4 L O N D' O X, Tunc 21. ; Sk1utchTr:ates anVa cutter are dated" l&.ihe 25th of May "a - meffencef from hy the eapla'ffr ot the LvdiVirmctl "ai'tt er to .Mriapafled tlirough Huningucn, wlm I lave htdy faiiCtl from Fluihing for the TcxeU from liarthelemi, oil 111$ roact to I ; -An articlefroui Toulon, tUtcd June favs, ,Paris -and on the 3Ctli cf May, a courier T.f. went by Stratfourg, with difpatches to Gerv 111 any from Paris, taking: the road to Lau-. temburg. : . .. :: :;.J: t -The French fleet from Toulon is at fea,' but has not hitherto mewn any difpofition to The Englifli fleet is ftatufned before our . port. They are waking for two frigates, which are deilmed to tarrv "Aubrrt Dv.bavet to Confbntinole.'tNo veilcl can enter the harbour; but by mere accident. Thev take our Ihivs under cur veryjmteties ; they have meet the E&glilh fquadron, which is every" J lately taken the corvette HMte, in the port way iupenor, as well m point 01. numbers I orbonn, on the coad otiSiibar. as equipment. Admiraf jerviscn the coalty I Extraft of a letter "Irom Cover, Junei 4 kesnmgn ftria look out after them. Arrived the Caroline, lng'esrom T- Yie gun.-bous fitted out at Flulhing, 'and- Charleston, and the Minerva,- Turner frtm "other-ports of the' United', Frovmccs, ,ir' is "Bolbn." About twenty ppJlHgers 7 landed Rhine, for the purppfe of cooperating with J Ei'q, conimiffioner from the United States of the f rench' m tnat quarter . . 1 America, appointed to Drine- over, ana imally. in tne-courier uniyeria, a vry ueiiruuvc 1 aujuit, uie treaty 01 commerce Between tnat peJttileiLfaicl4o prevail at aeri; occali- country and this. iMrvtjore left Dover oned by the, vapours of the ftagnant waters, hfhis:afternoon, for London. -Above icoo and the putrid exhalations of the bodies or 4 lhip letters were landed from the above veilels cr 500 dead hories which -have been iliowect I and lorwarded by this evening's mail rua and (lores. Capt. D- then b?ataboat by vcpmrary winds in the fame latitude till the 4U1 inlt, SvJaJiiscrew dilpleafed at the tirlk e Mary Ann, which deprived them . c' '- I6f their prize money, or it m iy be, ipxer.fcd : at their bticers jipprepriating to ilfeir own I ' tlie rum and iiores taken froci the M . 'uf: JXjk (:':):)e CaI? D. and his principal ofiiccrs, pit the "fricatwrer'. thcconduct of CapN Crawford, of the Ma: Anne, and ordsEj'-hi.n to pilot her into die flrft Dritilh portr with an intention, it is faid. ' . T. - - ' - veilei to untttrs. on board ot dehvennr! -no th ana entenno- tiifmielves vol. the Britilh uavv.. - povernmenr, to rot in the neishhourhood ; : Government havejately taken up fix more ftout veirelsmch jnount from 18 to 26 guns, each . dcfigned as armed mips for- the - better nrotecYion of the tracle 0:1 the North - 1 , coahV r ' '. :" :r: "The jflirp Warts v,Capt.. Fell, belonging to Marvport, was , Pnce called the Mary an.d jwas-at the fieae of Derry, Js laid to have ' been the veffel whi h Broke the boom, and : is now on hef paffage fronrMaryport to Me ; me!. :'' ' '. ; Extract of a letter from Falmouth, tune 1 9. , " Friday the VValhinffton,' American ;Ead Indiaman, of 750 tons, thrcugh the folly or ""Villainy of two pilots Ihe had taken on board, ' vent 0.1 more on the, Lizard poiat ; the fiiip will be loll. he-"w as cileemed the line.t fliip belonging to the ltates ; her cargo which ; can be got at is bringing up here, con!i(ling of bales of lilk, muilins, India hemp," &c; It is fuppofed Lbout 300 tons of lugar, and. a grer.t o;aant;ty cf rice,'-will be wholly' dc "flroyedj.'the whole dlmiated in the country, at S5,oco p6und. ; The captain had fugar on board to the amount 01 1 4,030 dollars un infured She came . from Calcutta, . but whether for the account of the Engli ji Com pany, cannot be known. lhc plots re ablconJcd .r The Frintefs cf Wes.wathe Opera On Saturday, and in Hyde Par veflerd.iy ; ac both places fhe worq a cdnnte'riance, 4 nitre in forrpw than in anger.' All hopes 01 ' ac commodatiqn arc taniflied. The of was in town intojr on Friday nicht, when. hC gave his "ultimatum to thj Duke of LeedVarid Earl Moira, viz. '. that nothing can move him from the line he Ins adoptee!, he complameU with much afperity of the violation of the compact for the ud'clurge of his debts, under which he was induced to confent to the un:on Lord M, alked him whether he had rencttcd upon all the confe. quences w hich might enfue ? to which he an fwered, " Melt icrioufly,1 111 lord, and am prepared for them to their luileit extent." It is .rrported, that a d;Uinguilhed and amiable female nM certainly leave England, foon after the . meeting of parliament, and that her departure h s even been required by her relatives on the continent. .7 1 hcrrir.ee cf Wirtemberg is tofct out on hisiourncy for England, to receive the . fair . . - , 1 . 1 . ... 1 e file Purfer of the Thames reftorts, that fince fne hddbvcn in the ferv ice of the French Pae had taken 1 36 prizes,' and 60 while he was onboard. . " " ; '. Thelaitextiprdinarv.meetino' of the Vhir ' cted ceo girncai towards the e::pences. of Mr Fox's e'ecVptr for.AVe'ttmiin iter ; the Duke oorthuniberlaiui lubicribed 500, the the minority NoblelTe, 'Sec. in proportion: 5 the whole fum raifed i'or this purpofe awicunts ; 'I he expf nets of Mr. Honeywood, in the eleft'on for Kent, are crlculated to faiHittle-. fliort cf 3o,cocl. thol'o T'of fir i Geary, 'touch on 6,cccl. . For the late Mr. Vhitebrcnn's brewery, a company of gentleinan have offei'ed 35oJoocl.JIr.iWhitbread, jun.Avho wi!hes to decline bufinels, afks 500,00!. ilerling Pache, the Frenchman who was appre hended on Tuefday evening in Gcrmyn-flreet was one cf the fix of the Executive Council, who 011 the 28th J ;inuary figned the warrant 'for tha execution of ths uafurtunate -Louis. A considerable part of the crew cf the Ta- ,fon it is laid, :Wcr4nhevierv4ee-ofiti.t uuai uuiiu lhc nTirican war, auu ironi tze ti: lie ofji?ir failing front the Texel, were airidivjuy reprelenting to the reft of -the cre w the great advantages whicffBritilK Teamen enjoy over tKofe cf France and lio!U land, they otten reproba ed the war-in ftrong term's,',- expreilecl their dilTatisfaftion, oiv , nvany occaliotis, with the new-order of thtngv; , in Holland, "particularly 'jvklvr'the - device dfi fraternization on.their flagMch they term led the' Wiiore of 'France,? and vvKch '.' 'is now Hying reverfed, furrounded by theBri- s-tiUi flag. ,., Nuinber -of the crew are daily. . on ihore, parading th? ftreets of Greenock Iv oT'aWige cockade in thefc hats," "ami it. is expected that tlie whole cf 'them will en ter vohmteerVwith captain Kamfay, the re l oincer. AFtMY of the COASTSof the .OCEAN. - Res mn verba Head quarters, Kcnncs, irairial' . . ' . :. June yith Ath Vear . ' ifIn.liope.of cleieating the effeel of.ths. vU . '. BlllSTOL, June 2-.- Private adVices received th's evening, re rrcfent.the AulSrian victory and - retreat of the Frepch as being the cauie of th lofs' of 3000 men to Gen. Jcurdan, anil that the Aullrians wc, e every Lour expected to recrcls the Rhine and the bieg, in the purfuitof thc llcpi:bl;cans - " A Paris paper received ro-day, fays the i:U( nded journtv tf Gen. Pichrrril to Stockt holm, wsrot to ncgdciaie, but'to exert his military -talents aga'tut the KuJlians, whith has been prevented by Englilh gold as.d the mach'natiop.s cf Pitf.Gur government now in their turn rcfufc to at know ledge the.Swc- difli Envoy, viz. an agent to the cmprefs but Vive la Kepubliquc the French Ilerciu ies is inviiditle. , , GX ASGO V; unc 9. - YcHerday morning arrived nt Clyde the Dutch frigate thejaion, of 36 guns, Capt.' G. Duntkum, eomniandtr 'i his vcifel which failed from the-Tcxcl,- on the 23d of Feb, lalt was, as appears from the depo-in- on