polls, and have ordered pthefs to place them.- It is ceftain that our troops are at Bolog nantCTri'ory of the Pope; ana that vve have exacted a contribution of four roilli ,ons, and made cardinal Vincetti, the papal legate, -prifoncrV ' '" . ' A-ie : Frankfort Gazette, however, afnfms that t e French can feat to fparc the pope's :dolhmioas. on the following condi tior.s. i ft. "i nehply father. will pay, within a II tort term, - the film of- 50 millions of fciidiin fpecic, lie will give m 50 .'of .'the moil valuable pici tlircs aiul fi noi t fl r 1 1 1 ps i 1 f I 1 'hrrt.- -rm d-nt" ftnir logna, in the TSorgh'efe galley, and. in the Clementini Vmufe'-ani.-, 2d. He vill fupply a long and bfeody aufion, mamtaseeiby the 1 fara, andi r4 pieces of cannon. The 'Retails' Imperial regiment, of cuira2iej-sr?-It- is -fakJ f J o? thejibove fuccefTes are glv en in letters iroiri that there is fcarcely one of, the cuiralliers who is no:' covered with wounds, Prodi gies of valour have been performed on bbth (ides. Official details are, no doubt, .about to be publiihcd.v. ' . . .. ... "..'; The Freric iri ? u abi.4 and Lonv bardy are in the raid it of plenty. - If report t :n:ay be credited, Pichegr u has t uken the command of a part of iV'oreau's array," and marched by Conuance" to tut oil G en. ' Beau.- . lieu", enter the Tyrolefe by the way of Ger- ma.iy j and join Buonaparte.. This news is TheiV.ne paper adds, that the" pope In '3fdfWpiTiiQJkmi$t au'd" lent : a part of the money an ihorfes .. The marquis de Gallo. ' amjbnffaclorl froiTi the king of ."Naples' has 'left .-Baftl to come to'! .Jrar.is, tor the purpofe of negotiating a tre.w. . ty'cf peace w-it'li the Executive..- .D;reor 1 Is is accompanied hy Mr Bitptlfla", lecrcta.. ry to the Embally; . ,- Prince Henry of Pruffia correfponds witlt 6 the academy of arts and icienees eihb'iihed at . Paris, . to vhich he oCered to fend a M. S. of Diderot, in his pdlfeiHon, . entitled, Jacques ' "Is-Fartaliite. . ; . .; ,;---:,.;v , .:;..yr We haye.ceftamlyj,taken fJoffertS't Le horn, Ancona and Civitta ; Vccchia.' It is laid, that at Leghorn ''we took from the, En- glilh, Itores and ihipping to the amount of tit: - - miuionsv 1 The Minilters Plenipotentiary of the Pope - and of the king of Naples are arrived at Paris, to conclude a peace with the Directory Letters from'; Switzerland ftate that all the emigrants, without dutinctioh, of age or Tex have juil. received orders to leave all the cantons before the ift of AuguhS The fick and infirm they remain till- the lit 01 Sep-tember.iijLjijli-i : JULY M, Buonaparte. Pahs account's to theift July frcm the frme paper mention thai lome ddurbuhces, had taken place, but that tranqu hty w'ss reUoredJ . -It; was reported thai the Tope had obtained . cefTationof -arnw-at the price of fdty nilli ons of livres, pictures, ic. 1c. ; rt A-unich head of June" 26,. rrentions, r- . that a ccbr.er from Inlpf utk brought n ,vs of the French havirr taken Poben, lecured-. I the palTage of Schtilu anjtjadvaittced into the ' I Tallies of Friefier jntl IS-imittr. ' ' .'"';: "' A BrutTels hcad.( f lulv 1 , ilates the Arch- cuKe Charles to be near JJiuleldort Private , but authentic lett?r;s arinollncd i ' frefh vict'-ry gained by general A'ioreau, on the other lide of the Rhine. 