1 t Vr In If-' V 7 S! 5 1 t ft t r. til I I n BY THI EARL Of Olf OfctJ. . IT'S 'the MJle filent ttreain crept fxrGv alorg jflj And the winds marraur'd folernn. the willows On the petn turf rrtmplaining a Swairt lay reclinl- And wtot to the River, and figb'd to the VfmdV In Vain (he ery'd) Nature hat waken'd the Spring, In rain blooms the V,ler the ttgbtingalea fing- Each Zephyr's a Sigh and each pejiopJTT&ul In va in myfrpPHi A has grace torn ve, - The Fairtft to envy the, Jnfell.to Her pretence n longer give jay 'to my eye, Sioci withouthtt to live, is more pain than tod.iej O; Hh1 'Slum Bill hit pinion woud oyer me fpread Ard paint but he r in ie,, fl dreams, in her ftead ! Tie beuurill vift ;n would foften my pain I " But iieep'ia relief I folicit in vain - fTpO be folctat public auction on Tliurf ri ; day thr 29th "of September next, a Vmdmill, .dwelling hocfe and about twenty five acres of land jueafantly fituated on the mbmh of Taylor's creek,; adjoining theeaTF errholt boundary of Beaufort, and fronting OldTopfaU Inlet, the Tioufe is 24 - feet by 36 wide, fix rooms "on the lower floor, the : mill is in good repair, the bolung.lwacliine ry all new Any peffqfi inclining to pur chife before the faid dy lof fale may ,, know the terms by applying jp. fubfer ibcr on -the premifes . ; '.S'": ' : '. .v.-" SAMUEL LEFFERS. Beauftrt1, Augvfi 30. KiiN-rt.vv ti . 011. ine 17m 01 iiugutr, r in s -nantciy, u, from the lubfcr'.ber in Greenville, alike. VvwPer, do. . lw nf fZ; U,r .;.vJ-, I H liackHne 8,do. Si f F O R $ A- L E, iAf PRINTING-OFFICE, (Ncvbern t) V THE FOLLOW INC ' '''m-- V ; L A w ESPINASSE'S priu, bdikeld'a Rti'Ort?, A nit 1 uthervdo. Aikyni'a, d. Dyers , Jo. j -f and Ciw Lw,. Strangt's, do . Raymt)i)d'fc d..' Plavdsn's, do, Anfcws', do. .,; :Burrw8r9, d B O O K iV Morgan's Effayt, . - . Cr9fi)pton'i pradicf, Doftorand Student - - j-jeaacraiuttantr- Jone Attcrney'i peck: ' et'Boak. ' ' ' B". Tidd a-Kin e'a- Bench Law Gramitiir, ar,,gers Law Euiicatif. - n. iL.. .' : : . Noy jyiaxirog Just Printed, And for. salr at tub r VL N T I N G-O F F I C E, (Nm A i C H A R T of THE LAW of INHERITANCE, . STATE of NORTH.CAROLINA, Exhibiting an HisTOIUCAL View cM, ft U f hod at toe FIRST SETTLEMENT of the COUNTJiY chantt it has undergone, ml its FR.ESEN T$TATE- (Pria.sf') years old., a tali fellow, fomethinV pockmark ed.'..h2d lon3vbenjieytaway,-aredJt wailtcoat, Oinaburgtrowfer'sand check-lhirt. ,: Whoever will apprehend faid negro, arid have him confided in any Jail in this ftate, (hall have ten dollars reward, or twenty.doV lars on the delivery of laid pegro to the fub fcriber. x - , . ' 6. SMITH' - 1 I 11 mtmmmmmm i i i ii i i In n I i v : n. . o' v"-b rE,; 7b owners and poffeffbrs of 'carriages f and ti 1 grocers and retail decisrs in wines' and ft. reign v.iJUlled (piritous liquors - within the county of Cr even : ' ... - V fen ALL; attend at the Collectors Office I John tinley, . Hat Manufactured, Dyf.h, iVc. ESPECTFULLY returns his molt fin JK ' cere thanks to his friends and the pub lic in general, for their palt favours, and willies to inform iher.i tint he