1 , -- - --- I TT Tmrrr rf all thfr R.uf i lltl IfM VUT fl Ulk Aom w .. w ' - has, m conlcquence oUhe lively micrcuuic wis always ufed to take in, the profperity of' the German Empire and' of all! its ftates in peneraU' has with Great attention - obferved thecourfe of the traf tn whlchit is at pfelenu involved. Her raajefty-could as little refute her approbation to the folicitude and zeal which Ihe remarked in feveral of the ftates, who, partly, even at the.price of very extra- A;f of tV-r Fmnlrp in Jpfpnf of the timmon VaufeVis. on the" other .'hand (he had been forced to remark with regret, that all have not tted with the fame accord,-and obferv ed the dOties . of ftates of the Empire.- The clofeft friendmip andihejiev Treaties enter- fd into by her Imperial Majefty 7 of Ruflia with his Maieftv the Roman Emperor com manded her to make it a par ticul af object of her folicitude for procuring an honourable peace, ; to exhort pFetfingly the members and ftates of the empire to ful fil faithfully their facred duties towards His Imperial Majefty. and the Empire; . ' - BERLIN, -June 25. We hear that our Court has given up all hopes of reftoring,' by its mediation, peace ..to the German Empire, and it is believed ' that the negotiation with the French Repub lic, which has been carried on withpiit inter ruption, has, for its object,' far more impor tant arrangements than the mere fixing pf a line of neu trality.- .; t ( v The' Anibaffadors from all the north 'of .. Gefmahy have already repaired to Hildlheim where the Congrefs of the German ftates who wifh to procure peace by the meditation' of the 'Kmg'.of Pi ulfia,. will be held. P A & 1 S July ov lriiftice granted, to the Pope, the following . articles.- -'.r -". .' lit. The Plenipotentiary ftntto Paris by. his holineis, lhall offer , the neceffary apolo gies for the infults and outrages committed on the republicans in his dominions; efpecially. for the murder of Baffeville, minifter fro France at Reme", and the indemnification owed to his fami'y. , - 2d.. The individuals detained in the ftates or the Pdpeon account of their political op--inions mall be immediately liberated, and lhall take poffeflionof their property. 3d, Tlie French' army fhall remain in pof feflionof legations of Bologna, Ferriira, f the citadel of Anconaj and lhall occupy the legation of Facnza.- 4th. The 21 millions promifed by." thcr Pop2 to the. Republic lhall be paid in three terms, the firft within a fortnight; the next in the following mbntli, and the third in three months.. " ' . tfh. 'Thefe 21 millions are independent of the contributions vhich they lhall levy at Bo. 6th. The French troops fhallpafs unmolc, fted through all the territories of the Pope. . :, " ; July M Tlttrc remain in Duffeldorf and on the left fiile of the Rhine, troops a&ually nccef. fary for the public fafaty, thofe who occupied the entrenchments before Duffeldorf, march the 28th oi June to-join the army. They w rite from Vienna that there is much conversion of a propofition of the Emprcfs ot Ruffia, to the unfortunate Kufcuifko. This Princcfs, it is faid, has invited the ex. and fettle in the United States of America, where Ihe will allow hitn a penfioii of 5000 roubles. ... 1 There appear to be confidcrable movements at Rariflul mnong the powers who are ob. llinatcly bent on a couttnuance of the war. 1 lie 1 6th cf June the Abby Sabl)atheir who .vas fald to be dead upwards of two year paft, arrired from Vien nay charged with an important ' million Trom' tlie " Pope. The next day M. M Penard, Menin, and fix prUfa, darted for the army of Condc, charged asthc Gcrtr-. '?ycri fay, .with mu ' ortantdfpjv.!