6ckdtcd Poetry. r T MISER aT tbi HOO. NE neighbour can' with eafe ef?y LJ a ott within .nether! eye r . When tt fame time he cant ducoyej -The beam that fpreadi hit own all erer. A MISER on a fenny tit, wjtn lurnuuis " "r-o - . ,.. VancM on ihe road with trotting jog, Till ftopt by diit and miry hog In Ungiage whlsh folk (tta ftyeV He bid the nifty creature rife. Thewailowingbeaft with frightful fnout, Made tim'rou Bonny crof the rout, , The m.fcr' rtraw ftuft pad turns round, A?Kn.him rgroing-rproni to groundl 'V.. ti drives to difencaee, And on the hog thus vents hia rage Thoo fme as ioul as fi lthy fmncn Or dog that twice licks up one dinner j Thou ufelefs bead cf all the field, . Nr loai doft bear, nur fleece dott JieMi n Thou eaoa rcr nou" . , " A -t i - Kevenge:'tiV. wrong and end this ftnM A ir.vrra n take thy crofs-grain d head, . tX ne'er do goodwill thou a,t dead. The bnftiing hog with grunting note, AnfwerM (tik! Wellh by help ot throat,) -Whfargry thus, old brother .infer , Faults feen.n me (h.uld make you wife.. Ceafi ftorming with that fP een,(h breath, We're bath alike in lite and death J Thw'. none reaps good from you, nor I. Until the very hour we die. Tor 'tis our pleifow f .uf Pnd.e' . . That folk flullf. bowfatwediedl F O R S A L R ft rife ?wmNG-OmCEi (NvUrn THE FOLLOWING L AW BOOKS, ' " y J Z: SALKELD'a Reports Law Grammar, Anftruther'i, a. Bamftcr'iUw Eiwa- fllfcVII I, UUt r .. roweii aw vmi - " Mortgagee, Deviies, ' Noy's Maxims, Sullivan's leftures, Blackftone'a commenta Dvcr's. do. Crake: da. Shower's do. in K. B. and Crown Law, Stransre's. do. ' Raymond's, do. Comyn Sf do. Andrew'sdo." Wn. "Blackftone8, do. Peere Williams', do. Moleley si do. . Douglas's, do. Leach's Crown Law, with new. cafes, Barnes's notes. Bum's Law Dictionary, Woodefon'S Commenta- ries on the laws of England, Kydd on Bills, lmpey s pieaoer, Fearn on Devifei, Syftem of pleading Lilly's tntries, . Saunders on Ufts Trutts, Barton's luit in quity, firhieffT'i DrCice of --, nes, -Wiiliams . ,.1 nmtr into the church ouwieis . rrnfafiontookhcr dmii! feat. foe not W. held back, and .jSSncrteholferei her his r- r S f. if I mutt dance, give us Bob and Joan. Waynesboro' PosT-OrncE,5.8, 1796 gilt or icfc , Wayneborough, vhtcb If not tahnout in tint mirths, vill be Jhit ,t ihe CemrJ Poft-Oft'ce as c?aa traerj TOSPH EvCTittr efq. Wayre county ; J TVas Coit'ilo, Wayne Couy- AJ an Vau&h, Wayne county ; Frederick Se- T-ti DrJinTTPTMP that day, u? to tuc qui w Infernal torreiponaencc, hb " . WtU DC 1UDC vu wv.-.v - 1 IJlOOUY UUOy. O'wtiui , .iivnwi' ww...r.- , t0f mC U1C Ol uwuuwiJ, . J- . a A. . 1 asm ..The printers m the uate are requeue sttmber 17. . a, v. tvr. in their oaDtrs for three l - ,vtTtirnnT.lK1A. - .ttr ri it -rttirt withui this ttate, , 1 ...uu-..-f-,-,i.A tnfurmihtheneceuary n u law to this otnee, Will , . f..L..n.Au. .Mirc of havino: them lent " for, unlcls they are furmfled previous to T ' j. nAnW next. -All tntry- tne nr oay ui . . , takers, tvhofe returns are not forwarded be- fore 1795 law to publi weeks. I .f WW m Wavnc and Tft emmties. on both fides of Nwfe a a . ( Kiver, gant r j Houfe, Scale and Ware Houie, aiw ary.i U new, well underpinned with brkk, com. pleatW tioUhed, and well calculated both for finfformmhandiiingTortenniafply to the f ubferiber on the premifes. c fn; county, Sep. 8. URIAH BASS. -' - - tor fill et tkt Prinii'S-Ofiietp INK POWDER L E T -T ER P A P E R . 1 h Law Morgan's Vade Mecum, Harrifon's Chancery Practice, Ltw of Partnerlhip, Morgan s biiays, Doclor and Student, Pleader's afliftant; Jones' Attainey' ' Pocket Book, Tidd'e King's Bench Praftice, U I S C E I PAMELA, DonQjixotr.i, Guthrie' grammar, 2v6.dd.AtoJ Brooke's Gaietteer, Nautical Almancit, m Voungmao's. companu on, TaMetof memery. Guthrie' Gerapny im moved. Syftem of FaVwry, Flowers et nuiy. Cooke' 1 voyVt Democrat, Oilworth'i Book.b? ing, , , Pabulous hiftory, Fables of Flon, . Wakeman's Gsagmg Gay's fables, Uaunted Pr'wty JLifs of Howard, Scott's Gauttetr, Louifa, Jtff.rfon's notei, Lady's friend, Minor, Melmoth'l tllJji Monitor, Night thou nti, -Myfteriesot Udolpne, Horoera