PAR I S, .;tfjr.7.: i- Army of the' and Mtrs." " 7. IhaLQuirterr, at zNetwicd' July 2. Jourdan, commander in cnief, to the c;ecu . 77, . tive directory- " " Citizen Directors, . Ill AVE the .honour" to infdrm you, that the d"vHioir6f Itharmy- under general Kleber left DulTeldoriF on the 28 th ot June'. The diviiToii .under general GreiueF paiTe'd" "the Rhine at Cokgne oii-the 29th, andjoin--cd the troops under Kleber. This corps ar- . rived on the 30th' aTthc "Sieg, on the left .bank of which ths enemy hud iiatiened about 1 2oo light troops Adjutant General Ney attacked ith bib ufnal'impetuofity, and took" about (ix.ty of th 2 cavalry, befdcs killing and wounding a tolerr.ble number. -The- 10th -regiment of Chaffeurs exhibited the Itrdnger proofs of courage in this action, and perform efl all their movements with the greateft ce lerity and precHibii; General Kleber halted 011 the jit pf Julyj on. the left bank pf the bieg, in order to wait the arrival of provilions,' and to give time to general Lefebvre, who had directed his march to Siegen, Vto reach the place of his deftinati- on- .This divifion of the army had orders to advance this day in front of Ukerathi . ,.7 . .. , In order fpecdily to elfecmyjundiqri. with general Kleber, 1 made that ciivifibn of the army which was encamped between Coblentz and Andernach pais the Ilhme this morning.' The paffage was performed in the prefencs of a corps of five or fnc thbufand men ; the , whnlp. nf vvH'irVi wrmM hav hpf-n' rnAf nri-' fohers of war, had it been polhble for the "cavalry; to crofs the river foonerV As it was, we took two pieces' of cannon; and about 200 prifoners.' 7... . ; To-morrow I (hall have the honor to fend you the particulars of this affair, in which fe- veral regiments ar.d feverai officers diftin- . ' guiflicd themfelves." . , I have ordered' one column to march to ; Mbntabeur and another to Thicrdoif. I hope to-morrow to te able to join general Kltber,, and I fliali then' endeavor to bring the enemy to a general engagement Greeting and refpect; , V- JOURDAN;' .The army of the Sambrc and Meufe, on flic opening of the campaign; made a lkilrul diverlion on the right bank of the Rhine, in order to prevent the Auitrians from attempt ing an irruption into Lorraine and Alface." The Auftrbns, in tattr abandoned all their pofitions in the Pahtinate, and mthe Bilhop." r'.cks of Spire and Worms. Jourdan then ordered a retreat, to draw agre.:t part of the Auilrki forces to the Lower Hhme, while nni..1 'V.. I .1... It ... 11 jvmiai' i.uuau uuuru me oppei luiine, ind defeated them in Sv biav Jihss. plan was carried huo elK.vC.. I , Now that Morcau Iras jnAiticd the high opinion which was entertaine i f of his "IkillJ general Kleber has again v advanced to the Sir g. Jourdan has rctroflVd the Khme, be tween Coblemz and Andernach, in order to join him, and driven bidfthe Auitrians be. ond the Lahn. T he br;dg: of Newicd is . tcelUblilhcu. 4 'I hey write from Toulon, that Aubert Du- mytt tired with waitmg lor the departure, of the Englifii fquadron, which continues to crulfe inceiCmily before that port, has let off for Venice by land, whence he vM prucccd iu .uimaiu.nupic. . - A letter frcwi llouen of the id July, ftatcs, that writs of zxrt'X(M.nki$ XAmsner ) were i.Tucd on the tit arv.nlt uti7cn Ho!rrt, edi tor of " The Obltrvcr' and Lcfe vre, the printer of that pj;cr. Niithcr of them wis to be found w hen the officers went to execute the w rits. 4 - L () N D () N, Tlic Paris Journal which we received fy exprcfi ycftcrday morning, wss the only' Oi.c that had tome to Eflg!:ni. , The paper .which werccfeXed, Is entitled Notiveiies Pblliricjties, one o'fthe.mcsjt ref. pectabltJ Journals publiflied in Parish ; . Cf the victory obtained by the French on Jhe iStli ult.-at Renthenj the general refult" of the action bnly'is mentioned in the meffage from the executive, directory to t: the council "of five huhdre.VThey Kate"thel6fs:of the- .Auftrians to have'.b'ecn 1.200 prifoners, ..and , ten pieces of Cannon, and they make a quota tion from general Ivloreau!s" letter, who lays, their lol's is en4rmous.L With this vague account we muit reft fatisfied, till the- ac counts by the Hamburg mail reach us, or the .French theinlelves choofe to publim iome hiore particular details of this adtioni .By a letter from Gen. Jourdan, of, the v2d bit. it appears that he'has effected a" June-' tion with Kleber ; has re.croffed the Rhine; and Compelled the Aultridns to fall back to the Lahn. It is atteihpteii by the French Journalifts to afcribe the bte:retreat of ge neral Klebei-andLefevre, and .the various ' defeats they experienced,-Co a premeditated fcheme for drawing the attention of the Auitrians to the Lower Rhine, with a view to facilitate the paffaee of that River at Straf- burg, by the divifion of gen. Moreau, but " ,1,lua v-viucut mat, irom a ipintoi vanity take the caule for the effect j for the immenfe lotHuftained by that army, whkh were dri-. ven back to Duffeldorff, from the Lahn and the Sieg, could not be compenfated by the reduction of Fort Kehl, and fubfequent vie-' tory; which there was then a probability of gaining:.; ,7 V . . " -. ; Letters from Italy, of th 20th and 21ft of June; mention a fuccefsful Sally by the gar nfon of Mantua; who Compelled the .to retire with conliderable iofs. On the' borders of the Tyrolife, a paralaftion took. ' place; oetween the advanced polts, oa the 27th in which tlie:Frenth were defeated with the lofs of 200 men. . . . ; 1 he inhabitants of Carinthia; i'fi imitation 6f their gallant neighbours, the natives of the Tyroleie; have taken up arms t6 oppofethe' entrance of the French into their ow n coun try.' Ko lcfs than 24,000 volunteers have already enlitt'd; a part 'of whom have taken poffeli.on of the paffes which lead to the ter ritory of Venice;- . . 