laden withYheat, rom arsry bound to . Liibon. The French vefiel obtained much credit by carr) 'iruT in her prizfrthrongh the, Englifh fleet, .vhidCwa$ itretched acrofs the harbor.. ; ' ;''. ' .' - ? -m - ! JtJya gentleman, paUer.ger m trre. aoover brig, we are informed, thatfuccefs ftill at tends the French a'rrriy-in Ital.-1-Mantua,- Phcentia; and Tome other - fbrtrefles, had hlleu into their , hands. lie confirms rhe ar rival of the French5aL Leorn;bm :s, " that the Engjifli .lyercaiits'there.j convey ed molt of their per lonat' property to Venice ' and Corfica, and their iunnoveiblcproperty they hnd -aligned over to merchants at Leg-lKft-n , that it might . appear to be si ufca'n pro jerty. J . - 'A Spanifh fleet of 25 fail of: the:hnelay (M-iipped for fca at Cadiz- '1 he French fleet was only ready. 1 hey had thejr.faus bent, vand we're getung-Yoy!s aiid.othef proyifibn on board'; but puoqtorffiant remarks,-; tncy Wouiaeat as xvcji iiT.yacuz. naroonr . as guv y lea." . ' .;,. ".. , .. , ' Admiral Cordqvacr-ptti general: of the . Spanith navy3 dledj;itey at Cadiz.. .;. ; ' . cuiucoa'. : : . ' ' Confiderfble anxiety, prevailed, yeflerday. in confeqne. ce of accoynts received irom this c6ntaderable.diftarbance& exifted there that' ' there' had been an infurrecYion of tV e blacks . 'ankl-tlMt '.ry Uigjha4 eP1JA CI UlllJOlt .COUIUllUU anv iWiUUi). . i iir t 1 " ': " 1 J . VV C nave HOW cVCl ucciiivivva cu ilij a i ujy.. of a letter from a gentleman of character in Curacoa, to a ve y refpeclVole houfedn this . city, written en the forenoon On Ayhichtlie j veflel failed, which k a ppily removes theimpref. . lions fuft made by the above intelligence. It apttars. that the difput'es (aid to have: occafibhed thAt ' tli:hi; bance, ... originated in aaoppofition b$ many of the garrifon efta- - thiiicrs as lately adoptedrifr Holland and a rev f ulafof the officers to takb the neceffary oaths &c. as requredby orders trinfmittedby. the Putch admiral Van Barrack, from ur'rinami Thafeditfereutes amongll the. whites bad ex-tited- fom'e alarming appearance among the . - blacks wiiich however hard alio fubfidcd. . 7 The fuhiwing is the letter alluded to. . .. : Curacoa, Aug. 1 5, 17;) There has Keen fd'm ch confuiion in this tn.,.f f. C.-Uo ,1niV nt(V m ri-W'ii'nnr-p nt - . a change of government, that 1 liave not nud time' to write you. , 1 tin termi,ed to jo to Puerto CabcUo Jor a few weeks, till order was rellored, and requcllcd Mr. - to make you acqinintcd wiih my intention! 'havenov the pleamrc to mtorm vou that tiTairs'wcar.amore favorable -aC j i reft'. and that there is every prolpect of tran qu'.lity being rcllb'red to the iiland, in a day or twb,'under ther.ev conllitutionof Holland. The vefl'd is this : moineiit going rut, and I havebhty to inform y u that I f.ull not leave the iiland for the prefent, except alfairs take an unfavourable tnni. - . lhe bnc Calhci-.e. Capt. l-ecuni, arn- lated to. him about-thrce or tour Sours before he leftBrcmeh by his- , Merchant,, .who is a perfon of mfdrraatiodnrid refr?cabil.irl-r--ind iap., S. has not a doubt of ifvauncrtcity'.; - TKaton the 12th July, about i daymarcli . from Frantfbrt, a fevere eaffeOTeut tooTf puce, oecween me rrencn and AUitriau arm ies, which ended inthe total d efeat pf the Uttcf, with the .tots of i i,t;oo killed ap'd ta ken prifoners rtogetheri with thejtihajggage, artiliery j ire. That the French jmnieately p'ullied oa for Frank fort,, wuPPl" ed "at Bremen;-'when::Capt.:;S..dfatlei (1. '15) that the F rench were already -iii: poiFef- i ui ui.itjjiatc. -; 1 his intelligence arnveai b expreis from the Aaftriaa army 1 and was confirmed by the Auilrian foldiers 'wli6 "had ckapedIt apfpeats the French : ejfef led this defelitr;ltagm; having