1 he cu.rr aiUers of the emperor are almofl; cut to pieces. July 4. N ' me vttoman amoaiiauor is arrived in France. He palled through Chamberrv on the 25th of June and may be expected at Paris publ; Letter from Genen U'Mndparie to the UxecUl ivi Lire dory. tfeaJ-Qnartersvi . P.ijiya', June 16 Prince Pinatniii. citizen Directors. , is iuit arrived at this pi ace with inllrudions fro rV ,j h':s court,, v. ho has sce'epted t;he armHtke . An onk - will hi.fsnt o:T this day, : to the ;Commandgr in chief .of the Neapolitan cavalry, . to leave the Autlrian arinyj This Plenipoten tiary isto.fet out for P.;ris to-morrow. w ' BUONfAPAUTE leikr.frtmGcnerul ' Euonapat ttto tlx Exeat! y-. ive Dirttwy T'. r, Head. Quarters ,ci ! iplt'Jufie t6 I have enclofed, citizens Directors, : .a copy tf the ann'uHce concluded with the Pope. .' T he legation of Bolosn'a is oneof therichcd par ts of the papal territories, you cannot have an idea ot the hatred which prevail here a- gainit the dommsnon of the Pope. ' 1 ne citauei or Ancona gives us a command over the Adriatic Gulph : we have taken in- icrts Urbmo, f eara, and Bologna, near 200 pieces of brafs cannon, from 7 to 8000 fuieesnand a certain quantity of ammunition 1 and provilions. NAPARTEr -Letter frtot the commtjfuries tf the government with tie army of Italy, to the Executive Direct . y izry ' . Hcd Quarters at Pjflojj, June if An armiitice has juft been concluded with the Pope j we have r.ot neglected to profit by tj.e alarms whkh prevailed at Rome to render this treaty advantageous to the ke- 0 "in a few da 'The cardinals of Bologna and Fcrrafa were made prifoncrs'; bu' Bounaparte, after he hadflicwn them the army, lent them back , to Rome, on their parou, laying u go and tell your matter what you have ictn." 'i "he following are the conditions of a fnf penfion of hoitihtics, which have been , agreed on between gen. Buonaparte and prince Bel monue Pignattelli, envoy fro 11 tue court of ' Napks to the court of Madrid. .kst I. All the holtilities lhall ceafe be tw eert the troops of thj French Republic auJ thofc cf tlie king of Naples, on tue d-y o;j vhich the following articles 1UH be exc uted, iritil ten days after the ollici.ii rcnuii ci.;tior. ol the coadiifum'of .the negiKiation fcr pMCC, which (hall be opened bctw ccn the rcfpcctiVc plenipotentiaries, at a place to be appointed by tne Lxccutive DTeaery Bolo.trna and Fcrrnf a remain m tti power of thermy. who are about to be put in - pof fellion of the citadel of Ancona. Among the pictures, bulls anil ftatues which we arc to have from Uomej we have demanded the bulls of Marcus and Junius linuii3. Men of fuence are employed in. collecting the rich fpoils of fcientinc Italy 1 A Plcnipofenthry from Rome will fpon be at Paris to negociate with you a definitive treaty 0: peace f AL1CETTI and GAR it A U. Army of the Hhlnc and M.felle. Ext reel tf a letter from the camwpTX if. ths gtycrnment t -pith the arviy ej I 1 Rkw; and ih tile, dated iwc6.. Citizen binders, I gavc'you au accoiint of th? paiTncc of tnC Rhine. Our array receives co:v.iJwTihle re- r rcnchwereln pciVefiroiVcf the citadel of Au cona btfere the athot june. Pa is. dates of the jth of j uly, fay, " We ccruii,iy4iaei ..taken pollelilon of Leghorn: Auoi a'lii:d Civ.tti V tttkia. It is laid, that af 'Jbcghcrn, we took f rom the Engliih h.ip- ; mg, c. to the amount ot 60 null.ons. , i lie ;rmu ikrs tf, the Kirs: of Naples and thePote . hadtTiivcd at l-;ins. ellerday hioriiing arrived here, the brig Dryadcs, Cipi'i Eldkdge, in 8 weeks fro a . Havre-de. Grace ; by ht r we received French papers to the 5th of July, they contain no ' intelligence of -any great confecjuente how ever, we lhall give lbme tranllations in our next ' At the time Capt. . left lUyezb& flour fold at 5 and 6. dollars a barrel,' and every other kind of.provifictisecjualjy lowk "' ; . A ftiip arrived yellerdjy liomEouon, fpoke in long. 67. 3c. lat, 38. 40. the iliip L.ber Jty, Thomas Berry, maimer from Nev-'ork for Leghorn. '.'