raw - A C A 2 E T e; Nc 562.3 I". N T .. - .... ? .. 1 DEFEAT OF Xllfe AlJSTRTANSi . ' - i - : 1. TV. n 1 f . , ; . 7 ' . wu quarters at rraiuut (JUly G.; ; r' -1 8th Meludor. . ' ' r; yceraljn.Cbiefto-,tHe ExeSve''Dii; v ... . I - rectory. . : - '. '' ' " my laft difpatches I gave you art - x A Account of the combat we had. with the enany between 6is and BaJen,u and : of f- r-jny deilgn to "attack them on the, following , 7day, iri tiieir ' pofition;bf Raftadt.; " " Cf; -: .'i. e left of the enemy was fupported .-by tfutributk, upon theIurg, its right by; ".. the Rhii.tr, sr.d its front by Raftadt. -"General hr.'Cyr,' commanding the centre of the army, occupied Fredenftatr, with one or usvhioiisy ftad lent the other to gene- ralDefaix, tommandirgthe left wing, and , , y - . ilie two armies clofed in front. The battle began .atiive hi the niorning, "at GuerT. -.!. A.I .t , a 1 0 . r . 1 L naveu tnat pou w.itn gret bravery and it was forced, . iiotwitfiltatiding the moil vigor- ous refiftance of the - enemy. ' General l Lecourbe, who continued to drive the enemy to Ottenaw, finding himfelf at the' .bead of .the brigade of the right of the tiivifi on commanded by general St. Suzanne, plac edat Eberitein, iimnediatciy commenced. his ' - attack between Olfca.-j'and the mountains. ' The object was to tu 1 1 he left of the enemy nd to oblitre them ftadt, the aifaultol which pfelented the gveaN '. eft diiiicuities. 1 ! ' " Jhc adjutant general Decae'rt, com- , mandinr this br:Kndr- nr,UA nr.i. t the bridge of Kappenheim ; and fear the bri . -v gadiergcr.cral Gazaud, of the l6lh light in -. iantry, reinforced by' one battalion of the - ::.;Jio? -tochace the enemy from the mountains rThelc aii auks, fupported on the right by gen . Xccouroc, were crowned with complete iuc refs j lcr, caer tltree hours of the moft ob ilinate tontt -.fc from the ifunparian and Auf- trian 'grciisdicrs, the enemy was driven from Kujppenhic,-n, at:d forced to repafs the Mt.rg. In this conflxt we tcok 300 prifomfs. G- reral Lecourbe fur founded and took 100, ' ' l 'nh 2 oiiicers, and 1 piece of cannon. ' " The enemy Itiil poireffed the left fide, i imported by Olbach, the bank's of which are i Jxtremely difficult, and who held the villages ' if Nider.Bichel, and the excellent pcfition . ctf Ralladt, their right owards the Rhine. . . " All our cavalry, and a great part of our ajftillery were Uaiiontd m our front. - The t. : iittack commenced about 4 oMouc i:i the c - vvmingonthelefr of the brigade of St. Su ta line, the infantry ur:da- the' orders rf gene, ra I Joba, and the liuc ot cavalry under the or ders of Adj. Gch. Brlhvene, and the di. vibon of Gen. Delrnas, the left or which was iujiportedbythc Rhine. : - In the centre the carnage was terrible, and produced an amazing effect. Our front fufflred conlidcrabl) ou the deilruclion of tU . WCMld of Kainliifjr.r- r. -TKA.i: f. n.i lavene had his thigh broke in drawing up his troop, llcwai inimtdutcly replaced by the gen. Forcft. 7 he general Donerine ha taken the command of the fecohd line. 'L 1 hc 6lh dcnii-brwadc of infantry, con r xCd,hl fn; lohi' basforccd the paiTage of the Olbach, and attacked with the utmolt bravery the wood cf Nidcr-liichci, and car. ried it after an action of 3 hour's. " y ".lllle. ,6,,h dcmi.brigade of light infantry fiUlamedby the infantry of .the divilion cf Dclmas, has alfo carried the woods on . tjje flc of OttcNJorf, fo that the two uinKsV . ,. the tneroy bemj mcompaiTed, the well d.rcc cd fire of curliiJjt Infantry maintained the - fupcriorHy over t)ir$7and forced them in fp.tc of tneir more favourable pofulon. n. TI,C ru,nbcrlcfs fordof iheivlurz.the orvHIf ry v luJi they rofTcfsonthe riht bank ai!-; r.cr, and its numerous caralry cn. ht infantry Which purfued them; conftant y repulied them by its fire I helofsofthe enemy . is enormous. The Held of battle is covered with men arid horfes.'Tn this attack we ntade about 200 prifoners ::; . ; . " 'f he infantry attacked with the utmoft intrepidity. The 6th, iotti and tthdra goonS the7thhuflars, and4ththaffeursex. PfV to very heavy Hre of artillery, fuffef. ed lit with the greateft degree of fanglfriid. l ne . 1 th regiment of chafliajas particu , larly dUtinhed apoe light artiUery per. tenwfpodipti jof Wfcj Gen. ' DifabtV commanding tbfeleft, wing, diretled his efforts v, ith the utmoft degree of Ikill. x I tDnfer equal graileon the generals telmaS -Stint bu-mnne, and Joba; this laithad his horfe killed under him, ashadalfo the Adj. Gen-. Leyafleur. . , The wound cf Genv BellaVen'e has de prived the army of an excellent officer, who never failed , to diftinguifh himfelf in every af. fair in which he was engaged" Extracl-of a letter from the commander in chief, Moreau, to the Direclorv J . ; xiMu.uariers at uanj, July 7i I ; " .Tbe enemy has retired to Attingent aft .terthebattleofRaftadt, and the rtlat fai tigue of the troops did not fuffer me immedi ately to purfue them. I am in hopes that the reinforcements which I have Ordered to join ! me, will arrive tn.mnrrnw .'i a ii, ui w UIC" we mould be able to recommence our opera tions; r . " 1 he battle bf Jlaftadt has pr&duced a g' eat elfecl upon the enemy : PUr troops have uilplayed the utmoft gallantry; 1 ' 1 have received your letter of the i ath Meffidor (3cth June). The confidence with v.hich you honour mc, is thebeftrecompence to a i rench republican. I can allure you that the army and brave officers that I com mand, have the molt indifputable title to the good will and gratitude cf the nation. 