drched a regi-. ment of their troops in Auih-iahmniform the ehing" preceding the battle, they, were "made to feign an'lttiick on theFretichi Who retreated ; the Aiuiansob'ervine therench tailing back came on with all their ft. fees," and. when .the French had decoyed them .far e aiough'toeftecl their purpofe,' they turnedorf them, and made a molt complete victory. it this tv;eek in our Guette It will appearid the next. 1 ":. vir . .: . - - i. ' . Woare authofi7ed to fay that the Hon ttbdrdD'Spatt, lElq.'will (if chofen) fer-e the peopleT this diihrift as one of the "elec-i tors of the Prefident and Vice Prefident of rthe United States.- 1 ; ' The Electors are-tobTTcol thefirft Monday bfTbvemBer-Siext. .The DKlricT: . is compofed of thelxunties of Craven, .Car- teret, j ones Lerioirr Wayne and johnftbnr . The fiouWpapers contain an accooht fald' to have beeu received there from -Barcelona ,to. the .following effeft. -That the French haying come to Piltpya,- on-theroad'tb--wardsyicenza llrAick down and re&chd Leg horn on the 27th June,"' after the Eriglilh nau removed me pitipar and coil of tope '"" alio that tne r rencn had been detected with great (laughter at Chinfa. As to the battle of Chinfa we have a formal London contra diction pt that'ftory ; and that of the French having reached, Leghorn on the 27th bears falihood oil the face of in The French oh the 26th were only at Pifloya, threi days' march from Leghorn, and Vicenza is in the Venetian territory 100 miles trom Leghorn; Extrafl of a .left ft from caph JaBe Neil, 0 f the brig Mary Arm, dated Cadiz, July i 2, 1796, to his owners in New-York, received per flip Factor, CapU Kemp', jM arrived 1 a J. . - ; 1 ' ' jrom inence . . 'rt Thank God, lam here ! fori rlad a Very fortunate efcape from tvyoJgenhes I fell ill Vitli bit Cape Patos, coming down from Barcelona . . They endeavcrved to board ine, knowing well what I was, by (hewing my colours, as alfo by (peaking. a -Spanilh fliip .which was at Salon along with me : but luckily I was near the land, and I got under ' one ot tiic. towers and let.-go my anchor, which protected me W hen the . found how I, was fituatcd, they fired a gun to the windwa- d I coniidered it would be imprudent and dangerous. immediately to fol low them, 1 put into the porrof tarthegena, which dot lined me fix days. "I flwll not be furprized to Hear in a few days, of many of our ve(Tels being captured and carried into Algiers There are feveral ; of them in the Mediterranean, and our truce expired on the 6th inlt. and no hopes of its renewal, or anyother favorable drcumltance TEN DOLL ARS REWARD. eLHjheigkoe-l8trt;inlrt JLline hdnfelbf Jthe fubfo:iber-wasvbl,oke,T- - - - , t . . ...... open, by fome perfon, and the following 1 " things iiolen : . . , . 1 wenty dollars cafh;"one note.oa Col. Jo ' feph Leech and fon for eighty pounds five Ihil r lirlgs ; another on.JohnBryan for forty-eight pounds eight millings "eleven, fmall notes given by different perfons to a contiderahle amount, and feveral other "things valuable to no other perfon, iuch as deeds, patents, and papers unknown- I will give the above reward to any perfon who will give juMh xormation as may lead to a conviction of the thief, or for riftorin'g the notes, papers &c. ; - r , Stephen worsley: : ved vtlttrdav -in 58 days from Curaioa, brincsctbunts ilia "-on the 1 2th of Auruit, tokintpbee. There is a preat talk of war r 1 i 7 . I ' . 11 r .. 1 n admiral Braatk'coimv.andcr o; .the Dutch fleet in Surinam, had lent ore'ers to the Go vernor of Curacoa, to oW'igc theofliccrs,fa,l crs and loldicrs" of t!i garrfo:i and fleet in that Windi to Ilrikf the 'r.inne Cut and cotk- iwe, and fwear to liiptnn t the mw Batavir.n w(t:tutioit:s that thiiiv;':?r part of the old. ters and irewsof the frintcs rc!, cf 40 guns, and the Ceres, cf 36, declared they would fuppbrt the Orar.