pay the intereil. , ; Not- ithflanding''thefc, vand. other important fafts, the houfe rfjeded Mr.' Grey's lLotioir by a majority of four to one. . ' It is generally underitood .that' th; war is to be profecuted with frelh vigour. Jud j'ng, ; by the laft year's epences, and tlie ruiual inetbed of irding up om; warr,, it i s very yrcbable forty or iiity fluUions. more will be expended, and that four or hvi addltioital pillions of .taxes mtift be'railci X We only mentipn tfce expenc es of the war ; for in the prefent day of degeneracy n'othir.g appears to ailed: us but pur -pecuniary: inter-cfts-" The commercial "fpirit has fo ihorouh 1v mien noffeflion of us, that ve are tontciit ,A;?erf cl lile tha'fff fent . is nrt J'ely t v' feaire to tl.e cciirt, clecucVsin favcr cfMr. ' Put.-W ha lis fiilln r r is that the bai k. has jufc f fticd ;l;ir.i, GO,cccl. to iupply Iiii. pr c:ent wznts . . ... f : ;II,G MATIOi,' lor CLA- GfoRcr Kirs, .' .Having thbi'Jght irproper, w itli the rcvice .'of cur privy cenrcii. to diliolye the'prdln: - parliajiient,' y. bklv.jcuV:ns ::ov prcrofrue.d.;; -tojhe 5tfl of Jdy re:-li:hsAT icr this e t fed ?aiiie:.pblkthici;r royl protkniaticn; auB the utdpaiJisw.c'ntJ even to lofe our liberfies, fo that ' wc may tifeJiistrTofl. endeavours to, accdci Mr. Put fince he has benLihe-ritbiiiet, hai- had "Vn party iquabbles forfpswer ar.clj 'patronage, ar.d' ors cue of thefe- ccrafions (nis qttajre;! witli the late I ,,rd Chancellor, it was getierally uin.entood) he had adop td " the rej'olatiou.- AutC',xlVr, aut nullus- -h YS coniajm nee as, ord 'i hurlow was turned out. J c relpj-ftingtW lave a'rade, the aSolifiou. of ..Avh'ic'.j has always .been"; the grand object. -nearttHke heart" of the grand virtuousj pjcriotic, fincere, confiitentmini jter., ht ha;, guiie on frfcmS fsr to year, lu.Tcr. iiigMsU-fghteoiis foul to hie vexed at . the cu'.illantr'jediou of every nicafuie, brought into the huuuUor the purj fe! ' ; The. indutable truth - .is If Mr.: Pitt hud. felt a fni.iU part of tl tmceri.ty, which has accomwpan'ed his endavours to kindle Kurope'i.'ito' a blaze, and tp vitiate. 'the Ipirit ;-1 lie lords' fyirltsk! Ufi: trinj'ral, kntgliis,' '.i ;ctjens aid burgtUV?-, .md t he repi eftntatives for counties ; nd burghs , vi e tlvtrefcreexcu .ledroni mettiCg oi.i.;acjtlay theth'of)u:- '-;' It being our Retire and reiplunoivto meet our people and hive their advice taken in par- ; v iiament aspbivki-pbllible ''V'hercbv .:hiake knn-'n to ail tnr loviat? fubiecr ofrnvnl , " willtlicKi iiicnt rpy; i?3we, to convoke a new; 'pa'rl7a:. but get money, although by "the 'molt infernal ' v ' and. dcilroy t' e iiberties of his .touRt'ryme.n, means of cnllaving, ajul inflic'ting.every !'pe- die Slave Trade would kave. been long fincc rip o cruelty oiTDur fellow -creaturfs. l abolished. cies cruelty plain ftft is, that at this moiiient vvemuft" 'ajpear in the figlt of all friends to common humanity, andin the iightofGod, a.nation of thieves, plunderers, and murderers, pbi-. felHng as prcfltitutcd fouls as ever debated hu- "inan nature Our readers will not be furprized at our lancuace, when we inform them, that the Vinfernal fyfem the Stave.. trade, has jga;n bcen lanctioneu oy cue nouic oi v-ouunous,. V.M Tpffdav kit the bill for the abolition of the trade- was rejected. 