- ; ' . . " - " " " "" : . ,"; '. . . J : - - ., -. V i - - . ; . - . , ' " . . ! . - - A V-'- . ' " i , - - . . . .'- . . - - ' ' - . - t ' .'-. - - . Tlef s are befides m Hilajidie?4J dJ SatUlions of SwifsTbut wh will be re--tViner oil Ahc pretjmg "folicitatiOiT: of tlis? : Dutch MUiUlerV Citizen, de-Witt, ' in' Swlt-" zerhmK, r. : .' '. . X Al tnefe united troops, national anur fo.t "reign,. inaKeraiprce of ,49,ooo.men. ,l he hxea maintenance ot the 25,03 French foldier.s irt the campaign anunto i li millions of florins per anhqm the are entirety at the dilpofiiioii of the republic, and .their chiefs are undarthe fupreme co:naiand ' of the .Dutclt nnional convention.-' Their plan is to - augment" the: army froin tiae to ':' time by new brigades :' ':' ;;" ia"tfie34iitiine the plan of." arming the From, the fir Icene tathe laiHt' was pofitive Tiumenie, ; and his friends, wilhing ta pre venf his charite'frotn belnj expoted; -bVt leery ;&y thit as' lHty th': day after. ptfbV ncstian,-' ana rurnt them, r dine twenrv i veurs uiterWiivds. his Jdrulh ,;ps politics lead- i"g mrtf to opi oie the: mterelt adopter by T&rtfspi'chs in a Wett- ciin iler elation, ihj 'ri-priitt ed ,3009 cbj?ies of t he Play;- and uiilj'ibuUd theia among the EL-ctort. . r-u -v-. ii E W;Y O R & A-JfTUST iS..: : Tranquility has been reftprri- to the city of AmfttTclra), 'fisee the arrival of French seeing principally Ued-r4ik the-'intererice- trotn the n.hine,'5viiich wt pubu hed tail wees fifont ' Paris papers. , It is' fa'.d, tlierc arq lipnefon papers of the 77th received by thi arrival.- -" . " .f v - . : zzct;z,ensras national guards has : pailed ihw;: rarrtd thenumber;62io cfoyhich engages to ;lerve, m cafe ot neceiQ. C ty, in campaie;n or in rarrifon.-.- ... ;. : ' : ' The greateit ' difficulty in this difpontipn .'Was tocetcrmiRe Yt'xlelac ci uevanx com panies of Orang?,-"tf ho were .ccuftoicd to plare themfelves . anpaally before-the palace ' ' of the ';' S.ta4thb'lde., il;ould b com prized in his urfraniation ; after iome oppphciOii, it Xws agreed that tacy Inould be ot thenum- : The maritime ; force 'of the republic will VconCUt of 12 , veitels' of the line, 3 1 frigates, and 16 cutters. ; To crdl forth a deiif e for the fcafervice; they have eliablillied certain premiums for the eacouragehie '.t of feameu , The marquis electa Cafas, the new Spa- n:ih ambaifador made his entry at St. James's, ; and had his audience of the-King, on VV"ed ftefday the 2 ii of October. . The odds are ' ' veiy coafidcrable, that his ' excellency will not cdniplete his tweivre months ftiiy in this : sietropolis' ..The following intelligence was oh Satur day announced at Lloyd's in a letter, fro A Chriltianfand, (Norvay) dated the 3d of -"June," tranfmitted by : the Provoft of Edin- " -burgh,, to Mri Bertnet) ntafterofthe coiFce ,'houle. . There are new cruHing in the North Seas, in J at. 57, 8 Frencli and Dutch fri- garrifpa there ; gh it confrfts of only IhblCtyihaTfau Extfa'ft. ou letter roraantlema'Bour i - (te'aux io- Ills friend : inthis ctty , datecl J une 19, received by the Difpatch, Cap- Extfafi of a letter fnnrK'.rjoil dated Jtt- - . -:: -; :ift '29-- ' " ' ' ; ' ; By a pilot arrived in town this corning, wo learn of the arrival of Captain Barney cif our Capes, with a 74 and two 7 4' scut down t0 5 n ihips ; they caaie'a'ong the'coail trom the foiithward, in company w ith lever al : American:.fcho6ncrs, and nude the Capes" ydterday afternoon, ji here were twov ri-. tiilr frigates md a brig to the eait v ard of the between X4 andiiqcnieft. Hmd".the pablIetUt$pes -'whoVn (fefcWcnnifiedtlpiHi'' i ' . .gates, and lome llout armed veiTels, under the orders of captain le Bozce, ofthe French frigate Ilepublican. They have already cap tured 16 Britiih veflels, one of them belong ing to Thorburn, commanded