-c flag, ami were in conference paid 01F and fciu 0:1 fl.orr, ami thauhe greattr parr of thcgarrilo 1, through the influence cf ironcy, ?nd the uurgomaf. vc iiiuuicu to rnuu ancr the new commencing between Great Britain and Spain lhortly, which, I behevt will be the cafe. All the Englilh veffels that are at this port at prefent, are ordered to Gibraltar, and they arc to uu irom nence to-morrow, at ail e- Cr avert Couhfy. " ' TiERSON ALLY appeared before me" JL Francis Lowthorp one of the Jufticcs ' appointed to keep the peace in the county a forefaid," Stephen "'WorfleypTen. :and made oath bn the Holy Evangeliil of Almighty ' God, that in the night of the 28 th inft the1. forced open,- and his houCe.entefed by fome v pvi ivii v v.i luiij vv 11, iui KCy UI 11IS -i ku. -ft: -,- '! C1JC1L tdh.CU UUl VI lilC ptH-KCV OI 1113 Waill-COat, and afterwards his faid cheft opened, and "a feal-lkin trunk with a brafs lock arid brats nails was taken therefronij and carried away, which trunk contained twenty filver dollars, more or lefs, and alfo a note given to him figned by Joftph Leech and George M. Leech for 80 5i John .Bry an's note given .. him for . 8, eleven fmall notes given by ; clitferenc men,-dated the fecondday of Jauiiv " farylait, amounting to 18 5. and alfo foine deeds, patents, and other papers; And turtner mis deponent layetn not. - STEPHEN WORSLEY Sworn tb before me, ") " Sept. 29, 17961 3 . Francis Lowthorp, J; P. V ON Saturday the 26th of November riext. twill be fold for ready money in cold or filver, "dt Stephen Cbbbs ia Wayne codoty, two tracts ot land, viz; one tract lying' m M-n. .l 'in. .- xn.uu toumy, on inann jwamp, containing .twelve hundred acres.' and the - other in- Wayne cbunty, adjoining the lands of Ste phen Cobbj cortaining hv'ehuhdred acres, - the property of Benjamin Cobb, taken to fa- x tisfy a judgment obtained in the circuit court by Robert Taylor.agamlt laid Cobb. MAN5 PAH ENy D. M. Oflder U ' vents. The French will carry all before them in Italy and .on the Rhine. ,1 he Citizen Pope has decreed thai all the plate not imi mediately neceifary-for the worfliip of the Su. preme Beirg, may be employed In carrying on the holy war agamlt the r reoch. So vou fee he quakes violently of he would not niake banners ; jnconfequcme .( which great tu. I luch a refource. null and confufion csided t'.icre. - " :'"' . : - ' J O R F O L temlcr Late ImportnRt. Intelligence, , Another Defeat of th? Auflrians. . On Saturdjy morning arrived here, Capt Swaicc,' jGdn s fro n Bremen Cap t a gcr.tlemancfrrpittasion, and has informed iu that the following importaw: new Na$ re- NEWBE R N. OcTpBP.R 1. It is with much concern wc inform our readers, that the Trcfident' of the .United States declines being a candidate at the next election, for the Chief ManUtrate of the U- nioti. ' l!e has," on this occafioii, publiHied mi addrefi v.hUh it! WHEREAS the lands itrfeafier defcri bedhave riot beeu mvert in by any perfon, as taxable propcrtyi Noticcis here by g,yen that unlefs the tax due thereon (hall be paid on or before the fiftieth day from the date of this advertifement, the fame will he fold,- in conformity to the arts of Aflem bly in that cafe made and provided. About 40 acres of land 011 Trent rive, in Jones county, the property of the heirs of Acreirian. The lands belbngtng to W. Al ii fon, patented by Rtdiard Blacklcdge in Jones county. " ' . EDMUND HATCH, 'Sheriff jiugnjt 27. lit Wll till UlL.ill"if uuiiiiiwi 1 cfs tothc people of the United States j :s length prevents us from infertiirg" CASTOR OIL, - FOR t A Lf., AtMf.'Le DculPi, corner of the market Gflrier i houfc.