7", . An article from Vienna",, of the 25th' o June; ltatcs, thac 1 50,000 recruits will be forthwith. levied in the dominions of the pro vinces dver which gen. Ikaulieu has been appointed to prefide." , 7 VeiUrday after our paper had been put to prefs. advices were received at the India liCufe, by the way of Buffora, . which bring the important and agreeable intelligmce cf the capture of Columbo in the Hlandbf Cey Ion by the Britiih forces under the command of general Stuart.' This event took placeoii the 1 5th cf February laft. The lofs on our part was very inconfidcrable. The trcafarc and pnblic pr6perty, which will tit lhared by the captors, are very great, compril'ng three Lutch Eiift.Indiamen, richly k.te.u The capture of Colombo completes the tonqucft .of the Uland of Ceylon. 1 Preparations were making for an expedi tion agaiuft Batavii, and the Spice Iflands.. The Pearl Merchantman, which brought the above intcrclling news to Bufiora, deft India on the 24th of March. The Arro gant, cf 74 gun, and an armed fli'ip, were tn qucit of fume French frigates, whUh had nidc an unfucielsful attempt on Diu. Avkcs have been received from the Me. d.tcrrancan w hid itite, . tint cdnmiodorc Nclfon had very gallantly cutout of a port near the culph of Sprria, four French Jhips, laden with artiller) and ordnance (lores, dc Aincxl for the fiege cf Mantua. INSBKUC K, My 20 The following letter wrote by his Mijcfty the Emperor hunfclf to her Royal llih. hdli5hS Ll zVT"-hls been Uam! n tocoure the Tyro- u " A : Vienna; j W 23." - r Ueareft Aunt, - J - I was very "glad-ta be informed by you of the good difpofitions of. the -Tyrolians whofe fidelity knevei-doubted of. I fend as .many reinforcements' as J poffibly-can.I-. Lvery mealure is ukfen toflipply the pro vmce cf lyrol with grain-and ammunitioa ior the defence of the country: At this very moment I fend ydii cannon alfo, and mue the orders that the peafants iHall take up amis. Deareft Aunt 1 beg you, encourage thofe good people and aflure them of-foy royal fa vour ancl iarkfafl-; - . .. --'VMVAVJli . . 'V 4 We mav then himi- wi i .."Jr?' dence, that with the help of God our dear .nativecountrywillbeiaved; if, all united,' we make cvfcry pdffi ble effort! " H 1 E L D S H E I M;, June 22. . l o the Conarefs convol-prt h u .ta king of Pruffik and the duke of Brunfwiclc olfenbattel; the following provinces and -ftates have already fent deputies. Branden- ; barS; Brulwk-Hanover, Bruhlwick-Wbl-fenbattei the duchies of HnHlptn -H-Lk c Denmark . . Pomerawia (V'ma nf Mecklenbufgh, and Arenlberg ; the blfhbp. ricks of Munlter, Lnbeck and Oldenburch 1? HiWefl)eim J ; the principalities bfWaldeck and Pyrmont, the counties of Buckeburgh and DetmoldJ The Imperial cities of Bremen and Lubeck.4 f Two deputies ' from the Prince Abfcot of Corvey and two 1 wuuy , oiner oeniit-ipc f. different circles are daily expected. Thole I wr' rarb,?lready. affembled reprefent the ' " 7 . tne greatefl" w ..uaLUk auu ununaii or tne circl 6f Upper Saxony. , , The Pruffian regiments who are ordered to protoct .the line of 'neutrality will pafs through the biihoprick from this day to the 29th inft.' They confift of the following re giments; Infantry, duke of Brnnswick, prince Louis Ferdinand and the depot battalion of Wedel.' Cavalry, carabino guards, cuiraflier guards, and cuirafliers of Byren. The ar. tillery commanded by colonel Hufer. BRUNSWICK, Imti A . England has riot the leaft part in the tranf-: actions which re preparing' in the North of Germany. The Hancveriaii troops, who lorrn part ot the corps of; obtervation pofted on the banks of the.Vefer, are under the or ders ot the rruilia commander in chief. This matter has been fettled by the king of Pruflia and the regency of Hanover. One cf the objects of the Congrcfs, which willfobn be opcnal at rlilderflieim, is to fecure peace to the Nlirth of Germany, agreeably to the plan agreed upon- by . tlic French- R epublic aivltl.6 court of Berlin, by virtue of which Pruffia and all the provinces, whofe neutrality fliali bt acknowledged 'tinder its tneditation. will be fecurrd agalnft the dangers of war. The corps of combined troops now affem bl'mgis defiined to enferre triepl tn lately con certed with the French government. It w as therefore extremely ridiculous to fuppofc many might pcrh.'ps be directed againft- the French Republic l;o is a party in the w hole plan and urged energetical mcafurcs for the maintenance of the neutrality in the North of the empire. U A T I S D 0 N, June 20. The Emprefs of Rnrtla lia caufeJ her Arn. hnffador to msle an oral deibraiicti to the d ct of the Gcrmat; Kn-pirc the fol!cv. ii.g im -port r