7: t.- V NO K:C Rff I !SitET 7 ' ' ' 7, I ' ; ; ' ' :vlf."--.-;'...1, " .v :'";'' jr - t, 1 - rS A T.J ft ET A Y :? - SefteMws 17, ;. ijg6: Wo.. 557.3 "lei 1 5 y Pfcmtum. . rpHE AMERICAN PHlLo$OI 1 CAUSpCIETY,heMacPInladclphii; for PRdHOTlNC USEFUL KNOWLEDGE, irtCfr.' tier thelWe effe&uallyjto anfwcr tb of their inftituVidh,have agreed to'appropri ate, annually t a part of their tunHstb be ifil pofed of in Prertilums to the' Authors of the btft Performances, Inventions, or Improve-me-nts) relative to certain fpecific fubjects of ufefuHfto wledge. Thefallowing iPremi ums, therefore, are now proposed by the . Society: . , I. For the beft fyftera of liberal education and literary inftru&ion, adapted to the genu -us of the government:- and heft calculated to in j promote the general welfare pfKe, United states, comprehenamg alio a piansiojrinituu Wer!i5ctf letter lhaUr tfcver-bjs &fat&y t uie society, except in tnecaic ot a luccduai fcmdi&te. : v - - 7 2. No performance invention of 'uti Provements on i7 of thft fubieh ijrotwferf.' for" whicK patent any other refwirdniall-? nave oeen obtained, betore jJreientmgit to the Society, ihali be ctm6dcred as cntided to thepreminm.' ' . 1' In lieu tf tha monev whicH .!halil3 a r ,. - . " warded, by the Society, as a premllln).anx luttcisiui cauuiuaic mau nave it mius opu on to receive a golaor filver xnedal or piece of pl ate; with a fukable infcription,. of equal value. T ' ,; ' 4. The Society referve to therofeivei the power of sivinff.Jin all cafes. IbchnartotirV ; of any plremiuih propbfed, astfafe performance tine ana conducting: nuouc lcnoois, in tnis ",a" y, -ujuwhcm u uci vx-j. ;wj .-. wwi ' countryrbn principles of the jiiQexteiitye holding the whole, if irftalj apptatt to have utility A r rcmium pf One Iiulldrcli)olr,, I 1ifeajjpe .hwatewd lars. ' - . " " r4 ! imblimeatm 't Papers on thU fubjeft will be received till may however, be ahwrcd, that ttociety thf firft day of January, 1797. will always judge liberally cf thefr feveral II. For thtf moX tvnale. eafv. andexoe. claims" ... . Mr. I. H. De MAGELLAN, of London, 4 j ' i ditious method fif co.Tiiitini tha lonp-itude O O ' from the ooiiaionlutiir obfervation-A Pre wiiifn of Seyenty-Doilari The particular view of the Society in pro pofing this lubjecl, is, that the folution of this moftufeful problem may, if pollible,be ren. dered fo plain and eafy, as to be readily leanV ed by every mariner," even of moderate ca pacity, who underftands the commoa rules of arithmetic ; and thus be introduced into general pra&icei . - - -j'';rx Papers on this fubjeel; willlje received till the nrft of January, 1797. . 7 : : 7 III. For the befl conftrucion or improve ment of hip.pumps--A Premium of Seventy . Xollarsu. , ,,,:'V Vf. - " ". Improve-rieriW wlwch may be readily ap plied to the fliip pumps in xommon ufe, will be moft likely to be adopted by fedmen, aad introduced into general pt acYice L Papers on this fubjeft will be 'received till " , the firft day of January, 1797. IV. For the beft conftruftion or improve-. ment of ftoves, or fire places A Fretiilum ot Sixty.Dollars. ... The principal end which the Society have In view in oronolintf this fubiett. is the be- - - ----- - 1 t o J nefit of the poorer1 clafsof people, efpeciaily of fuch as live in towns, or other places where ; fuel is dear. To anfwer this end, the Hove fliould be cheap, . and of durable materials ; ihould alford the neceffary degree of a falu brioiis and durable heat, with the leaft cx pence of fuel polHble. and fliould be capa. bleof warming the room, , and cooking pro vifions for. the family. . The Society have been informed, that ftoves made ofbritk are, . in many refpecls, fuperior to thofe made of metal ; efpccully, in the faving of f uel, and prefer ving a more iquitable degree of hear. Papers on this fubjed will be received till the firft day of January, 1 707 . V For the belt method, verilied by ex. periment, cf preventing the premature de. cay of peach trees- -A Premium of Sixty Dol lars. ' 1 Papers on this fubjeft will be received till ' the firft day of January, 1798. . , VI. For the better experimental treat fe on native American vegetable diet j accom panied with an accurate account of the vege, tables employed A Premium of Ninety Dol- Jars.. . . t t - Papers on th!s fubjeft will be received till ' the firft day of February, 1798. VI!. For the beft conllruc bn or imnrovc- ment of lamps efpcdill for lighting the ftrccts A Premium of Fifty Dollars. Papers on this fubjefl will be received till thehrit uay 01 Apru, 1797. 0 EN K HA U C O N D IT IONS. t . V.verv caniluLte aloncr with hi I ncr. .- -'- ft formance, is to fend to the Society a fealcd letter, containing 01s name anu place tt a- Havinjr made :a donation to the Society, of Two Hundred Guineas, to be veQed in a per-" jnanent fund ; that the inttreil ariling there from may be difpofed of, in annual premiums, to the authors ot the beft uucoteries 6t moft ufelul improvements, relating to Navigati on', or to Natural Phrlofophy, mere -Natural Hiftory only excepted the following are the rules and condition's. adoDted bv the Society i fur the difpofition of the propofed ' yicuiiu jjs, in coniormuy.ro tne lntniion 01 the Donor, y'vi -. , r x . I The candidate fliall fend his dhcovery, invention, or improvement, addreiTed.' to the Prefident or one of the Vice-Pr.efidents of the Society, Iree of pottage "Or other charges $ and Ihall diftinguilli his performance by fome motto, device, or nther fignature, at his pleafurc. Together with hk difcove- ry, invention, or improvement, he fliill al fo fend a fealed letter, containing the fame motto, device, or fignature, and fubferibed with the real name and place of refidence of ' the author . II., Perfons of any nation, fe&, . or deno. mmauon whatever, Ihall, be a Jmitted as can didates for this premium. 