V X i ( V: I r h , - i j ' , 1 i i M ! f ir Ir j : ' L Sclcdcd Poetry. Epitaph ex a f Mr, but iottffl mat. $TOP reader,. here, and deign ai look.-. On oq c without. name t y Ne'er enter' J in theample book Of fortune, or effame. ----nstuiiei 6f jpeaceTte hated ffrife,:. -' Meek virtue fili'd his breaft . Hit oat of arms,-' fpotlefs life j An honcft heart' his creft. Quartered therewith was innocence y And thus his motto run t A coofcieace yid of al ifence, Before both Cad and man. In the great day of wrath, tho prided .tiow fcorns his pedigree, , Thoufands (hall with they'd been allied To this great family. - THIS DAY IS PUBLISHED. . Andftrjale at the Prjrt'wg-Cffce, ' NQRT H.-CA R O LIN A ALMANAC K, For the Year of our Lord, 1797 ; And of Amsrjcan Independence, xxi-xn, ' Beinjt the 1 It after Leap Year. Calculated for- the; Meridian of Raleigh, 35 " Deg. 54 Min. North Lit. 3 Deg. 3 --Mill. Longj;ude, Weit from Philadf.i FOR S ALE Wth TRINptfti-OFFICE, (Ne-wbcrn :) - THE FOLLOWING LAW B O O K S, VALKELD's Reports Anltruthers, do. aiirGrammarf Atkyn's, do. Dyer s, do, Croke's, de. Shower's, do. in K. B. and Crown Law Strange',do. Raymond's, do. Comyn's, do. Andrew's, do. yfta Blackftone's,' do. Peere Williams', do. Mofeley's, do. . Douglas's, do. Leach's Crown Law, . with new cafes, w Barnes's notes, irriftcrt tir d uca-" ? tion. ,. Powell on Contrails, Mortgages, rDevilts, N6ysMa xi m s ,. Sullivan" kclures, Blacklione's commenta ries, phia. C O N TENT ; S Chronological Cycles, Solar arid Lunar eclipfes RernirkaM Rifmg and fetting of the fun, Phafes, a riling, fouthing, fetting, age ..and .; blace of the nioon,l i , . Setting of courts, . . .Caufes of a country's rrrowinp; rich, Receipt forprelerving turnips from infetts,- To preferve buttter fweet the whole year, - " ; . For bitters,- to prevent the fever and v" ague,' " ' ' "Cnrebi froflrbites; " N O T I C E To owners and fojfejfirs cf carriages y end ti grocers and retell ciders in wines and foi reign mjiillcd fpiritcus liqtivrs vjhkjnjbi county cf Craven. . r b HALL attend at the Colle&ors Office I in Newbefn, every day during the montHf? of September next, (Sundays excepted) for -the purpple of UTuing licenfes to retail dealers ' of wines and foreign - diftilled fpiritbus Vu' qu6r v alio for receiving entries ofjearriages; together-with the duties required by attof Longreis.' . i r ; ; STEPHEN GAMBRELENG, -1: - Collector of the Revenue for the :;' . County of Craven. -.' - 1 ' 11 j! , TEN POUNDS REWARD.: roes. Copfeyan-" Bum S WW Uicuonary, Vf oodefons Comaienta- ries on the laws of England, Kydd et B"dl Injpey's pleadsr, Pearne n Devifes Sy'lltm of pleading. Lilly's tntries, . , Saunders on Ufts nd Tiufti, Barton's fuit io equityj fichieflfer's praaue of the Law," Moigan's Vade Mecum, Harnfon's Chanctty Prsaice, tawofPartnerfhip, Morgan's Effayi, 1 Do6tt and Student Pleader's afliftant, Jones's Attorney's Pocket Book, Tidd's Kicg's Bncb Praaice, M I S C E L r PAMELA, DonQixste, Cuxhne's Orammar, Xvj do. 4to. Brooke's Giietteer Nautical Altnaowck, , Young aa's compant , Tablet of memory, ' - Guthrie's . Geography imprefed, Syftem of Farriery, Tlowers of hiftory, Cooks's foyage, Democrat, Dilwsrth's Bock-keep- Fabulous hiftory, Fables of Flora, Wskeman's Guaging, Gay's fablei, Haunted Priory, Life of Howard, Sett's Gautteu', Louifs, Itftafjn's notes, Lady's friend, Mitror, Mtlmoth's tffsyi, Monitor, Night thoujht, " Myfleriesot UJJphOj V" plesfioginllruaor. Homer's Iluaa, William's cing, ,' Pioftor's PracYice Hawkin's Plus of the Gown, Hale's, do. Crown Circuit, . Rteve's Englilh Law, Fcarn on Renuinder's complete, Builamaqui's N. and P. Law, Gilbert on Praftice of Common riea, Ward's Law cf Nations, Commercial Krj.ai r, Conductor General. , Burn's Julticc, State Trials, Natara BreVinm, CUrk't Mfgatinr, Iredell's Kevifil, Continuation of do. 1794, iiiclufivi, Ats vi 1795, Piivate Attn Statutes of England, ", Kepoitof the cafe, In gram vs. Hall, . Mai tin Jufticc, . Pocket da. Chart of the Law of In beritance. LAN I E S, Pleafures ot Memory,' Bights of V0m4n, Howe's Letters, , Romance of th fore ft, Spirit ot Dclpotif'O, American Atlai, T he DemocuueJ, a po cm. A method for preferving meat frefii for whle years together, V , " H emale heroilm. " . a- Anecdotes, v ' , Poetry, ; . " '-r".. . Character of St. Tammany' -Ihe way to grow thin, ' :jz - The way to. grow rich, , Coins of the United States, as eftablilhedby law, " . A table Ihewing the value of Foreign gold . com, in federal and ltate ci rrency, A table Ihewing the value of cents, in flate : currency, ,: t . , . . A table of intereft, at- 6 per cent.