V,, - . ' " ... Am . 1 StM ..... B. J, . J- i - . r - - THIS DY. IS PUBLISHED, ' Ahdftrjale at.thePrinting.Cffce, NdlTH-CA R 0 LtN A ALMANACK, For the Year, of, our Lord,- 179?) Aitd of American ItfDtrENDrrcci, xx.i-xxii, -Being- the .1 ft after Leap Ye Calculated ior tne ivieruran oi ixalmoh, 33 . A'I.ik. ' "Tl r T . , 1"V - A. .... so. i'tuit -.iiuiui win' 1" . iyjm longitude, vveutrom jthiladf.l- CON TENT S. Chronological Cycles, . x . - t;olar and Lunar eclipfes, ' Calendar, Remarkable days and afpeft of the weather. Ailing ana leuing ui uie um, v Phafffs. rifino. fouthinit. fettW. acre and , D, . - 0, a' a place of theoon, ' . Setting of courjN. A . "r Caufes of a. country's growing rich, . . ; IWfint fnr nrefervinrr tunxos from infects. -To preferve buttter fweet the whole. year, . t . For bitters, to prevent the fever and ...aSue. . - , Cure for froit bites, A method for preiervingmeat frefh for.whole years together, ,' Female herri'il'm. I necaoies, t jrucxry. ; - P AR I S; Jiafe 16. . Letters from-General Moteau, tollnlel, chief oT the arm of .tke Rhine afid Mo- felfe to the Executiv-e DiFeilory Ijead-)uarteriat Arczheim, - - - . . ' 2i Prairial (June 9). T- AST night the criemy evacuated ...Trip AAaiJf4autern,-Newiladt and.Spi- e rs, and have retired to tlie environs oi ilanv heim. In purfuing them we have taken be tween 150 and 200 prifbners. -' I he army at prefent crccunies thenohtion berated upon ir, but they will hot Men to any preliminary conditions, except Mayence tod Manhein th keys of Qermany are giv en into their handl -lett the drtmM Character "of St. .Tatomany . ' The. way to grow thin, The way to grow rich, Coins of the Dinted states as eftbiiflied by faw, ; :: A table Ihewing the value of Foreign gold . coin, in federal and ftaticvrrency, J table lnewing tne value ot cents, 111 aie currency, A table. aCinterefl:, at 6 per cent Price one shilling Stores .will be fupplied at the rate df ik fliillings per dozen thirty two 'millings and . iix.nence. Der half-frrofs. and three pounds per grofs. Ordef s from the ccmntry (by poft or other wife) Vdl be attended to." . T US T REC E IV ED, AND FOR SALE AT THRPRlNriNCOFEICE, THE LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF PETER PORCUPINE, ALSO THE SCARE CROW. F O R S A L E ; ' ..- AT THE PRINTING-OFFICE, A FEW COrill OF THI : '.LAST ACTS p F ASS MBLY- , : ' F b R S A L E, A NUMBER of likely negroes, confift. ing of laen, women, and childreu, a ' mong whom is a negro man and his .wife, tho has been employed as a Driver, under fiands 'tlie cultivation of rice, and has had the care of a plantation and negroes in South Carolina.---l'wo valuable breeding mares, one with a horfe colt by her fide j alfo fome likely young nag!. Hyder AH, and the ne gro man tis gvoom. '1 he crop on the piece of ground, joini- g EhdUrcct and the Trent road, and the bricks at the brick yard. The peace of ground joining End ftreet, and, the Trent road, will be rented out. l he abve property will be dUpofedefon reafonable nn for approved notes, pay. able onhefirftdayof Jarmary next- Adif. xount of 5 per cent. ' will, be. allowedi fot' prompt UHViucnt. For particulars,. apply Vo WILSON ULOUW. of Sheyerbich. Head Quarters this day will be transferred to Edickhoifen. By the next courier I fHll give you farther particulars of our fim.tina. During rhree days I have, not Iwn from clF my norfe. . Never were oui t.if jts h fo good a train on "the Rhine." - (signed) - 'MOKEAU letter from heCo-flifT:'j!!cr liaultinan, to .the Executive Directory. , Hcad.'jJuarterS ht Artzheim, . ' . - .xaTrib-hl I Inne o. The Auhf rtSfarmy , which lo'JraveW uroke the armiiticeTurfs in full ipe :d without tiring a ungie gun. Uur advance guard puihed on yefterdy, as far Durtkheim, without be ing able to overtake them. Keyferlautern, Neuftadt and5piers are occupied by our troops. About a hundred prifoners were taken by our generals, who were reconnoit ringhc enemy. Thefe prifoners are joyful at tms adventure, whiclFfhews to what' a plfcK of "dircouragement theirarmy hasarn ved. . " ; (Signed) "' '' ' -T;':" : HAUFFMAN June; 18. The king: of, Spain has publiftied a nrocla mation forbidding all tribunals, even the in quifition itfelf, from conitraining th,e French in tkeir religious worfhin In the faihe pfn clamatign he declares that he will acknowledge as Frenchmen only thofe'ho ftsdlweJFe'. tri-coloured cockade: This order is dated the ift.b'fay , ; V- ' ;" llie beft informed men are of opinion that war is upon the point of being declared betwixt Spainjand England. ', The king of Naples has two envoys here, charged to treat for peace with the direc tory. : . The duke of Parma has two plenipotenti aries Here on the fame bufmefs. Buonaparte has already fent feVen millions to Genoa ; ten millions more are yet to arrive He has fent more than two millions to the ar my of the Rhine ; that of Italy colts nothing to the republic. Fatigued after