card:s on the above bufmefs, in it 1 its various branches, in Craven -ftreet, near Mr. fhoailinfon's ftore, where he can furiiifli his cuitomers vitk a good aflivtmeut of hats. Ladies and Genrla-?Vs beit ine water pro6f, do Hats d . r .i aii altered to any fhape or form. i.e wiflie to i dorin the public that he In-for fale, a large: quantity of belt en. fToiTing ink, which he will fell on the lo'veft tTms, likewife the real liquid blue. Lidies ari Gv it' emtn who will favour him with hrr co M.nands, may depend on quick dif. l a.ch, and on the moi reafonable terms.. The lr.gheft price gtvea for wool, and all forts of fur 1 73' ; . . , .. F CE D R A L H A L L- THE lubfcriber inform! the public that he has lately opened a TAV;ERN, in .the commodious houfe lately occupied by A. Neale, Efq.in Middle-flreet, ner the corner ol Pllock-lreet, at the fign of the Anmof tiie Unit:d States, where he will be conftaht 1 (upplicd with good provifions and a plenti f jl, llock of the beft liquors. Travellers. wh may d him the honor of lighting at faid Tavern may be allured to end every accommodation. He folirits the patronage of the inhabit-; ants of ewberri, and Uill acknrjwledjje any favour they nay beilow oa him with lincere .grUtude. ' " ( MITCHELL DOW N. MJi n . - 1 A tew gentlemen may be accommodated ' with board, on reafonable terms. . in Newbern, every day during the 'month of September next, (Sundays excepted) for the purpofa of HTuing licenfes to retail dealers of wines and .foreign ' diftilled- 1'piritous ii quors : alio for receiving entries of carriages toge rtier"whhthediitie required by ail of Corigrefs. . STEPHEN CAMCRELENG, Collector of the Kevenue for the County of Craven. Ne'ivberri, iytk tiugufti I796 - ' : ' ' F O'CVa L E, THE hbufe aadloi., now occupied by Mr. William Skenard. the lotsmav be h ad feparatly or together. Alio one lot on broad ltfe'et, near the Court-Houfe, and one. houfe and lot, adjoining Mr. Thomas Cox's. . . The whole the property of Mrs. Mary Ed.sards. March 19. NATHAN SMITH. P:eie Williams,, do. Mof l y', 'Ha: Douglass, do. - Ambler a, do. Lcachs CrovrrLaWjVith new cal, Barneys notes, ' Kurn'a Law Dictionary, Woadefen Commeiita-V Peake'a nift priui, y ric en ne. iaw ! iia- Crewn Circuit C'owyitsV Digeft, F-WCll n Contra A' ----- 5"-.!r--p- Morrgagesi Deviies. lhv?n'8 Icflures ' ' ackllont Coumienta. W44liamiV Cnveyane.J Pi o6iors Practice, Bacon's abridgment, Hawkins's f. C. Hale', do. VVcdtfon'ft letiri E'and, Kjdd on Bills, lmpey's pleader, C iean.c tfii DeviftS, -,'Syftem of pleading;, Lilly'i eriiries, oaunders en Ufes and Trulls, Batten's fuit in Equity, Schitffcr'sjiiaftice t tke .law," ... : Weigan's Vade Mccum, Hairifstt's ' Chancery Prailite, : Law of Partner lhipk Fonblanque on tquity Ltx Mercatoria, MI SC L Gilbcit's law of Evl. deacej " yattel' law of Nations, v Reeved Englilh' Law,- Frame n - Kernaindi s complete Burlaroiqiu's N. and P. Ljiw, 'V Cilbcit on practice of Comn.i Pleas, AVard'a Law of Nations Couimeicijl Kepoit, Conductor GCneralu, Jioin&'s jullice, State Tlrals, ' Natura Bieviutp, Cleik'i magazine. LAN IE