1 lie numbers were 1 y for The bill Agalnft it 74. It thus an-' ' prs thatoAa fubjeel which meft dccr ly involved the character cf the ttritilli nation,' not V:c fourth of our Kcprefeutatives. as they are 'tailed, thought proper to attend. Wc mui, howtvcr.on the rn fent occrlion, confefs V c are "not furprzed thL the bufincf? has thus tcrmiuattd. it was nnthing more th.n we predicted. Otr only doubt was, whether tVe Hcufe of Con mons wruld i.'dt ihroNV.tV-e "l.rr,cc'uj hufinefs on the l'oufe of Lcr d. . lh;t they have thought proper to fp:re their -ordlliips. They hac laved J ord L;.U('erch-k' (a Patriot, lecaufei.e has 110 place) the y.ifgracc.of ?gain ibr.ding t:p jr.dcfcr.ee of the moll acnirfcdfvlitft otvil. Liny that ever c-egrnded a iiition, vhile he isrretemlinS tolnvc a regard for the liber t'f tci hiscountrjtj cn. It har.fneda Hcnal l.)ukc the dfgn.ceof again sf.cfting, " that the condition cf the1 Negro Slaves in ti c v cn Indies, is mprr.er 10 mat 01 tnc poor V l-irnf clafs ct bis Kad ri's fublcfisl in this nuom." It has fuud the Bench cf Himops the trcv.blc cf a:ter.diig the lfcu!c to fin p e ver the evidence tl rcfcc r four tb s in the i-(ficn. In r.-crt. tl.cu.dd ire much in. d(bud to the Ccrr.n rnsA tcr 1 thcv.rg ibcin fremthe rxhtun wwtU if.ht otl.tnMlt Uv atterdidt'pem. Wc eiuld not help fufpcfi'ng, tb.it )l:e lioufe of Commons, wou'.d ths fknli' thi b;ifmfs, hen wc found iv!r AVilbtt force deferring the matter Iri mdiy tocby, u zi court ot the jllnef. of u tiAnt lion. r:',::.d 'r. Dinidas, whosvii; cd to. t.Uvr hi. lu.:U wenls It will bciecolkctcd thai tui.ren- l.Ctl. ikman five v cars llnce, UiinK'iucd the . 011 for a gradual abolition, and lib conduct ha, fully explained, what he locant by ll-t exprti:cm No abcilii ion at all. When Mr. J ,tt at the fame time tonfrjtuU.ca the. Hm.'V, M t'?t the Slave trsnc dj received ju Dcath'i uund." Ixtauft 1.1 rig'nt hoi.. r The bufinefs is row. terminate'd,and t he fnades of dirtcret ce being now removed be-' f.vcen Mr. -Wilbcrforceard his lirht Hon. friends, Meilri. Pitt and Dur.das, ihcyV.ay go on boa.ting of each others friendlhip, plani nitfgnew fchctres for the icie vigorous pri I fecution cf this jv.ft and nec't'litry war in de- Knee el our rci'giun, nr.u prcceecing as iar as poli ble in iite It roving orur j cmainingliber rcs. W c have v)y 1 ne thir.g S'ore. to fi y gelt to i.'.r. Wilbti force, nan'ely, thnt he would ilri.w tliC ties of friepdlhip full clolcr, that he would give up Iris pretention locvan- ehcal pietv, and would pet huidci' : nu-ti d into the bunday drinking parties at ' v a'.ble- 1. Let hsm ro to his ov n " lou-pyny" that the public may br deceived ro lon'ir. I he inip ous ajgrAatKn " of .l;.ft year s vote has bet 11 repeated. A fi c: 1 .net on uus vim givcniome irroc juu aucr tne ("ay oi iMLt rgard j raj.cr. V. e have agnm deftd hea'.cn, arid .r.i'ultcd thj Ahu;hty to h'"s face 1 ' ' "'lhe' e;uerion is rr.w cf thcrrrf. fcr'cus hrpcrtancr Is it net thedu:y ct tl:t nai'u.n at large, to do every thing in its j owe r to refcue it filf trcm the (ligma it atprcitnt la louri. under? Wc fi all wait to fie what the Committee for the Abolition ot the Slave 1 r e arc doing, bri : i-e wc again trouble the public cn the fubjctl. In thcrrean tin.e we Icriif Ic not to aflirni, th;.t if wrair re-" folvcd lo pcilevuc in rnlhivinandwMrcUr. ing thirty thosjfnnd of our fellow crcatuns annually, for the Jake of our Wc fl-lndin III- ar:i!, it is the duty of cverv friend t0 hun?r n ity, lervcmly to pray the Almighty a cngcr ol the oppreiied, 10 take the work into his ov.a lutidi, ardratlicr thip thc trade ll.ould nw: I c abi)!:ii:ed,. th. t thole n.:,r,v nwy be JUUc to their tn:ti e, ;:r.d buried "1:1 the fur. ruirtding oceati ! L O N l) O K, '? 