by David Mali Jtetv' ' -;. A letter from Edinburgh, which acconii panied the above, exprefles much apprehin " ' iiou for the faf'ety of a fleet of 70 fail of Bri- tifh veflels, which v ere appointed to lail fome (hort t ine fince Iro.n the Sound, un der convoy of three frigates. Admiral Macbride is Ihted to have been xft Bergen' (in lat. 6) on the th a floo) ' was difpatched fronv Leith, in quell of him, immediately on the receipt of the pbove in - tdttgcnce7and we truft communicated it to him in fuliicient time to prevent thc'.r return a ta'in Dodfwonh, arrived tn Monday. " W e ae affured that the preliminaries of peace arelio-ned by thcEmptror Would it may fooh becoipe general:" ; , i JLxtract Pi a letter from Kingltony tjamaica, . dated July ij,-!? 96. : ': " , Kil IWajefly Ihip ; Alfred of 74 gurisy brought in here yeltefday,a 'Freneh Repub. licantrigate of 44gVms and 250 men, called. ' the Henuoineer taken offrAltavella. - She is a fine new Iiip; ; and jreiharkable tart failed . She.wastalcenin confejuehce'efi her luppof mg the Alfred to' be anrEall: Indiamen, with troops, as the Alfred's guns were houfed) when hrtt ll:e got fight of hcr.v. riiiLADELPiilAji August 1 8i Extract of a letter frPni London dated June 4. " 1 he news from ihe Ealt Indies, by the Major Pinckney is riot very pleafanuo G reat Britain A ferious mutiny has broken out in one of the iettlementSj in confequence of which itock has fallen confiderably. AUGUST SCi . The followbg Curious Note we extraCfc from j V . a Fa:iS paper. It is not only the courage and talents of Buonaparte bnt mere particularly his name,' wliith cor.taia the let.'er -Hi terrifies the people oi Home: This v. arts to be' explained A much revered prefhefrd the that coun try has aanomiced i'tvtTil cetnturicTs ugoj that TtaU would not be fuiliiciexcept by a ge neral who h id but one. rl ia!xLis name 1 that rehftanjeygainfl: fucha one wuuld be vain, that Kome would opciv its gates to him ; and that.tlr; powers cf thsPope would from that time be at an end -The Romans prei tend, that prophet in ;u(lion has never de cetved thciir; that all his trades were hither tofoundtrr,c .In confirmation cf this, they ciie leveral proofs. It was obferved that frPm the ebmrrencement of the war, they v. ere perlualcd that KeUerman, one day; ould fct the tri-coloured flag on the top ofthe Capitol, bee aufe hii name contained the fatal letter. ilioceJN. JatiA the Erc -fail'vand flood after them; vv hen laiVieentaey were but a lhort diitance apart. --i Itappears.from the following parjgrapl. ia a London paper j .that the .difference hc twtfeh the Algerines and the Danes is teni: The Danifli' cptful at Tt. Ubcsj has p;Vcn nfttTcc, . ' That the court o- Sain, tiirbtigli the'minifter, the prince of peace, htd given facial notice, that the 45b Algeririe flulor., captured in a Danifh ihipi had been releai'e J and were, returned to Algiers. '1 hat the tonful at Malagua had communicated intelli gence to the fasi'e effeft, and that fe veral Da niih .'veffels ' had been met by the, Algerine crerifers, werequeftioned and examined mere ly in the cuftbmary manner, and undetained. T'hat therefore there was ho doubt of Da. nifh veflels palling free I j v ' - 7 . We hear tlnt Riwrd Stanford, ffq. is elected alleprefentative ia-Coi.gref3, for the divilion f riilllborough AYJF.S30RO' POST-OFFICE,' 5f. 8, 1 796 lift of Irtters remaining ih the PcfUOjlice ai fVctynefborough, which if not taken . out t;t three ' months, villi be fent to the Genets ' Poft-Office as dead letters.