-.:,:jraKiiic;,ir Vp.rnna. The diet of ftati&on does not delibeVate at, a great dnce from the cannon of the French there is at this moment at Bane, the'deputie pf fe;eral GerliaahTrinces, who come to ne; gocsate a feperate peace;- -The affembry cf me clrcle of Lower Saxony is contened,nd Has received the deputies of Weftphalia. : - ail the circles ir'i defiVous of peace." ' "TheEm-' peror is alorie frwar," he has difmiffed from nis council air tnoie memoers wno recom mend conciliatory ibeafnres. HeJlasyea' a carte blanche toxhe Count,of Noraiz, who has promifed it is fakko- change the fortune of wrap we expect that Jourdan will nOt be tardy in coavincins him .of his miftake, and moreover to infpire his ImperialMajefty with' a delire -of peace, from ; the, lmpoiiibility. to -continue "the-war ; "Sallicetti hashut up' the clubs .at Milan.- By thismeafure,' prudent in jtfeif,.- he has convinced the world that he does not belong to the Jacobin party.1' Facts are better than l the preientions in the wOrld . There was held at Vienna on1 the? 2cth of Tune, a Grand cabintt council, in -which it was decided to continue the war with. vigour. M. de Norlitx the prefident of the war de partment has given orders for all the troops coming from Hungary, to defile for1 Tyrol, and to reach the place of deftinatioft by forced marcheV, ahdv in order tp accelerate thei march, theaij not to be incumbered with . theV'amsbufc they will receive them Avhen they join the armyThe Emperor itl' place of puttinjr -himfelf at the head of his troops is . difpofed to try the benefit of this waters of Baden. . L I V E: Pv P O 0 L, July 6s : in St James's ftreer. M Mrs. Burton v-as cromng, Ihe flopped undf r tlie head of a coach . horfe,; thehungrr:animal ieized her ftraw1 bonnet, which he eat, betore tt cotjld be reU ctled from his aws " ; B O S T 6 efjnkbtr6. :: Ytxsm CapeFrscois. T We learn by Capt. NicholfonVtJbe French . continue to. treat neurV ill ; take cargoes?and iW jroportionarcom penfation can be procured. Even when l'pe eie has been advanced it has not obtained' a prompt payment in produce or otherways.. The American yeffels there will probably be obliged toTeturn'inballaft.-; . jl We conceive it extremely probable, fronri the following .paragraphs, that the Britiflr frigate La Raifpn was engaged with Le Ven geance, French ihip. 1 he firft article ftews Ihe was near the place of engagement, ithe day before it happened (Aug. 24) and the other evidences the f rench having a Imp of that naie-her being' at fea-and bauiidv for the Weft-Indies. . '; . The fliip Edgar, Ricagawhi rtiafter, frptn' hence for Afri6,. was captured on the iT2dl May, in lat. 44, 40' long.: 1 4, . 30. V. by the Natiopal jrench frigate, Le Vengeaiice,' Simeons", commander, of 46 giins, and'aboul 600 men. fche wasone of afquadrori offnc fliips (the leaft of-which mounted 24- guns) all full of1 troops, 4 days from Breft,-.for the Weft-Imlies,:boing the thirtl divilion- that had very lately left Breft for that' place,' and all with; troops.Thc commandaiit faid they were. bound '.for St, Domingo, but-Guada-' loupe Uiu'ppoled to be their deftinatioh. h O N- D O N,. July 16 letter :Jrn ari officer cri board the Refchitlht:', of 7 4 gun J , comnu tided by admiral Mur ray, dated Bermuda, May 3 . ' In our cruile wemetwith a vcryftrange S AJ;L E M Sept. 9.; . The following, is a let ter feri t by an American . Captain, confined on board his Britannic : J Majefty Ihip Monitor, atbkefied to- the American "matters atSti- Pierres Mafti-; : niquc. 