IHisji Conveyan cing, Piottor's Praftice, Hawkin's Ples of the Crown, Hale's, do. Crown Circuit, Re-eve'. Enplilb Law, Feama on- Remainder's Burlamaqui's N. and P. . .' T.9W. .' -. . Gilbert on Praftice of Cntntnan Pleas. Wasd's Law uf Nations, ' Commercial Report, Conductor Oeacralu, Burn's juftice, -State Trials, Njtura Brevinm, Clerk's Mgaine, : Iredfll'tRevifal, Continuation of Jo. 1794 uclutive,' Aclsvt' 1795, Private AcU, Statutes of England, Report of the cafe, In gram vs. Hail Ma tin's Juttice, Pocket do. Chart of the Law of In heritance. . ,. L J N 1 E S. " Pieafures ot Memory, Rights of Woniur, . Rowt's Letters, Romance ci ths Forcft, Spirit oi Dcfpoiif. , Anvri:an Ad.i, t The Jcmoc.ii J, a po em. The Demacrai, or in. triguen ard adten lures fjta t Lcnor, Wondeiful iloiy teller, Vindica.ion of Ivjr. - kandoluh. ---- - - r DilTfrtatinn on th fii ft principles of govern ment, by Thomas Payne, ' Wafltington's epiftlf't domerlic, confiJcntial and official, ( Baron buubcn'a milita ry guide, Fcederal ready rtrkoner, Gncftfeer, Efttert.ining novelift, Nitoral hiitory, PrCciiptioit of Octacock inlet and map, ' The face uf Mofes un veiled, Map of the Unite J Ruin. Po.cf North.CaroHna. Tins DAY 13 PUBLISHED, ' Jndftr Jale Oi the Printing-Office, - ; - jj NO RT H-C AROLINA ALMANACK, For the Year of . our Lord, 1797 ; And of American iMDtrfiMDiircf ,xxtr?X(i Being the 1 ft after Leap. Year. Calajlatcd for tlie Meridiaiv of RaLeiGH, 35 tDek"4 Mip. 'North Lat. 3 Deg. 36, VMin. Longitude, Wilt from Philadel phia. -CO N T E N T S. , Chronological Cycles" rr:"tz :T ' Solar and Lunar ecliples, - Calendar, ( Remarkable days and alpect ot tne wcaracr, . Kinng and letting 01 uic iuu, Phafes, rifmg, louthing, fett'mg, age and . r - place 01 uic uiuuu, - Setting of courts,- . Cauies 01 a country s giuwuig 4.u, - year, . - , For bitters, to prevent the fever and aeue, . : ' . : : Cure for Iroft bites. A method tor preierving mcai ircui iw vmuic years togetner, Female heroU'm v . Anecdotes, Poetry, rt . Character of St. Tammtny The way to grow thin, The way to grow rich,. ' Coins of the United b'tates, as eftablimed by : 1 . - tan) v A table (hewing the value of Foreign gold - coin, in federal and ftate currency A table (hewing the value of cents, m ftate currency, A table of intereft, at 6 per cent. Price one shilling. Stores will be fuppVied-at the rate 0 fiix (hillings per dozen, thirty two (hillings and fix.pence, per half-grofs, and three pound per grots. - Orders from the country (by poft or other wife) will be attended to. WHEREAS the lands hereafter deftri bed, have noi been given in by any perfon, as taxable property. Notice is here- f .t 1 tU.tAu'Jii.kr.nn hall' be paid on orbetore the fixtkth day from .t,- A- rf thi nHverrifemcnt. the fame will fcliO U vm " f Yu fnlrl. in conformitv to the als of Afleia. . i bly in that cafe made and provided. . Jones county, the property of the heirs of Acrcman. ;The lands belonging to W. Al lUbn, patented t by Richard Blacldedge in Tones county. . J .. EDMUND HATCH, Sheriff. RAN-AWAY on the 17t.l1 of Augud. from the f ubferiber in Greenville, a like ly French negro fellow, about twenty two years old, a tall fellow, fomething pockraark idt had on when h went away: a reel walftcoat. Oinaburjrtrawrers and check (hat. N O 1 I- M l Whcr wm apprenewj s-w i..w, To owners and pjj'Morj J ar"Vt have mm wm..vu j , owner fj M . , , I . , . . ewan or twenty Uc4. reign eiJj'M fpiritous liqu&rs -within the l3r,onthe deh j IKI ' j fcribcr. delivery of fid negro to the fub ? .0. smihi. of wtnes ana lorai 1Uuw .!. mUm Jut toe rivimrrii IW art OI tOCthCr WIU1 ut wuww, . Conpcli. t CAMBRELENG. Collctlor of the Revenue for the County of Craven. ' Hfrlcrit l?thjugvjt 1796V t rt n - L F. T. Mttf nri. nl il?llincr houfe. now OC 1 cupkd by Mr. John Sear Enquire of the Prbttr. for FOR NE W-Y Q RK, The SLoor NANCY, William Bartlictt, maitm, s tt ILL fail (hortrv. nfw&k frtitUor pau"3ge apply SbtotheraaUor on board, oral TZ"J .1.- r.r, tsf tlv im. N.D. ncnasonnanu,wwjiiiy-- Wcft.lndiaGood. V September to. , . NEWBERNi - PRINTED F n A N C 0 J SX ,U A jVTI