- . JOSEPH Evcritt, elq. Wayne county ; Thomas" Coftello, Wayne County ; Ad am Vaugh Wayne county ; Frederick Se- enft, Wayne county. : JOHN BLEDSOE, P. M ; FOR N E W.Y O R K ' t . ThiSlo6p NAN C Y; William Bart lett MAirrrR, Stmp to the matter on board, or at N'. B. Hehason hand, New-Englar.d and Weft-India Goods. September 10. . to port. . - The Arch Duke Charles has addrcfled a It is more than probable that, the honer faCRTH.CAROLINA, of Vcrilyinz the nrophecv is referved for Buonaparte, yet it muft be flowed that with armies like ours, generals with or without lofophy and Liberty T he capture of the city of Trent cannot fail to fprbd terror from orie end of jthe Awf- proclamation to the imperial army, -In wh cli the following remarkable fentenecs occur : u The Generals,.! hope endeavour " to guard the troops againttthit enthuli.dm " of the prefent time, which fervesto feduce " the public opinion j and to dilfolve the 4 bonds of focicty ; tjicy will not futTer fin ' " cle mesHbcrsto undermine the firmnefsof 11 the whole body, by unguarded words', pre " mature reproach, and political quarrels" Tlie Arch Duke adds, that the German foldicrs are hVhtin for real political liberty; thr be Wnfidered as tributary 19 than as a ; The liberty of :he' Aullrian foldier is the fubjea to the houte of Auftria. . r rom the liberty of wheeling to the right and lei t when tX)1,t,on uf 11 cnt lt apr" thai tnc French the olflcers cry' vi'wg ti his property is a are alfo mafters of Uoveredo, a - very flou. ftior t jacket, a leathern cap; and del coups ie ri hing ttnvn in the foutli divifion of Tyrol fht-de dre ; his order is the order of bat- They arc undoubtedly in'poflelfion alfo of tic; and his religion is to march to murder and Chiufa a Venetian fort of great flrcngth, (Men deal ht whenever the ccnexal pives I -which lerves as a gate to a narrow , pais be thivord of command. ' . The dn'iccs with whith opponents at an . elr;lon try' :o befpatter ejeh others charac- tcr are traiy cui-ions, but have been pracYu led ever fincc a feat in Parliament wastlao't worth'con tending for. In the rcigh of (Wen Anne, 1 lord Grimflon, who was not more .'" than 16 or 17 j ears of age, and at the Welt tuiiifler fichaolj wrote nJ publiflcd a flay, ComptnlUr's Cjj.ce i Aguji 24. , THE Clerks of courts within ttiis ia: who havefaiied to furniih the i.cceiiv an K rofl'efs powerful means to recover the' Returns required by law to this oflicc, v.;il native country tfCkero -end Brutus to Phi- be fubject to the expence igf having tlitm" (cut for, unleli they are fumileed previous 10 the flrlt.day ot October next. All Eiury- takcrs, whofe returnJ arc not forwarded b: tnan dominions to the other. ,Jt wiu,aito fore that day, up -w the 8th ot rebruir, contribute a c'onliderable fliarc to the reftor- 1795, c fuJeCl 10 the penalty ot l.c ation af the French finances. Its biflnjp is law. . - J. CRAVEN, Cctr.ptr. one ot the richeft of Gennahy,' and mild ra- The printers in the ftate are requeued tween the Alps, and was always confidercJ at the bulwark ouhcyetirtua uatc againu Auftria, and thckcyof TyroU , Yeftery-arrnedthtf hij Jltfit Horfe, capuuiJlarJalltr, in jfi.ilxft from Unltol. Tnclaitftjupcrswchamicn are to the a ah of June, frcm London, and frptn Briftol to jhc s;th. They contain fcu.1 little news, to publilh the above ht their papers for wrtc weeks. TO be fold or let for feven years, 38 50 .acres of land, lying in .Wayne and' Jbhnflon counties, bo both fides of Neufe lliver, including the ferry. The greater part of faid land lying in a body whereon the jubferiber now lives, confifting of an ele gantpwelllng Houfe, Kitchen, Milk.l'oufe, and Smbke Houfc j atfo an elegant Store Houfe, Scale and Ware Houje; and Barn 5 all new well underpinned with brick, ccm. plcatly haiflied, and well calculated both for frmn t r merchandizing. Fir terms apply to thelubfiribcr on the prcmifci. . Ityne county; Sep. g. URIAH BASS. V f'Ti" ; ." . .' I : V " ! .1-t ? II S3 -AW f 1. ' 1 V ' hi : .1. t 1'' i ;-3i Mi .' 1 I f 1 i t, 1 1; 1 i 1 i 5

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