1 " GEOTLEIEN, , "' I am forry to inform'du'that it' is out of mjr poWerto conie oninoitoee you, as ' I am confined oh bdaYpfthe Britilh Ihip M on ' itoii, a 74, 'which arrived hereyefterday from Port R oyal where they left my Ihip,-. though ' L have beert' captured for 3 months,' and was ; firft carried to Barbadoes,- where they took : rrie on board this ihip, and I have been" con- fined ever fince, and allcommunication denied me.' They threaten to carry me to England I wascfrom NantZj bound to Guadaloupe,. with 73 French paffengers, men, women, children ,-mpft pf them inhabitants of that -ittand. They tell me y Ihip is condemned, ? but I' have not yet feen any official inform a.:; 'tion on the fubjecr, or . any account of hbr ' tnal and it certainly is quite an unprece dented piece ofbufinefsfor a man to have his property taken from hm, and condemned, without knowing for what, or being aflced a' fihgle queltion about the bufiucls 1 am kept confined and debarred from feeing any one. Ivjy motive in writing this, gentlemen, is to occurence.-1 boarded a veffel in which I found -k befecch you toufe your intereft to get me a frenchman in rags, out wno naa tne air of a gentleman.- he veffel was from an e rtemy's port', pnd I fufpecled this man j.I had hardly time to turn thefubjeel in my mind, when he addreffed me in the following man ner : , ' I am Sir, the Count de Rouverie, eldeft foh to the Marquis, de llouverie, who wis obliged to fly to America. 1 was appointed by the Britiih government Cr4 of a regiment of horfe in the ifland of St. Dommgo ; and being charged withdifpatches ofconlcqUence to the commander cf Martinico, the veffel in which I-was paffenger was taken and carried into the Fr'ench illand of St. Martins. "Among my papers were found fomc with thefignaturc ot Rouverie. Upon tbi prefumption I was ordered to prepare for the guillotine. Being able to fpeak Englilh ve ry well I pcrliltcd being an American, and that thofe papers belonged to a- gemlcirun who had leen dead lbme time. All this was in vaiit. I was ordered for execution, and the dreadful inftruaient of death was hanging, over me when this humane man (pointing to" the Captain of the Hup) favedme irom in- ftant dcltruuion, by ltcpping forward and. fweanngpiat lie knew my oirtn ana pareii. tawr, and ncculing them of being about to take the life of an American M . f We.fupplied the Count with every thing he wanted, and departed."- PaTf.mts--Among all the patents in this country, nothing rm more curiolity than a fin board, m the neighbourliootl of I lackney, on 'vhich x gentleman proclaims that he deals in P.ur: v,Vkcv.tab lks ! , , A i-..ji..cus tircUMilancc lately happened extricated, by petitioning the conful, orfbme other means I had hoped after the ratifica tion of the celebrated Treaty, that we ihtuld- been treated with-lefs feverity, but alas I wei ; have nothing to hope from their civility. My .T lhip's name is the American Congcefs, o . Alexandria. Whether her name excited th cruelties and indignities I have luffcred, I am 1 at a lofs to'determine-Tbut heaven grant the, time may come, whe n We lhall put our (bculd. -ers to the wheels;- Yourobedient Servant. JESSE HONEYWELL. ; Capt. Ropes, the bearer of the above, with a Portland mailer, went oh board the Mon itor, and fupplied Capt Honeywell with very neceflary he was in want of. . The other American Captains did norgoj it being hinted that ir was probable they alfo might be detained by the commander of the .. Monitor. , ' N E W .Y O R K, Sept. 13. .' ; We are aothorifeil- ro inform thepubHe, that the two tommiffwneri for fettling the true St. Croix river, as the boundary line between the United States and the Britiih ter ritories, have chofed Ecbert Benfiyi, Efq. one of the judges of the fupreme court in this ftate, to be the thin! commiffioner, and have difpatclicd a veffel tothisporuo tonduA him to Sr. Andrews, where they are to convene for the actompruhmentof theufinefa From Capt. Tallnun, of the brig Com merce. arrived tins rnornmjj from vad.z. which placchs left the 29th July, wa learn .1 1 : - t i . r ,111.11 a icw ujys ikiui i: iic i.iiicu, s rciKii cutter arrived there witha Prtugucfe prh.

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