ot the Uapt. now before us, one ofailcet of 17 fail, four or live of which were of the haod ofthePrmcefsHoyali the latter end of line, twelve of which were bound to the the preUnt mouth. . " Ealt-Indies, under the command ofKear Ad. T he cxpencc of the marriage of the Prince miral Lucas, the remainder to Surinam, of Wirtemberg, including-lover, cloaths, under tlie command of Admiral Uraak. On jewels, kc w ill be about 160000I. the iSthofMareh, Inrtwcen the iflandsof ,PACUE, ' Shetland andTcrro, Capt Dunckum met Tlie ti.devant mayor of Paris, and once a' gale of wind, which fliilted his ballaft, fc' Miniltcr of war, was arreted this evening,, parated him from the reft of the (If c and , at a houfe'm Gcrmyn ftrcct. He has becu obliged lum to bear away for Drontheim, for fome time'm this town under the nane of where he arrived about the loth of the fame Dunrc. ' lunf 2i. ... . , month. After rcfittiniiat Drontheim.Cnnt. A tetter from jMachi i, elated April 26, I DuQckunt on.thc 20th of May, profecutcd fays, The Spaniards have five millions ftcr. his voyjc toward iurnnam, without any litmcominffhomcinthecourfcofthefummcr, I remarkable occurrence till the nit of that winch W very tweU known to the Directory at month, when 50 league to. the w eHwardnf. ."Paris Th'u may account for the tnyltcrious I'roadliavcti, -Ircfjncl, befell in with e condu.1 of the cabinet of Madrid towards to Mary Ann of this port from Kcvis, which this country. he captured and funk, after taking out fome gHance we exercile, impofing on the good faith which animates us,. and. obtaining ra ther a delay favourable to his perfid ous de- . figns, r more advantageous conditions, the individual named Puiia'ye, calling himfelf commander in. chief of the pretended Catho . lie army, has made"by his agents to leveral geficrcl cScers of the arrfiy, various infigni iicantand iniiduous demands and propofitu-ns, tending to commit them in the eyes of the ' government. The commander in chief, who -has for along time known and difconcerted -the attrocious plots of this agent of ' England warns his brmhirs in arms to be on their guard and to follow with precifion what is . pointed out to them in the orders of 17 th and 1 8th current. Lie at the fame time rccom ! mends to them the grcaull activity : and the li teral execut'on of tiie mandate of the exceut'u e Directory on the hibject of the cifarmingot the inhabitants. ... (bigned) " "L.KCCUE." Sr. Jcrmes, June io The rcduJl'inn cf the Chouans has been efie6tcd with grtvtfiiccefs they are now at their fire tides, and return to their former occupation:. The column which furrenrcr- ; ed at this place was the belt co ppofed of-tl.'e wiiolc divilion ; it w;-s formed of young men,, the cldclt of whom,c-.ccpting deferters, was not more than 2j. AU the chiefs have fur- . rendered, at different pl.ccs, and appear to be lincerc, in their p-olel!:on3 , there Itill, however, remains the column ofFrotet,. 011 thclidc of Vire ; but they are difpofed to unite and ftlrrcndcr in abocb. The Gere--.' ral who ccnmandi in thediltVitlcf Xvinthcs hai, in order to facil.tatc the accoirpl:JViir.er.t of this object, withdrawn at their requcl't ths j olt of I3rccy.. Tranquility is'rcorcd to. 114 city- . Pil lage has ceafeJ. It inuft be allowed that i: is almoft a miracle, for the government vci c On' the point of feeing a part of thofc men, whofe duty it is to fupprefsiecit'onjc5 the' infurpents. Will pfoplc be 'tcr.vinccd .it length that therecanbe.no adequate lrntt . ty for pro crtyln a great town Lkc ihi the centre of all the feclions, and cf every fprcici offcJuelion, until its defence, arlealiin part,' IballLc cntrurted tothofe who are it i ll in- tercfltJin fecurin;'it againflall attack' ' , , 1 he Directory hive- lent aw ay, a prt of ijia troop that were llat.oned'ai the ntro-, . S: .-.

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