PRICE &STROTHER, IlEG leave to Inform their frisnds and the J pub'ic in general, that their Chjrt of the lea coall, extending from cape Henry to cape Roman, is now ready for the engraver ; and at the fame time to acquaint them, that the vaft expence and labour they have been at, compels them to call on the friend of t rade and navigation4 for their fupport in fo ardu " ous an undertaking, wuxn mey uoabt not they will receive, when the promoters of the fine artsionGdcTtht utility of an aftiial fur vey tkat will include all the flioals, 'capes, foundinjs and inlets in Noilh-Carolina, t. gether with the principal rivers and creeks, as far as they arc navigable for Tea, veflels. Any gentleman wilmug to fee the original, Charles Gratdifon, Pamela, Den Quixote, .Gathtics Gramnaer, tfo. d"i 4to. . Moor's Navigation, Biooltes Gsettecr, Nautical Almanack, Yeui g man s cumpani- on, Tablet of moiwory, Quthiies Geography improved, 8 Item ot tauiery, if lowers of hillcty, Cooke s Veyagc, Ancri.4U Muicuna, Derncrst, Dil'ths Book. keep FabulcUS hiflry, fables ot r ira, Wakemans Guaing, GajsUOlce, IlHuncd Piitrv, Hunter on the Ventriil, Life of Howard, Scon's Gaitltecr, Luila,' JiflVifwn'i inoiei, Lidy's friend, Mirrr, Medical (ketches, Melmoih'silTajfi, Monitor, Night thotghrs, Udolpho, S." Pleafing infliuflor, V Hou.tr s liliad, Pltafurci of Memory, Kights of Woman, Koc' Letters, Romance of ibe Forcft, Spirit ct Defpotum, American Atlai, Sheridan's diaionary. Walker's, dv. The Democratiad, a pa-' em, The Democrat, or intrf. guts and adventures of "Jean Lenoir, Wonderful kry teller, Vindication of AJi. Ran dolph, N.w Year's Gift, or Pe ter Pcicums bler vaiion on do." DilT.uation on the firft principles 01 govern rntnt, by Thomas PaTi". Walhing-on's epift'es, tlorr.cilic, ctfnf.uciiial, snd tfifial, Baron SttwLtn military guide, ' Fc'leral ready reckoner. Ghcft fier, Fntfrtaicin n vefill, !fi.1ry of buth-Airiru JJstorslViftory 1 A D V E R T I S E M E.N T. writirOrACLvl' I. t. e i r 1 iitrvxjsj wic lanus nrrcarter oeien- For Salk M the PRINTING. OFFICf, A few copies of tke PETER PORCUPINE'! LO p.D Y B U O KtATLT BOUND. "bed, haver.ot beer, riven in ,by anr nerfoii. as taxable nroncrtv. Nnt ;n5e Vr.. will pleafe to call on Mr. William Johnllon, I . given that u'nlcfs. the tax due thcrecn (hail fro4 whom the terms of fubfcriptin will bt be raid on or before the ' lixticth dav from known. ' 1 tVit date of this advertifement. thefam will 1 .be fold, in conformity to the acis of Aflem- I . - k " ' - - bly intliatcale made and provided. About 40 acres of land on Trent rive, in Jones county, tke property of the heirs of Aciciun. The lands belonging to W.f Al bion, patented by Richard BlacLledfe in Jones county. EL5MUND HATCH, SUrfi. .. 'AiiguJ 27. ' - ' T O B E L E T, THE (lore and dwtlling houfe, now oc ' cupied by Mr. J ohn Sean. Enquii-e of-tke hinteN 1 v B , A fev. copies of-, . I R E D E L Ls R E V I S A L, , . 'i 'ALIO.. . I N K-P O W D;E R( Ur ful tat this office N EAV B E R Nt PRINTED BY FU ANCOIS.XM ART IN. I C . 4 t J. ,

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