1 cannot too highly recommend to you theadju ant general Belieavene: hc is an ex ctllwu olhceri I hope that the cure of his wound ill foon put him in a condition to renccr further ferviccs to the republic, either as the commandant of a fcrtref. or as the in Ipcttorof our cavalry v, " Our march mnv hi -hm..j.. .t.t. .1 . of the army of Italv. W u...i c pgementsand Mo regular battles, ball of. Which we urr viAr.M... 'WllUU)f r or thefe fix davs n.nft i,, u alarminn;. , ' I make no doubt hut m ..i.;.. . WUIKIitS we have conquered, there will be found im tncnfe rcfourccs. , (Signed). ' ; " MOREAU.JI GERMANY.'. .OPERATIONS ON THE LOWfcR , RHINE N ElU W I ED, 716. On the 1 of this month the Garrifon of Ehrcnbrcitilcin made a fortie with 300 men toPuflVndonl.- TheF , place W4$ only 30 flrong yet they nude fo vtuiuaic - .iM.1-1.1c, mat tnc jmpcnalifts retired Ipto the fortrcf?, without being able to penetrate into the village, The next day the Republicans fent reinforcements to Puf fendonf. Wc are aflured tliat the liege of KhrcnbrcUnem will be formally undertaken ai foon as the Auftrian Anny Jus entirely pafled the Mem! The befifVrrt r' Batteries K u " " S their oattenes but without "being able to do amr ' l;ct wuuoui;- oemg abloiutely routed' The ?i wMmmt nfVKirtV,,.,. j 3 ITloft Vigorous chaftw. nnthmUriA' C Xi -T I itiTwlh theened?- fg which wasrevented' WeLnd Lh, Republicans. 1g purfue, .themimathe townhere-we-tobk-lome pieces ol eannon; notWithftanding the' repeated charges of cavalry which impeded USin that town t hut fhi. i-r A . It has already been announced in feveral Journals that the French had promifed refpeft the archives of Wmlaer. -It" to the good offices and recommendation -of theKing of Fruffia that fa Empire is int debted for this Moderation on the partofther Kepubhcansaswillbe feen by the Minifter vVutCigu anairstoM4.Tle Sandoz Rottb. ffrorn hi, Prufa: " Sir . " The direaory is pleafed to condefcend the demand made by yeu in the name of hi, rnftan tnajrfty, in favour of the archives, depofited in the city bt Wetzlaen - I have lent an order t o General Jourdan to refpeft .them rel:gioUlly in cafe the warlike operati ons fhbuld be earned on that Cide. Receive atthe 1 airie time the affurance of the confides ation with which I am, &c. (Signed) . - .- , , - ' DELACROIX." S PTT N. . Ihe beginning bf this month, a mct ter rible and . obftinate battle was fought near " oriica, between an Algerine rover and twc Neapolitan frigates, joined by" one of the dope's garde-coftas; Theaclion was fevere long,, and bloody; it lafted from ten in the morning till fovr o'clock in the afternoon without mtermiflioh ? th. . "v.mj were lor a long while within piftol mot of each 0 ther; The privateer fuffered much, bcinjr , moft bf the time betwixt an inceflant and welL direcledfire, .wliich cut away great part of their riggings andmade terrible havock a. mongft the men ; yet the ruffians fought with, an uncommon degree of defperation, and at tempted many times te board, but were as . often repulfed with great lofs. The captain and all the officers were killed in the height of the aftionthe former had both his leg, taken oh' by a chain fhbt, as he was firing a. blunderbiils, yet the barbarian rcfufed to bo taken from the deck, and died whilft giving the word of command. This lofs did not i the leaft intimidate the crew, who fought like furies, fwearing in various tongues, they never would ftrike while a man or boy wa. left alive The chriftians were equally obfti. nate, and fought like lions throughout the, whole coi fi d, and (hewed great bravery and naval lkillj they were to a man fully determined to conquer or die. Unluckilyone? of the frigates which bore the greateft itrefs in the action, took fire, and'in fpite ofecry exertion, loon blew up, when moft of th t1W)iht,, Another misfortune prcfenu. ed I itfelf m a fhort time after, which was the 1 lols cf the Pope's cruizcr, wlio was funk br: the enemy's fl.ot, after a feallant rcfulance. in thtsfituation the other frigate was obliged to be towed away, leaving the Algerine like ,b crf naring ner lore ana rnain.maft carried away by the board, a 1 J her nun lo miKh pierced and fluttered that it wa t almoft impoCible fhe. could ever fetch Al- L O N D O N, .M'jo. . . Jnconfcqnence of theoutragc, lately com-', mated bv the cnemv'A rrtiirr n Am4n property deftined for thi country, the Bri. ----b-v. ..u.,.,, ,t Ul muicmpianon to fend an additional naval force to the conftcf America, for the purpofc of protctKng the . trade of our new commercial allies from the deprcdatwntof an infolem, daring ami faith. Icfsenemy f , "" W ' ' al - f ft i '.. 1 j : 1 1 '-11 . 11 ll if ! .'i ' : 1 " u .' "I at . V) ) ' VI i

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