fo many vie- Jorles, which have beci) like lb many rapid marches, he is now taking a little brcatli. . We believe however, he will not be long be-, fore he refumes his career ' . -.,. i Letters from Legh9rn fpeakiof the Corfu can infurgents as rjiaving feized upon Baltia, andtaktn the vjceroy Elliot Ttys news, howefer, wants confirmation. ' We learn from Ballethat the canton of Zu rich; has officially announced to our ambaiTa dor Barthclcmy, that all the Swifs Cantons have acknowledged the French Republic. . Letters from Florence fay that the diffe rence between' the value of gold and lilver is 5 per cent, and that the louis even lofes there in gold. The reafon of this difference is, the duke ot Wodcnaastbcen obliged to procure at Leghorn ,140,000 fenums, (70,000 louis) to pay his contribution to the French army. -viore tnan.i coo f rencn anigrants nave quit ted Italy to iearcii an afylum in Germaiyi ' June 21. " V 1 - ." The reports of peace fo generally fpread, and even mentioned in the council jtfcifV have 1 all of a fudden ceafed. Were, tey -without foundation V We think they were not j we pcrfift iri. believing there has beca a ueftion f a'rtmliice lor feveral dayi pafl irt imitation, tliat a courier carae to ale If in the name of the emperor that the directory lute ddi ciations fliouldvttoc be agreeable to their wmV . es. Whatever were'the' conditions demand ed of the emperor; we are perfuaded that he . will not fail to repent of having reiFufed them. TheT eafonodt is Timply " his" "afmy is dif- r7 firited ; every day announces him ar'frefh ' misfortune. The enthufiafm of viaory' is a mongft our troops ; this multip lies-an hun"" dred fold their ftrength, and we arepromifed prodigies of fuccefs. - . i. Ihe famous de Letang, denounced as the . chief of t he coupter revolutionary movements which have agitated many parts of the 'outh has been judged at Avignon, andihot on the' 24th Frairial"--- June 22 In the Councilor Five Hundred, on the oth of Tune, Router, in thenartrnf thr In- .fpefting Commilfioner3, fpoke thus : " The: facliuns cfe.fe not their agitations j this night a niuvtuicia ikis oeen- uncovered, and it wouldjwvebeen carried into effect, but for the vigorous me"afures taken by the general in chief,, who has marched his troops into the city .amongtf.thc'ieditious ' If the mal contents redouble their efforts, I can allure you government redoubles fts activity,. it is., furetodeftroy the factions A report which "was fent to your coniniiffion. hv the miniflr- of Police,ihformed them of the place of meet- -"- "vc uugmius, auguueu as ie prefentatives of the People, endeavored to excite the inhabitants of the Faxbourgs to revolt ; their rallying cry was, " To arms,, citizens ! to. the members of the directory , to me mcmoersoi tne council j down with thele villains !' This morning the commiffaries of 111c irtuuiii w.cre lent to tne place j but 1 re. peat t the .council that the government have taken all neceffary fteps and if any movement - oe airempiea, tne tactions will be crumed." On the 2 Ht of June, in thd fame Council, on the proportion of d'Efchafferiaua, the following refolution was come to. . j There ihall be given to the'difpofition of thcMinjfter of the Ihteriof the fum of four millions to ferveas anencouragementtd' rational rtaimfafturei, principally , to thofe of wool, filk and cotton. 2. One million of this fum to be irjade in l3 advances to the manufactures of Lyphs, who flialj (land in need o it to re-ef-tabhlh their manufactures ... .3. The reitof the fouf millions to be em ployed for the encouragement of manufac tures of the productions of the foil -Exfra of a letter from Munich, June 6. ; ' An extraordinary courier is juit arrived here from Infprirck, with difpatches for CJcn. Wurmfer, .which gives the following news; and which has created much alarm. . , . 1 ' u On the adinft,- the vanguard of "tile French army was before the town of Trente ' from whence the Prince Bifliop, and the principal inhabitants, immediately took flyit Thc lame alarm is fpread to the towns of Bot zcri andBrixen. : , , Letters from Tficfte fay, that the prin cipal merchants of that place had patkW up f their moft precious effeers and were travelling with them to - Vienna A rrport was in cir. culauon that thc.Frmth infcifdd to make a landing on the cordis f the-Adriatic fea', to deflroy at onteali the cr mmcrteof that city, which has become. mrcfnel v 4 flourifliinr at the expence of Venice, fmcC the hobfe of Awlriarefolved to extend its niaritime;com mefcetothatrtort' ; . ,MThe rcfuit f tlie he f is that die French army, which has treated with nearly all the ftates of , Italy, and which dictated conclc-ons of peace that nne of them had the poer to refufe, is about to direct all hinpcratons a. ainrt thehfrcdifar ftate&of the Hoyfe of Auftria, mid that a reut 1 10 be opened in Iftria and 'iiroh - t . i 1 v in - f h .'I : i; i' 1 ! 4 1 1 v 4 :"r ; i" 'I 1