-' ' ' :'v . . -it ; " :'r ' When captt Kemp, of the Factor, left Ca- diz feven I rench' fiiips of the line and three . frigates lay in that pbrti Aboin - 50 1 fail of Spanilh li ips otw.r, many of th. m of the line w ere alio laying there, making prepare tin for war, w hich was daily expected. The Eriglilh merchant lhips ha'b been ordered by the, Governor of Gibraltar to quit; Cadiz they accordingly failed for the port of Gi braltar under convoy of an EngVlh frigate ; Captain Kemp failed out in company" with them Admiral Richery was Hill blockaded in the port' ot Cadiz. Dull market lor pro duce ; Flour 20 to 12 dollars, beet 18, pork 20 to a 1.' " "' ' II. The body &f the 'Neapolitan troops inforccments both of tnfiiitryan.il cavr.!ry, now afting with the empero;, Hull be with. on the rie,ht bank 1 he bridrc of 'tout.- .. 1 1 :.. .1 1 1 i I t' l l 1 . 1 f t .."if.. 1 drawn, and cantoned in the places hereafter lpctihed. 111. This corps being compr.fcd n the fnipenfioii of arms, lhall go into cantonments iu the Vemtian territory of Brcfcla, Crema, sb J Bergamo. : - IV. 1 lie laid fufpcnuon of arms fiiall cx whith leads to Kchl is firmly cilablilled, and the communication by thatnicans greatly fati. l.tatcd. . - T hcrc-was an aaion yeflerday evening :n which 1 00 prilontrs w ere made, who arri cd here this morning. Our tou ns, as I before allured voti. arc in t:nu to tnc uccts 01 iyo powers, and mean- the molt rentable Hate of defence, while, the Ihips of thck'mgof Naples llulibc . HAUtEMAN. wniuirawn, as loon as po.nuie, troui anion NOK F 0 ,1. K, Jefterticr 5. The Sus of July ft, contains Morcsu's ofTiciil difpatches to ths Dircclol'y, dated Kcnl June 24. 25, by which it appcare, that he had elfcclctl the pailage' of the Rhine' at Kchl and cltablilhnljiitnfclf there Ale eoh. chides a long lctttr of detail by in forming that the bridge between Kchl and die Kle of the Jhinc was jufl completed and that the remainder of his army wa palTmg it. The army rf Italy had taken the cattle of Utblno, Fort Fcrara, and liolonc, in Fcr- NEW'B E R N, SeptfMber. 17. further returns tfthe bft cledton. . Burkf.. Walgh:ftill Avery. -Alexander. Erw'n and William White. Bus com 1. jmes BriiUin- William Britain and Philip Hoodenpy. Rutherford.- Uhliam f ortcr Samu el Carpenter and Jonas Bedford' Lincoln, tt'alkce Alexander Peter Forney and David Hohinf n. Vi lkks. Juma H Ulu rt. therfpeon and Jeire Robenett. Irk.df.ll. Uuvid C uld-mlU Matthews and Burgefs GVitber. ' MecKLFMBVRr Geirg G--ahant, Da'.J M'ilec and William Morrifon. CBttvs. CJebPbifer Robert Smith and Archilbald tVrCurdy. V Cthritl Kaynsi John Rogcfs ;nd uailuitirl Jones Dav!d Wi-MuCcndine thro the the Enrlilh fleet .:V. A free paflarc, as will French territories, as thro' the country co epied by the French troops, and through the Neapolitan deminiom, lhall be granted to tne cturcrs 01 doih powcrr . ,Yi(;ncd cl Bi ifiu, 'ijJPreiriaU - - -" ---y- BOUNAPAIXTC Slid . BkLMONTC PtCKArtLtl. Tlie trrny.of the Rhine and Mofclle has ftvncd a frcih victory beyond the Rhine. It ) -iiiuertd Fr.iboarg, in the BriliJ, after I TV TESSRS. IV.rri. and Lo sll, undef .t j XVJL he-pe that they have anfwered the e:c rcdat:ons cf thofc whd cntrulled to tie r care a part of the'r children's education, flitter tlxmifdvcs they will again experience tlie Ome eneouragrmenf. '1 hey will flpc'n their DA K C I N G SCHOOL on the firft tonday in October ncut. Nothing will be neglect fd that may tend to the improvement of the ie'ielars, ar.d to give them an cafy and graceful deportment. r heir terms will be known on application. hr file at the Printirg-lffce, INK P O W D li R E T T . P A P E III

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