23. Tlicre is a: prrfcnr a confide rabL frrmcn lat onhere. Ti.f tr'na'er im.cn d;kon. c v rtcdby the prwU;t,'.ius luath c f 1 he ;riny ij ltal. Wc are :.p; rrhcnliv: 1 J fct In" bin'. glai.dluo;. ;ij.'Muo'.Hd cn by Atdirij, u.d oblWd 'oIlIUhi :d nc the bmthin of the v. i , w Inch will brtcmc hk ic fermkiaUe, tht 1' limit will be XI: to riply the'r v. hole imiuiiry fiU itiou.i.e u Uic u.irca:iK tlinriuvv. Suit 1 " the tfuicri-'r.ty cf events, that the funds l,:.ve f-llcn witk'a eight day i from C6 12 v fo per cent. ' ckc!':iring -alfp,"; tUat tohrdvic'.of-.' bur Privy Council, w'e-bavef this day o-iven on'rs,to oar chancellor G. Brlvainto ex-x pedh'.t--writs iii.form, Icr calltog a nej parl'ia orient,, to bear due the 21'a of May ilbnit, .and be of force, cn Tuefday the iith of July, next. - -v. .. ; .- ;.' " V'-: ' Cot jlive lbs Kin?. . " The coach in which his rnajefiy rode to the llliufe 'of Peers,1- vvas a fort of liipveabla j furtrefs, conilructtd in a manner .fniUcieut '.' to rtlili every fpecies .-.of-attacl-:, ad fo her metically cvoted'up., as--to conceal tlib r.o- n:irch Iroin view of his : faithful fubjctls. -1 he kiny; has created 15 new ntcr.s,' and two earb Ad in. Hood nd Briducrt are in"' the nuii iber oLthe fir ft. ; P A R. I S, ' Ma? 2.5. .. The compiler of the " L-Ami 'de Loi:,,, ttko would be happy in eilcctinga revolution in the H'laisdcf Jyiaita',; is niuth .oircric'ed by the French' government's fullering a diplo matic agent to. reircie at Paris from the grand maltcr of the order of Mslta. "' " Wr. C)ch V-tr;Lt;n'ecf he" ftate cf Baflc, ' isjult arrived here ; he co.i.es in Jtthalf of the council of that tanton; to confer with the Lircctcry on the fubjecfts which have lately in feme degree dillurbedrhe harmonv w hi; h the hcivet c body, and particularly the C.i.tou ct H;f'?, vilh to prdcrvc with the Prerch Republic. Ar Och is elkemcd u man of goo j fade, prudtnee end iutelligrncc, ai d v.cli acquainted with the intertits of his country y ,1'e is to be in trcxluctd to' the Di re clory today, and we have reufou. to think I the' ilcu.'s w Inch haVe arifen on this fubject, v1(i!i uvttuii 111)11. iii u, uy iiitii m.uuu!, can d.d) and amicable 'e;plabalion5. 1 Acircum-. j ftancr which confirms ibis prcduiV.cn, "fihe j rtci.l of liaSl'el, formerly reclor cf yerf;.ihrs, 1 --..1 u;,. ...:.k .. .i:u iiiuiuiu ii.uuinu yviui a piTJ;5I. u!l CO Paiii, ia coufccjuence of that frial Jyi.tni v-iiiiih d llraclid the f 1 it tretfurftccf gevtrr n tnt ; his ikpdiixii has lecn a:M.cti.Rid:u tne pt!D.c paper& prer.a.ure y, rs ;t is c :y afev.' days fnce h? was pcl'tiyely ncalltw. Balial washoldi; cj?ru:ktcci wiih the d dc vanl Marquis de Pc iei :, LcbiUu hit l(e- . tary, fcrrr.cr'y fwpin -f t! c iioh.i'.t ..ry tribunal, and a certain KHovviufiicalltr jeantwl.oic ntMne v. p. ctly wtlil.i unn. h appc ars that ib.s t !.c.t t l thofe r.vti;i.j lia$ -been to create dUlfulc :.: J dct 1 1 in cur gc vcru.nc.n, cl t're hit.;u'.::.scf tl.eLv'if. It now ppta:.i ilia: tbh jcslc iTy Na?. v juU and i!l IctUALd ; u:d we b.e a rhi 10 hope, th..t by rcdueig tj r.o.r.'r. tLe : u- thiyrs st.d lontriyers ct !i;th dyrci UipV.,' the ties ct fr krd(:..p 1 nd cud nei.n.li ui hi e d " hi t ten the rv.o !c;-.a jf er, v. ;l! t'e k vef f : h tiud, in a nar.cr :.it to be hrd.c::. V'e alre;dy know that the C?i ;.ioii of !lv.;u, yithi-r-j; tolfco vc.'CM.f !:f t(i. r'.y of the ' cantout,' h.is ici.Seuud to nki.os. icdr t the t!.e rrftuh'Kepf.b'.ic. il.trait c t Ccn Trurcii, si.Twer to Arch Duke Ci .ik, t.kcn fruu, journal rre 41 ihitihcrs, jpu Ci thru fbr u rre human Iked 1 Ytil'mcLftcr, U iw 1 - -