111. Nodifcovery, invention, or improve ment ftiall be entitled - to this premium, which L.iLI 1 I - I IM . I e. naiuuccu aircauy puDinnea, or 10 r wnicn the author hath been publicly rewarded elfe where. ' 'J ' t " c wmuiuaic man conununitaic in difcovery, invention, or improvement, ei ther uvtlic Enplifli. French, Gertian. or Latin language' , ;,, V. All luch communications ihall be pub licly read or exhibited to the fociety, at iome Ibted meeting, not lefs than one month pre. yious to the day of adjudication and ihall at all times be open to the infpccVion of fuch members as fiiall defire it. But no member ihall carry home with him the communicati. on, defcription, or model, except the officer to whom it fliall be entrufted j nor ihall fuch uificcr part w ith the fame out of his cuftody, without a fpcciai order of the fociety for that purpolc. VI. The fociety having previoopy refer red , he feveral communications, from can dtdate& for the nrrmiiitn then denendinc. to - - I'. ...... -- ft r 1 the cotilidcration of the twelve counfellors J ana other omce rs of the loaety, ana having received their report thereon,-(h$, at one f their ftated meetings, In th'einohth of December, annually, after the xpiraln of thiscorrfnt year, (of the time ndp'acey to gcihcr with the particular occsfvon of which . vc worxny.01 tr.e propoied, "ptemi ,ym ?" 'If this qnellioa be'deteniuned in' the tega wMf bofinefs ftiall be deferred l!i T?01'5 -ut if m the &ffinnative, t ty' hili Procec1 to determine," by W. given by the members at-Targe, the dUcovery,;inventionf or improvement raoft ufeful and worthy. And that difcovery; iri- found have a majority of concurring votes ?Yy. dc lucceisrui. And then. And not TiLt-rTHEjrr the realed letter ac-" compiyirigthe crowned performance, ihall be opened and the name of the author an- nounced as theperfoh entitled to the faid premium, Vir. No member of he bciety who is a wdate for the premium then depending, or who batH not previoufty declared to the fooctyf. rather, by. Worf or writing, tht he hatconfidcred and Weighed, ac5firtfothe beft ot hisjudgmentthecamjjarative'inerits of thefeveral daimsthenimdertonfideration, ihall fit in judgment, tr give his vote b a warding the (aid premium. VI II. A full account of the crowned fub jel ihall be publiihed by the fociety as foon as may be, after the adjudication, either in a feparate. publication, or in the next fucceed ing volume of their traniaclions, or in both. IX. Th unfuccefsful performance, ihall .remain under confidcration, and their au thors be" confidered as candidates for the pre mium, for five years next fucceeding the time of their prefentment j except fuch per formances as their authors may, in the mean time, think fit to withdraw : And the focie tv ihall annually . publiih anv abfti-acl of the titles, objea, or fubjeel: matter of the com munications fo under confideration, fuch on ly excepted as the fociety ihall thinknot wor thy of public notice. . .' ' X. The letters containing the names of authors whofe performances ihall be reject ed, or which ihall be found unfuccefsful af ter a trial of five year's, ihall be burnt . before the fociety without breaking the feals. XI. In cafe there ihould be a failure, in any year, of any communication worthy of the propofedi premium, there will then tv two premiums to be awarded in the next year But no accumulation of premiums ihall entitle an author to more than one pre mium for any difcovery, invention, or im provement ' XII The premium (hall confift of an oval plate, of iblid ftandard gold, the value of Ttn Guineas. 7 On one fide thereof ihall be neatly engraved a"iKort latin motto fuittd to the occafion together with thefe words. The premium of J. H. DE MAGELLAN, or London.- mtablished in the Vear 1786. And on the other fide of the plate ihall bi engraved thefe words, Awarded BY THE A. P. S. to i , rORHIS DISCOVERY or en, by public adve rtifemcntl proceed to the final : idnnlicatuiii nfthi faid tirciokaa t and aftrr An nndiatrm KiI. 9 vmc Ihall firft be taken vn this qucftion, vh, ' Whether , A. D , y resident And the fealof Ithe lociety ihall be annexed to the faid gol den plate, by ribband pafling through a fma'l hole near the lower edge' thereof. Hepubliihcd by order of the fociety, W. BARTON, 7 c . JOHN BLEAKLEY, j Philadelphia, I May, 1796- 3 ' Printers of News-Papers and other pcri , odkal publitations, in the United States and In Europe,- arc rcqucfted to republifli the a , bove notification; ' .- - - ' F O K S AL E, TllEhoufe and lots, now occupied by Mr. William Shepard, the lots may tc hadTeparately or together. fo one lot on broad ftreet,ncar the Court-Houfe, tnd one houfe and lot, adjoining Mr Thomas Cox ,. '. fbe whole" the property of Mrs. Marr Edwarli - - NATIlAN SMITiL . 1 1 . i 1 fl 1 n J 1 ii: i I; -j i. ! : r X . t. ) -I .(. I

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