- ' PriCC ONE SHILLING' Stores will be fupplied at the rate of fix (hillings per dozen, thirty two fliillings and fix-pence, per half-grols, and three pounds per grofs." Ordei-9 from the country (by poft or other wife) will be attended to. T UN-away on die 2 5th inft. two negrc XV viz. JAV K and CH ARLES. Jack is about .1 8 years of ao-e. countrv borri. v.llov completion, thick lip j about five feet tw6 or three inches hinh. and was clothed hi homefpun. Charity is about the fame heipht. black completion, well made, anri walks bow legged, has ji fear on his breaft, and one over his eye, ipeak. broken Enehihand eood a black negro cotton jacket . Any perfon that will apprehend, the laid negroes, and de. liver them to the fubfcriber.in' Jones county, or . lodge them in any jail, lb that the fubferu -ber gets t hem, (hall be entitled t the above reward, or five pounds for either of them. . ' EDMUND HATCH.- September 27.', i to "Ik MESSRS.- Pr.RRiN and Loysfx, under.a 1V1 hope that the have anfwered the ck-- pectations of thofe who entrmted to their care . a part of their children's education, Hatter themfelves they will again, experience the fame encouragement ' 1 hey Vill oncn their DvA N CI lNG SCHOOL cm the firTt Monday in October next. Nothing will be neglected that m ay fend to the improvement of the fcholars, arxl to give them an ealy and gracelui deportment. Their terms will be known on application. A LI perfons are hereby , defired to take X 3. notice, that a deed or writing, purport inp: to be a conveyance of all my ptopertv. both real and perlbnal, , to RicharU Blemiah c Miller, and figned in' December 1792, is a void inftrument ; and I hereby warn all per fons not to purehafe any property therein fpe cified of William Morris, who now holds the faid writings, as neither he, nor any claim ing under him, can convey any title to the . fame.- . DANIEL MILLER. September it, 1756. The Dimocrat, or in. tngucs and adren tores cf Jean Lenwjr, Wonderfol llury teller, Vindication of Mr, Randolph, DilTrrtation on the fiift , principles of gotrern. ment, by Thomas Payne, Waflnngton's cpiftles, uomtitic, crwhJkntial ' aodolficiil, - Baton bttuben's milita. ry guids," FcrJerat ready reckoner, Ghcftfetr, Mertining noyelid, Natural hiltory, Drfcription otOccacock inlet and map. The face ef Mufcs un Veiled, Map of the United States, Do. of North. Csrolini. HIS D AY IS PUBLISHED, "AND POR SALK'AT THE ' ' PRINTING-OFFICE, fNtwberrt ;) PKICE 50 CENTS. A F-E W CAS E S, DETF.KMlNND IN THE S U P E R I O R C O U R;T S OF , - . N O R T H.C A R O LIMA. Thofc Cafes, tsventy.nineinnuuibcr, have been copied from the notes cf the moll ref- peibbls law characters m this ltate. Lift and adventures of " PATTER PORCUPINE, Infernal Corrcfpondcncc, the Scare Crow, Bloody Ruoy, Model of Letters for the ufc of Schools, &c. September j? , Waynesuoro' Post.Office, Sept. &, 1796 Lift cf Utters remaining in the Pof.Officc at! lVanejborought vihich if n'jt taken Out tn three months, will bs fent to the Genera PrJi.Gftkc as dead letters JOSEPH Evcritt, efq. Wayne county- J Thomas Uolteuo, v aync county ; aa arn Vaughn Wayne county ; Frederick Se crift, Wayne county. JOHN BLEDSOE, P. M. FOR SALE. THEhoufe and lots, nov occupied by Mr William Shepard, the lots may be hadfeparately or together. Alfo one lot on broad ftrect,near the Court.Houfe, And one houfe and lot, adjoining Mr. Thomas Cox's. The whole the property of Mrs Mary Edwards. . NATHAN SMITH. March 19 ' For fil? U the Printifg.Ofpce, I N K P O WDE R ADD E T T E R PAP EL Treasury OrncE, September iftf 796 . THE Revenue Olficers, in the State of North Carolina, are hereby reminded, tlut judgments will be t;iken in the Superior Court, toV the d:lV:tt of HiUlborotigh, which ' commences on the fifth day of Ochrbcr next, againft every of them w ho fail folly to ac count for and pay the taxes and other pub lic monies, with which they are chargeable, and which will become payable on the firlt diy of the faUl month. JOHN HAYWOOD, P. Treafurer. ' TORE LET, 0 , THE (lore and dwelling houfe, now oc copied by Mr. John Scars. Enquiro f the Printer B A LN K S of all kinds, forfaleatthe Printing-Ofnee.' , NEW B E RNi . PK1NTFD BY FR ANCOIS..X. MARTIN. 1 i N - 1 1

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